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Recalibrating Hearts-Trauma, Jesus Christ, Prayer, Spiritual Healing, Faith

Miranda Wendler-Spiritual Growth Coach, Inner Healing Mentor, Oily Homeschool Mom

Wife+Mom+Breakthrough Coach+Entrepreneur+Jesus. Authentic and vulnerable journey of walking from brokenness to freedom! I believe it’s time to walk in freedom with whole hearts, Heaven is for you. In this podcast you will find solutions for partnering with God in your healing process. You don’t have to walk this journey alone. We are breaking generational cycles of poverty, brokenness, not fulfilling our divine purposes in our family and raising healthy happy whole children who love the Lord.
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My name is Whitney Walker, welcome to Women Waken! I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist specialising in substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. Over 10 years ago I walked into a therapist office for the first time because I realised that I felt incapable of handling life. I abused drugs and alcohol, had rock bottom self esteem, often felt suicidal, was very self destructive, and had no idea how to resolve what felt like a complete mess inside my mind and em ...
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Unchurching: Healing Religious Trauma & Owning Your Soul Identity 3 main show benefits: Reconstructing your faith Owning your sexual identity Healing religious trauma & spiritual abuse to step into your authentic self A podcast for black sheep who want to reconnect with their faith outside of the church and step into their *authentic self* Have you ever found yourself in a dark place questioning God, sexuality & your purpose? If so, that’s exactly where I, Titus Glenn, found myself 2 years a ...
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show series
"There is a time in the life of every problem where it is big enough to see yet small enough to solve." "Tension is who you think yu should be, relaxation is who you are." We're right on the verge of bounding into full fledged Summer. Entering into June! Hello longer days and sunshine (if you're in the Northern Hemisphere! Love to my Southern Hemis…
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I know deep down that this episode is only for the ears and hearts that are ready to do the work, to dig deep, ask the questions I present in this episode and get AFTER IT!! **Sensitive Content warning for you right now. There's things I discuss that are not for young ears or those triggered at all from topics in the sex trauma category.** I was fr…
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Feng Shui is a well known concept that has been popularized throughout the World. One of the greatest contributors to the spreading of this awareness is my guest this week, the fabulous Marie Diamond a transformational leader, star of the major network TV show Feng Shui Your Life, bestselling author, and expert teacher on the Law of Attraction and …
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Patience is a virtue....I often want to follow this statement with "...that I have very little of." Although I realize its benefits, patience has never been my strong suite. Like so many of us in our society I get caught up in instant gratification, impatience, and a lack of faith that things can work out even if I let go of control and trust the t…
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As the Sagittarius Full Moon energy continues to emulate its energy of excitement, spontaneity, & joyous experiences I'm offering you all a special episode to embrace some of the themes from this Moon. With some tips & guidance on how to take advantage of its poignant and boisterous energy & surrendering into the richness of life's experiences. On …
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With how prevalent trauma is in the current human experience it's important to have many insights & understanding into the creation & addressing of trauma. I was very excited to welcome my guest on the show this week, Marc Hauser, PhD, who has gone to great lengths and dedicated countless hours to answer the question; what do you we do about the ad…
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“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson I'm back with more quotes and inspiration for your Divine Feminine Monday! Rounding out the DF mini-series on Trust I offer a focus on how to trust in who you are, exactly as you are. Not holding back, conforming, o…
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I'm carrying on what has become the theme for episodes this week, LOVE! And what better theme could there be? What came up today was the idea of Love as your superpower. What would it mean to release all doubts and fears about yourself, your potential, and your destiny and allow your pure light and love to shine? To be a LUMINOUS WARRIOR we must re…
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I always love getting a variety of ideas, outlooks, and perspectives on the show. It's so important to allow for different approaches to solutions as nothing is truly one size fits on. This is why I love my guest this week, Mary Mac, an intuitive healer and feminine energy coach with a passion for guiding high-achieving women toward breaking free f…
