show episodes
Award-winning real stories of the Cold War told by those who were there. Every week we interview an eyewitness of the Cold War. Across soldiers, spies, civilians, and others, we aim to cover the whole range of Cold War experiences. Hosts Ian Sanders, James Chilcott, and Peter Ryan bring your ears into the heart of the Cold War. Reading a history book is one thing, but hearing a human voice, with every breath, hesitation and intonation brings a whole new dimension to understanding what it was ...
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Show on DDR. Every 4th Thursday. Rashers Tierney & Beardy bring you a no fixed abode approach to the rinsing sound. Session mash ups to leave you flat upon your back. Send promos to Look us up on Podcast Addict, iTunes, Stitcher or any of those other things you use to subscribe and you can add us straight to your Jiggerwatt.
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Nervous State

Dublin Digital Radio

Dublin Digital Radio (ddr) is an award-winning, online community radio station representing a wealth of alternative music, art and politics across Ireland. ddr is wholly funded by its members, composed of listeners and broadcasters alike, ensuring that it remains independent of corporate influence and is run democratically by its growing community. ddr is an avid supporter of experimental and left-of-field music and creatives, supporting local scenes directly through our events and programming.
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Radio GDR. Life in the former East Germany holds an ongoing fascination for a lot of people. Join us as we learn more about the former East Germany. Radio German Democratic Republic is a podcast designed to educate and inform on the life and times of East Germany. Radio GDR is hosted by Steven Minegar and John Paul Kleiner.
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We're two dudes who met playing TCGs and DDR as Teens. Now we're two adults who do pretty much the same thing but with adult lives and jobs. Listen to us talk about a little bit of everything; Games, Tv, and all the mix in-between
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Signal Integrity Journal Podcast

Signal Integrity Journal (SIJ)

This podcast series is hosted by SIJ Technical Editor, Eric Bogatin and includes fireside chats with members from the Signal Integrity Journal community who are experts in their field and have a commitment to providing training and education in SI, PI, and EMC/EMI issues for other engineers. Podcast sponsored by: Rohde & Schwarz.
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show series
For 37 years, 17 June was a public holiday in West Germany. The occasion was the popular uprising that took place on this day in 1953 in the former GDR. But what were the estimated one million citizens protesting about when they took to the streets across the country? And why did West Germany commemorate the day for 37 years? We talk to Professor M…
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Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange nach Deal frei / Volkswagen plant fünf Milliarden Dollar Investition in US-Elektroautohersteller Rivian / Opposition sagt Regierung tue nicht genug um Nutzung von Gas zu fördern / US-Außenministerium verurteilt gewaltsamen Ausbruch in Kenia / Leiter des südkoreanischen Lithiumbatterieherstellers entschuldigt sich na…
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The binding Food and Grocery Code of Conduct regulates the relationship between supermarkets and their suppliers and ensures that business between the two parties is fair and transparent. However, the regulations do not go far enough for the opposition parties. They are therefore calling for the government to do more to reduce the cost of living. -…
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Like the Olympic flame, Martin Shaw's painting "Three Well-Known Australians" tours from one place to another. For over 40 years, people from all over the world have been puzzling over who the Australian artist immortalised in the painting. - Ähnlich wie das Olympische Feuer tourt Martin Shaws Gemälde „Drei wohlbekannte Australier“ von einem Ort zu…
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Olaf Scholz besorgt über bevorstehende Wahlen / Neue Unruhen in Neukaledonien / Albanese sagt NSW ehemaliger Treasurer Matt Kean übernimmt Vorsitz der Climate Change Authority / Independent Senatorin Jacqui Lambie fordert von Regierung Verbot von Kernenergie aufzuheben / Crossbencher wollen Gesetze einbringen das Wohnen in Australien zu einem Mensc…
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Embracing their oral traditions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have used art as a medium to pass down their cultural stories, spiritual beliefs, and essential knowledge of the land. - In Anlehnung an ihre mündlichen Überlieferungen haben die Aborigines und die Torres Strait Islander Kunst als Medium genutzt, um ihre kulturellen Gesc…
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In this comprehensive narrative, Imre recounts his life from his birth in 1936 in Hungary to his emigration to the West after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. He discusses the influence of his family’s Hungarian and German heritage, his father’s work in the oil industry, and the impact of World War II and communist rule on his upbringing. The account…
