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I trust you will hear the recoded message AND read this document. You need this information in your heart so you are not led astray by strange doctrines that have found their way into numerous churches and ministries. Those that require ritual commandment keeping of Christians, and those that deny keeping moral commandments in Christendom are all i…
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Part 2! Make sure you hear the preceding Part 1. Preaching, teaching, and more is here on what the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead means according to the Scripture. What better way to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus than this? Study and pray over these truths about the sacrifice of Jesus so they become a reality in you. This is the GR…
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Preaching, teaching, and more is here on what the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead means according to the Scripture. What better way to celebrate the resurrection than this, getting in you the truths about the sacrifice of Jesus for you and me? The recorded message is in Spanish in two parts. This is part one. I pray that it will be a s…
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For the last few years, I have published this message around this time. I usually wait until after Christmas because Three Kings Day will be celebrated soon by most Latin people. I trust this will bring light to you today in Jesus' Name! When I was raised in Puerto Rico in the 60's, we celebrated Christmas, but "Reyes" or "Kings" was THE celebratio…
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The purpose of this article is to build faith, dispel unbelief, and prepare anybody to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and tongues. Many will receive from the Lord when their particular question is answered. Others will receive as they begin to see this awesome truth in the Word. Others will receive as they hear the teaching. Get ready to re…
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Did you know that one definition of doubt is hesitation? As a practitioner of martial arts, I learned that hesitation in a self-defense situation could mean the difference between winning and losing the confrontation. In more deadly encounters, it is the difference between life and death. In spiritual matters, when facing the enemy, hesitation can …
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In this message, "Faith ALWAYS Agrees with God but Doubt Will Disagree" you will begin to see that doubt discriminates against God's Word. It disfavors, shows bias against, treats indifferently, and does not appreciate the value of God's Word. Doubt devaluates and misjudges the Word. It rejects and refuses to believe it. Faith is all the opposite o…
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Out of approximately 20 cases of INDIVIDUAL healings in the Gospel accounts, 12 of them emphasize the person's faith as being involved in their receiving their healing or miracle. Faith is essential to receiving from God. It is impossible to please God without the operation of faith! (Hebrews 11:6) Based on Mark 11:23, many have developed the teach…
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In our podcast today, we hear Jesus' own words as He tells us WHY people often don't receive from the Lord. Yes, Jesus has the answer to our questions of WHY! "Lord, why wasn't I healed??" "Lord why am I still struggling with this situation??" "Lord, WHY________________________________???????" Fill in the blank with your own "why" question there an…
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"I prayed but I didn't receive my healing. Others have prayed for me, and I got nothing. It must not be the will of God that I be healed." Have you ever heard that nonsense out of people's mouths. or have you ever said things like that? It is always God's will that people be healed, regardless of the failure of some to receive from the Lord. God is…
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14 When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. 15 As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him. 16 “What are you arguing with them about?” he asked. 17 A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought you my son, who is posses…
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“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.” And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all …
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Having, Receiving, and Remembering the Knowledge of God Brings Life and Victory! The Bible says that the Lord redeems our lives from destruction! (Psalms 103:4) If that is true, and it is, then why so much destruction on the planet? I don’t know about you, but I had questions like this early on my walk with the Lord. It took me years to resolve som…
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Dear Brethren, Family, and Friends, Here is a recording of a Bible lesson that I taught my own children (11-year-old triplets) recently. The upbringing of the boys is according to the Scripture. We are supposed to "bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4 NIV) It is a full-time job, to say the least, because I also…
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In November of 2022, one message saw 11.4k (11.4 thousand) downloads over a three day period. I attached it to this post. I later revised this podcast, but here it is raw and unpolished. Not my best example of good podcasting, so I know it wasn't my great oratory skill that did this! Haha! If those downloads were centered on one location, then I wo…
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For all our Latin friends, family, and brethren on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Supernatural Tongues: ¿Has recibido el Bautismo en el Espíritu Santo con la manifestación de hablar en otras lenguas desde que creíste en Cristo? Si lo has recibido, estás listo para ministrárselo a otros? Todo creyente puede ministrarle el Bautismo del Espíritu S…
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Dear Brethren, Family, and Friends, I am shocked at how easy weight loss was been once I found the right combination of healthy keto together with intermittent fasting. I was weighing 275 pounds just 6 months ago. Today, February 9, 2023, I am at a healthy 210 pounds. For a couple of years, I prayed every once in a while about what I needed to do t…
