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There is an answer to the hopelessness, anxiety, and depression that you have encountered. Andrew and Wendy Palau have experienced the pain of loss and guilt but have had their lives restored by God. Now they want to share with you the joy and peace they have found in Jesus Christ. Hope with God offers daily reminders of the good things that can be yours too. Hope with God is a podcast from the Luis Palau Association’s digital outreach, Hope with God exists give everyone on ...
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This podcast focuses on Pennsylvania Libraries and the people who make them special. Every day in Pennsylvania a librarian impacts the life of a child, family, student, job seeker, grandparent or the guy next door. This is your opportunity to hear what is happening at a library somewhere in Pennsylvania - maybe even your home town. This podcast was created as part of the Pennsylvania Library Association Academy of Leadership Studies. Developed by Mina Edmondson, Brian Fulton, Jill Hallam-Mil ...
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Oferujemy do dosłuchania wykłady poświęcone ewangelizacji. Zostały wygłoszone przez dr Luisa Palau. Adresowane były (i są) do duchowych przywódców w Polsce. Termin konferencji: 4-6 kwietnia 1989r. Miejsce: Warszawa Wykłady jakie były wygłoszone to: - Życie osobiste duchowego przywódcy - Życie rodzinne duchowego przywódcy - Osobiste świadectwo duchowego przywódcy - Ewangelizacja a zbór lokalny - Wizja ewangelizacji Prawa autorskie: Materiał został zgrany i udostępniony przez Radio Chrześcijan ...
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show series
Do you feel far from God? If so, you are not alone. As humans, we make mistakes, and we fail, we fail again and again, but the truth is, God never abandons you. Jesus tells a story in Luke 15 about a lost sheep. He says that when a shepherd loses one sheep, he leaves the 99 other sheep to go searching for the 1 lost sheep. Jesus says… And when he f…
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What describes home to you? My daughter says: cozy, safe, warm. What words would you use? I think of home as the place where I have all my things and a place of order… where my people are… the people I love. I think of home as a safe place where I can be myself, both physically safe and emotionally safe. Home is a place for rest. One of the diction…
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When you gave your life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit of God came and took up residence inside you. You became a new person. But knowing God deeply is a journey. It takes time to get to know Him just like it takes time to develop deep friendships and intimate relationships. Even as you’re getting to know God, you can still share with others about what …
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Are you discouraged today? Maybe there’s a situation in your life that seems impossible. Or a relationship that’s breaking your heart. Let me encourage you with the words from Hebrews 10, from The Message:“Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He (that's God) always keeps His word.” Do you feel like you’re losing your grip? Don…
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Do you know God’s voice? In John 10:3-4, Jesus says this about Himself… He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. As you walk with the Lord more and more, you can trust that He will help you to learn to recognize His voice. …
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When you were born, you inherited some of the physical features of both your parents. You share some of their personality traits, too. But there is an identity that’s even deeper than what you share with your parents. The Bible tells us that even before you were born, God made you, and chose you to be His own. This is your spiritual inheritance and…
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We all long for home. I’m born and raised on the island of Jamaica. I call it “My Sweet Jamaica.” And I have so many beautiful childhood memories of sunshine and my barefoot freedom as a little girl. The country rural areas… But the truth is that the home I had as a child doesn’t exist any longer.Things have changed, and I’ve changed. But there is …
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Right now, you have an earthly home. Maybe you live in a house or an apartment. Maybe you share a living space with friends or relatives. Wendy and I love to have guests come into our home for celebrations or just to spend time together. Maybe you do that kind of thing, too. But your home right now it’s temporary. If you are a follower of Jesus, yo…
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The Bible calls us exiles. It’s the word Peter uses in 1 peter. Speaking to the church, he says, “To God's elect, strangers in the world.” That word is ‘exile’. We are strangers living in a strange land. We are made for another home—an eternal home. Jesus told His friends in John 14, I am going to prepare a place for you. So do not be afraid. Right…
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Think for a moment about your family…the people who took care of you when you were a baby. Hopefully, they fed and clothed you, and made sure you were healthy. Can you imagine if, when you were born, your parents asked you for a resumé just to show that you're qualified enough to be included in your family? That would be absurd! And in the same wa…
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What does it mean to be an ambassador for Jesus? It just means carrying His message with us into the world, everywhere we go—sharing what He has done for us. It’s summed up for us so perfectly in this passage— 2 Corinthians 5:19-20. Where it says… God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he ha…