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Die US-Regierung ist verärgert über die jüngsten Äußerungen von Israels Regierungschef Netanjahu/ Treffen der Ministerpräsidenten der deutschen Bundesländer mit Kanzler Scholz ohne greifbaren Ergebnisse/ Regierungschef Albanese weist Befürchtungen zurück, der Südosten Australiens könne in den kommenden kalten Monaten nicht genug Gas bekommen/ bei d…
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If you're looking for entertainment on the weekend, I can recommend a visit to the Bangarra Dance Theatre's new ballet production HORIZON. I was at the media premiere on Tuesday and am very impressed by the dance talent of the young indigenous dance ensemble. But I don't want to push my opinion. My colleague Barbara Barkhausen has much more underst…
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What does the everyday life of a police officer look like? How do you deal with the challenges and dangers that this job entails? Every day brings dangers, just think of the terrible knife attack on a police officer in Mannheim a few weeks ago. Such incidents also influence the work and life of a police officer in Brisbane, with whom our correspond…
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The 2024 UEFA Men's European Football Championship has been running in Germany for a week and this eagerly awaited competition will take place from June 14 to July 14. If you love soccer, the late-night games - especially in Australia - take your sleep away. Football expert Edi Kainer talks about a friendly and peaceful soccer festival. - Seit eine…
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When it comes to the house and housing market in Australia, many people simply despair. The government is now promising a remedy in the budget estimate for this financial year. Andres Reith, head of the real estate and construction department at management consultancy BDO, explains what the government intends to do to alleviate the so-called 'housi…
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Australia wants to say goodbye to all environmentally harmful industries in the next 26 years in order to achieve the goal of 'net zero' set out in the Paris climate agreement. Efforts focus on generating energy from clean sources — primarily sun and wind. However, the opposition is relying on another technology — namely nuclear power. Opposition l…
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The German Johannes Fritsch will conduct the performance of the opera “Tosca” at the Sydney Opera House from 25th of June until mid-July, in keeping with the 100th anniversary of composer Giacomo Puccini's death. Born in Meissen in East Germany, Fritsch has become a fixture over the decades, especially in Australia's classical music scene. He lives…
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NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg zeigt sich besorgt über Verteidigungsbündnis zwischen Russland und Nordkorea / Gerichtsprozess nach mutmaßlicher Bombendrohung im Stadtzentrum Melbournes / Anführer der Hisbollah droht Israel und Zypern in Fernsehübertragung / Mindestens 550 Todesopfer während diesjähriger Hajj-Pilgerreise in Saudi-Arabien / La…
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It was once believed that the natives of New Zealand — the Māori — would disappear sooner or later. But now, the evaluation of last year's census shows that they have reached an important milestone instead. - Einst glaubte man, die neuseeländischen Ureinwohnerinnen und Ureinwohner – die Māori – würden über kurz oder lang aussterben. Doch nun zeigt …
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EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs konnten sich beim Gipfeltreffen in Brüssel noch nicht auf Neubesetzung der Spitzenposten einigen / Zahl der Schulabbrecher in Deutschland 2022 gestiegen / Australiens Politiker erhalten ab dem 1. Juli eine Gehaltserhöhung von 3,5 Prozent / Chinas Premier Qiang Li und Anthony Albanese in Westaustralien / Bergbaumagnat …
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A couple from Frankfurt have been on holiday in Australia no less than 20 times. Elvira and Dieter Wolff are perhaps the best-known holidaymakers to Australia in Germany - because until recently they organised an Australia Day in Frankfurt every year. With more than 100 visitors from all over the country. But the Wolffs haven't been back Down Under…
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Chinesischer Ministerpräsident Li Qiang zu Besuch in Australien / Benjamin Netanjahu verurteilt eigenes Militär wegen Feuerpause / Abschlusserklärung des Ukraine-Friedensgipfels unterschrieben / Oppositionsführer Dutton in Umfragen vor Albanese / Bewaffneter Mann in Hamburg von Polizei angeschossen / Deutschland und Schweiz gewinnen erste Spiele in…
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In this riveting account, Tilo recounts his experiences as an East German soldier during the final months of East Germany. He details the rising political awareness among soldiers, and his fear that his unit will be asked to shoot on demonstrators also provides a personal perspective on the pivotal moments leading up to and following the fall of th…
