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Jesus in My Life Podcast

Jack Osorno and Rob Lane

The Jesus in My Life Podcast is all about getting The Good News out to the masses for the purpose of demonstrating to the world that the living God is real. This podcast contains personal stories of everyday Christians experiencing Jesus in their lives. This interview format podcast is hosted by Jack and Rob. Scripture foundation: Jesus said to the man who had been delivered by demons, who wanted to follow Jesus, “No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So ...
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Higher Score Gaming

Higher Score Gaming

Higher Score Gaming is a community focused on Christian gamers looking to connect with each other to elevate their gaming experience and end toxic gaming. We know you're tired of the pressure to compromise your character when you're just out to have fun, and we'd love to connect with you. We are on a mission trip into cyberspace and we hope you will join us as we build this Totally Righteous Gaming Community!
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show series
Send us a Text Message. Tommatousek.com Midlife Creativity | Short Documentary Tom's Art on Facebook There is an "unwritten rule" that when you reach a certain age you are destined to experience a 'mid-life crises'. A mid-life crises is the expectation of an identity and purpose predicament. It's during this time that people often loose any motivat…
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Send us a Text Message. Lead with Faith, Play with Purpose: A 100-Day Devotional for Athletes Andy Dooley on TikTok Andy Dooley on Instagram God created you out of love, to be loved for love. He made you on purpose for a purpose. Andy grew up a PK (Pastor's kid) so the love and life of Jesus was inbred in him beginning at an early age. It wasn't un…
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Send us a Text Message. The journey of Jesus does not have to be mundane, predictable or boring. When you choose to be and experience more In Jesus Name, the abundant life that Jesus promises not only becomes possible, it becomes true reality. The journey there has its ups and downs and hills and valleys but the faith that's built becomes second to…
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Send us a Text Message. In the previous episode, Rick's wife Karen shared the gripping story of God's protective hand and miraculous healing after she was suddenly hit by a vehicle. Rick was also hit by the driver but his perspective was significantly different than Karen's. Listen to Rick's side of the story as he shares real doubt and anger towar…
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Send us a Text Message. The most powerful words someone can admit is, "Jesus! Please help me!" More often than not, this desperate plea is expressed not when things are going well, it's expressed when things are all bad. God is always available and faithful whenever his children cry out for help. In this episode, you will hear the compelling story …
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Send us a Text Message. The journey with Jesus is not an easy one. It takes a simple yes and a series of continual yeses; especially, in seasons of difficult trials and tribulations. The reality is when one comes to the end of their rope, the potential of the beginning of something great becomes tangible and real. In this episode, Michael shares hi…
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Send us a Text Message. Becky's story is familiar: striving to be loved. This internal desire is in every human because we are made in the image of God. This internal desire often times translates as an external struggle trying to find love in all the wrong places. Becky shares her journey of trying to be loved but it fell short every time. In this…
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Send us a Text Message. Much of Ian's early life was lonesome and independent. As one who's struggled with social anxiety throughout his life, Ian often felt unimportant and purposeless. During a near death illness, the relational presence of the living God visited and conversed with him which changed his life forever. In this episode, you will hea…
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Send us a Text Message. Testimony is powerful because it's one's personal story unique to the person sharing it. Testimony of all that God has done and is doing in your life is very powerful because it is the result of a divine assignment straight from God himself intended to bring Him glory and praise. Jesus In My Life Podacast is founded on the s…
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Send us a Text Message. Skema Boy is proud to call himself a Christian rap artist. His first Christian rap song titled 'Jesus In My Life' is a compelling story of the living God and His reality to work in and through a surrendered life. The road it took for Skema Boy to walk in God's will and spirit-led purpose for his life today is filled with dec…
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Send us a Text Message. Cheryl was raised in an atheist, humanist and politically charged home which supernaturally shaped her life into a follower and lover of Jesus. Growing up, Cheryl's knowledge of God meant there was/is no God but through some difficult life situations, it was God's love and plan for Cheryl, shown through divine connections an…
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Send us a Text Message. In John 20, Thomas would not believe that Jesus rose from the dead until he saw Him with his own eyes. Once Jesus appeared to him showing the nails in his hands, Thomas collapsed to the ground and declared his belief in Jesus. In response, Jesus said to Thomas, “Do you believe because you see me? Happy are those who don’t se…
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Send us a Text Message. The Christian life is truly a journey of understanding the reality of DTS (Death To Self). At the core of self is selfishness which is a tug of war of who sits on the throne of your heart and life. Self vs. God is at the forefront of this war and many struggle with the reality of this battle and either give up on God or give…
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Send us a Text Message. Starting at a very young age, Albert and Areli both grew up and was trained in the Jehovah Witness religion. When they met and married, their zeal and enthusiasm to be better followers of this religion became priority number one. After studying the Scriptures one day, Albert began to question some of the Jehovah Witness core…