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Faith in Christ Jesus must have a foundation of righteousness, self-control, and judgment to come. (Acts 24:24,25). We are to test ourselves to see whether we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). In this podcast we look closer at self-control. Self-control means “self restraint- temperance- control of ones passions, desires, and sexual impulses.”…
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We mentioned some of the following in these podcasts. Here we write it down for your study. And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8 NASB). “He” is the Holy Spirit in this context. Look at this word “convict.” It means the Holy Spirit will expose, reprove, rebuke, and Thayer’s adds: repr…
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There is wisdom from heaven right here. Yes, the kind that opens your eyes to the truth. This is even more important as we enter 2023. It is time to consecrate ourselves TOTALLY to the Lord. It is not time to have one foot in the Lord and the other in the world. It is time to be extraordinarily single minded and live right before God and people. Th…
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Was Jesus the friend of sinners? Was He always at their parties and their social meetings? People have very strange ideas about Jesus that are unfounded, skewed, or simply twisted. Are we to be friends with the world? Some deceived Christians go so far as to act, dress, get tattoos, sing, gyrate, dance, and speak the foul language of the world. Is …
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A denial of the eternal importance of living righteously is running rampant in many churches, but don’t be fooled! In these podcasts, we look at these truths with the Scripture. We give you many verses so you will not be deceived and drink the false “grace” Kool-Aid! Paul taught the exact opposite of what is heard in the hyper and pseudo grace book…
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What is brother Dan doing talking about his eating and food? No Martha Stewart or Rachel Ray type cooking show going on here. No, this is not something I plan to continue doing, but I have had some sweet victory in this area of weight loss, and wanted to share the "secrets" others charge a lot of money for, and do it completely free of charge. No s…
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Yes, my statements fly contrary to centuries of traditional Christianity, but the truth is found in Scripture. What will you believe, what you believe or what the Scripture actually says. Let’s break the tradition-o-meter right now. Jesus does not continue to live in those that practice sin without repentance. Ouch! Is that Biblical? We’ve read it …
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This anointed recording on the Name of Jesus IN SPANISH, was recorded in 2017. The Hands in Motion Studio (Brandon, Florida) under the brother and anointed Latin Music Grammy winner, Lannie Battistini, who was in the studio recording this as I preached and taught the Word. Lannie is my brother in law and like the blood brother I never had! He was g…
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Yes, it's a weird title, but here we go. What is that stuff in the pan? Above is a pic of my excellent and very spicy keto friendly brunch at 10:40 AM this morning. While my sons were on break from homeschool, I got to cooking. The food in the pic is raw. I usually don't eat till around 11am and sometimes after 12 noon, and I cut off all food consu…
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Let’s talk about living righteous. This is a part of faith in Christ as Paul taught Felix and Drusilla. But some days later Felix arrived with Drusilla, his wife who was a Jewess, and sent for Paul and heard him speak about faith in Christ Jesus. But as he was discussing righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix became frightened …
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Because we are approaching the Christmas holiday season, let me talk to you about the story of the birth of Jesus and what the good news (gospel) brought to the world when He was born in Bethlehem. I say that regardless of the fact that Jesus was probably born in April. Even though that is probably right, thank God that we celebrate and remember th…
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I want to make easily available to you on this post some of my most downloaded books, messages, and articles. My podcast timeline will not show posts without a recording, so I included a recorded message with the title, "Why Everyone Needs Jesus". Everything is free of charge. My sowing into lives or giving freely as I have freely received. My most…
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Are you righteous in Christ no matter how much you sin? Some would stand firm by the assertion that no matter how much sin permeates your life after conversion, that once you receive righteousness, you are always and forever righteous. Of course, they have reason to believe that way based on some very important verses. Here are some of them: Whom G…
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This is the last podcast in this series of 37 on this magnificent subject. No subject in the Scripture is more important than seeing what Jesus actually did for us through His great and awesome sacrifice. That is why when I saw I missed the final two podcasts in this series that I interrupted the series we started recently that got more downloads t…
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This is one for the "books" in eternity! It will either curl your hair or straighten it! It is goose-bump and fire from heaven territory! If you can listen to this podcast and stay the same, then you need to be raised from the dead! Jesus was justified in the Spirit according to the Scripture and God called His own son, God, when He raised Him from…
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Are you self-deceived? I hope that you are not. No, I did not ask you if you are deceived. I asked you about self-deception. It is one thing to be deceived by the enemy, and some are, but it is another thing to deceive your self! Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22 MEV). Self-deception is the result of hearin…
