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Fundado em 1951, o CNPq é uma agência pública de fomento à pesquisa científica e tecnológica, atualmente vinculada ao Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações (MCTI)
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Cafeína Compilada

Esse podcast é um projeto de alunos da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campo Mourão. Tem como objetivo divulgar ciência com foco em computação usando linguagem acessível e de maneira descontraída, mostrando sua aplicação nos mais diversos contextos do nosso cotidiano. This podcast is a project of students from the Federal University of Technology - Campo Mourão. It aims to disseminate science with a focus on computing using accessible language and in a friendly way, showing its ...
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If you're looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast, LanguaTalk is ideal for listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners.. The podcast is free and you can find interactive transcripts on our cutting-edge software, Langua. We've created this podcast using AI.
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If you're looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast, LanguaTalk is ideal for listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. The podcast is free and you can find interactive transcripts on our cutting-edge software, Langua. We've created this podcast using AI.
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show series
Estem a les acaballes del curs i l’acabarem molt diferent de com el vam comen-çar, ja que al setembre parlar de IA era una cosa molt llunyana i ara s’ha convertit en el nostre dia a dia. La setmana passada va ser Apple que la va posar de llarg, però uns mesos abans va ser Microsoft, avui molts que treballeu amb la suite de M365 i ja podeu fer-la an…
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Avui parlarem sobre com el sector de les fintech i les proptech està revolucio-nant la gestió de comunitats de veïns a Espanya. Descobrirem com la digitalitza-ció i l'automatització milloren l'eficiència i la transparència en la gestió de finan-ces comunitàries. Tot això preparat per l’entrevista i despres, l’actualitat setmanal a la tertulia Frik!…
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Hoy hablaremos sobre una innovación revolucionaria que está transformando el modo como bebemos agua, añadiendo sabor a través del olfato. Descubriremos cómo esta tecnología puede hacer que beber agua sea más atractivo y saludable. También exploraremos las preferencias de los españoles en cuanto a sabores.Todo esto preparado para la entrevista y des…
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Hoy intentamos de nuevo, la presentación del programa, con voz generada a través de una aplicación de Inteligencia artificial generativa.Espero que la semana que viene pueda ya estar aquí con toda normalidad.¿Pero de que hablaremos hoy en el info punt Cope? En la entrevista, comentamos un estudio de PaynoPain que revela el auge de los wallets digit…
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Avui estem utilitzant la Intel·ligència Artificial generativa que tant portem parlant aquest darrer any, això que sentiu es una IA que simula la meva veu, jo no soc el que parlar, ja que he tingut un petit incident, i no puc parlar amb normalitat, això si, he escrit el text per que la IA generativa par-li com si fos jo.Però de que parlarem avui al …
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Entrevista interessant, ja que aquesta setmana s’està parlant de ciència amb alguns dels investigadors més destacats, però d’una manera molt distesa i en llocs singulars. En parlarem a l’espai entrevista. I en l’actualitat setmanal, que tenim preparat per la tertúlia frik? El Banc de Santander confirma un atac no autoritzat a les dades dels seus cl…
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Estamos en la última semana electoral catalana y parece que la IA generativa de momento ha sido muy poco empleada, pero sabemos que los audios y vídeos pueden engañar al ciudadano, ¿pero como lo podemos detectar?, lo hablaremos con el director de CheckPiont uno de los principales players en seguridad informática.Pero también tenemos convocatoria ab…
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Estem en la darrera setmana electoral catalana i sembla que la IA generativa de moment ha estat molt poc empleada, però sabem’ que els àudios i vídeos poden enganyar al ciutadà, però com ho podem detectar, ho parlarem amb el director de CheckPiont un dels principals players en seguretat informàtica.Però també tenim convocatòria oberta per Women Tec…
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Estamos en una época en que los ciberdelincuentes se las están ingeniando para suplantar páginas web fraudulentas de reconocidas aplicaciones de reuniones online como Skype, Google Meet y Zoom para difundir varias familias de malware, pues en la entrevista hablaremos con Zscaler, empresa líder de seguridad en la nube.Y en la actualidad semanal, ten…
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Después de semana Santa, empezamos la recta final del curso escolar, y seguro que muchos de ustedes se plantean cuáles son los estudios que en el futuro tendrán más salida, hay que decir que más de la mitad de los trabajos que ahora ya, hace 20 años no estaban inventadas, y en el futuro también pasará un similar, hoy en la entrevista el sector de l…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Llevamos muchos días hablando de Inteligencia Artificial y hoy prácticamente le dedicaremos todo el espacio.En la entrevista hablaremos de cómo las empresas tienen que gobernar el dato o la IA, ya que en este momento todas están intentando aplicarlo, pero ¿qué consecuencias pueden tener de una mala aplicación de la IA?Hoy en la entrevista esté aten…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Com sempre parlem de futur i dels canvis més immediats, i de la transformació que estem vivint, en l’entrevista parlem de que pagar amb el mòbil es tota una realitat i diria més i tot.En l’actualitat setmanal es una continua evolució, o sinó aqui teniu el mení d’avui per la tertulia frik:• Detall dels canvis de la nova versió IOs 17.4• Google anul·…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Portuguese podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Portuguese. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligen…
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Looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast? Covering stories from around the world, this podcast is ideal for improving your comprehension whilst listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners. We've created this podcast using artificial intelligence (in…
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