show episodes


Two Pastors and a Dieken

Christian Thinking is Biblical Thinking. This is what your hosts Sean, Zach, and Zac strive to bring you with every upload. With each topical episode, you get hard hitting, sound, and Bible centered discussions. Each interview presents explanations from specialists on Biblical topics. Each debate brings Sean and Zac head to head on topics on which they disagree. Ponder scripture along with them, be challenged to think, and be blessed to live rightly as a result. Topical Episodes and Theologi ...
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show series
In defining the Trinity, Benjamin Warfield says, “There is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence.” In this episode, your hosts engage the topic of the first member of the Trinity, God the Father. Who is He in relation to this world? How…
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Looking at another apparent contradiction from, we examine the category of "The Power of God" “… with God all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26 “…The LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.” — Judges 1:19 Atheist…
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Movements within Christianity come and go. In this interview, our hosts sit down with Bryan Anderson to bring to light a movement within the church that has been sweeping the nation. What is the New Apostolic Reformation? What does it promise people? What are its dangers? As Bryan Anderson gives his personal experience and explanation, listen in an…
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Arrogance, self-centeredness, self-righteousness, self-worship; these are all aspects of the number one enemy to the human heart: Pride. It is the very thing that gets celebrated in June throughout the United States and the world and it will kill you if it is not dealt with properly. In this episode, your hosts speak concerning this topic which scr…
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It is hard to find a day in which we don't hear something about Israel in the news. From what is happening politically with its leaders to what is happening in Gaza, it's hard to avoid seeing Israel on full display. It may come as a surprise to you that the Bible has alot to say concerning not only Israel's past but also her future. How should a Ch…
  continue reading proposes yet another apparent contradiction: “Honor thy father and thy mother…”– Exodus 20:12 “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. ” — Luke 14:26 Should Christians hate their family? What does Jesus mean here…
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God has not revealed everything there is to know about everything visible or invisible (Deut 29:29a). Human knowledge lacks full understanding of either one, yet when it comes to the invisible realm, scripture has much revealed and provides answers to what many have encountered throughout the centuries from that which is unseen. In this episode, yo…
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Another apparent contradiction from “Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart…” — Ecclesiastes 9:7 “…they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not…” — 1 Corinthians 7:30 Our hosts go to scripture to answer the Question, "What does Holy Living look like?" Listen in and find out. Support the Show.…
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Back by popular demand, Ryan Chase reengages the topic of Christian Education. What is truly foundational to education as opposed to what the world says? How essential is the local church to that endeavor? Listen in as our three hosts interview Ryan Chase once again. Check out Ryan Chase's Podcast Here:…
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When it comes to what we believe, we are all a mix of different influences. Some of our beliefs are shaped by how we are designed in how we think. Much of them are shaped by our influences throughout life. In this episode, your three hosts divulge what they believe, where it comes from, and how we might be able to tell whether it's true or not. As …
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Biblical Christians are Whole-Bible Christians. Yet there are portions of the Bible that are difficult to reconcile with Christian living. For example, how do we deal with Psalm 109? Here the Psalmist prays down judgment on his oppressors. In modern Christianity, how do we reconcile this with the ideas of true Spirit-filled kindness? Listen in as y…
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American Atheists once again bring out another apparent contradiction: “…thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. ” — Exodus 21:23-25 “…ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” — Matth…
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You may have experienced it: Educating your kids during the COVID lockdowns. For some it was a chore for others much simpler, but for many it was eye opening. What lockdowns did was push many parents into rethinking the way Christians should educate. In this interview, Sean and Patke interview Ryan Chase from the Make and Multiply Podcast to ask th…
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Is Jesus always nice? What about all of that judgment stuff in scripture? Should that attract our attention? In a world where a just Jesus is virtually non-existent in the minds of people, the Theologic hosts bring the biblical Jesus to bear on reality. As Dieken returns from the state house, how does the biblical Jesus fare against the Jesus Iowa …
