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Hello, I'm Don C. Harris of Think Red Ink Ministries. Welcome to the Words of Jesus Podcast. This series is based on Jesus - His life, His friends, His ministry and His relationship with His Father as recorded in the four gospels. Together, we will delve into mysteries that have been hidden; not from us, but for us - in "The Words of Jesus." My goal is to reinforce Christianity with the wisdom and words of Jesus; which, incidentally, are recorded in red ink in your Bible. Do you know what Je ...
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I Survived Theatre School

Jen Bosworth Ramirez and Gina Pulice

We went to theatre school. We survived it, but we didn't understand it. 20 years later, we're talking to our guests about their experience of going for this highly specialized type of college at the tender age of 18. Did it all go as planned? Are we still pursuing acting? Did we get cut from the program? Did we... become famous yet?
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show series
Do you set aside a daily time that is reserved for communication with the Spirit of God? The prophet Jeremiah records the interest of YHVH in communicating to his people. Listen to YHVH's tender heart, Jeremiah 44:4; “Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I…
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The words of Jesus were intentional, exceptional and powerful. Consider the source! Indeed, Jesus healed lepers as a witness to his Jewish brethren. The strangers, Samaritan, Roman centurion, Syrophoenician received the word of God with faith and enthusiasm. There was a glaring lack of faith of the Jewish brethren toward both John and Jesus. They w…
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Second death - resurrection at the end of the millennium; satan loosed - many follow him; Jesus only hath resurrection; Caiaphas prophesied unknowingly; one should die for the nation; Prophesy is not fortune/ future telling; Prophesy is rather a man speaking to men for God; sins make men unable to hear - ex. David & Nathan. History records that peo…
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Listen for the message behind the words of the Scripture. Who is speaking and to whom? Abraham received imputed righteousness because of his actions. Why would Jesus apologize for praying in public? Why do we think its fine. Jesus was grieved that his people did not know him. Lazarus was healed to die again - not resurrected. Jesus' crowd had mixed…
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What got Jesus killed? It was the undeniable acts of proof of his identity as the son of God; Messiah. …healing moved from internal medicine; to irrefutable healings; opening blind eyes, raised Lazarus from death after 4 days; Pharisees planed to kill Jesus (and Lazarus); all men will follow him; Lazarus - whom you love; waits two days; 12 hours in…
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"Go and learn." The expectation of Christianity is that we imitate our LORD Jesus. We cannot make a gift (or be a profitable servant) when we have not done that which is required. How to HEAR from God: 1) Keep the Commandments; 2) Obey your conscience; 3) Take time daily to LISTEN; If you have twenty minutes with the God of the Universe, who should…
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The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) reveal the secret to achieve a happy life and to open the door for communication from God. Matt. 22: 36-39 "Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandmen…
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Listen for the Word of God beyond the obvious story of the parable. The scriptures reveal sin creates distance between God and man. Remember when God tried to speak to the people of Israel? The people were not purified to handle the righteousness of God. In like manner, we must strive for righteousness. Communication is severed if we violate the te…
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The parables go beyond the surface question to the heart of the matter under discussion and end with the immutability of God's law. Things are not the way we think they are; strive to know God. Laws are God's personality on paper - obey God, not creeds. Fear God. Air of humility. Do what you are told to do. We do not know. What we know versus what …
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Salvation requires a commitment. Jesus provides the door and the opportunity for the reversal of our "condemned" sentence. However, we are required to participate in our salvation; to pursue the truth and salvation offered. We are required to leave the crowd and follow Jesus. Consider the conditions in this message. Lost Sheep - stupid, wandered of…
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Salvation, certainly discipleship, is a journey. We must repent (make changes) as imperfections are revealed. This is an individual walk, a striving to enter the narrow gate, to make a life of character that is worthy to offer our Savior and King. How can we hear the instructions of the Holy Spirit? Here's the initial steps: 1) Keep the Ten Command…
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The journey to salvation begins with repentance (i.e., making changes as prompted by the Holy Spirit) and is completed with the achievement of "enduring till the end." One is our Teacher, even Christ. Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; f…
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The Jews refused or were unable to reconcile their preconceived ideas to the reality of Messiah. They did not expect Jesus to minister the way He did, in spite of many miraculous signs. The leaders were unwilling to give up their religious protocols or animal sacrifices. They could not hear, "I will have mercy and not sacrifice." Jesus came to be K…
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Why do you call me LORD and not do what I say? Remember the Sermon on the Mount - give in secret, pray in private, give to those who cannot repay. We must understand that it was the rejection of the Jews of the authority of Jesus which led to empty seats at the table. Jesus turned to the halt, the blind, the lame - us (the Gentiles). Don't boast ag…
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We must be diligent to see past traditions or political protocols which get in the way of us taking care of people. We protect the seed of Christ planted in us when we care for one another. It is our responsibility to build the character to stand. Alone, if need be. Expect persecution. Endure to the end. *** 69: Jesus Heals A Crippled Woman Luke 13…
