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show episodes
3 anaia bardo, rockero eta bakero euskaldunen istoria musikala, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Abaighar herrian hilobiratuta daudenak 1990. urtetik, Rockaren historian eta neure bihotzean oso leku berezia dutenak, bizitza aldatuko zidatenak...
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3 anaia bardo, rockero eta bakero euskaldunen istoria musikala, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Abaighar herrian hilobiratuta daudenak 1990. urtetik, Rockaren historian eta neure bihotzean oso leku berezia dutenak, bizitza aldatuko zidatenak... Hemen euren abestiak!
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show series
-Abaighar- Enarek agurtzen dute egun berri bat Egaren ur-bazterrak esnatzean. Gari soroek urrez apainduko dute bailara osoa... Ta bertan bada etxe zahar bat, magiaz betea; fantasiazko ipuin baten atea. Printze galduak, bihotz lapurrak, bi hanketan dabiltzan katuak, euren patua gaitzesten duten dama gazteak. Sekreturen bat gordetzen duten dragoi zur…
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-Azken agurra- Zaila da hau egitea, zaila da denei azken agurra ematea, baina heldu da ordua, urteak azkar pasa dira, bukatu dut bidea. Ez begiratu atzera, ez dut nere erruz malkorik ixurtzea, ahaztu ezazu egun hau, nik egingo dudan bezela, jarrai zazu aurrera. Banoa, ta ez naiz berriz itzuliko, hauxe da behin betiko azken agurra. Ahula daukat biho…
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-Biziaren garraxia- Zure izana nire eskuetan, haizeakin desagertuz, malkoak ditut begietan, ta ez zintudan ezagutu. Hain ezberdina litzateke nire bizia zurekin, zenbaiteraino maite zaitudan ezingo dut inoiz jakin… Inguruan somatzen zaitut, nunnahi da zure irudia, txori kanta zure ahotsa, argia zure gorputza, eguzkia zure irria, euria zure negarra, …
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-Euskal Country bat- Euskal kountry bat kantatzera goaz, kantatu zuek gurekin, hanka ta besoak mugituz batera guztiok elkarrekin. (bis) Nahiz ta afaldu guztiak gosez, denak politak eta hain eder saiatu arren Ane eta Asier, ez dute lortuko ezer. Euskal kountry bat... Dantza utzita eliz aldean, bikote bat hor dago aparte, itzal txokoan, jo eta ke, ze…
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-Abaighar & FalconCrest- Soldaduskan ez gaude ala ta guztiz ere bederatzitarako trikitrixa entzun orduko danak utzi zuen sabanak ta komunera egitera pixa goiza pasa ondoren, bazkaltzera ondoen, zein bazkari ona dugun gainera eta arratsaldetan askari orduetan zakarrontzietan bota paperak... ohhh... etorri den ume banda ohhh... ez da egongo etzanda o…
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-Sorgin gaua- Eguzki amandrea, sartu da pagoen artetik, eguzki amandrea, sartu zaigu mendebaldetik, sorgin gaua... Ilargi amandrea, bi lainoren artetik jausi, ilargi anderea, zeru zabalean nagusi, sorgin gaua... Kanpai hotsa entzun da, herriko eleiza zaharrean, kanpai hotsa entzun da, oihartzun egin du gauean, sorgin gaua... Hontzak oihu egin du, s…
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-Ametsen lurrean- Kristalezko harresiak zaintzen nauen bitartian, hitz baten bila. Estutzen nauten kateak puskatzeko adorea, noiz bilduko zain. Desioz idatzia izan den historia kontatzeko hotsa, noiz irtengo zait? Nire ametsen lurrean, infernuaren atean, pretsatzen den guda... Bi ejerzitok osatua, nire bildurrak sortua, laister hasiko da. Asko dauk…
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-Finn- Bere momentua iristean, haur joko batek hautatua izan dela aitortzeak malkoz bete ditu bere begiak. Agur ama, agur aita, urruneko guda baten aspalditik galdua, agur dama, atzean utzi beharreko laguna... Ez bildur izan anaia gaztea, gaitzetsi ekaitz ahotsen eskeintza, izarren artetik zainduko baitzaitut nik Zazpi Erregeekin. Zuk ez bezela, ni…
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-Biziaren garraxia- Zure izana nire eskuetan, haizeakin desagertuz, malkoak ditut begietan, ta ez zintudan ezagutu. Hain ezberdina litzateke nire bizia zurekin, zenbaiteraino maite zaitudan ezingo dut inoiz jakin… Inguruan somatzen zaitut, nunahi da zure irudia, txori kanta zure ahotsa, argia zure gorputza, eguzkia zure irria, euria zure negarra, g…
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(photo inspired by the book, Waiting by Kevin Henkes) Hi, Knitters, I have a lot to share with you today, three new patterns, a podcast and a huge giveaway, so I will get right to it! Pattern Releases and Lower Price Sale! I have 3 brand-new toy patterns that I've just released today. I am running a big discount sale on all three patterns for the f…
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Hi, Knitters, Episode 20 is up on YouTube. If you'd like to watch directly or subscribe on YouTube click here. If you'd like to subscribe on iTunes or find out more click here. I talk about a lot of different things today and this podcast is recorded on a couple of different days. One thing I share is a new hat design of mine called Fairytale Winte…
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Hi, Knitters, First, I'd like to announce the winner of the Gale's Art Sock Blank Club 3-month Subscription winner! The winner is Trwhip on Ravelry! Congratulations. I've contacted both Trwhip and Gale to let them know. Gale will be in touch directly to figure out the logistics. Thanks for entering everyone. Next week I have another HUGE giveaway t…
