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Listen regularly to Nuneaton Christian Fellowship's Sunday Morning Talk. A variety of topics are addressed, all firmly based on the Bible. We are situated in the centre of England.
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Cycling advocacy and everyday utility and recreational cycling in the UK, with a focus on the Midlands, Warwickshire, and Nuneaton. Knowing how easy it is to cycle just a few hundred miles away in the Netherlands, it’s frustrating that riding is not yet properly catered for in Britain. We need the infrastructure and we need it fast! Let’s cycle like the Dutch! Hosted by BicycleBen (Twitter: @BicycleBenUK)
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show series
We all face trials and difficulties from time to time. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel Chapter 3, resolved to not worship an idol of Nebuchadnezzar. They knew their punishment meant being thrown into a fiery furnace, but they chose to do the right thing. They triumped in God and had a testimony about God's faithfulness. Obedience to God is…
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Large numbers of God's People might often meet in specific church buildings in many places around the world in the 21st century, but for thousands of Christians today and in the past, this isn't or wasn't the case. The Greek word that is often translated 'church' in English Bibles had an original civic meaning: a gathering with a specific purpose o…
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God loves humanity. He engaged fully whilst He was on earth and has done so through the millennia both before and since then. God loves you. You are not disqualified from God's love. How much are you engaging in society today? You have a calling from God to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Is your preference to put God first and s…
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A person from Open Doors UK reminded us of what is happening around the world, with one in seven Christians being persecuted globally. We were also reminded that Paul endured persecution and imprisonment, knowing that God's plans were being fulfilled. He prayed that God's Word would be released to those around him, rather than he himself being phys…
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We must fairly often pray without knowing or seeing everything that we're concentrating on. We know that God is in control, but how do we keep praying and learning when perhaps we're not focussing on what God would have us do. God will help us! Let's use the Lord's Prayer as an inspiration to prayer. Let's also use God's language, which the Bible i…
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When you were younger, did anyone ever say, "Sssshhh!" to you? Does it still happen sometimes? Does God ever say, "Ssshhh!" to you? In this Talk we examine five people who encountered God when they were on their own. They listened as God spoke to them. Their lives were changed. How do you reply to God's valuable invitation to come to Him? Are you r…
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We all have lots of of choices and decisions to make regularly in our lives - some are extremely important and others are much less so. Should we be careful only when we are at a major crossroads - no! We need to live well and live with careful choices every day. We are in charge of our own actions and reactions. Wearing the wrong clothes for the w…
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The Kingdom of Judah, like its northern neighbour Israel had previously done, was relying on itself and in alliances with nearby countries. Jeremiah spoke to them using the familiar picture of a potter. God is like a potter. We need to connect with Him regularly and allow Him to reshape us and to mend us and then to allow His treasure that is in us…
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We absolutely need Jesus' Living Water, in an equal amount to the Samaritan woman in John 4. God is not a bigger version of you. Around 2,600 years ago, God spoke through Jeremiah and charged the People of Judah with ignoring the Fountain of Living Water and building their own leaky cisterns. We still do that today. Let's make our lives revolve aro…
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The Babylonians had already been besieging Jerusalem for a year in 587BC. What an awful time that would have been for the population at that time. Exile in a foreign country was only months away. Much doom and gloom would have been felt in the city and surrounding area! Jeremiah was there. In chapter 32, God told him to buy a field. This was a pict…
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In chapter 28, a prophet called Hananiah brought a word from God for the People of Judah, but Jeremiah brought one that was quite different. How should we discern God speaking to us? When we say something in normal life and another person speaks something differently, how do we act? Remember, Hananiah was certain he was speaking for God. Are we som…
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God promised Jeremiah that as Jeremiah called out to Him, so He would answer. God is omnisicient, omnipotent and omnipresent and yet He loves us and wants us to know Him more. In this Talk, we briefly look at how God responded to several people in the Bible and also took the initiative in calling out to various people. We need to spend time with Go…
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Jeremiah often gave a difficult message for the people of Judah to hear and then to act upon. Chapter 27 contains one of those. What, Nebuchadnezzar is God's servant (verse 6)? Let us too, remember that God often gives us a simple message. He is way beyond us in creativity, power and inspiration. Jesus came to save us from our sins. That message is…
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We begin a new Series on the Old Testament Book of Jeremiah. He spoke around 622BC to 580BC. God called him to speak for Him in a very unstable world. The People of Judah were soon to go into exile due to their turning their backs on God. Like Jeremiah, God wants all of us to work with and for Him. Irrespective of our age, health or social standing…
