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In dieser technisch eher tiefergehenden Einführung werden wir die grundlegenden Fragen klären:Was passiert gerade in der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens?Warum brauchen E-Rezepte manchmal so lange, obwohl sie digital sind?Wie wird eigentlich die sogenannte elektronische Patientenakte (ePA) für alle funktionieren?Was passiert technisch in der D…
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In den 60er Jahren revolutionierte eine von Jugend-Bewegung die westliche Kultur. Die Hippies schufen eine echte Alternative zu Kapitalismus und Patriarchat und strebten eine Welt an, in der Frieden über Krieg siegt, alle Menschen gleich sind und der Konsum nicht alles beherrscht.Diese „Gegenkultur“ spaltete sich bald in verschiedene Flügel auf, di…
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Eine Einführung in die dezentrale Verteilung von OpenPGP-Keys mit WKD, WKS und DANE.WKD (Web Key Directory) ist ein Standard, der die Verbreitung von OpenPGP-Keys via HTTPS beschreibt, wobei jeweils pro Domain festgelegt wird, von wo die Keys bezogen werden.DANE (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities) ist ein Standard, der beschreibt, wie Publ…
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Ich habe selber eine FPGA architektur in 7400 Logik realisiert und erzähle, was denn son ein FPGA überhaupt ist und wie dieser funktioniertFPGAs sind eine einzigartige Form von high-performance chip für Nichenanwendugen. Nur wenige kennen FPGAs überhaupt und noch weniger wissen, wie deren interne Architektur aussieht.Inspiriert durch Ben Eaters 8-b…
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Die plurale Gesellschaft wird rein statistisch betrachtet die neue Normalität, was uns vor drängende Verteilungs-, Repräsentations- und Teilhabefragen stellt. Statt die Transformation sinnvoll zu gestalten, wird Migration jedoch weiterhin zum Problem und als verhandelbar erklärt. Aktuelle Zahlen und Fakten zu Migration und demographischen Wandel du…
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Die Wau-Holland-Stiftung (WHS) hat seit 2009 WikiLeaks gefördert und setzt sich seit 2011 für die Freiheit von Julian Assange ein. Ein Rückblick auf die Ereignisse und ein Update zum aktuellen Stand der juristischen Auseinandersetzung in England, den USA und Deutschland.Die Wau-Holland-Stiftung (WHS) hat seit 2009 WikiLeaks gefördert und setzt sich…
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Join us for an exciting and dynamic Open Source Panel Discussion, where the conversation and the panel itself are driven by the community!Kick-Off by Douglas DeMaio:Douglas DeMaio will kick off the panel discussion. Douglas will start by selecting the first panelist to join him on stage. This first panelist will then select the next person to join …
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I want to tell about past and future challenges that I found in making the [openSUSE Slowroll](https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Slowroll) distribution - a derivative of Tumbleweed.I want to tell about past and future challenges that I found in making the [openSUSE Slowroll](https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Slowroll) distribution - a derivative of T…
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Ohne DNS ist kein Webserver funktionsfähig. Neben dem offensichtlichen A-Record gibt es eine Vielzahl weiterer für Webserver relevanter DNS-Einträge, die in diesem Vortrag beleuchtet werden sollen.Neben den bereits bekannten DNS-Einträgen wie A, AAAA, CNAME existiert eine Vielzahl weiterer Einträge, die für Webserver von Nutzen sind und einer näher…
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Die Graswurzelbewegung mobilisiert jüdische und palästinensische Bürger*innen Israels, um gemeinsam für Frieden, Gleichberechtigung, soziale und Klima-Gerechtigkeit einzutreten. Während die Minderheit, die vom Status quo der Besatzung und der wirtschaftlichen Ungleichheit profitiert, versucht, uns auseinander zu halten, wissen wir, dass wir - die M…
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Tech communities, like any other communities out there, face similar challenges around awareness, adoption, and management. But with open source communities we are typically designing and building software, all with the idea that if we build it they will come. However, we believe we know what our users want, because we are also users of the softwar…
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Infinite Scale is ownCloud's new file-sharing application, rewritten in Go and designed with a scalable microservices architecture. It can run efficiently on your Raspberry Pi at home or in a large-scale Kubernetes deployment with 1M+ users.In this talk, we’ll give you:- An overview of the benefits and building blocks of Infinite Scale- Real-World …
