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DW's individualized German language learning materials can help you to improve your skills with a host of fun and free materials for all levels. We welcome posts in English and German. However, DW will delete and/or report any content that constitutes hateful, threatening, pornographic or harrassing material. Please respect our netiquette: Legal Notice:,,15718489,00.html
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The original European current affairs podcast from Germany’s international broadcaster. Bringing you expert analysis and on-the ground reporting from the European capitals and beyond. Join host Kate Laycock and DW’s network of seasoned correspondents for your weekly dose of euro-politics and culture. Published every Thursday.
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Everything is a brand. In today’s world companies, public figures, countries, institutions, and movements are brands with their own unique values, marketing, and influence. Former CEO and Chairman of Deutsch Inc., innovative political analyst and veteran TV personality, Donny Deutsch, mastered the power of branding when he built the multibillion dollar ad agency. Now, in a hyper-saturated, over-marketed world, our media landscape too often presents one-dimensional figures who are globally se ...
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DW AfricaLink is packed with news, politics, culture and more — every weekday. From combating health issues and freedom of expression to finances, tolerance and environmental protection, we have it covered.
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Looking to reconnect with nature? Want to make better decisions for the health of the planet? Every Friday, Living Planet brings you the stories, facts and debates on the key environmental issues of our time.
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ዶይቼ ቬለ የዕለቱን ዋና ዋና ዜናዎች ከኢትዮጵያ እና ከመላው ዓለም በየቀኑ ያቀርባል። የኢትዮጵያ እና የአፍሪካ ፖለቲካዊ እና ኤኮኖሚያዊ ጉዳዮችን ጨምሮ የመላው ዓለምን ውሎ የተመለከቱ ጠቃሚ መረጃዎች በሰባቱም የሣምንቱ ቀናት ከምሽቱ አንድ ሰዓት ከዶይቼ ቬለ ያድምጡ። የዶይቼ ቬለን ዜናዎች በአፕል ፖድካስት እና በስፖቲፋይ ማድመጥ ትችላላችሁ። የዶይቼ ቬለ ዜና በራዲዮ፣ በሳተላይት እና በፌስቡክ በየዕለቱ በቀጥታ ይደመጣል።
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Welcome to THE GERMAN PODCAST - German Listening & Culture! Als deutschsprachiger Podcaster behandele ich in jeder Episode Themen aus Medien, Kultur, Gesellschaft und Kunst. Mein Podcast ist sowohl für deutsche Muttersprachler als auch für internationale Sprachlerner gedacht. Mit meinem Podcast bekommst du also nicht nur interessante Themen, sondern auch eine "German Listening Practice" geboten. Warum dieser Podcast ideal für Deutschlerner istMein German Podcast ist perfekt für alle, die ihr ...
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A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. France 24, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and NHK Japan.
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Let there be Light - The American Israelite Newspaper Podcast is a weekly podcast that’s gives an overview and personal insight into articles of the week from The American Israelite newspaper, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Though published in Cincinnati, and the oldest English Speaking Jewish newspaper in the country, The American Israelite has for nearly 200 years devoted itself to not only local news, but regional, national and global articles of interest to any Jewish community. Podcast 1.0 is hos ...
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A globetrotter and German teacher who has lived and worked in different cultures shares her experience through podcasts, videos and much more :) Follow me for lots of interesting content and extra material. You can also find me on Facebook or send me an email: Support this podcast:
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Shirin al´adu, addinai da kuma zamantakewa tsakanin al´ummomi dabam-dabam a duniya. Taba Ka Lashe shiri ne da ke duba batutuwan da suka shafi al'adu da zamantakewa tsakanin al'ummomi da mabiya addinai dabam-dabam a duniya da zummar kyautata zamantakewarsu, zaman lafiya da kuma fahimtar juna tsakani. Muna gabatar muku da shirin ta rediyo a kowane mako, kuna kuma iya sauraronsa a shafinmu na Internet da kuma ta kafar Podcast.