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Part 2: Put yourselves to the test to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize regarding yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you—unless, indeed, you fail the test! (2ndCorinthians 13:5 NET) Examining yourself under a spiritual magnifying glass may not be as fun as shouting and praising God, but it is absolutely necess…
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If anyone thinks I was exaggerating or lying about the podcast increase last November, my stats on this particular message, and the stats I published by letter about it are all there and still available. Podbean doesn't erase them, and I still have copies of the emails I sent. I was more shocked than anybody by 11.4 thousand downloads from 6 contin…
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The earth groans until the day this curse is removed. (Romans 8:21, 22) When death and Hades are finally removed from all contact with human beings (Revelation 20:14) there will no longer be any more pain, weeping, or death (21:4), and no more curse (Revelation22:3). Hallelujah! All of this brings us to some important conclusions that we will study…
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"Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced in the law." (Galatians 3:13 NLT) The disobedient to God, His Word, and His commandments will live under this curse that came into the earth because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam and Eve one commandment, and it was the violation of that one commandment that …
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Look at Galatians 3:13 in a few translations: NTV- "Christ has rescued us from the curse dictated in the law." NLT- "Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced in the law." TLA- "But Christ preferred to receive for us the curse that falls upon him who disobeys the law." Redeemed means to be rescued, bought back, to pay a ransom, and rescue fro…
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God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm: ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.’ And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption… (Acts 13:33, 34a NKJV) The TODAY mentioned here by Paul in the quotation of Psalms 2:7 is VERY important because …
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YESHUA is of Yehovah! (Jonah 2:9b based on the Hebrew and NKJV) Jesus ended His stay in hades for our sins for three days and nights, and He spoke His deliverance as in Jonah 2. Our authority for stating that is based on the teaching of Jesus. For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man wil…
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This podcast will connect MANY things for you. Jesus, Peter, Paul, and Jonah agreed on this message clearly. If you still harbor any doubts about the sacrifice of Jesus in hell for us, this podcast is sure to blast them out and pulverize them forever! I kid you not! Doubts die here and true life from God is birthed in you through this mighty messag…
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Just like Jonah prayed to be delivered from the hell he was into, Jesus prayed for the Father to deliver Him from hades. As Jonah prayed to be delivered from the deepest pit, so Jesus prayed for deliverance from hell. Jonah chapter 2 continues to unfold this mighty truth that is getting ready to explode on the scene. For just as Jonah was in the be…
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I don't have the words to describe the magnificent prophetic utterance about the sacrifice of Jesus as found in Jonah 2. I will let it speak for itself. It is rich and glorious. Over the next few podcasts, including this one, you will see what I mean. As one preacher put it: "If this doesn't shake your tree, then nothing will because you are dead!"…
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Jesus prophesied and clarified that Jonah's experience in the belly of the great fish had similarities to what was going to happen to Him in the heart of the earth. For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. (Matthew 12:40 …
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The more you hear and see in Psalms 18, the more you realize this Psalm could ONLY be speaking of Jesus in hades. It reveals how the Father got Jesus out of hades by a heavenly “special forces” rescue mission that shook eternity. The Father brought His Son out from among the place of the dead with all its demon hordes (hades). Psalms 18 is a revela…
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Wow! Wait for it... The magnificent Psalms 18, and what the Father did when He raised Jesus out of hades and from the tomb, will rock your world to its very foundations! As I have pointed out, Psalms 18 is looked at as a Psalm of deliverance of David that had nothing to do with Jesus. He spoke as a prophet often in the Psalms about the sacrifice of…
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We finish our short study of the Messianic Psalms 88. Don't miss this powerful Word. Be blessed! Testimony of Healing I (Dan) seriously hurt my neck January 5, 2020. When I did, I heard the loud crack of a neck bone on the left side, about half-way down the neck. It was not a little crack like you get when a chiropractor manipulates your neck or wh…
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Generally, the sacrifice of Jesus has been reduced to a physical sacrifice alone, hence only a portrayal of His death on the cross and the resurrection from the tomb in movies and at most churches. Though, without question the physical side was a part of His sacrifice for us, the spiritual sacrifice of the soul and spirit Christ for sin should not …
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Jesus came up from the dead out of the abyss! (Romans 10:7) As we have stated repeatedly, Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth. (Ephesians 4:9) This speaks of the heart of the earth as in Matthew 12:40, and the abyss in several passages in the New Testament. One such passage is Revelation 9:1-3, where the abyss or the bottomless pit is…
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Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth. (Ephesians 4:9) This speaks of the heart of the earth as in Matthew 12:40, and the abyss in several passages in the New Testament. One such passage is found in Revelation 9:1-3, where the abyss or the bottomless pit is referred to as the place of demons, smoke, and evil. Each of these terms are syn…
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