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In the ever-evolving landscape of system management, the **bootloader** is a critical component that often remains shrouded in mystery for many users. This presentation introduces **sdbootutil**, a powerful tool **designed to simplify** the management of bootloaders on **openSUSE**.**sdbootutil** emerges as a response to the need for a more intuiti…
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openSUSE.Asia summit started from 2014, and we will have the 10th openSUSE.Asia Summit in 2024. It will be pleasure to review the journey we went together in the past 10 years, and to share the memorable experience and achievement. We are eager to present how openSUSE.Asia summit started, what is openSUSE.Asia Summit, how we make it run under Asian…
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In this talk, I will describe smart and intelligent open source based techniques you can use to monitor your Linux systems in order to avoid unnecessary outages and downtime. I will show how you can get quick and actionable alerts in case of system failures.You will learn how to use modern open source tools to receive timely notifications and infor…
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Eine aktuelle GNU/Linux Distribution lässt sich mit wenigen Handgriffen zu einem pflegeleichten IP Router umbauen. Der präsentierte Ansatz setzt auf übliche Tools aus standard Repositories und bevorzugt Methoden, die mit einem beliebigen Konfigurationsmanagement einfach automatisierbar sind.Das Ziel ist ein möglist langweiliges Linux System, das ma…
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A short talk about why proper moderation and a code of conduct are vital for a community. I will add more to this abstract over the next couple of days. A short talk about why proper moderation and a code of conduct are vital for a community. I will add more to this abstract over the next couple of days. about this event: https://c3voc.de…
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Robotics stands at the forefront of technological advancement. It has had a great impact on both industries and our day-to-day lives, and with the recent advancements in AI technology, robotics will only get more important. Open source principles have been instrumental in driving progress in various fields, and it is true for robotics as well. A lo…
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groupware, video conferences, chat, file sync, mobile device management, archive, web office: Grommunio is much more than just an open source replacement for MS Exchange. In this talk, we will show why we did what we did and how. It's about reading more than 8000 pages of specs, starts with a Chinese programmer and is standing on the shoulder of gi…
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Punkrockyoga ist ein dynamischer Yoga Stil, der kraftvolles Yoga und guten Punk miteinander verbindet. Du erfährst die Stille im Punk. Neben entspannten Dehnübungen und Meditation kannst Du Kraft sammeln fürs nächste Moshpit. Der Kurs ist für alle Level geeignet. Kopf aus, Punk an. Language: DE Translation: NO Recording: YESPunk rock yoga is a dyna…
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The last years have seen quite some improvements in Quantum Computers.As a sufficiently large quantum computer even if still several years in the future would be able to attack current day cryptography like RSA and Elliptic Curves, we need to start thinking and planning now about transitioning to quantum resistant / quantum safe or post quantum cry…
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Climate change, wars, catastrophes, political uproar: Some things are going bad. Risk management on the higher OSI Layers has never been that important - so how well are you prepared? Is your company relying on software imports? Do you even know? do you have a clue where and how much open source software could one day be the one thing that safes yo…
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With immutable OS products like MicroOS and Aeon, openSUSE now offers a very different model of system management, one which emphasizes automation, hands-off management, and system self-care. It could be said that such products take the idea of "never touch a running system" and turn it into an operating model.This session will explore some of cons…
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Juliet singt Songs über queere Selbstverteidigung mit ihren Fingernägeln oder das sich Verlieren in der passiven Rolle einer Lovestory. Mit etwas naiven Harmonien thematisiert sie dabei ambivalente Gefühle und arrangiert sie minimalistisch. Indierocksound und Ambientästhetik suchen Schutz in radikaler Verletzlichkeit. Kraft aus Brüchigkeit, Öffnung…
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Es herrscht wieder Krieg in Europa, und die Lager formieren sich neu. Nukleare Drohungen werden ausgesprochen, Milliarden für die Rüstung mobilisiert. Die alten Abrüstungsverträge sind lange gekündigt, und Deutschland weigert sich weiterhin beharrlich, an einem Atomwaffenverbot teilzunehmen. Dabei muss mensch nicht mal pazifistisch sein, um bei Mas…