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A podcast with episodes loosely tied together by Popper-Deutsch Theory of Knowledge. David Deutsch's 4 Strands tie everything together, so we discuss everything we find interesting be it science, philosophy, computation, politics, or art. But there is a heavy emphasis on the exploration of intelligence and the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Support this podcast:
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እንግዶቻችን ትግራይ ክልል ውስጥ በ 2016 ዓም የተሰጠውን የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሔራዊ ፈተና ወስደው ከፍተኛውን ነጥብ ያስመዘገቡ ሁለት ተማሪዎች ናቸው። ሁለቱም ተማሪዎች የአንድ አዳሪ ትምህርት ቤት ተማሪዎች ሲሆኑ በዚህ ትምህርት ቤት ከአንድ ተማሪ በቀር ሁሉም ተማሪዎች አልፈዋል። ይህን ትምህርት ቤት ምን ልዩ እንደሚያደርገውም ጠይቀናል።By DW
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Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen: dem Top-Thema könnt ihr euch gleichzeitig über Neues aus aller Welt informieren und euren Wortschatz erweitern. Wir bieten euch zwei leicht verständliche Berichte mit Vokabelangaben und Fragen zum Text pro Woche. Hier geht's zur Übersichtsseit…
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Israels Luftwaffe fliegt massive Angriffe im Südlibanon/ EU Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen verspricht Hilfe für die von Überschwemmungen betroffenen Länder in Ost- und Mitteleuropa/ Vor dem Hintergrund der Krise bei VW ruft Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck für Montag ein Gipfeltreffen mit der Autoindustrie zusammen/ Graham Arnold wird noch vo…
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Donny is joined by CNN’s chief political correspondent and the anchor and host of Sunday morning’s State of the Union, Dana Bash. Bash, who has also authored the book, America's Deadliest Election: The Cautionary Tale of the Most Violent Election in American History sits down for an in-depth discussion about moderating the first presidential debate…
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These words are so funny when you think about them. How do you explain Nacktschnecke or Fußhupe? By learning this vocabulary, you'll gain a better understanding of an important topic that is frequently discussed. So, practice your German by joining my membership to quiz yourself and recap what you have learned. Become a member: https://expertlygerm…
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Die deutsche Post Show Podcast Information Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit über die Post geärgert. Und zwar weil ich ein Päckchen verschicken wollte und drei Möglichkeiten nicht funktioniert haben. Kennst du das auch? Früher war das etwas anders, da funktionierte das System noch besser. Also dachte ich mir: Ich mache einfach eine Slow German-Episode …
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እንግዶቻችን ትግራይ ክልል ውስጥ በ 2016 ዓም የተሰጠውን የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሔራዊ ፈተና ወስደው ከፍተኛውን ነጥብ ያስመዘገቡ ሁለት ተማሪዎች ናቸው። ሁለቱም ተማሪዎች የአንድ አዳሪ ትምህርት ቤት ተማሪዎች ሲሆኑ በዚህ ትምህርት ቤት ከአንድ ተማሪ በቀር ሁሉም ተማሪዎች አልፈዋል። ይህን ትምህርት ቤት ምን ልዩ እንደሚያደርገውም ጠይቀናል።By DW
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-የኢትዮጵያ ኦሊምክ ኮሚቴ በቅርቡ ያደረገዉ ጉባኤ፣ ዉሳኔዎቹና የባንክ ሒሳቡ በፍርድ ቤት ታገደ።-የእስራኤልና የሊባኖስ ደፈጣ ተዋጊ ቡድን የሒዝቦላሕ ዉጊያ ዛሬ አይሎ ዉሏል።ሒዝቡላሕ ሰሜን እስራኤልን በሚሳዬል፣ እስራኤል ባንፃሩ የሊባኖስ ርዕሰ ከተማ ቤይሩትን በጦር ጄቶች ደብድበዋል።-የአዉሮጳ ሕብረት ለዩክሬን 35 ቢሊዮን ዩሮ ብድር ሰጠ።By DW
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständi…
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Was ist ein Liebestöter? Kann man Kabelsalat essen? Und warum gibt es keine Hexen, aber einen Hexenschuss? Oft bedeuten diese Wörter etwas anderes, als man denkt. Viele von ihnen stehen nicht im Wörterbuch. Jede Woche erklären wir hier ein kurioses deutsches Wort zum Beispiel aus der Umgangssprache oder aus Redewendungen – lustig, ernst oder einfac…
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After Thuringia and Saxony, Brandenburg, as the third federal state in the territory of the former GDR, will hold state elections on Sunday. Following the victory of the right-wing AfD - Alternative for Germany with its full name - experts also expect a similar outcome in Brandenburg. Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of WEEK IN AUSTRALIA - is also …
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It is time to celebrate a milestone birthday on Sunday. The Catholic St. Raphael community in the Blacktown suburb of Western Sydney is celebrating its 60th anniversary. In the following conversation, Pastor Roland Maurer looks back on 6 decades of community history and says how the festival will be celebrated on Sunday. - Am Sonntag gilt es einen …
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This week's show features stories from France 24, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and NHK Japan. (29:00) From FRANCE- In Lebanon the explosion of thousands of pagers on Tuesday led to deaths, many injuries, and panic. Israel has not claimed the terror attack, but the international press does not doubt the source. Then o…