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All Women are Mothers. Perhaps not through birthing & raising a child yet our energy and essence is inherently a soothing and comforting experience for all beings we come in contact with. Women are natural nurturers. And any human of any gender has at least some of that Divine Feminine energy to care, unconditionally, for others. Of course deep gra…
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I'm honored to call Heather friend. She is a gift and I pray you enjoy our conversation and glean what Holy Spirit has for you in it. We go deep into our personal experiences with inner healing and confronting our past traumas, oh, and while running businesses, being a wife, mom, etc etc Only God. I loved our time together and what God does with tw…
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During a morning meditation this week I asked the Divine for a message of guidance or direction and I immediately got the word, "forget." I was confused at first, forget what? Isn't it better to remember things so you can learn from them? Further insight came in and I realized the message was to forget who you used to be and what you used to hold a…
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The act of listening impacts all of our interactions and relationships both professionally & personally. There are many steps towards being a strong listener and one of them is to ne at peace with ourselves by delving deep and finding the root of our self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts and actions. When we do, we are free to truly hear others. M…
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How much would your life change if you began to trust that everything you ever needed would come to you? Rather than having to chase after or worry about it. Can we believe that the things that are meant for us will come to us? Having that type faith and trust can be rare in our World which places so much emphasis on control & fear of what may be. …
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Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do, Olson Swett Marden Believe In Yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy, Norman Vincent Peace These are just a few of the MANY quotes that I share in this episode which is meant to g…
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I hope ya'll are ready to have a good time because this episode is a GOOOOOD time (notice the multiple O's in there). My guest is a powerful Woman with an awesome tag line: I want Women to be well loved, well nurtured, and well fucked. Amen sister! This Shadow Priestess Embodied, Kaylyn Rutkowski, is an embodiment facilitator, high priestess, somat…
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I'm kicking off a Divine Feminine mini series on Trust. Trust in yourself, your path, process, spiritual evolution, wisdom, & beyond. Being within an energy of trust helps us to release fear, criticism, anger, and regret when life doesn't unfold as we've anticipated. It also aids us in being bold and brave as our authentic selves. Not holding back …
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You know I keep it real. Well, here is real. Let's have this conversation that comes up in my private coaching containers...I don't like my husband, dude, I married the guy most like my Dad.. and so on. But what is beyond that beloved? What is behind those feelings and your pain. If anything, I pray that you learn to push through the 'pain' and see…
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Have you ever told yourself; never again! I won't be fooled again, I won't get hurt again, I will not fall for something that my intuition tells me is off! And then you find yourself quoting Britney Spears saying; OPPS! I did it AGAIN! It happens to the best of us and it's how we grow, learn, & evolve. The aftermath isn't always fun to deal with (s…
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Walking the path of a Spiritual Awakening is not for the faint of heart. The surprises, challenges, discomforts, and devastations that litter this path is enough to stop anyone in their tracks. Not you though. You are a Warrior Goddess and nothing can stop you from your Soul mission in this lifetime. So with that said, you may need a little assista…
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Happy Earth Day! I know, everyday is Earth day ( we love you, Gaia!) Yet, while the attention is on it, it's a good time to speak to the ways that we can connect with, honor, embrace, and celebrate our beautiful Mother and our time here on Planet Earth. On this Divine Feminine solo episode I share my thoughts on the gift that is being a soul incarn…
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A lovely listener reached out to me this past week to share that one of my Eclipse episodes really spoke to her. In fact, she said it felt like I was speaking DIRECTLY to her. I always love to hear that. Such a testament to how attuned we're all becoming to one another who are walking the path to Divine Feminine remembrance. I was speaking of how h…
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One of my pillars here at Recalibrating Hearts is to offer and share on Natural Solutions. There are many reasons for that, one being it is a total passion of mine to live the life of wellness and walk in wholeness. You can find me in the natural health aisle of my fave natural health store checking ingredients, new products, testing it all out, al…