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In Grünheide, Brandenburg, steht eine große E-Autos-Fabrik. Ein zukunftsweisender Schritt für die ostdeutsche Region? Oder ist Elon Musk mit Tesla ein Gegner von Klimagerechtigkeit und nicht der Retter der Erde?Die Proteste mehren sich. Neben einer Bürger*innen-Initiative gibt es Aktionen, ein Klimacamp, Demonstration und eine Waldbesetzung. Wieso …
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This talk will focus on providing an update about the Geeko Foundation. It will provide people insight as to how the foundation has progressed and give a view on where it is heading.This talk will focus on providing an update about the Geeko Foundation. It will provide people insight as to how the foundation has progressed and give a view on where …
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The Digital Markets Act is EU's answer to the anti-competitive behavior of Big Tech. We've filed a complaint with the EU anti-trust authorities about Microsoft so we've been following what is going on in this space, and in this talk I'll give a quick update on where we are!The Digital Markets Act is EU's answer to the anti-competitive behavior of B…
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The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is an annual meeting on free and open source software for graphics. It has a history since 2006, but it suffered from the pandemic and faced the troubles of a generational shift of the organizers. This year, 2024, the first proper edition was held again in Rennes, France, to get it back on track after the 2019 editi…
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When dealing with heterogeneous Linux deployments, a common challenge is developing a strategy to maintain customizations for various needs (such as security settings, default features, etc.). With the cloud, this is even more important as automation helps enable greater success over the long term. This talk will introduce the KIWI image build tool…
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The installation process of whole compute clusters tends to be error prone and struggling work. Warewulf[1] aims to make this work more reliable and fast. This achieved by using containers to install the compute nodes. [1] hhtps://github.com/hpcng/warewulfhttps://github.com/mslacken/oSC-24The installation process of whole compute clusters tends to …
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The exponentially growing **AI/ML** and **LLMs** advancements bring concerns about privacy, as there is a risk of data exposure to online LLMs service providers. Setting up **LLMs in-house** requires a **high computational cost** which is a major obstacle for businesses across various sectors such as Retail, Healthcare, Finance, etc. These industri…
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Apps are made of execution threads. On which CPU should they run? When should they start? For how long should they execute? The CPU scheduler is the part of the kernel in charge of these decisions. What does it mean to write your own scheduler? Is that even possible?This talk will show you how to create your own CPU schedulers, using an unofficial …
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Software development without Linux is no longer possible within automotive environment. Therefore Volkswagen Group IT created and maintains a Linux distribution for our developers. This short talk will highlight our starting goal to integrate into the existing environment, highlight our integration problems and solutions with contributing to upstre…
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Discover the capabilities of seamless integration between Linux and Entra ID (formerly Azure AD). Gain insights into how this integration can empower an organization, streamline device management and enhance security. I'll guide you through the practical aspects of enabling Linux devices to join Entra ID and ensure smooth authentication. Join me in…
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Why is central logging so important? Convenience, availability and security. Convenience, as you have a single place to check instead of many. Availability, as you can check log messages, even if the sending host is unavailable. Security, as logs leave hosts as soon as they are produced, so an attacker has no chance to modify them. Developers, oper…
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NeuVector is a open source container security platform. Key strengths are vulnerability and runtime scanning. I demonstrate in this talk how you ensure that only container images without a detected vulnerability move to the next stage in your Pipeline. How you define the baseline of allowed activities of your application. And how you can block the …
