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Neuroscientist and author David Eagleman discusses how our brain interprets the world and what that means for us. Through storytelling, research, interviews, and experiments, David Eagleman tackles wild questions that illuminate new facets of our lives and our realities.
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Cosmonaut Magazine

Cosmopod is the official podcast of Cosmonaut Magazine, a project dedicated to expanding the project of scientific socialism in the 21st Century. In our feed we have a combination of podcast episodes and audio articles from our website.
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Über fünf Millionen Menschen in Deutschland leiden unter Depressionen. Beinahe Jede*r kommt in seinem Leben selbst, im eigenen Umfeld oder durch Popkultur damit in Kontakt. Trotzdem wird wenig über Depression und psychische Gesundheit gesprochen. In "Danke, gut – der Podcast über Pop und Psyche" trifft Miriam Davoudvandi Personen des öffentlichen Lebens, um das zu ändern.
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Capire meglio la politica tedesca, vivere in Germania più informati? C’è COSMO italiano: un tema al giorno, approfondito con fatti e prospettive diverse. Il podcast per italiani in Germania e non solo. Die deutsche Politik besser verstehen, in Deutschland leben und top informiert sein? COSMO italiano ist genau was du brauchst: ein Thema pro Tag, aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven vertieft. Der Podcast für die Italiener:innen in Deutschland und nicht nur.
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Cosmo po-russki – это общественно-правовая медиапрограмма для русскоязычных жителей Германии. Наши новости, репортажи и интервью помогут Вам больше узнать о немецкой жизни и друг о друге. COSMO po-russki – öffentlich-rechtliches Mediaprogramm für Russischsprachige in Deutschland. Nachrichten, Infobeiträge und Interviews für Communitymitglieder, die mehr über deutsches Leben und übereinander erfahren wollen.
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أخبار ألمانيا في سطور من يوم الإثنين الى يوم الجمعة و لقاءات شيقة حول الجالية العربية في ألمانيا يومياً ما عدا السبت والأحد Ihr findet hier von Montag bis Freitag die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Informationen zum Leben in Deutschland. Wir stellen jeden Tag interessante Persönlichkeiten und wichtige Institutionen der arabischen Community vor.
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COSMO po polsku – podcast dla Polaków w Niemczech. Na poważnie i na luzie: informacje, porady, spotkania z ciekawymi ludźmi, miejsce na rozmowy o ważnych dla nas sprawach. Tu jesteś u siebie! COSMO Polnisch – ein Podcast für Polen in Deutschland. Mal ernst, mal locker: Infos, Service, spannende Gäste, ein Ort für alles was uns in Deutschland wichtig ist. Hier bist Du zu Hause!
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an English language podcast about everything Saint Seiya! we discuss the news on the franchise in the English speaking world, discussions of the franchise, and a breakdown of episodes of the new CGI series, the original 1986 series, and everything in between. You can listen to the show right from our website: follow and participate with us at, on Bluesky at, Join our discord at https://disco ...
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It's our look at the latest news and trends in pop culture with our Discover Pods Awards nominated two weekly shows and bonus programs. One of Podbean's recommendations for Summer Podcasts!
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兩個斜槓酒學講師講酒聊吃玩餐搭 分享日常中的美酒知識及美食體驗 葡萄酒×日本酒×啤酒 知識輕鬆講|台灣×日本 美食餐廳推薦|餐酒搭配 Firstory ∗ KKBOX ∗ Spotify ∗ Apple Podcast ∗ SoundOn ★ Facebook | 餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos. Instagram | de3cosmos Email | ★ 喝酒邊喝緩衝水,明天起床不宿醉。 未滿18歲請勿飲酒 ∗ 理性飲酒 ∗ 形象至上 ∗ 喝酒不開車 ∗ 開車不喝酒 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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JOIN US EVERY DAY FOR A NEW PODCAST, invite your friends to this podcast and go on this journey into the Cosmos with us. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite cup of brew, while we start Unveiling the Mysteries, Secrets, Realms & Dimensions of Yahweh's Cosmos and beyond. Learning to Live our Life out of the Celestial City of Zion as " Light Men/Woman Seated in Christ Yahshua (Jesus). "" I AM ALSO ON SPOTIFY' We are engaging the Seven Spirits of Yahweh' as they are tutors revealing Ancient p ...
