Putting the “live” back in life...join the gang!
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Sleeping is as fundamental to health and weight loss as is your diet and exercise. However, sleeping is often overlooked or not as highly prioritized. If you are sleep deprived, you are setting yourself up for a hormonal imbalance that could cause serious problems to your overall health and your weight loss attempts.…
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Intermittent fasting… This will blow your mind!
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When we are intermittently fasting, we can actually change the way our genes are expressed. This is called epi-genetics and it is why our metabolism Will not decrease when fasting.
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These two main players involved in intermittent fasting, create the perfect metabolic environment to burn fat and lose weight.
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Let’s face it, from time to time we are all going to cheat on our diet. However, fat can buffer the affects of cheating!
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Listen to this story of a type two diabetic who has been mistreated for the past 11 years and the consequences he now faces.
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Intermittent fasting combined with high intensity strength training will make you a fat burning machine!
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This single hormone is the common denominator in many diseases and body fat!
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This popular method for losing weight does not only not work, but It can also be very harmful!
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More and more research is compiling suggesting that what and the way we eat are the roots of cancer.
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Try this simple but telling visceral fat test.
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Are you seeking happiness, or really pleasure…
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We have become a pleasure seeking society, which is not only affecting our waistlines but also our longevity.
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Are you really hungry, or have you just been conditioned?
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Glycogen depletion through high intensity strength training
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Time restricted eating with high intensity strength training is the perfect combination for fat burning mode
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Research is now pointing at insulin to be the root cause for many chronic diseases that are affecting millions of people today
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Learn about the incredible benefits of time restricted eating
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Did you know that the fat in your body can actually help you lose weight…
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You are not going to believe what is happening to the personnel in our armed services..
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You will not believe these staggering numbers!
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I had an eye-opening experience at the local convenience store.
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Over the years, I have always helped people after the fact. Today, my focus is on helping people before the fact.
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With so many different diets and food recommendations out there, which one should you choose. Maybe the best choice, may not be the most popular choice.
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Have you ever had a stand-off with your refrigerator...Are you really hungry?
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