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It is the time of the empowered Divine Feminine Woman! Unconditional self love, sacred unions, dating as a confident, powerful Woman, and stepping into our Sovereignty. My guest this week is the perfect Woman to ignite this emboldened fire within you. A former lawyer turned mystic, Jessica is an International Soul Embodiment Guide & Divine Feminine…
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The Guarded Heart. It's what keeps up fro truly expressing our love and essence out into the World and towards the people around us. The exact act that can change Humanity is so often held back out of fear. Why? Because when we believe that rejection, loss, and heart break is personal it can feel like death to endure it. Therefore it's important to…
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Welcome to the other side, Everybody! We've made it through the Eclipse portal, how did you do? We remain in the afterglow of the eclipses which can include some lingering disruptions and chaos. However, we are on our way towards healing and exploring what the season brought to light. Were you broken open? Did a repeated cycle get thrown in your fa…
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I have to share with you my heart on this. It's my experience, keep that in mind. After 20 years of pursuing God, healing, learning from Holy Spirit....I mean.....there is nothing better than life with HIM. Do you think you need to clean up before seeking God out? Does God have a sense of humor? Does He allow discomfort? These topics and more I cov…
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Love is not something we need to find, accumulate, or protect. It is something that we inherently possess, and the only way to receive it fully is to give it away. We have to throw away our misconceptions of what relationships are in order to embrace what they can be. Rethink Love emphasizes taking responsibility for the quality of your relationshi…
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The big moment is upon us! If you're coming to this episode before 2:21pm EST on the 8th then you are about to move through the Total Solar Eclipse occurring during the New Moon in Aries. It feels like everyone has been talking about this event for EVER and now it has arrived. And a major event indeed. The next Total Solar Eclipse won't be for anot…
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A powerful message that bears repeating ( and I will on Monday's Solar Eclipse episode) The old you is begging for you attention; pay it no mind, keep your focus on your vision. It's eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde, there will be divine detours and upsets to drudge up what needs to be addressed and released to allow you to move through the ga…
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Who are you REALLY? Do you know beloved? Before you can impact the world, you need to know WHO you are and WHOSE you are. Let me help you. I want you to have powerful questions at your fingertips. God, who do you say that I am? In this episode I give you an even deeper coaching question. What does Psalm 139 say about me? What do I love and celebrat…
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The overwhelming levels of abuse against Women currently & historically is deeply devastating to all of us who wish for greater security & peace for Females. So often those who have incurred abuse or assault are never able to pursue justice or healing because they are too afraid to speak out about it. This is why today's guest is such a remarkable …
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These Divine Feminine episodes are having an Astrology based streak that continues on and ain't stopping! This week we're talking about the Mercury Retrograde which begins today, April 1st 2024 and continues to April 25th. And of course it begins in the midst of an eclipse sandwich as we are making our way through the 2nd week between the Lunar and…
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Whew...this eclipse energy must be getting to me. If you made it through the episode, I apologize for all the F bombs! It is an intense topic though & I got pretty fired up. Trauma responses. What are they? Trauma responses are described as survival mechanism to help us react quickly to life-threatening situations. They arise as a result of early l…
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This isn't easy beloved. We choose are hard. But. God has made A WAY FOR YOU AND I TO WALK IN FREEDOM!! Today I talk about are you even ready to forgive? How to prep for that. Who do you need to forgive? What closure do you need to be able to let go. Ahhhhhh. I told you. This ain't easy. Let's get free. Love you, Mir Need a coach? Apply HERE Lookin…
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It can be very fun to work with our gifts. To explore how we can recognize our ability to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell things that bring information that should be unexplainable. Yet it distinctly tells us a story. My guest this week, Eboni Banks, discovered a very rare psychic ability when she found that when she laid hands on people in her w…
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Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Libra! It is officially Eclipse season and it is bound to pack a punch for many of us. This Lunar Eclipse today (if you're watching on this episode's release date, Monday March 25th) is trined by Pluto at 1 degree. I'm no astrologer yet I understand it means that this Moon is asking us to look at the things we don't…