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Alemania no es fácil. Nosotros lo sabemos y por eso cada semana intentamos con la ayuda de expertos y otros migrantes traducir Alemania. Un espacio para migrantes hecho por otros migrantes. Deutschland ist nicht einfach. Wir wissen das, und deshalb versuchen wir jede Woche, Deutschland mit Hilfe von Experten und anderen Migranten zu verstehen.
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Cosmos & Commerce Podcast

Janis Francis and Michele Cook

Are you thinking of starting a business? Do you have questions or concerns regarding your current business? This is the podcast for you! Janis & Michele bring on local business owners, entrepreneurs, regional elected officials and others to discuss business, leadership, business strategies and more to help all who listen to become more proficient business owners themselves. We look forward to talking with you!!
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The Pop Culture Cosmos and the PCC Multiverse cover the latest news and trends in pop culture with Josh Pederson and Gerald Glassford giving you the latest info on what's going on in the world of movies, television, video games, sci-fi, comics, e-sports, consumer electronics, sports, anime and so much more! With a wide variety of guests we interview from all around the world sharing their thoughts on pop culture, our shows (Two episodes released weekly) help you keep up to date on what every ...
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Connection to the Cosmos with Dr. Lisa Thompson explores ”out of this world” topics with a wide range of fascinating guests. All things galactic, extra-dimensional, and other worldly will be up for conversation, story telling and exploration. For even more information and new events, please join me on Facebook. ”The truth is inside you.”
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Every Tuesday on the CosmoFactory podcast: Discover the latest innovations along the cosmetics and personal care supply chain. Hear thought-provoking conversations with top beauty industry experts from around the world. Learn about next-level solutions and find inspiration to turn your own ideas into industry-changing innovations. A PRODUCTION OF Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna CosmoFactory is the first podcast from Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna—the most important beauty trade show in the world. D ...
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The Martinus Cosmology Podcast

Mary McGovern, Lars Palerius, Pernilla Rosell

Welcome to the Martinus Cosmology Podcast! This is a new podcast dedicated to talks and reflections on life, seen from the perspective of the Danish writer Martinus’ spiritual works. Here, you will find podcasts and short video introductions on all kinds of topics, relating to the main issues of Martinus’ world picture.
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Podcast de cultura. Una vez por semana, desde París, Axel y Javier comentan lo que leen, ven y escuchan, cruzando disciplinas, jerarquías y fronteras. De Foucault al pochoclo, todo se discute. ¡Cosmopoditas del mundo, uníos!
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COSMONAUT One of the first electronic music artists who has been successfully pulling in big crowds all over Eastern Europe and Russia. For over two decades his mission has been to transport the masses to a vivid alternate realm of electronic music. His DJ and production career started in early 90s followed by several releases and a global success of the tracks "Plasma" and "Boctok5" (Transient rec. UK, 1997) secured leading positions in the TOP 10 of the Paul Oakenfold's chart (DJ Mag's #1 ...
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The Cosmos Podcast

The Royal Institution of Australia

Investigating the key intersection of science and the community – the stuff that actually matters to us – and cutting through the half-truths and inaccurate science that floods the digital domain. Find the science of everything at
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show series
Выставка InnoTrans в полней мере показала разрыв между передовыми моделями и печальной действительностью немецких железных дорог. Догнать мировой уровень стране удастся не менее, чем за несколько десятков лет.By Elena Wosowik
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Facciamo chiarezza su un'istituzione tedesca che vigila sulla tutela dei minori in Germania e interviene quando sorgono problemi familiari che rischiano di mettere a repentaglio il benessere dei minori. Alessandro Bellardita, giudice presso la Pretura di Karlsruhe, ci illustra il funzionamento dello Jugendamt. Con Luciana Martena, responsabile nazi…
