Crisp conversations with critical thinkers at the leading edge of science, technology, politics, and social systems.
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Fr. John Rutten shares his homilies, speaks of the things that provoke him, and encourages us to grow in our belief that Christ dwells among us.
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Sportbladets Johan Flinck och Kristianstadsbladets Robin Nilsson snackar handboll och media; ibland med gäster, ibland utan gäster; ibland på allvar, ibland på mindre allvar; ibland bakom kulisserna, ibland framför. Kort sagt: vi är er kajplats i handbollsetern.
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Tierisch menschlich - Der Podcast mit Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Katharina Adick
RTL+ / Martin Rütter, Katharina Adick / Audio Alliance
Im Podcast „Tierisch Menschlich“ sprechen Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Wissenschaftsreporterin Katharina Adick über ihre Lieblingsthemen: die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Hund, das merkwürdige Verhalten mancher Zweibeiner, Neues aus der Forschung und skurrile Geschichten aus dem Leben mit Haustieren. Hörer:innen erfahren viel über den Hundeprofi persönlich, seine Ansichten zu Lakritzschlümpfen, Strafzetteln und Talkshows und natürlich immer wieder Privates über den inoffiziellen First Dog D ...
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It’s for school don’t @ me
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A hot new podcast for fans of music and talking.
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Christopher S. Rutter is telling you like it is news and revealing the harsh realities of our world. He believes that the mainstream media is sugar-coating the truth in order to keep people from panicking, but this only leads to ignorance and complacency. Rutter is not afraid to tackle controversial topics such as climate change, political corruption, and social inequality. His reporting is based on extensive research and first-hand accounts, giving readers a comprehensive understanding of t ...
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Billy Rutts pres. Final Destination on every 4th Saturday of the month 3pm (UK) 4pm (CET) 11pm (EST) showcasing the current and upcoming tracks of the world of Trance music.
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EP 271 Lorraine Besser on the Art of the Interesting
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Jim talks with Lorraine Besser about the ideas in her book The Art of the Interesting: What We Miss in the Pursuit of the Good Life and How to Cultivate It. They discuss the turning point in Lorraine's life that inspired the book, the meaning of the good life, pleasure vs eudaimonia, Stoicism & Epicureanism, unstructured cognitive engagement, the i…
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190 - Hausfuchs! Ein Crosspodcast mit "Behind Science"
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Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Martin und Katharina haben die kürzeste Podcast-Folge aufgenommen (keine Sorge, Rasseportrait inklu) Die geballte Rütter-Dröhnung gibt es aber auch diese Woche, klickt dafür einfach auf den grandiosen Podcast Behind Science von Marie…
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Möjligen ett lite svamligt avsnitt. Men vi genomlyser i alla fall Michael Apelgrens tuffa förbundskaptensdebut mot Frankrike och så funderar Robin, på goda grunder efter en gedigen ”granskning”, om målvakterna i herrligan glömt hur man räddar distansskott. Vi hyllar också Mikael Franzéns blogg och uppskattar hans krigföring i det tysta mot GP.…
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Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Vom Apportiertraining für alte Hunde, über die Antarktis zu Tradwifes, Wespennestern und ziemlich beknackten Fernsehsendungen ist in dieser Folge wieder alles dabei. Martin genießt die Klimakrise auf Mallorca im sommerlichen Oktober,…
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We are called to give our whole lives to God. To do so we also give our lives to love His people. Some are called to do so as religious and priests. How do we know if this is us?By Fr. John Rutten
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We want a full house. With faith, we recognize a fuller house at Mass and in life because the Saints are rooting for us.By Fr. John Rutten
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Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Martin und Katharina beginnen den Podcast mit einer Schweigeminute für Männer, die jetzt plötzlich nachdenken sollen, bevor sie etwas sagen oder jemanden anfassen (Kopfschüttel). Martin spricht über seinen Beinahe-Lottogewinn, warum …
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EP 270 Nancy Jacobson on No Labels and the 2024 Election
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Jim talks with Nancy Jacobson, the founder and CEO of the No Labels political organization, in the last of four conversations featuring non-partisan thinkers on the upcoming US presidential election. They discuss No Labels's mission, the Problem Solvers Caucus, the common sense platform, the quality of No Labels volunteers, the power of party leade…
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Jim talks with Alex Ebert about his recent essay "Suboptimal Revolution: In Defense of Inefficiencies." They discuss what optimization does, genius vs democracy, negating the spatiotemporal experience of becoming a master, the decision-by-committee problem, intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation, dimensional collapse, the app Shazam, what happened to mo…
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People are blind and we are called to have patience with the ignorant. How do we help? Add more points of awareness in order to see the truth more clearly.By Fr. John Rutten
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Vi bjuder på en fin mix den här veckan: kompensationssjukan hos domarna, föräldratränare på högsta nivån, Solbergs ”toppjobb”, Apelgrens nya stab, damlandslagets svaga sparringpartners och herrlandslagets orosmoln.