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The 2024 UEFA Men's European Football Championship starts this evening in Munich - with the match between Germany and Scotland. This highly anticipated competition will take place from June 14 to July 14. Germany held a European championship back in 1988 - back then as a Federal Republic - now for the first time as a united country. The games are p…
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The results of the European elections just under a week ago stirred up, frightened and unsettled politicians and parties in Germany and France. Have political sentiments calmed down by now? Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of WEEK IN AUSTRALIA, has his doubts. - Das Ergebnis der Europawahl vor einer knappen Woche hat Politiker und Parteien in Deuts…
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In Newcastle, a woman drove around with a poisonous snake in her car for weeks. The reptile has made itself so comfortable in the vehicle that four snake catchers were unable to remove it. The owner of the car only boarded her car with protective equipment. One of the messages the label deserves: “Only in Australia.” - In Newcastle ist eine Frau üb…
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The German marine biologist Nicolas Lubitz has witnessed a rather unusual event in Australia. He watched a tiger shark strangle an ant hedgehog (Echidna) again. - Der deutsche Meeresbiologe Nicolas Lubitz ist in Australien Zeuge eines eher ungewöhnlichen Ereignisses geworden. Er beobachtete einen Tigerhai dabei, wie dieser einen Ameisenigel (Echidn…
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Am Freitagabend beginnt in München die UEFA Fußball-Europameisterschaft der Männer mit der Begegnung Deutschland gegen Schottland. Dieser, mit viel Spannung erwartete Wettbewerb, findet vom 14. Juni bis zum 14 Juli statt. Deutschland trug schon 1988 eine Europameisterschaft aus - damals noch als Bundesrepublik - jetzt erstmalig als ein geeintes Lan…
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UN-Generalsekretär Guterres hofft UN-Resolution führt zu Waffenstillstand in Gaza / Bundes-Verteidigungsminister Pistorius will seine Pläne für einen „neuen Wehrdienst“ vorstellen / Opposition will im Falle eines Wahlsieges Emissionsreduktionsziel Australiens für 2030 streichen / Australisches Steueramt warnt vor Zunahme von steuerbezogenen Betrüge…
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Kanzler Scholz fordert Ampel-Parteien auf gemeinsam Vertrauen der Wähler zurückzugewinnen / UN Sicherheitsrat stimmt Waffenstillstandsvorschlag für Gaza zu / Deutsche Bahn verschiebt Eröffnung von Stuttgart 21 um ein weiteres Jahr auf Dezember 2026 / Airbus der österreichischen Fluggesellschaft Austrian Airlines durch extremen Hagel schwer beschädi…
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Sonja Markovic and Armin Towfigh Nia only wanted to visit good friends in Australia in the early 2000s. But because they liked it so much, they swapped their home in Frankfurt for Australia in 2011 after a few years of preparation. Sonja and Armin are the founders of Evitat, a Melbourne-based start-up that is committed to helping builders and peopl…
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Today, the Australian animal world is best known for its marsupials. The cloacal animals - the platypus and the echidna - are often overshadowed. However, fossil finds now show that these animals probably played a much more prominent role 100 million years ago and were better equipped to do so. - Die australische Tierwelt ist heute vor allem für ih…
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This episode is brought to you by the CNN Original Series Secrets & Spies: A Nuclear Game which premieres 2nd June 2024 and is available now on BBC Iplayer). The series tracks the spies operating behind the scenes in the 1980s as the Cold War brings two superpowers to the brink of nuclear war. This razor-sharp series examines the tenuousness of glo…
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Taiwan is currently a beleaguered island nation off the Chinese coast. Despite the tensions, life in Taiwan seems to be going its usual course. There are also art exhibitions. Brisbane-based German artist Andrea Moser was now invited to exhibit her work in Taiwan. She talks to Katharina Lösche about how this came about and how she experienced the t…
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An international jurisdiction that most people probably didn't even know existed has hit the headlines in connection with the Gaza war. The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court are both based in The Hague, the Netherlands. Law Professor Marcus Wagner from Wollongong University explains the role of these two courts: - …
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D-Day on June 6, 1944 on the beaches of Normandy was preceded by a deception planned down to the last detail, in which an Australian actor played the role of a lifetime. - Dem D-Day am 6. Juni 1944 an den Stränden der Normandie ging ein bis ins letzte Detail geplantes Täuschungsmanöver voraus, in dem ein australischer Schauspieler die Rolle seines …
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The Sydney Film Festival has been running since yesterday and an important film from Germany is also taking part. 'Dying' is by Hamburg-born director Matthias Glasner. The film will be shown on Sunday, June 9. 'Dying' comes to Sydney with advance laurels. At the Berlinale, the film was awarded the Golden Lola as the best German production. - Das Sy…