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Immer wieder liest man in den Medien von Polizeigewalt. Oft sind die Opfer psychisch erkrankt oder befinden sich in einer psychischen Ausnahmesituation. Aber woher kommt die gesellschaftliche Angst vor psychisch kranken Menschen? Und was für eine Rolle spielt der Umgang mit ihnen in der polizeilichen Ausbildung? In dieser Folge spricht Miriam Davou…
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هل من المعقول أن يطلب من أحد أبناء الجالية العربية 13 ألف يورو سمسرة لتوفير شقة في برلين؟، لماذا لا تعالج السلطات الرسمية الألمانية المختصة هذه الظاهرة ؟، للإجابة على هذه الأسئلة وغيرها، تجول الزميل بسام عويضة في شوارع العاصمة برلين وأجرى الإستطلاع التاليBy Nadra Kamal
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Idę do Sparkassy, zakupy robię w Kaufhali, rozliczam się w Finanzamcie. Informuję się, zamiast dowiadywać się. Czy mieszkając w Niemczech da się mówić po polsku bez zapożyczeń? I czy mieszanie języków jest OK? Marta Przybylik pyta językoznawczynię dr Agatę Hącię w podcaście z cyklu „Lepiej po polsku”. KONTAKT: STRONA: ht…
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Was haben Nahost-Krieg, Todesstrafen und die Unterdrückung von Frauen zu tun mit übertriebener Gastfreundschaft, Kebab-Liebe und Schönheits-OPs? Es sind alles Themen, die Menschen mit "Iran im Herzen" bewegen. Welche persönlichen Geschichten stecken hinter der täglichen Nachrichtenlage zu Iran? Was solltest du wissen, um hier durchzublicken? Journa…
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Steht uns nach acht Jahren Eiszeit in den deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen nun eine Blütezeit des kulturellen Austauschs bevor? Gäste der Polenversteher Adam Gusowski und Łukasz Tomaszewski im House of Podcast sind: die Kulturstaatsministerin Claudia Roth und die Künstlerin Edyta Rogowska-Żak aka Duxius. Edyta Rogowska-Żak singt, Claudia Roth bericht…
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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ OFFICIAL DISCORD: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ OFFICIAL TWITTER: OFFICIAL BLUESKY: The team is back to the world of the CGI series, but not without discussions about the news that has popped up about a potent…
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La nuova Commissione europea, per altri cinque anni sotto la guida di Ursula von der Leyen e con una squadra di commissari che dovrà essere approvata dal Parlamento, è lo specchio e la somma dei diversi interessi nazionali. Non che in passato non fosse così, ma nell'attuale fase storica non sembra esserci spazio per un comune disegno europeo, se no…
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Please enjoy this ninth inter-season episode of our Patreon exclusive show, The Dusty Tome. In this episode, we talk about a fascinating story! Want to keep nefarious fairy Bigfoots away and also avoid icky seed oils, preservatives, artificial colorants, and other nasties in your daily shower routine? Then check out the vast array of homemade soaps…
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В Берлине покажут мультимедийный спектакль "Alexander*a", посвященный неоднозначной судьбе Александры Коллонтай. О поставленных в спектакле вопросах и экспериментальных средствах выражения рассказывает автор пьесы, драматург Екатерина Августеняк, которая работает на стыке современного искусства и театра.…
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Начиная с октября машины украинских беженцев нуждаются в немецкой регистрации. Поговорим о том, почему в Германии до сих пор не работают с цифровыми документами, кому удастся пройти «большой» техосмотр и как оформить освобождение от таможенного сбора.By Elena Wosowik
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A tre settimane dalla Fiera del Libro di Francoforte, con l'Italia come protagonista, raccontiamo l'atmosfera con cui la Germania si appresta ad ospitare il mondo dell'editoria italiano. Con un'intervista a Alessandra Ballesi-Hansen, editrice di Nonsoloverlag. E infine diamo uno sguardo ai finalisti del Deutscher Buchpreis, il premio letterario più…
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من أقسى أنواع الوجع الذي قد نبتلى به في حياتنا الدنيوية، هو وجع الغدر، خاصة عندما يكون من أقرب الناس إلينا.. من الذين أحببناهم ووثقنا بهم.. من عشنا معهم لحظات الحزن والفرح، الألم والضعف والإنكسار. مع كوزمو بالعربي، ومساحة للفضفضة والتنفيس والتعبير عن الرأي، قامت الزميلة نادره كمال بإجراء إستطلاع للرأي حول أبشع الصفات الإنسانية، وهي صفة الغدر، السؤا…