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Happy Friday! And welcome to Aries Season! It's time to celebrate because we've escaped the 8 Swords of Self Entrapment, hurray! And now we begin the work of navigating the World being mindful of how we're responding to our environments, situations & people. And also beginning to choose what we will & will not tolerate in terms of the jobs, living …
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I'm back after a pause. I have got to listen to my own advice and rest when my heart says to rest. I want you to have coaching questions at your fingertips, I want to equip you to expand your self-awareness tools. Let's do this loves!! In this treasure of an episode I share a powerful tool with you: timeline of your life. 3 questions I cover: What …
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My guest this week, Raven Scott, has been a wonderful friend & fantastic mentor to me for over a year. Raven is a is a podcaster, author and Trauma informed Human Design Reader. We connected while working with the wonderful Podcasting coaches at Get More Listeners and she a pivotal guide in helping me find my audience with Women Waken. Raven saw he…
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Spring has arrived! (In the Northern Hemisphere) Or Fall for my lovely Southern Hemisphere folks. Either way, we have come to the time of equal hours of daylight and night. Balance. New life, emergence, blossoming, sunshine, awakening are all themes of Spring yet lets not forget the significance of honoring balance at the time of the sacred Equinox…
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We did it ya'll! Made it to the final 8th Sword of the 8 Swords of Self Entrapment. I feel pretty excited about it. What did everyone think of this series, would you like to see more like it? I enjoyed it and the opportunity it provided to hit on what I feel is so pivotal to this year of 2024, BREAKING FREE & Reclamation. Now is the time to move ou…
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It often takes diving head first into all the sticky, messy, & unhealthy means of coping in life to gain spiritual understandings & reach a state of enlightenment. How else would you realize how backwards it is to harm yourself in order to feel better? And if it's backwards, then what would it be to live in a forward manner? This is all to say that…
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Happy Super New Moon in Pisces! I know, it happened on the 10th yet I'm recording this on the day of the Moon and feeling into that Pisces energy as well as the end of the year/wrapping things up energy. We do find ourselves at this Moon in the last sign of the Zodiac year. Pisces allows some space for swimming in the potential and exploring possib…
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We've made it to the 7th Sword of Self Entrapment and NO, it's not a repeat. The 1st Sword was Self Doubt, the down trodden cousin of today's Sword, the Sword of Self Criticism. While Self Doubt may feel like an eeyore, woe-is-me mentality, Self Criticism feels like a cruel & unkind commentator who's only purposing is to scare you into believing yo…
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More & more Spiritual Women (including myself!) are feeling the pull to follow their passion & pursue entrepreneurship. And what a beautiful & exciting path that is. However, it isn't the easiest one. And as with most things, it is the getting started that is the hardest part. That's where my guest this week, Jenna Harrison, comes in. Jenna is a re…
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The Animal Kingdom is a glorious gift to humanity. Animals seem to serve as beautiful messengers to humans of unconditional love, kindness, & companionship. Of course this may not seem to be the case with all animals considering so many are wild and known to be dangerous. Yet if you watch any nature documentary you'll see the beautiful and actually…
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I recorded this episode on Leap day 2024! Perfect day to speak about leaping into the Unknown. I'm including this as one of the swords of self entrapment because of the the two fold way that the Unknown keeps us bound, both emotionally & in situations in our lives. People will often remain stuck in jobs, relationships, communities, friendships, & l…
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It's a remarkable feat to make a movie. There is a WHOLE lotta work that goes into that process. My out-of-this-World guest this week, Dana Kippel, not only made a movie she also wrote the script and starred in it! And to add extra points... it's spiritually, esoteric, and healing based. Heck ya. It's also a lot of fun & thought-provoking so really…
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As we come out of the energy of this past weekend's Virgo Full Moon there might be a sense that it's time to clean house. Time to get organized, clear out clutter, and evaluate how we want to invest out time. Virgo's are good at getting down to business and finding efficient paths towards a task. Virgo's also can be over analytical & have a critica…
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