Ensaio sobre a omnipresença. Um podcast sobre o empreendedorismo no feminino
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Alguien simplemente pensando
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Gorutubano pensando alto.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Fundada em São Paulo por Paulo Ubirajara dos Santos e Luccas Cavalcante dos Santos pai e filho, que possuem experiência após ter residido há mais de 10 anos na África do Sul. O que motivou a criação da Inglês Active foi a necessidade de melhorar o ensino do idioma e inová-lo através de uma metodologia dinâmica, resultado de sua experiência fora do Brasil. Pensando em compartilhar essas experiências, lançamos o Active Cast. Aqui vamos falar de inglês, cultura, negócios e muito mais. Inscreva- ...
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This LDVM recollection by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English lenguaje) lasts 20 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Podcast de la materia Teoria Del Derecho Cover art photo provided by Jon Del Rivero on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jdelrivero
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We talk to the real heroes that make businesses run and learn how decisions are made and executed to create the thriving businesses of tomorrow.
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The Routing Table podcast is hosted by Melchior Aelmans and Rick Mur. We talk about technology and anything related.
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Episódio #12 Temporada 9: A Anita em formação para executivos
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A habitual azáfama do regresso às aulas começa a ser substituída por rotinas bem oleadas, calendários mais previsíveis e a ilusão de algum controlo começa a fazer-se sentir. O início de cada ano letivo continua a ser um momento de introspeção e reflexão para a Anita…e os planos continuam a ser redesenhados ou melhorados a cada novo recomeço. Num re…
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Episódio #11 Temporada 9: A Anita a aspirar à imperfeição
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A Anita cresceu com o ideal da perfeição. Modelos aspiracionais que moldaram valores, princípios, atitudes perante a vida, nas suas várias dimensões. Modelos que a levaram à exigência desmesurada consigo própria e com os outros, modelos que a tornaram mais cautelosa e aversa ao risco, modelos que a levaram a limites físicos e psicológicos e uma ins…
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Episódio #10 Temporada 9: A Anita e o ativismo
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No episódio de hoje, a Anita regressa ao tema do propósito e do ativismo. Numa altura em que marcas, celebridades e negócios são escrutinados à exaustão por cada tomada (ou ausência de tomada) de posição; num período de fundamentalismos e de opiniões extremadas; num contexto de exposição total… ter um propósito claro, e conseguir ativá-lo de forma …
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Gravada num qualquer recanto do seu cérebro reptiliano está a mensagem de que deve ser autossuficiente, ser capaz de tudo e que é normal carregar nos seus ombros o peso do mundo. Seja na resistência a delegar, seja no chamar a si todas as responsabilidades ou seja no lidar com o embaraço de não conseguir fazer tudo ou de ter de pedir ajuda, apesar …
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Episódio #8 Temporada 9: A Anita em jogos de poder
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No manual de sobrevivência para adultos a que a Anita teve acesso quando atingiu a maioridade, um dos capítulos parece estar em falta ou pelo menos desatualizado: como gerir a sua carreira e opções profissionais em contexto de casal. Já não é fácil nem linear navegar as decisões e caminhos a seguir quando se vive sozinho, mas a equação assume rapid…
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Episódio #7 Temporada 9: A Anita em mínimos olímpicos
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Sempre que surge alguma nova tendência ou é cunhado um novo termo profissional, a Anita não perde a oportunidade de o dissecar e testar a aplicabilidade do mesmo. Com algum delay, a Anita resolveu abordar o “lazy girl job”, termo que rejeita de forma visceral, mas cujo conceito lhe parece muito válido. Saindo do universo TikTok e explorando a sua e…
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Episódio #6 Temporada 9: A Anita em novos ensaios sobre a liberdade
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Cartaz alusivo aos 50 anos do 25 de Abril de 1974, que pede emprestadas as palavras ao Sérgio Godinho, e lhes acrescenta “igualdade de género”, ou não seríamos nós as Anitas. Foi um cartaz feito a quatro mãos pela Billy e a Joana (6 anos). 50 anos é uma daquelas datas impossíveis de ignorar. Com sabor a conquista. Os 50 anos do 25 de Abril têm assi…
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Há alturas em que sonho da Anita é poder reformar-se cedo e poder dedicar-se a horas intermináveis de leituras e viagens. Esta ideia romântica de reforma embate, no entanto, com alguns obstáculos, de natureza material mas também emocional. Seja a responsabilidade de assegurar as bases para um futuro risonho aos seus filhos, seja a necessidade de as…
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Episódio #4 Temporada 9: A Anita e o planeamento familiar
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Século XXI, ano 2024: enquanto vivemos uma nova revolução, que se adivinha transformacional para a humanidade, a Anita questiona-se sobre o progresso limitado no que se refere a questões como a igualdade de género e o impacto que também têm na forma como este e outras revoluções se desenrolam. O ponto de partida da conversa de hoje é a forma como a…
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Episódio #3 Temporada 9: A Anita e o oráculo
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Apesar de o mundo se ter virado do avesso e nos ter trocado as voltas nos últimos anos, a Anita continua a deixar-se fascinar por previsões, visões e antevisões. O que nos reserva 2024? Um exercício ao qual se habituou em tempos passados, mas que agora faz como treinadora de bancada, analisando as previsões e pressupostos dos valentes que ainda se …
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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Code BGP for network automation, visibility, and security
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In this episode we hear from Lefteris Manassakis and Vasileios Kotronis what Code BGP is, why you need it and how to get started. https https://www.codebgp.com/
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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The meditations by the Catholic Priest John Flader (in English) lasts 20 / 30 minutes (aprox). You may use it for your daily personal prayer or meditation and it allows you to use your device to pray while doing your daily activities. We hope you develop with this your interior life.
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