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American Atheists propose another apparent contradiction. Here is what they say: “… Thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God…” — Leviticus 18:21 [In Judges, though, the tale of Jephthah, who led the Israelites against the Ammonoites (sic), is being told. Being fearful of defe…
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As America finds itself in a time of transformation, we look to the scriptures to help us make sense of these things. One area of transformation has been in religion. More and more people identify as pagan in their religion. In this episode, Sean and Patke walk through sections of Acts 19 to get some insight into the demonic realm and how it relate…
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The American Atheists bring out another apparent contradiction: “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.” — James 1:13 “And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham…” — Genesis 22:1 Can Sean and Patke answer this one? Listen in and find out! Supp…
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What lies ahead for our nation? What lies ahead for the American church? If you're like many Christians, you have deep concern for the well-being of fellow believers in Christ and even for yourself in a nation becoming increasingly like Sodom and Gomorrah. You are not alone in thinking fearfully toward America's future. Yet, we can all take heart t…
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A common complaint against the scripture is the seeming difference between the God of the Old and New Testaments. It's not uncommon to hear that God is all judgment in the Old Testament and all love in the New Testament. Yet, this is an observation you might believe if you look at the Bible superficially. There are common themes from the Old Testam…
  continue reading bring out another apparent contradiction. “This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.” — Genesis 17:10 “…if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.” — Galatians 5:2 Can Sean and Patke explain it? Support the Show.…
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Is the work of the Spirit that can be felt? Conjured up? Is it necessary to encounter it through an emotional environment? How does the work of the Spirit inform our Identity? These questions answered and more as Sean and Patke delve into the topic of what it means to live in the Spirit. Check out: "Who am I?" by Jerry Bridges…
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A personal challenge came to Patke: How many angels were at Jesus' tomb? Mark 16:5 "And entering the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed." Luke 24:4 "And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments." Can Christians…
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It's the first quarter of 2024 and it is now the first debate of 2024 as well! The topic at hand: Is the Rapture a distinct event from Jesus' second coming? Is Jesus' return a two-phase event? Patke says yes. Sean says no. Which one do you believe? Listen in and think critically! Support the Show.
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"It's Christ or Chaos." This is much more than a kitschy statement for a t-shirt. This has been reality since the world began. It has also become much more noticeable as we watch the decay of American society. Yet amazingly God remains in heaven offering healing and restoration to any and all who will come to Him. As Peter said in Acts 10:34-35 "I …
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Motherhood is such a treasured part of God's creation. Yet like all great gifts it comes with responsibility and challenge. Author Gloria Furman has written to come alongside the struggling mother in her woes and sorrows and bring the encouragement founded on Christ. As Patke and Sean bring the questions, may you find the strength and encouragement…
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In a culture that is gutting everything that God designed about the family, your hosts shine the light of scripture on such an important and precious part of that family in the eyes of God: Motherhood. As Sean and Patke take us through Titus 2, you will see how a biblical light shines brightly upon both a popular and ruined view of motherhood and e…
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You've heard Patke, Dieken, and Sean discuss end times before. This interview adds Joel Willoughby to the mix minus Zach Dieken. Listen in as Joel brings his perspective on Jesus' words concerning the end times as well as from what Paul says to the Thessalonians. As Joel does so, you will hear Sean offer his counter-points throughout the interview.…
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If you're human you will go through conflict in relationships. Husband to wife, Sibling to sibling, Christian to Christian; as we live on this sin cursed Earth, we can often do battle royale with our sins as well as with each other. But how do we fight with each other? Is it always wrong to do so? What happens when someone we love is angry at us? W…
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As a change up to their normal routine, our hosts set aside their quarterly formal debate for a more informal discussion. The topic is the rapture. Is there going to be a snatching away of believers prior to a 7 year period of hell on Earth? Patke thinks so. Sean does not. Will this be a mass vanishing of Christians? Will it look more like how I Th…
