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Hey sweet friends! My name is Christy Young, and I’m a wife, homeschool mom of six, foster/adoptive parent, former lawyer, Christ-follower and LOVE encouraging other women in Christ! My aim is to encourage women to lead Gospel-saturated lives with courage and tenacity, willing to sacrifice and step into challenging circumstances and situations - empowered by God’s grace and equipped by His Spirit!
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show series
Galatians Chapter 5 is so rich! Paul encourages the Galatian believers: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1) We do not have to strive to earn our salvation. In fact, that won't even work! Paul makes it clear to the Galatian believers that…
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When we put our faith in Christ, we are ADOPTED as sons and daughters into God's family. This is such a powerful truth that should cause us to pause and reflect! Paul encourages believers in Galatia that they are co-heirs with Christ and will inherit the kingdom of God!! Have you ever considered what it means to be a co-heir with Christ? To be adop…
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Paul's overwhelming message in Galatians Chapter 3 is that God's people are justified (or made right) with God through FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. And so we don't have to spend our lives trying to be "good enough" or "righteous enough" to be saved. It is only through God's GRACE that salvation is possibl…
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Let's jump in to Galatians chapter 2! Paul continues to defend and clarify the gospel! A faction of people have made their way into the Galatian churches who believe that circumcision is required for salvation. Paul clarifies that it is through FAITH in CHRIST ALONE that causes a person to be saved. It is not by any "works of the law." Let us walk …
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Paul writes to clarify and defend the "truth of the Gospel" in the face of a false gospel. Paul wrote to address a theological crisis facing the Galatian churches, which were comprised of Jewish and Gentile converts. A faction of false teachers had come into the Galatian churches teaching that Christian converts should follow the Mosaic law, includ…
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The gospel of Jesus is the gospel of FREEDOM. It sets us free from slavery. Paul, the author of Galatians, spent years in the prison of legalism. He wrote Galatians to clarify the gospel. He wanted to make sure the new believers in Galatia did not grow up subject to the bondage of religion and miss the FREEDOM in Christ entirely! Galatians was writ…
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Andrea & I share about our own miscarriages with the hope that our stories will encourage you, and help you not to feel alone if you've experienced your own loss. We tell our stories transparently - honestly processing the initial shock, uncertainty, mourning, and deep sadness; yet, God's faithfulness and goodness are woven throughout our experienc…
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As homeschool moms, we manage a lot - meals, groceries, laundry, teaching our kids, evaluating curriculum, extracurriculars, loving our husbands, etc! Let's be real. IT IS A LOT. But don't let the stress of a new year cause you anxiety! As the new school year begins, let's evaluate five areas to help us live simply, with less stress, greater intent…
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"God used this imperfect family to give me a glimmer of His perfect love." - Larry Young Jr. This is a follow-up Q&A on Larry's adoptive story: "Finding Out I Was Adopted As A Baby" on YouTube @ Larry made the comment above as he reflected on his adoptive parents. While they had very little materially-speaking, they sa…
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Larry discovered at age 22 that he was adopted! He was told by his life-long close friend, who he later discovered was his brother, that he had been adopted as a baby. At the time he was told by his brother, he was just coming to know Christ and it changed everything. Listen in as Larry tells the story of God's faithfulness in his adoption. #adopti…
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My sister, Shaylen Dixon, and I discuss God's faithfulness amidst our Mom's terminal cancer diagnosis. Come LAUGH and CRY with us as PRAISE God's FAITHFULNESS! Our Mom battled cancer for fourteen years. On every front, she aimed to bring God glory with her life as long as the Lord gave her life here on earth. She was so feisty, and used to say: "I …
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Three tests support the trustworthiness of Scripture: the bibliographic test, the external test and the internal test. These three tests are commonly used to examine the historical nature of ancient pieces of literature. The Bibliographic Test examines the Biblical manuscripts themselves, and looks at the quantity and quality of the surviving manus…
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Despite the fact that the Bible is a total of sixty-six books, written by over forty authors, in three different languages, on three different continents, over a span of 1400-1600 years, it is theologically consistent - supporting and affirming the Bible's claim that the authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit in all they wrote. #discipleship #apo…
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There are over 2,500 prophecies in the Bible! Over 2,000 have been fulfilled with remarkable precision and we wait anxiously for the final 500 to be fulfilled! It is so imperative that we understand that so much prophecy was spoken 500 to 1200 years before the birth of Christ, and then so many of those prophecies were fulfilled by the birth, life, …
