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Learn key Biblical truths AND how to study God's Word effectively, in weekly Bible studies and devotionals with Andrew S. Baker — "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV) — Send questions and comments to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com #RightlyDivideTheWordOfTruth
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Word of Truth

The House of Jacob

The House of Jacob is a bible study class. Our mission is to teach the whole bible (Old and New Testament). We observe the ten commandments which includes the Sabbath day (7th day), as well as The Lord Feast Days (annual Sabbaths).
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The Word of Truth Fellowship is a group of saints that are in a quest for glory - We meet regularly to glorify God through the edification of the body of Christ, we love to sing the songs of Zion and we look forward to someday being gathered together with Christ at His coming.
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Contact us @ 4faithfoundations@gmail.com The recent events in our country should draw our hearts and minds to contemplate those three profound and interwoven truths: The sovereignty of God, The depravity of man, And the fragility of life. These truths reveal the grandeur of God's reign, the depths of our fallen state, and the fleeting nature of our…
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Parables — Review of Lesson #4 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 - The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/24c/less04.html The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the mission and ministry …
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Знамения Великой Скорби-5 / Signs of the Great Tribulation-5 Мерзость запустения / The Abomination of Desolation Евангелие от Луки – 211 От Луки 21:20-24 Откр.10:9-11 9И я пошел к Ангелу, и сказал ему: дай мне книжку. Он сказал мне: возьми и съешь ее; она будет горька во чреве твоем, но в устах твоих будет сладка, как мед. 10И взял я книжку из руки…
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A devotional study about one of the most complex questions in Christianity, and how to look at the role of free will in the government of God. This particular study will focus on the fact that God has already told us how it will end, even though we tend to critique Him on how things are going to this point. Revelation 15:3-4 KJV And they sing the s…
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Controversies — Review of Lesson #3 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 - The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/24c/less03.html The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the mission and mini…
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A devotional study about listening to advice when it comes from godly persons or even mature and prudent worldly persons, who are operating at that moment in an ethical and moral framework that does not contradict the Word of God. Acts 27:21-22 KJV But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, “Sirs, ye should have hear…
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The time comes in every Christian's life when we must make a pivotal decision: whom will we serve? Joshua's challenge to the Israelites resonates through the ages and into our very hearts today. He declared in Joshua 24:15, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers s…
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Знамения Великой Скорби-4 / Signs of the Great Tribulation-4 В ожидании скорби / In Anticipation of Tribulation Евангелие от Луки – 210 От Луки 21:12–19 2Пет.1:19 И притом мы имеем вернейшее пророческое слово; и вы хорошо делаете, что обращаетесь к нему, как к светильнику, сияющему в темном месте, доколе не начнет рассветать день и не взойдет утрен…
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A Day in the Ministry of Jesus — Review of Lesson #2 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 - The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/24c/less02.html The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the…
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A devotional study about the transparency of God's government, and how God will bring everything to the light -- including His own dealings in the universe, so we will be able to fully understand and appreciate the decisions He has made in dealing with sin and salvation. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 KJV Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear…
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The Beginning of the Gospel — Review of Lesson #1 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 - The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/24c/less01.html The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the mi…
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In this message we turn our attention to Revelation 14:6-8, a passage that serves as a powerful reminder of God’s ultimate sovereignty and justice. As we navigate through this prophetic vision, we are confronted with the reality of divine judgment and the urgency of the gospel message. This section of Scripture, set within the larger context of the…
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A devotional study about how we are to be receptive to the truth of God's Word, and not just to receive openly, but to share willingly. John 4:25-26 KJV The woman saith unto Him, “I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when He is come, He will tell us all things.” Jesus saith unto her, “I that speak unto thee am He.” --- If you have an…
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Знамения Великой Скорби–3 / Signs of the Great Tribulation-3 Начало скорби / Тhe Beginning of the Tribulation Евангелие от Луки – 209 От Луки 21:8–11 Лук.21:8-11 8Он сказал: берегитесь, чтобы вас не ввели в заблуждение, ибо многие придут под именем Моим, говоря, что это Я; и это время близко: не ходите вслед их. 9Когда же услышите о войнах и смятен…