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In the UK, we are very fortunate in being able to easily and openly meet with other followers of Jesus. In the 10-40 Window (approximately 10 to 40 degrees north latitude), many Christians aren't permitted to do that. Many people don't even have a Bible in their primary language. Let us not forget our responsibilities include giving, going, praying…
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Our nation has a wonderful Christian heritage over hundreds of years. We have a responsibility to speak out now for the Christian morals and beliefs that we value. We shouldn't leave that to other people to do. Our world is falling apart because people have turned their backs on God. Let's seek God and then take action. The script for the whole Ser…
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Haute cuisine is seen as wonderfully high-quality food. God has given us the Bible which tells us so much about His ways, His character and His love for all of humanity. It is truly life-changing and enriching food for our lives. God speaks to us as the ultimate creator, the preeminent communicator and transcendent in love. In this Talk we learn a …
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Guy, the regional representative of the Leprosy Mission, came and spoke about the work of the Mission, with particular regard to a hospital in India, where 600 people queue up each day in humid conditions to get a diagnosis and then help. God cares for me. God is living and active in us and around us. We’re strengthened by the Living Water. Both Ha…
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God's manifesto for all of mankind was that we should know freedom from sin and death. He came to earth to accomplish this. He has stated that the manifesto that we should adhere to, is to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8). As we do these things we'll be showing the same freedom to others, that God has shown to us. Let's r…
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In our last Talk in this Series, we think about what Jesus said about the persistent widow and the unjust judge (Luke 18:1-8). She didn't just want him to act on her behalf - she absolutely needed him to. God has intervened in humanity through Jesus's death on the cross. His intervention didn't just end there. As we pray, He will intervene in our l…
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Jesus tells a Parable to His Disciples about an unmerciful servant in Matthew 18:21-35. His debt, that was totally impossible to pay, was cleared by his master. However, he didn't show kindness to a fellow servant who owed him considerably less. Peter and the rest of the Disciples learned about forgiveness through this and so do we! God often gives…
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We look at the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27 and Luke 6:46-49) in this Talk. Will we choose to obey what God says as the foundation in our lives or will rebel, defy or disregard God and His commands? Just like practising to learn a piece of music on an instrument, so we need to practice our obedience towards God. Sometim…
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We first hear a short statement about our good friend Margaret who had died on the Wednesday before this Service. This Talk is based on John 10:1-18. Jesus talked in ways that made people sit up and listen. He had authority, but His delivery was also different from the other teachers around Him. Sheep are clever and recognise many voices. A sheepfo…
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This Parable is told in all the Synoptic Gospels, at Matthew 9:16,16, Mark 2:21,22 and Luke 5:33-39. God has given us all an Invitation to come to Him. How do we make sure that our regular activities and current ideas don't get in the way of what God wants to say to us and do with us? We can't pick and mix with a bit of God and a bit of us in our l…
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When Jesus spoke in Parables, He was helping us to remember what He was saying so that we could ultimately change as a result of what He was speaking about. The possibility of not understanding what Jesus was saying in His mini-stories in Luke 14:25-33 is small. He is telling us that we need to give everything we have and are to Him. How will we li…
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We have around fifty parables spoken by Jesus that are written in the Synoptic Gospels. He used familiar visible items in stories that told the truth of God's upside-down invisible world. The punchlines often necessitated change in the listeners. They still do! Are you ready for Jesus' Second Coming? Are you ready for the commands He gives you? Fix…
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These two short Talks on Easter Day remind us of the immense actions that Jesus undertook on our behalf. We needed a Saviour to make it possible to have a good relationship with God, as sin had tragically blocked that intimacy. Jesus is that Saviour! The cross is now empty. The tomb is now empty. However, how obedient are you being to God? Paul rem…
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On Palm Sunday we consider how Jesus wasn't the only person to enter Jerusalem that day. Thousands of pilgrims would have made the journey up to Jerusalem, as well as Pontius Pilate arriving with his large military entourage. Jesus had a choice as to whether to enter the city and continue His walk towards His death on the cross. It was a week of aw…
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At our biennial Partnership Sunday we think about the life of Joshua. He faced fresh challenges at different points in his life and through them actively sought to be obedient to God. Whether NCF is our long-term spiritual home or not, God is calling us to partner with Him in both our actions and our character. Let's make the decision to follow God…
