I will be talking about large issues happening at large scales. I will explain the basics of it.. Mostly political.... Basically WTF.. Why the fuss?!
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21 months long emergency in 1975 under the Indira Gandhi government. The rise and fall of democracies. The operation Blue star and the anti-sikh riots.
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Almost a decade long war in syria. The truth behind it and its beginning.
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Gujarat Riots created a religious division in gujarat and all over the country. Many people were killed. But were the actual convicts convicted?
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The historic ayodhya verdict given in 2019 by supreme court.. But what exactly is the fuss about it? Why is it such a big deal for the political parties.
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A deadly virus that has been spreading rapidly killing many people. What? Why? When?.. Everything can be found here. P. S. This is fourth and nit fifth episode.
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Major wildfires in Australia. What is causing them? How can you help? Natural disasters! Climate change! Global warming! Death! Does anybody care?!
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The infamous dispute between USand Iran that gained momentum pretty quickly. The storyline of the conflict between them upon nuclear war. Is world war 3 real?
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The protests in India in 2019-2020 is certainly historical movement.. But why are they happening!? A 10 minute explanation as to what's the fuss about these act and policies that BJP government has planned. Hope you people like it. These are mostly not credible lol.
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Genius Moms All day thingsA fun podcast about children ranting about their mother's habits and also happily accepting and appreciating as she is, a lovely mother. Please subscribe to our podcast and also listen to the Hindi version :https://anchor.fm/thingsmomsay/episodes/ep-e48q91 Mail us at: garima.bhr08@outlook.com…
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