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Israel was commanded to keep 7 special feasts throughout the year. Each feast not only pointed back to something God had done, but also pointed forward to what God would do in Jesus Christ. In this episode, we highlight the 3 feasts that took place in the Fall to show what these meant to Israel and what they mean to the Church.…
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The Book of Hebrews has consistently pointed us to the supremacy of Christ. We have seen Jesus Christ exalted above angels, above Moses, and above the Levitical priesthood. To put it simply: Christ is So Much Better! We have been reminded that He is our great High Priest, who has entered once and for all into the holy place, obtaining eternal redem…
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The Triumph of God’s Love — Review of Lesson #13 of the 2nd Quarter of 2024 - The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/24b/less13.html The title of this quarter's theme is: The Great Controversy For the next 13 weeks (April to June 2024), we will take a look at how the Great Controversy, which ultimately an…
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A devotional study about God's role in providing everything we need, including our very existence. It's not just authority that God has, and not just respect that He desires or is worthy of -- He is our provider and sustainer... James 1:17 KJV Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom…
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Earth’s Closing Events — Review of Lesson #12 of the 2nd Quarter of 2024 - The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/24b/less12.html The title of this quarter's theme is: The Great Controversy For the next 13 weeks (April to June 2024), we will take a look at how the Great Controversy, which ultimately answe…
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While addressing the relationship between spiritual leaders and their congregations, this passage offers profound insights that are particularly relevant as we consider the role of fathers in our lives and the church's life. This passage calls us to obedience and submission to those who lead us, for they watch over our souls with a sense of divine …
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Знамения Великой Скорби-2 / Signs of the Great Tribulation-2 Предыстория / Background Евангелие от Луки – 208 От Луки 21:5-7 Лук.21:5-7 5И когда некоторые говорили о храме, что он украшен дорогими камнями и вкладами, Он сказал: 6придут дни, в которые из того, что вы здесь видите, не останется камня на камне; все будет разрушено. 7И спросили Его: Уч…
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Знамения Великой Скорби-1 / Signs of the Great Tribulation-1 Обзор / Overview Евангелие от Луки – 207 От Луки 21:5-36 2Петр.1:19 И притом мы имеем вернейшее пророческое слово; и вы хорошо делаете, что обращаетесь к нему, как к светильнику, сияющему в темном месте, доколе не начнет рассветать день и не взойдет утренняя звезда в сердцах ваших 2 Peter…
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Welcome, today, we’re discussing a topic that many of us have faced—dealing with people who believe lies about us. We’ll explore how to respond, encourage ourselves in the Lord, and move on with peace and confidence. It’s incredibly disheartening when people believe lies about you, especially when you’ve lived with integrity. Proverbs 12:19 reminds…
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In this message we explore a profound and stirring passage from the book of Hebrews, one that calls us to reflect deeply on our salvation, our sacrifice, and our service to God. Hebrews 13:10-16 provides us with a rich tapestry of theological truths that not only illuminate the path of our redemption but also challenge us to live lives of faithful …
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Israel was commanded to keep 7 special feasts throughout the year. Each feast not only pointed back to something God had done, but also pointed forward to what God would do in Jesus Christ. In this episode, we highlight the 4 feasts that took place in the Spring to show what these meant to Israel and what they mean to the Church.…
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A devotional study about the responsibility God's people have in serving Him and being an example to the world -- not just teaching and preaching, but living in accordance with the Word of God. 2 Chronicles 34:20-21 KJV And the king commanded Hilkiah, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Abdon the son of Micah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah a se…
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Пожертвование как дар / Offering as a Gift Евангелие от Луки – 206 От Луки 21:1-4 Лук.21:1-4 1Взглянув же, Он увидел богатых, клавших дары свои в сокровищницу; 2увидел также и бедную вдову, положившую туда две лепты, 3и сказал: истинно говорю вам, что эта бедная вдова больше всех положила; 4ибо все те от избытка своего положили в дар Богу, а она от…
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This video is about if we expect to receive any gain there has to be some investing. If we want our money to grow we have to invest in a money market/stock market. If we expect to grow in God we have to also make some spiritual investments. More prayer, more fasting, more reading of the word. We have to invest in the things of God to grow more in t…
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The Impending Conflict — Review of Lesson #11 of the 2nd Quarter of 2024 - The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/24b/less11.html The title of this quarter's theme is: The Great Controversy For the next 13 weeks (April to June 2024), we will take a look at how the Great Controversy, which ultimately answe…
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A devotional study showing us that we are called upon to be attentive to the needs of others, and that in so doing, we will help ourselves as well. Giving people a good word can cheer them up from their burdened condition. Proverbs 12:25 KJV Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. --- If you have any questions…
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