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We begin with ten people briefly describing why they chose a particular song for our special Songs of Praise Service. We then remember how God is our shelter and our strength (Psalm 46). Our lives reflect the truth that God has substance. He is not like a doting uncle who gives presents galore. God loves us, but wants all to grow and mature. We nee…
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We need to read the Bible! It's good for us, as God inspired it to be written so that we might get to know Him. He encourages us, challenges us and leads us as we read it. The Bible straightens us and our lives out! The Script for the whole Service can be read here. (NB: After about seven minutes into the Talk John realised that he hadn't turned on…
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We're all getting older! Physically, changes are going on in our bodies, but what about spiritually and emotionally? Are we maturing as Disciples of Jesus? Are we changing from being less childish to more childlike? Are we at rest with God? Often being content will lead on to being curious, but we need to be courageous in order to change. Is God ca…
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God doesn't measure things the same way that we do. For our sins we deserve eternal separation from God. Instead, He offers everyone reconcilation and restoration if we accept the fact that He paid the cost for our benefit. If God kept a record of our sins we would certainly not survive. We ought to be living our lives more riskier than others beca…
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The Psalmist praised God for the way that He had restored them. It was beyond belief what God had done for them! May we too dream big because of what God has done in our lives and in the livesof others. May the wowometer of our lives consistently put God at the top of our actions and thoughts. May the Lord transform and restore our cracked walls, o…
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The Psalmist in Psalm 124 tells us several times that if it hadn't been for the Lord, then life would have been quite awful. God often goes well beyond the scale that we find to be normal in the way that He deals with us. We are on a Pilgrimage and Jesus is our Guide. Many of Jesus' stories are recounted in the four Gospels. Two of them (the Good S…
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Whether our day is golden or it has immense problems, we truly need to call our Maydays out to God. "We need You and we are desperate for You!" That's how some of the worship in the Psalms of Ascent reads. God, we won't be overwhelmed when we're with You. We need God's help, and the help of others, in our lives regularly. Without the Lord, we are l…
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Our lives are a pilgrimage. How is our journey going? What are we carrying? What is our final destination? Who is guiding us there? This series of Talks in January and February will help us think about these questions. Let us give more prominence to the actual journey we're on and ask God to help us travel well and lightly with Him. The script for …
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The last day of a year is a wonderful time to look both backwards to 2023 in thanks and ahead to 2024 in order to prioritise our ambitions and dreams and then to submit everything to God. It's a certainty that God will remain faithful in 2024 as He has done in previous years and decades. The Script for the whole Service can be read here.…
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There are several prominent names in the Christmas story. Jesus means "Yahweh saves." Jesus came to save all the people who have ever lived - not only the 8.1 billion who are alive now. He knows everything about us. He is very familiar with our very selves and also the circumstances we all face. Can you hear Him inviting you to the very special ban…
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What a great time of the year Christmas is, though it is SO busy! Can you imagine Mary and Joseph trudging around Bethlehem looking for a room? Several receptionists would have commented, "Sorry, we're full already!" Eventually they found a place and Jesus was soon born in a stable because there was no room elsewhere. Is there room in your life for…
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We examine part of King David's life in this Talk. He started low in society by being the youngest son and a shepherd. Some years after he became King, David was overthrown by his son Absalom. He was living in a ditch again. How did he feel? What was his relationship with God like now? He had lost everything! God does allow bad things to happen. Wh…
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On Advent Sunday (Adventus, a Latin word meaning: arrival or coming) we consider what impact Jesus' coming has made in our lives. God invites us to come to Him as we are - have you accepted that invitation for yourself? Wherever we are in our lives, Jesus says, "Come!" Let's come to God like children - wishing to grow, to sit and to enjoy being wit…
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God has given us all Gifts for the benefit of other people. If we are to see them grow, we need to use them and we need to remember how important relationships are in our life. We might discover our Gifts in various ways, but relationships will feature somewhere. There is an open door for our Servant Assignments. Will we step through and keep on go…
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Some of the Gifts that God gives us to bless others with are done behind the scenes and few people consider them or even value them. Other Gifts are obviously obvious week in and week out. Let's ask God to fill us with His Spirit, so that whatever Gifts we have and use we will actively glorify God and encourage others in our lives. May we put our f…
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