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Palm oil ingredients are incredibly commonplace in cosmetic and personal care product formulations. For environmental and regulatory reasons, consumer goods manufacturers are pushing for traceable, tree-free replacements. This week on the CosmoFactory podcast, we look at the convergence of natural and scientific innovation along the beauty ingredie…
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Emily Kady, a Spiritual Medium and Intuitive Channeler, endured immense pressure to overachieve, leading to burnout. In 2015, a near-death experience awakened her to life's value, spurring her to live authentically, free from external expectations. Her journey inspires others to embrace their true selves for genuine fulfillment. Website: www.EmilyK…
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„Powstrzymaliśmy ekstremistów” – cieszył się po wyborach do brandenburskiego landtagu premier tego landu Dietmar Woidke. Co minimalne zwycięstwo socjaldemokratów oznacza dla Brandenburgii, dla Niemiec i dla stosunków polsko-niemieckich – mówi politolog i publicysta Piotr Buras. O powyborczych nastrojach we Frankfurcie nad Odrą opowiada dziennikarz …
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في خضم التطور العلمي المتسارع، وبين أجهزة طبية دقيقة ومعادلات فيزيائية معقدة، يقف الدكتور محمد عيسى المختص في الفيزياء الطبية والمشرف على تقنية العلاج الإشعاعي والمسرعات الخطية في واحد من أهم مراكز علاج الأورام في مدينة كولن، ليجمع في عمله بين العلم والإنسانية، حيث الفيزياء تخدم الطب. والعلم سلاحا في مواجهة أعقد الأمراض. عن مسيرته العلمية ودور الفي…
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I socialdemocratici di Dietmar Woidke sono primi in Brandeburgo, ma la Afd è a un punto di distanza: i risultati e le reazioni politiche da Agnese Franceschini. Abbiamo chiesto a Federico Quadrelli, della Spd di Berlino, una valutazione del voto e delle sue ripercussioni sugli equilibri politici a livello federale. Per combattere gli stereotipi sul…
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How do you define what things are living and dead? You might look at a sprinting cheetah and say it's clearly alive, whereas a chunk of rock is not -- but where do we draw the line? What might we expect extraterrestrials to look like, and would we even have the capacity to recognize them? And what does any of this have to do with Frankenstein, anci…
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The guys from the Super BS Gamescast and the Pop Culture Cosmos are back as Josh, Gerald, and Brank talk video games as they recap the sad story of Playstation's Concord, why it failed, and if it can become the most sought-after game for this generation. Plus the guys talk Star Wars Outlaws, Astrobot, a new Playstation Pro, and could the Switch 2 b…
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The guys from the Super BS Gamescast and the Pop Culture Cosmos are back as Josh, Gerald, and Brank talk video games as they recap the sad story of Playstation's Concord, why it failed, and if it can become the most sought-after game for this generation. Plus the guys talk Star Wars Outlaws, Astrobot, a new Playstation Pro, and could the Switch 2 b…
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Podcast Summary: Cosmos and Commerce - Episode with Jay Bezak, Owner of Hot Head Burritos In this episode of Cosmos and Commerce, Michele and Janis sit down with Jay Bezak, the driven entrepreneur behind Hot Head Burritos in Groveport, Ohio. Jay shares her inspiring journey from working a corporate job at Chase to owning multiple Hot Head Burritos …
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The weekend crew is back as Melinda Barkhouse-Ross and Gerald Glassford break down all the things you need to know about pop culture that's trending. Melinda gets to gloat over her spot-on analysis for Shogun and Blue-Eyed Samurai after their Emmy victories. The duo also shares thoughts on the latest Marvel vs. DC battle as The Penguin (HBO) faces …
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The weekend crew is back as Melinda Barkhouse-Ross and Gerald Glassford break down all the things you need to know about pop culture that's trending. Melinda gets to gloat over her spot-on analysis for Shogun and Blue-Eyed Samurai after their Emmy victories. The duo also shares thoughts on the latest Marvel vs. DC battle as The Penguin (HBO) faces …