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Send us a Text Message. An unprecedented, historical moment took place in the lives of Jesus' closest followers, the disciples, recorded in John 6. One day, Jesus was giving a challenging teaching to a large crowd of followers and many of them couldn't handle the cost of discipleship and followership. So they got up and and walked away. As a result…
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Send us a Text Message. A growing number of unashamed followers of Jesus within professional sports seems to be increasing today. More professional athletes are seeing greater purpose in their lives beyond the athletic talent God has given them. Athletes who are walking in Kingdom purpose by knowing their platform is to boldly proclaim Jesus Christ…
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Send us a Text Message. Since we are made in the image of God, we are created to be in relational connection with Jesus and others. The 'Jesus In My Life' podcast is about hearing the stories of people's faith journey and the testimony of God's faithfulness. In this episode, you will hear Jake's story of Jesus in his life which began at a young age…
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Send us a Text Message. James 1:3 says, 'For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.' (NLT) In this comical but introspective episode, you will hear Daniel's story of God's obvious hand of protection as a young boy born in the Republic of Moldova in Eastern Europe. And God's endless faithfulness and plan as he …
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Send us a Text Message. Deuteronomy 11:18-19 reads, 'So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.' (NLT) Worship is …
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Send us a Text Message. God loves to use and send people to us to speak life and purpose in us often when we least expect it. Discovering God given talents and abilities in us often comes from those who see these hidden gifts in us. The journey of Jesus in Cassandra's life started at a very young age. As a teenager, Cassandra's discovery of the tru…
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Send us a Text Message. Forgiveness is a good idea until of course you're the one having to demonstrate it. The truth is forgiveness is not a human thing, it a supernatural gift that comes from Heaven; straight from the power and person of Jesus Christ who first forgave us. In this episode, you will hear Covina's gripping and 'edge of your seat' st…
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Send us a Text Message. Simon found himself right in the middle of the professional skateboarding craze of the 1990's. In the center of all of this was Simon's biggest battle with self. It took Simon to the end of his rope, broken and lost when Jesus got a hold of his heart and redeemed him because of the cross. Because of Simon's fame and influenc…
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Send us a Text Message. Jessica had a difficult upbringing. Like all of humanity, we were born in the image of God which means we are created to be loved and to love. Based on our circumstances and situations, over time this purpose gets jaded, challenged, and skewed. In this episode, you will hear firsthand Jessica's story of transitioning to Aida…
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Send us a Text Message. The journey of faith often embodies this slogan: 'One of the deepest forms of learning is having to learn the hard way.' Because we are not robots and have free will to chose anything at any time, God's grace and unconditional love allows us to make decisions that are not His will and plan for us. And it is often in these si…
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Send us a Text Message. We hardly declare John 16:33 as God's promise but it is a promise. It reads, "I (Jesus) have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Suffering is something we ignore and reject in our journey with Jesus. Often…
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Send us a Text Message. Psalms 103:12-13 says, 'He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.' Eternal security is a promise gifted to every person who puts their faith and trust in Jesus. The price Jesus paid on the cross gives life an…
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Send us a Text Message. One of the clear deceptions by the evil one is to convince people that he's not real. Satan particularly spends relentless time, energy and resources on those who know God. His biggest tactic against those who know God is to let them conclude that any experience at unusual levels of difficulty is the result of happenstance, …
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Send us a Text Message. 1 John 4:4 says, '... you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.' Imelda's life is one of redemption, restoration and spirit led purpose. She was on a reckless road to destruction when God rescue…
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Send us a Text Message. 1 John 4:4 says, '... you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.' Imelda's life is one of redemption, restoration and spirit led purpose. She was on a reckless road to destruction when God rescue…
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Send us a Text Message. Isolation is a place of hopelessness, despair and loneliness. What makes this space most difficult is not feeling seen or known or loved. This is Chloe's story. You will hear the story of a chair in the corner of Chloe's bedroom that represented isolation, anxiety and depression. And through the supernatural touch and truth …
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Send us a Text Message. God's Word is often described as a feast that continually satisfies the mind, heart and soul. Jeremiah 15:16 says, 'Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.' There is not a thing the world offers when it comes to …
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Send us a Text Message. Enjoy this short bonus episode focusing on the life of Fanny Crosby, a prolific write of American hymns who also happened to be blind. Her life exemplifies the fact that God is "able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV). Support the Show. Please consider supporting us with a smal…
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Send us a Text Message. John 1:14 says, 'So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.' The incarnation of Christ is the most important miracle to ever take place. God himself, through the person of Jesus, left the riches o…