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Hochwasserlage in Bayern bleibt angespannt / Vorsitzender der Greens erwägt rechtliche Schritte gegen Australiens Generalstaatsanwalt / Albanese-Regierung fordert Opposition auf vorgeschlagenen Standorte für Kernreaktoren bekannt zu geben / Treasurer Chalmers hofft Haushaltsmaßnahmen der Regierung entlasten Haushalte / Rolle Australiens bei D-Day-L…
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US-Repräsentantenhaus verabschiedet Gesetz das Sanktionen gegen den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof verhängt / Bericht der Clean Energy Council Australia fordert großangelegte Solarprojekte statt Debatten über Kernkraft / Etwa 5 Prozent der NDIS-Ausgaben sollen nicht für echte Bedürfnisse ausgegeben worden sein / Gouverneurin der RBA sieht keine K…
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Die Hochwasserlage in Bayern bleibt angespannt. / Förderbank KfW verkauft 110 Millionen Aktien der Deutschen Telekom / Australische Streitkräfte werden bald Nicht-Staatsbürger rekrutieren / Regierung und der Apothekerverband Australiens unterzeichnen Vereinbarung / USA wollen Verabschiedung von Resolution in UN Sicherheitsrat / Jury für Hunter Bide…
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Australia has always been a dream country for Nicole Bergmann. She followed her dream and moved to Melbourne with her husband in the late 1990s. But unfortunately, the reality was different to what she had imagined. That's why she returned to Germany after 17 years - with her cat but without her husband. But even in Germany, not everything is as sh…
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The pandemic and the trend towards online shopping have changed inner cities in Germany. In Nuremberg's pedestrian zone, for example, there are rows of empty shops on a central street. A good 20 kilometers away - in the student town of Erlangen - there an Australian woman is trying her luck. She runs a small fashion and jewelry boutique. In an inte…
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Understand an article in a tabloid newspaper & fusion of prepositions and articles: am, beim, im, vom, zum, zur, ins. Paul checks the Whatsapp group to learn about Fritz. He thinks Meili might find something on Fritz' Facebook. He reads on a news app about an accident at the Oktoberfest. A lot of police are needed there. Laura explains that that's …
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Keine Entwarnung bei Hochwasserlage in Süddeutschland / Mindestlohn steigt ab 1. Juli um 3,75 Prozent / Australische Regierung begrüßt Plan zur Beendigung des Gaza-Krieges / China droht Taiwan und unterstützenden Ländern / Geschäftsfrau wird neue Präsidentin Islands / Claudia Sheinbaum gewinnt gewalttätigste Wahlen in Mexiko / Borussia Dortmund ver…
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Luca Trenta is an associate professor at Swansea University and has recently authored The President's Kill List: Assassination and US Foreign Policy Since 1945. We dig in detail into the contents of the book delving into the history of Cold War CIA operations including instances of electoral interference and assassination. Our conversation explores…
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The soccer season in Europe is about to reach its peak. Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund will meet in the Champions League final on Saturday. Wembley Stadium in London is the very big stage for soccer. Millions of fans around the world will be watching this match. Football expert Edmund Kainer knows Wembley from several visits. He is eagerly await…
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Donald Trump wurde von einer Jury als erster Ex-Präsident der USA in einem Strafprozess in allen 34 Anklagepunkten für schuldig befunden. Ein bisher einmaliger Vorgang in der bewegten politischen Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. Trump selbst bezeichnet das Urteil schlicht als 'Schande'. Doch Dieter Herrmann, Chefredakteur der Zeitung DIE WOCHE I…
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Australia's Minister of Immigration Andrew Giles is fighting for his political survival as a provision issued by him protects felons from expulsion. The media and the public are outraged and the opposition is calling for his head. - Australiens Einwanderungsminister Andrew Giles kämpft um sein politisches Überleben, da eine von ihm erlassenen Besti…
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An Australian beer festival starts today in Sydney and then it's off to Brisbane and Melbourne. At the very end, the highlight is a world record attempt — a World Record Beer Tasting Session. Guest at the beer festival this year is a star among beer brewers. His name is Marcus Englet from the Weihenstephan brewery — a company that prides itself on …
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People in Solomon Islands still talk about an island called Teonimenu. But where is the island today? Because where Teonimenu is said to have once been, there is now only sea. A researcher in Australia believes that the truth lies in indigenous stories and warns that the island's fate could repeat itself even today. - Die Menschen auf den Salomonen…
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