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Hi, Knitters, I have a new podcast episode up on YouTube. Click here to watch directly on my YouTube Channel! I haven't put it up on iTunes yet or written show notes but I wanted to at the very least post the video for you. I have my manuscript pages arriving at my house early tomorrow morning and I have a hectic few days of book editing ahead of m…
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Hi, Knitters, I'm back with a new podcast episode and giveaway today. There is so much to share with you but be sure to look at the end of the post for photos of today's giveaway opportunities, you won't want to miss it. Instructions to enter your name in the hat to win are at the end of the post as well. Click here to see the video on my YouTube C…
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Hi, Knitters, Today I have Episode 15 ~ Summer Sweater Plans for you. I also discuss how to use a second strand for the heel flap and turn when using self-striping or patterning yarn. This helps to keep the stripe pattern intact on the front of the sock. I also share lots of sweater plans and current sweater knitting and yarns and more. Click here …
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Hi Knitters, I have a new podcast episode for you today. I am sharing some of my favorite new and new-ish video podcasts, new to me yarns, a finished shawl design, a sock in progress, and a huge giveaway for YOTH Yarns! Click here to watch the my podcast on YouTube! Links: Video Podcast recommendations: Junk Yarn Podcast A Homespun House Podcast Li…
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Hi, Knitters, I am back from my family vacation on Marco Island in Florida. It was just my husband, TC and me on the trip. My other kids had different school/work vacations so it was a small group this year. While we were there I recorded a brief podcast episode for you to share what I'm working on. At the end of the podcast I've included some phot…
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Hi, Knitters, I have a new podcast episode today! Click here for the direct link to YouTube to watch. You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel or you can watch or subscribe on iTunes, too. Click here for iTunes. I have a bit of a hand issue that I discuss in the video so I am trying to rest it for a few days. Therefore, I am not going to type up all…
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Hi, Knitters, The podcast and all of my other videos are available for viewing and subscription on my YouTube Channel (click here!) and on iTunes (click here!). Today on Episode 11 I chat about all kinds of things knitting-related and beyond. I especially focus on my friend, the multi-talented Kristin Nicholas, and all of the wonderful new ventures…
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Hi, Knitters, For email subscribers please Click Here to watch the 24-minute video on YouTube! Click here to subscribe or check out the Susan B. Anderson Podcast on iTunes! I am a bit scattered off and on so hang in there with me to hear about the fantastic giveaway. There is much to talk about and link for today's short podcast episode but most im…
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Hi, Knitters, Yesterday I uploaded the wrong file (it was waaaay too big) for the iTunes/podcatcher watchers out there. Please delete the episode and upload again. I apologize for any inconvenience. It is corrected now. If you are interested in watching/subscribing through iTunes click here for more information. For email subscribers you can watch …
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Hi, Knitters, The winner of the Duck Duck Wool fingering weight yarn is...... zytigg (rav id) or Debra! Congratulations. Thank you for entering everyone and I actually have two new giveaways today. I talk about them in the video podcast, but even if you don't watch please feel free to enter on this blog post by leaving a comment. I'll describe the …
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Hi, Knitters, I have a new episode of my video podcast today, Episode 7! Click here to see the podcast on iTunes. Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube. Here's what I talked about today: The Little Skein Giveaway is still open until Tuesday (I said Monday but it's a holiday so I'll wait until Tuesday). Anne Vally of Little Skein added a…
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Hi, Knitters, I have a new video episode for you today! For email subscribers, you can click here to view directly on YouTube. I talk about these things today so here are the links: Hitchhiker Shawl by Martina Behm Dianne of Kentucky Sheep Dreams ~ a great blog about farming, knitting, spinning, cooking! Dianne gifted me the roving in the autumnal …
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Hi, Knitters, If you can't see the video for the email subscribers click here to see the video on YouTube! Here are the pertinent links for today's podcast: You are now able to subscribe to my video podcast through iTunes by searching for my name, Susan B. Anderson, and clicking on the subscribe button! Hooray! I will continue to post on my YouTube…
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Hi, Knitters, I have a new "podcast" for you today! I am talking about sweaters, shawls, yarn, patterns, book recommendations, socks, handspun, future designs, and much more. If you are an email subscriber and can't see the video, please CLICK HERE and watch the video directly on YouTube. I'm sorry but I don't have time to do show notes today, I'm …
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