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Do you long for your eternal home? Do you know that the promise of this kind of home is for you? And one day, you WILL be at home with your Father. One thing to remember is that God is a hospitable God. He’s welcoming, and He wants all to come home. As we think about home, He’s invited you, and He wants you to invite others. Hospitality is God’s id…
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Jesus entered into the world He created in order to absorb the judgment we would have faced for all our sins. And He came spreading a message—that through Him we can have closeness with God, whose love and power are bigger and better than we could ever imagine! What would happen if we decided to make His message our life’s message? What’s one way t…
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We are constantly working and trying and striving to create a home here that will never be possible. Honestly, the true meaning of home is people, isn't it? The people we love, the people we would die for, protect, the people we'd pour out for- this is what home is all about. The thing that shakes us is that the home we long for and we need can so …
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Much of Jesus’ words in the Bible are sending a message that His plan to be close to us is bigger and more powerful than we have dared to imagine. In John 4, Jesus is speaking to a woman next to a well as she’s drawing water. And He says, Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, …
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There is an amazing story in the Bible about when Jesus was walking down the road with His disciples. But they did not know it was Him! He had just died on the cross, and they did not yet know that He had been raised from the dead. They thought they were talking with a stranger until He revealed Himself to them, and then He vanished! Listen to what…
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When God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel, He instructed Ezekiel in a vision to eat a scroll. And it was covered with the words God wanted him to speak to the people. And when he ate it, it tasted like honey, and God told him to go and speak the words to His people. What if God has given YOU words to share with the people in your lives? The truth of wh…
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As followers of Jesus, we are called to carry the message of the Gospel and the loving character of Jesus into the world. Jesus talked about it this way, He said,You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it’s lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? Well, what does that mean? We’re supposed to stand out in the world, adding bless…
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Just like our bodies need food to function, our spirits also need nourishment. We know what to feed the body, how to give it rest and shelter, and care. But what about the care and feeding of your spirit? Jesus said this about Himself: I am the true bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will not die as your ancestors did … bu…
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Sharing the Good News of Jesus with someone else is the most kind and loving thing you can do. When you share the Gospel, you’re offering someone the opportunity to choose eternal life in Jesus Christ and to experience all the goodness that God offers- starting right now. Proverbs 16:24 says this, Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and hea…
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How do you connect with God? Do you know that if you gave your life to Jesus, Christ is living in you right now? How can that be? It’s such a mystery, for sure! The apostle Paul said it this way… God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. God has come to live insid…
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During the time of the Old Testament, God spoke to a few chosen people through prophets and miraculous signs. But now, all believers have direct access to God through prayer and the Holy Spirit. This is what Jesus said about the Spirit of God living in each one of us who believe…He said, I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate …
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Have you ever thought of yourself as a minister or a priest? Listen to this passage from 1 Peter. This is how Peter describes God followers… You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. When Jesus gave His life f…
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During the time Jesus walked the earth, there was a place in the temple where a thick curtain surrounded the most holy place—where the presence of God dwelled. It could only be entered by the high priest once a year. But on the day Jesus gave His life as payment for the sins of all humanity, that curtain miraculously tore into pieces. Because of wh…
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Did you know that you don’t need a priest, a pastor, or any other kind of leader to make it possible for you to connect with God? Listen to this amazing passage from the book of Hebrews (the Bible itself)-it says, We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Je…
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In John 15:15, Jesus says this to His followers… I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. Isn’t that amazing that the God of the universe calls you His friend? But what about your other friends? Do …
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How should you pray? Is there a certain place you should go or specific words you should use? There’s a verse in the Bible that brings clarity to these questions. It says… Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Pray without ceasing…That means that the place to pray is… wherever y…