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Give thanks in all things. God is not our enemy (or our valet). As children, students or disciples we understand that problems are the path to perfection. Jesus said eternal life can be obtained by obedience to the law. Take a longer view of outcomes. Circumstances of life provide the opportunity for our growth. to work with "works of God to be mad…
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When we repent we make changes in our life. If no change occurs, we remain in our sin. We are not condemned because of Adam. We will be judged based on what we do; not what we believe. What we believe will determine our actions. Sin is a transgression against the law. Jesus says, "Go and sin no more." There is a protocol required for relationship w…
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Seek Ye the Kingdom: People led of the Spirit will know the Times Time is short. Believe God is a Holy and Righteous Judge. He is. Stay busy doing right-ness. The day of the end is not going to be easy - fire, division, trouble. Hold fast your profession of faith without wavering; exhorting one another. We will recognize things on the way; signs, w…
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A good steward is mindful of being held accountable for our responsibilities. “Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.” Luke 13 *** 67: Jesus Speaks Of God’s Care Luke 12:12-59 Seek Ye The Kingdom After Jesus had related the parable about the rich man, he spoke to his disciples,…
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We live in uncertain times. We endeavor to save or acquire enough to protect ourselves from any loss or discomfort. How much is enough? Bigger barns? More investments? These are short-sited arrangements, coins in a pocket with holes, if you will. There is a way to get God involved in your finances. Pay your tithes; ten percent for God, ten percent …
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It is the propensity of man to shift responsibility; to look to experts or professionals to relieve the pressure of thinking, of deciding and of acting; a type of child (or slave) mentality. It is true, we begin our walk in Christianity as servants; however, there is more for those who would be heirs. God desires a "living sacrifice." Daily we deny…
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The way to salvation is described as a narrow path. There is no room for crowds maintained by hypocrisy (acting) or compromise. A purposeful stand regardless of "what others think" will bring persecution and pressure. We must square our shoulders and resist the temptation to change our position to "get along" or to "belong" to the crowd. It is deni…
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The commandments bring life, order and communication with God. It is important work. However, the traditions making the law more difficult creates barriers and voids the benefits of keeping the law. Past consequences of commandment disobedience (i.e. 70 years of slavery for violations of the Sabbath) motivated religious leaders to set boundaries (f…
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Enthusiasm to recruit believers has lead to short-sighted evangelistic techniques which result in false doctrines and misunderstandings of the gospel. There is consistent truth in the instruction of Jesus. Jesus continually prods and pushes His disciples to see Kingdom things. Jesus looks for us to imitate Him; to quickly care for those in our sphe…
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In our day prayer is cheap. Can we click to forward a prayer request from the internet to the throne of God? Does a prayer wheel get the job done? Can we hire the righteous to make prayers vicariously? Does a recorded prayer work? Is there a number of repetitions required (like votes) to get the attention of God? We have been taught God is always l…
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What God wants is almost irrelevant because of man's will. The Bible is full of broken Scriptures. So much is in our control. We do what we want to do, which may or may not be God's will. God does not intervene because of our prayers. We are allowed (and required) to partner with God to affect outcomes in this life. Christians are "more-than" when …
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Our inherited traditions hamper our ability to hear Jesus. There are gods many. Modern thought uses the "god of the gap" theory as a precursor to scientific understanding, forcing a contrived choice of belief in god or science. In this chapter, the religious leaders allowed their expectations and traditions as justification to disregard the works o…
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Mark 4:19 “And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.” Traditions, protocol and bad theology lulls the modern Christian into a sense of false security. Examine the Words of Jesus and compare His ways to the ways we have sought out for comfort o…
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We talk to star of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Yale School of Drama alum LeRoy McClain! Intro: Aaron survived a heart attack! Marriage is hard. Let Me Run This By You: Love Has Won and the tale of Mother God, Matthew Perry Interview: We talk to star of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Yale School of Drama alum LeRoy McClain about being born in Engla…
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The joy of an eye-opening miracle creates immediate awe and attention. The clamor almost overshadowing the life-changing experience itself. How could a man born-blind have sight? Fake news pundits were decrying the event and even the identity of the healed man. "Think not that I came to bring peace..." said Jesus. A choice is mandated of those who …
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We don't know what is good. Circumstances judged on an emotional level will throw us off track. Trust God the Father to know the circumstance we need to become a mature child of God. There is striving, endurance and overcoming to secure a relationship with God. We are admonished to "grow-up in Christ" by becoming a servant. "Know ye what I have don…
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Do you know this Parable? Jesus said one parable is the key to understanding ALL parables. A prerequisite understanding if you will. Do you know which parable he referenced? If not, go to your Bible and find it right away. Even with Jesus the Son of God, in physical form on the earth, there was an enemy and a communication barrier that required ste…