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Visible minorities fear for their safety in Brandenburg, Talking Left, Voting Right report, and Meloni vs. Mussolini - what’s in a name? Then, a youth-themed second half featuring the Finnish Tinder for Good Deeds, 1000 Turkish Youth For Palestine, School smartphone bans and the ever youthful Dolly Parton... or at least her new Prosecco label!…
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Nigeria's food and drug administration, NAFDAC, is warning Nigerians about fraudulent "miracle" products sold by some churches. Christ Mercy Land Deliverance Ministries is under investigation for selling unverified "holy water" and "miracle soap" with false healing claims. Stay informed to avoid these scams and protect your health.…
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Die Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständi…
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Canberra wants to get teenagers away from smartphones and out into nature. That is why there should be a minimum age for using social media. How this can be controlled is still unclear. - Canberra will Teenager weg vom Smartphone und raus in die Natur bringen. Deswegen soll es ein Mindestalter für die Nutzung sozialer Medien geben. Wie sich dies ko…
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Streit in der Ampel-Koalition um Tariftreuegesetz / Hochwasserlage in Österreich, Polen und Tschechien entspannt sich nur langsam / Ungarn will aus dem Asylsystem der EU aussteigen / Mindestens 20 Menschen nach erneuten Explosionen im Libanon gestorben / Albaneseregierung enthält sich bei UN-Abstimmung / US-Zentralbank senkt Leitzins / Versehentlic…
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In one year, a new federal government will be elected in Germany. Before that, there is traditionally a months-long scramble between the parties over the question of who should become a candidate for chancellor. It's not always gentlemanly, because big egos clash. Different this year. The candidates for the chancellor's office came into the limelig…
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በደቡብ ምዕራብ ዳርፉር ውስጥ የሱዳን ጦር ባካሄደው የአየር ጥቃት ከ40 በላይ ሰዎች መገደላቸው ተነገረ። ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ የሱዳን ተቀናቃኝ ኃይሎች በአስቸኳይ ለውይይትም እንዲቀመጡ ጠይቃለች።የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ሰው አልባ አውሮፕላን የመን አቅራቢያ መከስከሱን ፔንታገን አረጋገጠ። የየመን ሁቲ ሚሊሺያዎች ባለፉት ቀናት በርካታ አውሮፕላኖችን መትተው መጣላቸውን አስታውቀው ነበር።ሊባኖስ ውስጥ በድምፅና መልእክት መቀበያ መሣሪያ ፍንዳታ የሞቱት ሰዎች ቁጥር ማሻቀቡ እየተነገረ ነው። ማዕከላዊ አውሮጳን ከሁለት አስርት ዓመታት ወዲህ ያጥለቀለቀው አስከፊ የጎር…
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The illegal organ trade in Africa is a significant issue, with the World Health Organization estimating its value at over $1 billion annually. Efforts to raise awareness through campaigns, national policies and legal frameworks are crucial in addressing the shortage of legal organ donors and combating the illegal organ trade. But is that enough?…
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: Die Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständi…
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Sorge vor einer Eskalation des Nahost-Konflikts nach Explosion hunderter Pager im Libanon / CDU-Chef Friedrich Merz schließt schwarz-grüne Koalition im Bund aus / Bundesverfassungsgericht verkündet Entscheidung im Streit mit AfD um Vorsitzende mehrerer Bundestagsausschüsse / Erneuerbare-Gas-Gesetz in Österreich gescheitert / Mutmaßlicher Entwickler…
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DW Amharic የካይሮ መንግሥት ህወሓት እና ኤርትራን ማደራደር እንደሚፈልግ ተመለከተ። ግብፅና ኤርትራ ትስስራቸዉን ለማጠናከር ወታደራዊ ትብብር እና የመረጃ ልውውጥ ስምምነት ሊፈፅሙ እንደሚችል የግብፅ የዜና ምንጮች ዘገቡ። በጎንደር ከተማ ዛሬ ከማለዳ ጀምሮ በፋኖና በመንግስት ወታደሮች መካከል ውጊያ ሲካሄድ መዋሉን ነዋሪዎች ተናገሩ፡፡ በኢትዮጵያና በሶማሊያ መካከል ቱርክ አንካራ ላይ ሊደረግ የታቀደው ሦስተኛ ዙር ዉይይት ለሌላ ጊዜ መተላለፉን የሶማልያ ከፍተኛ ባለስልጣናት ተናገሩ። ደቡብ ሱዳን በጎረቤቷ ሱዳን በኩል ወደ ውጭ ሃገር የነዳጅ ምርትን…
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Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen: dem Top-Thema könnt ihr euch gleichzeitig über Neues aus aller Welt informieren und euren Wortschatz erweitern. Wir bieten euch zwei leicht verständliche Berichte mit Vokabelangaben und Fragen zum Text pro Woche. Hier geht's zur Übersich…
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Cybercrime in Zambia has been on the rise, with significant incidents and efforts to combat it. In Ghana, cybercrime has also been a growing concern. Both countries have implemented strict anti-cybercrime measures. But critics say the laws could be used to curb free speech. Eddy Micah Jr talks to Emmanuel Chipeta, a Zambian IT specialist and DW cor…
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