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Have you ever wanted to share the Gospel but hesitated because it just didn’t feel natural? Well, I want to encourage you…find a way to share Jesus that feels natural, authentic for you. There is no formula. And each person’s story of coming to know Jesus, each person’s communication style, it’s different. And that’s more than okay—it’s actually go…
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One thing that never fails to amaze me is that God calls us His friends. I am His friend! And if you’ve given your life to Him, guess what? You’re His friend! In John 15:15, Jesus says… I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. How amazin…
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So many things can prevent us from sharing the Gospel, but one of the most common thoughts is, “I just don’t want to bother people. I don’t want to be rude by making them feel uncomfortable.” Consider this for a moment. If you saw someone wounded on the roadside, would it be rude to stop and offer them help? That’s the truth of the situation! Peopl…
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Have you done things you’re not proud of? Most of us have something in our past, a foolish choice we’ve made, and we still feel embarrassed when we think about it—I’ve been there. I’ve got lots. But there’s something bigger in our lives now. We live for Jesus, the One who washes our sins away, and covers us with His very own righteousness. That is …
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When I find something I love, I tell all my friends about it. I want them to try it. I want them to enjoy it as much as I do. And I want to spread the joy of a good thing. Don’t you? But what is the BEST part of your life? If God is the best part of our lives, why wouldn’t we tell our friends? It doesn’t have to be complicated. The joyful life we h…
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When you think about sharing Jesus with your friends or family, what feelings come up? Anxiety? Awkwardness? Fear of not knowing what to say? We tend to overthink it, don’t we? But, sharing the Good News of Jesus does not have to be complicated. The apostle Paul once said in a letter to the Corinthian church, I decided that while I was with you I w…
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Who do you know who is struggling right now? Sometimes when we see friends making poor life choices, it can be so hard to know what to do. But we know the One who is able to set people free. What would happen if we shared Jesus right in these moments? Sharing Jesus doesn’t always mean bringing correction and judgment. People who have never met Jesu…
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What do you say when someone says, “Tell me about yourself”? Do you immediately answer, “I’m a follower of Jesus”? Maybe not. But if you are a follower of Jesus, that means your life has indeed been changed by the power of the Gospel. More than that, you’ve become part of God’s wonderful, unfolding story of love for the whole earth! Even though it …
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You may be at a difficult place in your life right now when you are struggling. I want to encourage you today with some quotes from the Bible which tell us about the help and strength available to us in God. Psalm 54:4 tells us: “God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” Are you burned out from the stresses of life? In Matthew 11:28 we …
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Do you sometimes feel haunted by your past…things you've done? Or things that have been done to you? Do you have those times, maybe in the middle of the night, when you're under pressure…the memories arise and you feel haunted? Maybe the guilt emerges, and you thought you were past it. Oh, my friend, you are not alone. You can be clean. You can kno…
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One of my favorite Bible verses is John 10:10. Jesus says, “I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.” He continues with this amazing statement: “I am the good shepherd…and I lay down my life for the sheep.” Jesus was using the analogy of a shepherd who loves and cares for his sheep to describe His relationship with us. He is …
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What do you need today? In the Old Testament, God is named, “Provider.” The one who can miraculously meet our needs. The creator of all knows what you need. Maybe your need today is physical. Maybe your need is emotional. He is able to provide for you. Being a provider is part of His character. In fact, He's provided for our greatest need—the need …
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There’s an intriguing verse in the Bible, in the tiny book of Philemon. It’s Philemon 1:6 and it says, “I pray that you will be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of all the good things that you have in Christ Jesus.” You would think God would have said, “I pray you’ll be active in sharing your faith because I …
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Sometimes we find ourselves in a dark place. We all go through struggles with sin, the old darkness that tries to creep back into our new lives. In those times we need God to come with His wonderful light and keep us from giving in to temptation and despair. We need Him to forgive and restore us, and fill us with His love. We need Him to shine His …
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Psalm 107 tells us that God's love endures forever. The actual verse says, Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever. Have you thought much about forever and how few things last forever? To think that the God of the universe has told us that His love will last forever…His love for us, His creation. People who reject Him…we i…
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