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openSUSE is a project with a long proud heritage, however at it's heart we've always had a recurring problem. openSUSE is not SUSE.This session will investigate the problems that the Project and Companies shared names have caused both over the years.Assumptions will be challenged, expectations will be broken, and the session will kick off a grass r…
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Rick Spencer has a passion for leading teams in the creation of amazing software. He strives to create clarity of vision, passion for quality, and user-centered decision making to both small and large software development teams. Rick is a General Manager with SUSE since January 2024. He has held positions at InfluxData, Canonical Ltd. and Microsoft…
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Am 9. Oktober jährt sich der antisemitische, rassistische und misogyne Anschlag von Halle (und Wiedersdorf) zum 5. Mal. Jana L. und Kevin Schwarze wurden dabei brutal ermordet. Der Anschlag ist Teil einer langen Geschichte rechten Terrors in Deutschland. Der Prozess gegen den Täter war ein besonderes Beispiel linker Solidarität, geprägt durch das b…
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The goal of this session is to foster a conversation about the new installer developed by the YaST Team and how it can fit in the future plans for openSUSE.First, we will provide a high level view of Agama, the new experimental installer that you can see in action at a separate session at openSUSE Conference 2024.Then we will dive into several spec…
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IoT application developers that need to leverage the emerging cloud-edge continuum are faced with a number of challenges. Many of them derive from the limitations imposed by resource-constrained edge devices, infrastructure heterogeneity, and the need to meet criteria such as performance, resilience, security, data sovereignty, and energy efficienc…
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With ALP we switch from AppArmor to SELinux.This talk will discuss the current state of SELinux on ALP:- what works well- what are the challenges we've seen- what to expect in the futureThis talk requires a basic understanding of SELinux (e.g. last years talk)With ALP we switch from AppArmor to SELinux.This talk will discuss the current state of SE…
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Today we will talk about Linux Mirrors.What do people use them for?Why they could use a (tiny bit) of modernization?What are the security implications?Where are we now and where do we plan to go?We will show you what we have done to take care of these concerns, how far we’ve gotten and our vision for the road ahead.We want to hear about everyone's …
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Midori features by being a light, fast and secure browser but in recent years it has become the epicenter of open source and free software services, with a focus on privacy, OpenSUSE is our center for the construction and distribution of Midori.We want to present Midori to the entire free software and OpenSUSE community as a tool for the protection…
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Last two years I have talked at this conference about the SUSE ALP - about SUSE’s plans, the products to come, alsi the technology included.A year is a long time, therfore I would like to share what has changed since last year, which products are already out, which are just to come and what will come later, and how the openSUSE project can build th…
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3 Generationen und ein Urlaubsparadies, aber der Haussegen hängt schief. Langeweile und zwei Mütter die angestrengt versuchen, ihre übel gelaunte Tochter von schlimmeren ab zu halten. Oma Odette, geht der Weilen ne Runde saunieren. Und was ist mit dem Neuzuwachs der Familie?Es wird wild, absurd, brutal, lustig und blutig! Happy Holidays!Language: D…
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In dieser umfassenden Einführung werden wir die grundlegenden Fragen klären:Was ist KI?Woher kommt sie?Wie funktioniert KI eigentlich?Wie funktionieren Large Language Models?Was sind die Risiken von KI?Was bringt KI in der Zukunft?Von den historischen Meilensteinen bis hin zu den modernen großen Sprachmodellen wie GPT-4 werden wir die Entwicklungen…
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This session will provide an introduction to the openSUSE Project. It will include details about how the openSUSE community works in close relationship with SUSE to provide benefits to both openSUSE's users and SUSE's Partners.The Session will cover the following topics:* The openSUSE Community* openSUSE's Linux Distributions* openSUSE's Other Proj…
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