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We discuss the RELIABILITY of Biblical manuscripts in this episode. This is a series of videos breaking down the TRUTH acronym and discussing WHY we can TRUST the Bible as TRUTH! The Bible is 66 books written by over 40 different authors - some of whom are eyewitnesses to the events they record - and there are thousands of manuscripts written close…
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Fostering kids - like parenting generally - has been incredibly humbling and such an incredible sanctifying tool the Lord is using to refine me. The Lord is ever-teaching me that I do not always know what's best (even though I may think I do), that I do not know what His good and perfect will aims to accomplish and that it's not my job to be preocc…
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We will use the acronym TRUTH to learn WHY we can trust the Bible as trustworthy. This is the intro video! Listen in to hear what each letter of the TRUTH acronym stands for as it is sourced from 2 Peter 1:16-21. Consider memorizing this acronym with your kids so that we can better engage the culture in discussions about why we believe the Bible is…
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Join me as I examine the eyewitness accounts of Scripture and their reliability. Who are the eyewitnesses? Does the evidence suggest their accounts are trustworthy? We will examine what you need to analyze in order to determine whether eyewitness accounts can be trusted, and whether the Gospel accounts pass these tests! #apologetics #homeschooling …
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We are all already apologists anyway! Did you know that? We make defenses for ourselves, our friends and family more than you even realize! The study of apologetics helps affirm our faith, strengths our ability as evangelists and helps students not to stray away from the faith when we have intellectual answers to their biblical or faith-based quest…
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What is the study of apologetics? Let's discuss why it's so important for us to be able to make a defense of our faith - and how that BLESSES both the hearer and our own faith walk! Jesus was the ultimate apologist! He consistently put on display evidence (miracles performed, prophecies fulfilled, etc.) in order that people might believe in Him, as…
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There are simply certain truths that are OBJECTIVELY true or false. Yet we live in a culture where we increasingly hear the assertions: "well, that is your truth" or "that may be true for you, but not for me." Listen in as we discuss the importance of distinguishing between objective and subjective truth claims! #grittygospel #homeschooling #homesc…
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Objective truth is true for everyone, regardless of whether we believe it or not! Where subjective truth is opinion, objective truth is based upodn the real, external world and is independent from our preferences and beliefs. Let's dive in together and discuss objective truth claims!By grittygospelchristy
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Let's discuss and define "subjective" truth! What is Subjective Truth? Why does it matter that we understand and can identify these truth claims? Subjective truth claims are simply the opinions of those expressing them. It's vitally important that we understand subjective truth so that we won't be manipulated into believing that we must affirm and …
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Let's define truth and discuss what is NOT truth! By understanding what constitutes truth we can more readily recognize lies when we see or hear them. Let's continue to build our knowledge base so that we can filter what we receive from media outlets and the culture against what we know to be true.By grittygospelchristy
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Christianity is not an anti-intellectual faith! In fact, repeatedly throughout the word of God, Jesus calls us to exercise logic and reason and examine the evidence before us! Jesus does NOT ask us to have blind faith, but fills the Bible with evidence "so that we may believe and have life in His name!" Watch this video with your kids!…
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TRUTH matters! We live in a post-christian culture that argues there is no objective truth, and that truth really doesn't matter - because you should live your truth and I should live mine. HOWEVER, truth is real and we are impacted by it in real and personal ways every day! Listen in to hear more!By grittygospelchristy
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These are some quick facts about Gen Z (born between 1999-2015). The statistical link between screen time and social media and anxiety and depression in our kids is sobering! Let's equip ourselves with the facts so that we can be intentional as gatekeepers to limit WHAT they have access to and HOW MUCH TIME they spend on screens.…
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We have an incredible opportunity to shape a generation. Let's get a good hold on what's going on in our post-Christian culture so that we can better equip ourselves and our children to reach this generation! Gen Z has been raised by smartphones and has an abundance of information - both false and true - at their fingertips, and we need to teach th…
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Hello friends! Welcome to "Bite-Size Apologetics!" In our post-Christian culture, we must equip our kids to examine the evidence for truth, the evidence for the trustworthiness of the Bible and the evidence for Jesus. Let us equip ourselves and our children to better understand the issues at stake, the common arguments against Christianity, the pre…
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Y'all. In the event you don't know this about me - I'm stubborn. And strong-willed. And driven. And the Lord wrestled with me and softened my heart as He called me out of my career. With a six-figure-salary. The career I'd worked so hard to attain. So much education. Lots of late nights studying. And yet, He said it was time to lay it down for the …