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"What must I do [for eternal life]?" How readest thou?" Jesus answers the question like no modern preachers or evangelists. "Keep the commandments." "…this do and thou shalt live…" Jesus said. If we could keep the two commandments 1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength; and 2) Love your neighbor as yourself; there would ha…
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Jesus instructs the disciples in a way that is counterintuitive to the physical world. Ambition is not encouraged. Selfishness is put-down. They are told to accept what is given with humility, not pursuing wealth, so your gospel is not perverted. A laborer is worthy of hire - a place to sleep, something to eat. The disciples were provided for by Go…
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Intro: Boz loves LinkedIn. Will she emcee the next Beastie Boys event? Interview: We talk to star of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Cynthia Darlow about North Carolina School of the Arts, performing for Tennessee Williams, the historic theatrical residence for young women called the Rehearsal Club, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, the Webster Apartments,…
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"If it sounds too good to be true, it's probably not true." Consider the premise, "Salvation is free." While it is true salvation cannot be obtained without the gift of faith and the sacrifice of Jesus; it is also true that Christianity is costly. To gain new life, we must lay down our old life. We must submit to the commandments, to the authority …
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We attempt to negotiate our obedience to God to minimize our sacrifice. We are required to deny ourselves, to commit to our death for our faith, and to imitate Jesus. Jesus did not offer prosperity to people who came to Him. Hold everything we own in an open hand. Jesus came to teach us to be acceptable to him. He did not come for us to accept Him.…
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"We do not know what Spirit we are of." The disciples and the religious leaders misunderstood God. The practice of the day was to use religion selfishly to obtain materialistic goals. Jesus came to reveal the Kingdom of God. Jesus came to clarify the way to please God. The Scriptures record multiple instances where God said, "I am not like you." Go…
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“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through [Jesus] might be saved. He that believeth on [Jesus] is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:17-18 Changes! No more bloodline salvation; whosoever will …
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Jesus' simple instruction for us, "Keep the commandments and the Father and I will instruct you from the inside." The people did not understand Jesus was taught by His Father daily. Jesus wants that same communication for us. The steps? 1) Keep the commandments. 2) Take time every day to hear from God. 3) Never violate your conscience. *** Ch. 54: …
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The instruction of the Scriptures is often opposite the instructions of men. Jesus said we must deny ourselves, die and follow Jesus. We show the light to the world by our lives. If the world is not asking "of us" no light is shinning. Muslims, Jews, Christians are known as people of the book. Disciples are not people of the book; we are people of …
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Jesus operated in the Spirit, not under the law. Jesus expected conflict with the law of Moses. "He who is without sin- let him come." *** Ch. 54: Jesus At The Feast Of Tabernacles John 7:1-8:59 Jesus Rejects The Advice of His Brothers To Go To Jerusalem When the Feast of the Tabernacles was at hand, Jesus’ brothers said to him: “Depart hence, and …
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Jesus lived in humility and meekness, as the example of what God wants for us. We might think our actions would have been different than the religious leaders in Jesus' day. The understanding and authority of Jesus' instruction was a surprise. The spoken truth was inarguable. But, it was not what they expected. Those who taught in the yeshivas and …
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Every action, every word, every instruction from Jesus is for edification. Not every word for every person, but messages for those who "have ears to hear." Even his disciples did not understand how the Kingdom of God was to be implemented, nor did they understand how far the religious practice was in opposition to the plan of the God. Jesus was led…
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Practice putting your ego in-check; esteem others as better. Resolve issues of offense or transgressions with an attitude of humility. First, go one-on-one to restore the relationship. Secondly, if they won't hear you, go to an objective, non-emotional audience. Next, if still no reconciliation, then go to the church for counsel. Strive to get alon…
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Confront the Words of Jesus in actuality not based on Bible study or Church ideas. Allow truth to replace tradition. Jesus provided the way to reconciliation. It's a joint opportunity for us to strive with Him, to obey His commandments, to hear instruction; it is a matter of authority. *** Ch 53: Jesus Discusses The Need For Humility Matthew 18:1-3…
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Remember, the actual ministry of Christ is to feed the hungry, cloth the needy and help the poor. Keep money in the proper place in our life, not our god. Agreement on all matters is not required. Our progress in the Kingdom of God is an individual journey. Listen to the Holy Spirit to hear the correction of your loving Heavenly Father. Consider th…
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Obedience. Character. Righteousness. Our God requires Christian's to do the right thing for the right reason. Strive to keep the things of this world in the proper light. "Money is sewage, not my savior." The goal is to have the right attitude toward money. The obedience of paying tithes allows God to get involved in our finances. Regarding tithes …
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It is our duty to work to meet our physical needs in this world. Today, we are compensated with money. It's a good system when our hearts do not turn to our own ability to meet our needs. We must use caution to keep our earnings in the proper perspective. Is the question of desires or unexpected tragedy, "Can I afford it?" instead of "Is it God's w…
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