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Send us a Text Message. Jesus has been and is always present in your life. We just don't realize it. The real question is, will you allow him into your life? More often than not, when life becomes difficult and empty is when we begin softening OR hardening our hearts towards Jesus. In this episode, you will hear Lynda's gripping story as a pregnant…
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Send us a Text Message. Jesus in my life is now over seventy episodes! In this special 75th episode, Jack and Rob share their heart's desire of casting a wider NETwork and soliciting on-going prayer and future listeners. Jack and Rob appreciate all their listeners and seek additional help from those who believe in what they seek and purpose, now an…
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Send us a Text Message. One of the temptations as we grow older in our journey with Jesus is to coast into spiritual "retirement." This is not God's desire nor is it what you've been created to be or do. In this episode, you will hear Tom's testimony of how God showed him to create a presentation titled: Israel, Then and Now, an exhaustive Biblical…
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Send us a Text Message. Michael was raised in an abusive environment and a religiously strict household through the Nation of Islam religion. All that Michael experienced up to this point and into his teen years left him alone, confused and suicidal. Any hope of Jesus' love and salvation was far from his path and life because nobody told him, "Do y…
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Send us a Text Message. Cary grew up always wanting to do the right thing. Even experiencing her parents divorce at 10 years old, Cary was always seen as the goody-two-shoes. This 'label' shifted when she became a teenager. Cary and her boyfriend got pregnant and were faced with a decision that would haunt her for many years. After deciding an abor…
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Send us a Text Message. Psalm139:14 says, 'Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.' This Scripture proves that nothing that God creates is a mistake, including YOU! In this episode, Jerri shares her life's story of experiencing what true identity in Christ really is. It often takes the diffi…
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Send us a Text Message. Jesus says in Matthew 5:43-44, “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!" We are seeing things play out in our world at a rapid pace, especially centered on the war in Israel and the Middle East. These things are causing worry,…
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Send us a Text Message. Life has a way of bringing us back to the truth and reality that God is indeed who He says He is and desires that everyone stay tethered to Him. The journey of life is this daily, constant challenge: will you trust God or not? In this episode, Andrew shares his story of Jesus in his life and the journey of trusting Him. The …
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Send us a Text Message. Many people can relate to Stefan's story when it comes to who Jesus is and what He wants. Because God desires that no one parish, he goes to great lengths to make himself known and experienced. He wants your heart! While the desires and temptations of this world seem to drive us as far away from home as possible, Jesus still…
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Send us a Text Message. Steven and Erin always had the desire to help the brokenhearted and downtrodden. It wasn't until seeing the least of these in the country of Haiti that forever changed their own hearts and lives. When God shows us the needs of people are so far greater than ours, it gives us a new perspective of gratitude, purpose and servic…
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Send us a Text Message. As we look back at our lives, we see all the amazing history markers where God showed up time and time again to get us to fully trust Him. We didn't realize just how pursuant and present God's great love truly was and is. One of the main things God loves does is connect us with others; where seemingly their story has similar…
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Send us a Text Message. Ben witnessed things he never thought he'd have to. Because of his line of work, Ben saw tragedy and loss right in front of him which caused him to look at his life in a way he thought he'd never have to. Life has its fair share of devastation and in the midst of it all God wants to demonstrate His true revelation. It was th…
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Send us a Text Message. Chuck is one of the founding members of Love Song, the band that partnered with Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and Pastor Chuck Smith during the revival of the 1970's dubbed the Jesus Movement. The story of Love Song is a compelling one as God used them to literally birth Christian music as we know it today. As well, the Love Son…
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Send us a Text Message. At Jesus in My Life, we meet some wonderful people with more to share than we are able to include. In this episode, we revisit some content from our cutting room floor; stories of God's faithfulness in matters of life, be it money, employment, or spiritual warfare. Support the Show. Please consider supporting us with a small…
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Send us a Text Message. Every human being wrestles with the question: who am I? There are so many screaming voices and entities vying to answer this for you. But what is the truth? Knowing who you truly are changes everything. In this episode, Elaine shares her story of experiencing trauma at a young age that impacted her true identity and how God …
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Send us a Text Message. Ephesians 5:14 says, 'For the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” In this episode, you will hear the incredible story of Jose's life, as a kid born with a God given infectious personality, surrounded by bad influences, and spending…
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Send us a Text Message. Jesus tells a compelling story in Luke 15 about a man who wandered lost, confused and on a path of destruction. The man comes to the end of his rope broke, humbled and desperate. He goes back to his father contrite and repentant. His father welcomes him home with open arms and unconditional grace. The man's life is forever c…
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