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In our current era, debate rages on the topic of whether or not the sign gifts of the New Testament have ceased. Are there miraculous sign gifts given to men today? How is that different from saying that miracles happen or don't happen today? Where are all the true bona fide healings that are purported to have happened around the world? What does t…
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It is our last topical episode of 2023! It's also a Christmas day drop! As you all enjoy the day remembering Christ's birth, our host Zach Dieken is gearing up for his next session time in the Iowa House of Representatives. Next month Zach goes to Des Moines to engage in the spiritual battle, we ask him: What is session? How do you get prepared? We…
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The following is a clip from our December 30 interview with David Lovi, narrator and writer for the "Cessationist" documentary. You will hear his voice in the documentary should you check it out but you may not know that he has an especially hilarious Steve Lawson impression. As a sneak peak to our interview, David Lovi tells us some hilarious stor…
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As Sean is on vacation, the two Zachs engage on the topic of religion and politics. How do we respond to the common charges that Christian beliefs need to be out of the public political arena? What leads Zach Dieken as a Christian to enter into public office in the Iowa House, fight the evils of abortion, and seek to reach the Iowa capital for Chri…
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Listen in as our hosts interview Evangelist to Catholics Mike Gendron. As they explore the main pillars of Catholicism and bring its beliefs into the light of scripture, you may be surprised at what you find. Check out Mike Gendron here: Support the Show.
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This episode matters for your loved ones. It may even matter directly to you. We live in an era where there are many who are falling away from the faith. Be it a child of a believer who left Christianity for popular cultural teachings or you yourself are asking some deep and heart-wrenching questions about your faith. This episode is for you. As yo…
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A Christian might consider this insulting: "You believe foolish things." But did you know that the Bible itself has "foolishness" as a description of its own message? It is truly no badge of shame to believe the Gospel of Foolishness when we consider the alternative. Listen in as Sean and the two Zach's pull apart this foolish message and why it is…
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There is a problem to be sure. Marian dogma according to the Catholic faith has hair raising implications for Jesus' sufficiency to save and maintain our salvation. Was Mary "immaculately conceived?" Did she also suffer for our sins? Is she currently mediating for sinners? Was her body assumed into heaven? The answers to these questions and more ha…
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Believe it or not, one can be a godly Christian and yet still disagree on the timing of baptism. For our Baptist hosts, they remain staunchly holding to the belief that scripture teaches only those who have professed faith in Christ should be baptized. But why do other godly Christians believe differently? Enter Pastor Brian Janssen for his third i…
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What separates true Christianity from something else? What separates Christian denominations? Do they matter? Should there be separation and does that always mean that Christians aren't unified? These are questions that have stumped many Christians. . Though no one has by any means figured these things out perfectly, there are some things we can kn…
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We once again engage in another scriptural sparring session where Sean and Zac clash their swords together to get at the truth of scripture. The topic on the table: Do the commands in the Old Testament Law have direct bearing on the life of the Christian? If so, how much of it does? All of it? If not, can we just do anything we want in Christ? Supp…
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It has become a topic of contention and debate over the past century. What translation of the Bible do you use? Is the King James the only translation worthy of your personal reading and study? What do we do with all of these other English translations out there? How do we deal with the often unkind treatment brought by those who contend for King J…
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Not a very exciting topic for most people: The wrath of God. In truth, this is not something God is zealous to express (Ezekiel 33:11). Yet it is important to note that God will bring His wrath for the long term good of a society that is deeply evil. As our hosts delve into the topic, you may be surprised to note the fullness of what scripture says…
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There are those who would defend a "cheap grace" gospel by claiming anything else is salvation by human merit through works. In this episode, Sean and the two Zachs explain why repentance is NOT a work that somehow gains God's favor and why it is an essential characteristic of gospel preaching and Christian conversion. Listen in and be challenged a…
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