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Доктор права Ольга Гулина - эксперт по вопросам миграционной политики. В свободное время она ходит в горы. Мечта Ольги - подняться на несколько «пятитысячников». О вершинах, которые ей уже покорились, Ольга Гулина рассказывает в подкасте.By Elena Wosowik
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غارات جوية إسرائيلية واسعة النطاق على لبنان, الاتحاد الأوروبي يريد مساعدة أوكرانيا خلال فصل الشتاء, الفيضانات في أوروبا تتسبب بمقتل العديد من الاشخاص, شولتز يزور كازاخستان, المجر تدرس الانسحاب من قانون اللجوء الذي اقره الاتحاد الاوروبي, مناقشة حول بطاقات الدفع في بوتسدامBy Khaled El Oueid
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Oggi Sophia Loren compie 90 anni. Noi, oltre a ricostruire le tappe della sua magnifica carriera di star del cinema internazionale con Cristina Giordano, ci chiediamo da cosa nasca il fascino che ha esercitato ed esercita la Dolce vita sugli stranieri e sui tedeschi in particolare. Dolce vita di cui la Loren e Mastroianni su tutti sono stati i volt…
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Satyryczny podcast "à propos" Klubu Polskich Nieudaczników tym razem: nagi Ordnungsamt, chaos w niemieckich parkach, 12 lat w korku, kontrole graniczne przy 120 kmh, coraz mniej ludzi, natura jest prymitywna, walka bakterii z wirusami i hormonami. Zapraszają Adam Gusowski, Ewa Lewy i Piotr Mordel. Uwaga! Satyra! Może zawierać treści! Instagram a_pr…
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В Ганновере проходит Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung, сокращенно IAA, самая уважаемая в мире выставка грузовых автомобилей. О том, насколько быстро они перейдут на новые виды топлива и кто готов составить конкуренцию знаменитым немецким концернам, рассказывает наш эксперт.By Elena Wosowik
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كيف تتم رؤية الأشياء الخفية من خلال الصور أو الخط؟ هل هي قراءة للمستقبل أم تحليل لشخصيتك ام دراسة أو علم..؟ كيف يساعد هذا الشخص في مسألة الزواج ؟ أو تحليل المشاكل والعقد النفسية؟ كيف يقرأ خارطة الشيفرات من خلال الخط؟By Khaled El Oueid
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Solo per un caso fortunato il crollo del ponte sull'Elba di Dresda non ha provocato vittime: ma cos'è successo al Carolabrücke e quanti ponti in Germania vanno ristrutturati in modo urgente? Ce ne parla Cristina Giordano, ma sentiamo anche un ingegnere tedesco. E, viste le nuove, gravi alluvioni in Europa centrale e in Italia, fenomeno sempre più i…
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Dokładnie 30 lat temu wyemitowaliśmy pierwszą audycję. Z tej okazji wspominamy dawne i bliższe czasy, najciekawszych gości, najfajniejsze rozmowy, najtrudniejsze momenty i najśmieszniejsze wpadki. A po raz pierwszy w historii przy mikrofonach jednocześnie cały zespół prowadzących COSMO po polsku. KONTAKT: STRONA: http://…
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В немецкой столице есть несколько ресторанов грузинской кухни. Но конкуренции среди них нет, утверждает Юлия Роман. Владелица ресторана и кафе-бара «Батуми» открывает секрет, насколько сложно приготовить в Германии настоящие хинкали или чурчхелу.By Elena Wosowik
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كم من معاناة شاهدناها لأحد الشريكين عندما يكتشف عند وصوله أرض مطار ألمانيا خصوصا وأوروبا عموما بأن الشريك قد تخلى عنه.. ما الأسباب الحقيقية وراء هذه الحالات التي ضج بها مجتمعنا.. ولماذا لازالت تتكرر رغم التوعية الدائمة والتوجيه في اختيار شريك الحياة.. في برنامج #شو_رأيك_مع_سهى نتحدث اليوم مع الزميلة #داريه_فرمان عن هذا الموضوع ونسلط الضوء على نقاط …
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Come orientarsi nella paghetta da dare ai figli? In Germania ci viene in aiuto il Ministero della famiglia con alcune linee guida, come ci spiega Cristina Giordano. Elena Berardo, presidente dell'associazione Italia Altrove e madre di due bambini ci racconta la sua esperienza, così come le avete fatto voi sulla nostra pagina Facebook. A Colonia inv…
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Christiane Hoffmann i jej "Czego nie pamiętamy" to świetna literatura. Ale również próba zmierzenia się z traumami przesiedleńczymi wojennej i powojennej generacji i przypomnienie nam, że wielu z nas w kolejnych pokoleniach nosi te traumy do dziś. To wprowadzenie nowej perspektywy w temat aktualnej migracji. Na podcast literacki, Literandka, zapras…
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In this episode, Brandon discusses the Deep Space Network. Take a shot and join us! *Always Drink Responsibly* Follow Us! Twitter: @drinkingcosmos Instagram: @cosmoswithcosmos Credits: Eric Skiff - Resistor Anthems Stars Background Vid Credit - Josu Relax https:/…
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