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I have a new series that will start the second week in January, entitled "Bite-Size Apologetics!" I'm super pumped about it and we will discuss apologetics one-bite-at-at-time so that it is digestible and understandable - even for kids! I'm hoping that parents and children alike will grow in their logic and critical thinking skills, and learn how t…
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Be encouraged! When you aim to give of your time, love and resources to pour into others - you necessarily sacrifice! But it's totally worth it. And just what we, as believers, are called to do! Be encouraged that the blood, sweat and tears you pour into your children and those the Lord has placed in your path is an offering to the Lord! #disciples…
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We serve an INCREDIBLE God who calms turbulent seas, turns water into wine and confuses armies! This is our God. So, do not be faint of heart when you are weary! Keep your head down, stay in the word of God and petition Him for your needs. Then trust Him to care for you! #discipleship #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #stayathomemom #gospel #motherhood…
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Paul tells us in Ephesians that we need to pray at all times in the Spirit. Prayer is such a powerful weapon the Lord gives us to strengthen us and give us wisdom as we battle an unseen enemy - even in our parenting!! Be encouraged as we discuss going to bat for our kids in prayer! #discipleship #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #stayathomemom #gospel …
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One of the most impactful lessons in discipleship I've learned is to live each day with an eternal perspective. Doing so puts all of my fears, worries, anxieties and my ever-growing-to-do list in perspective. #discipleship #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #stayathomemom #gospel #motherhood #parenthoodBy grittygospelchristy
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The Lord is so good and faithful. He uses our suffering in parenting to refine us, and to create within us perseverance, character and hope! Parenting is so incredibly hard and sanctifying! Lean in and allow the Lord to bring you to the end of yourself as you lay down your life as you disciple your kids! #discipleship #homeschooling #homeschoolmom …
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We cannot engage in meaningful discipleship with our children if we don't have a good amount of time with them each and every day, and when we are with them, let us be present and engaged! #discipleship #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #stayathomemom #gospel #motherhood #parenthood #parentingBy grittygospelchristy
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As parents, we must embrace the title of "missionary" to reach those the Lord has planted under our feet, in our homes and out in the local community (and anywhere else he calls us)! As believers, it is imperative that we see the importance of embracing the call to live as missionaries in a lost and broken world, and to view our homes as part of ou…
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Hey sweet friends! Let's talk about family worship, what it looks like for one family and how to prioritize it in our busy days! Listen in as Darbi shares what works for her family, and how they keep it SIMPLE! Praying this blesses you and your family throughout this season and into the new year! #discipleship #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #stayath…
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When it comes to discipleship, one of the most important things we can do is build authentic relationships with our children. As we disciple and discipline our kids, the goal is that we, as parents, would embrace repentance and reconciliation with a mind toward edifying our children. The aim is that we would encourage our kids as we teach and train…
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Scripture teaches us that a student, when fully trained, becomes like his teacher. So, that begets the questions: Who is teaching our children? Are they worth emulating? And what kind of teachers are we? Do we desire for our children to model their lives after us? These are such humbling questions!By grittygospelchristy
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You guys!! My husband, Larry, recorded with me tonight! Woohoo! So this one, the 11th Day of Christmas with The Gritty Gospel with Christy Young has a special guest! We discuss how we strive to cultivate character in our kids. We share some funny stories and three pieces of wisdom we've learned to help us navigate our goal of raising kids with inte…
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Learning to cultivate a "missionary spirit" in motherhood is hard. As mothers, we are perpetually inconvenienced for the sake of the gospel as we aim to disciple our children. A true missionary spirit in a mother surrenders her well-made plans before the Lord, and prepares her heart and mind for the divine interruptions and delays the Lord intentio…
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My husband and I (by God's grace) paid off all of our debt, including 190k in student loans (ON ONE INCOME of LESS than 100k) using these 6 simple tips! Are you ready to sacrifice in order to be debt-free?! Listen in!! We are grateful for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University! #discipleship #budgeting #debtfree #parenting #parenthood #disciplesh…
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We can sometimes be led to believe that our value and identity is wrapped up in our careers. We may have subconsciously bought into the lie that if we have a lucrative or successful career, then we're more valuable in the culture and to our families. The culture can send the message that we, as women, are more capable, intellectual or valuable if w…
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