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Jim talks with Brendan Graham Dempsey about the ideas in his new book, The Evolution of Meaning: A Universal Learning Process. They discuss Jim's love for the book, the thinking behind the title, future books in the series, why Brendan avoided the word "religion," the nature of meaning, dissipative systems, Shannon information vs semantic informati…
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Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Martins zweiter Auftritt als NDR Talkshow-Host, Hassplattform Facebook, wie Luna bei Emma in die Lehre ging, merkwürdige Tierbegegnungen in den ligurischen Bergen, Alma spürt Katzenbabies auf, wie man sich verhält, wenn man Herdensch…
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EP 267 Richard Hanania on the Presidential Election and More
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Jim talks with Richard Hanania in the third of four interviews with heterodox political thinkers on the upcoming US presidential election. They discuss the danger of "heterodox orthodoxy," Trump's election denial, disagreeing with the Democrats on policy, Jim's critiques of both parties, religion's impact on policy, Republicans as the party of low …
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EP 266 Marcia Gralha on the Common Core of Psychotherapy and Wokeism in Academia
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Jim talks with Marcia Gralha about her and Gregg Henriques's work identifying the common core of psychotherapeutic traditions. They discuss her collaboration with & recent engagement to Gregg, framing psychotherapy, the enlightenment gap, the development of eclecticism, common factors between approaches, the integration movement, approaches to inte…
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Jim talks with Aravind Srinivas, co-founder and CEO of the AI-powered search engine Perplexity. They discuss Jim's use of Perplexity, its wide range of use cases, why Google search is limited by fear of mistakes, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), citations, coming up with the idea, leveraging existing tools vs inventing everything, the core pro…
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Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Sorry schonmal für die ersten 20 Minuten - Martin und Katharina reden über den Deutschen Fernsehpreis, für den sich eigentlich nur Fernsehleute interessieren. Wer trotzdem durchhält, lernt das Tierheimtier der Woche kennen, hört ein …
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Vi slänger in ett bonusavsnitt på 30 rappa minuter efter att Michael Apelgren presenterats som ny förbundskapten och han i sin tur släppt sin första landslagstrupp.Hör om det nya poddkriget, Solbergs ”deal” med förbundet och lite annat.
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EP 264 Bret Weinstein and Jim Argue Politics
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Jim talks with Bret Weinstein in the second of four episodes featuring heterodox political thinkers on the 2024 presidential election. They discuss Bret's historical voting principles & why they don't apply this time, election interference, what actually happened with Biden's failed debate, current polling & apparent desperation of the Democrats, t…
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DDays is homecoming week. We consider this University a home because of the relationships we built. Ultimately our Home is Heaven and that too is a result of a relationship with Jesus. What gets in our way from saying Yes to Him!By Fr. John Rutten
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Avsnitt 265 – Handbollens oskrivna regler
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Det är ett både spretigt och välpackat avsnitt vi bjuder på denna gång: förbundskaptensjakten, sprickan om krönikorna, den definitiva och rätta listan över spelarna som imponerat mest i höst, tv-s-a-t-s-n-i-n-g-e-n, damernas ”tredje förbundskapten”, handbollens oskrivna regler och den ambivalente Kim Andersson.…
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EP 263 Evan McMullen on Self-Driving Cars
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Jim talks with Evan McMullen about the state of self-driving car technology, with a special focus on simulators. They discuss the purpose of simulators, levels of simulation, how the world is modeled, gradually ramping up the complexity of the testing world, Tesla's approach, hardware-in-the-loop testing, Waymo's first-mover advantage, simulating t…
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Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Martin und Katharina zählen Sachen auf, für die sie gerne den Fernsehpreis bekommen hätten, Kirsten ist zurück! Und sorgt dafür, dass eine wichtige Hörerfrage über Hundebegegnungen nicht untergeht: Wann sollte ein Spiel unter Hunden …
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EP 262 Cliff Maloney on a Libertarian’s Case for Trump
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Jim talks with Cliff Maloney about the November election and his get-out-the-vote campaign, The Pennsylvania Chase. They discuss Cliff's libertarian background, why Pennsylvania is a crucial state, a Republican return to grassroots, the structure of the operation, the effectiveness of door-knocking, choosing the highest-impact doors to knock on, wh…
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When your lost, it’s sometimes easy to keep going forward. However, at a certain point one has to stop and turn around.By Fr. John Rutten
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EP 261 Nikos Salingaros on What Went Wrong with Architecture
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Jim talks with Nikos Salingaros about architectural theory, urbanism, and urban planning. They discuss inherited knowledge, the capability to distinguish between ugly & beautiful buildings, John Vervaeke's 4 kinds of knowing, vertical vs horizontal design, how architecture went so wrong, backward evolution, a Messianic futurism cult, the destructio…
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Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Gute Nachrichten: Immer mehr Kommunen schaffen die Hundesteuer für ältere Tierheim-Hunde ab! Martin berichtet von seinem Ausflug in den Düsseldorfer Landtag im Kampf gegen den Welpenhandel und von seiner Perspektive auf den Kampf Hal…
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EP 260 Ben Goertzel and Trent McConaghy on a Crypto Merger for AGI/ASI
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Jim talks with Trent McConaghy and Ben Goertzel about the merger of Ben's SingularityNET AGIX token, Trent's Ocean Protocol, and Fetch. They discuss the relative size of the merger, motivations for pulling together the three networks, distinguishing this from a standard corporate merger, how the communities of the projects reacted, leveraging the b…
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