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First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo

First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo

Join us as each week as we explore and practice what it means to express God's love for the world. First Presbyterian is an inclusive congregation located in the heart of Marin County, California. We are a church that feels called to love one another, express gratitude, ease suffering, and work for justice.
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The OddKast

Kris Anselmo

The OddKast! The podcast where we talk about odd things. From superheroes to video games to anime, we got all the nerd stuff covered. And remember, we're not the experts. ~
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Seek Things Above

Mount Angel Institute

The mission of the Mount Angel Institute is to share the rich ways of Mount Angel Abbey’s Benedictine monastic life with Church and World. In this podcast, we share talks from monks, faculty, and guest speakers at Mount Angel that generally focus on the rich ways of prayer, community life, deep reading or lectio divina, life centered on the Eucharist, Benedictine hospitality, arts and culture, and caring for the land and environment. Mount Angel Abbey (Saint Benedict, Oregon) is a community ...
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Created by Omid Farhang, award-winning Creative Director and Founder of Majority. Featuring the marketing industry’s most admired leaders sharing advice, revealing process and routines, telling a few war stories, hopefully uplifting a few cynics, and divulging secrets to a fulfilling career in marketing.
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Warren Lee & David Bonvillain

The Dabghanistan Podcast - Our View From Stage Right. With hosts Warren Lee and David Bonvillain talking to some of the most iconic and legendary people in the music and cannabis industries.
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Tango Profiles is a monthly podcast that tells the story of each of the most important composers in the history of Tango. The idea is to put faces to the names of the people who created tango. Adam Tully produces and hosts Tango Profiles from Buenos Aires. These audio essays have appeared on The Death of Tango, a radio show on WPRB Princeton, and are being released in podcast form starting in 2017.
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Rep It Up

Kory Angelin

How education and sales philosophy fits within the fitness industry. Find out what some of the biggest fitness influencers philosophy is when it comes to driving their fitness business and brand. Each episode of Rep It Up reveals what it takes to be successful from a business perspective as it relates to both big box gyms and studio boutiques. With the climate of fitness changing everyday, it is important to have a skill set that matches. It is not about taking the easy way out but rather ta ...
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Welcome to all Mealheads!! Even if you are not a metal head and don't listen to heavy music, we still welcome you!! We welcome you because we want you to understand and enjoy Heavy Metal music as much as we followers do. Its not about worshiping Satan or about hurting people. Its more about being a brotherhood and sisterhood where misfits can all feel accepted and welcomed. It also allows us to get our aggression out from time to time. In this show we bring you weekly news that is happening ...
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show series
Jesus gathers us in and sends us out, insisting that we create home for each other along the way. Home is both a place of shelter, steady and sure – and a vital and living place of encounter – moving out into the world – meeting and greeting the world – in ever-expanding circles of hospitality, welcome, and healing.…
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Sponsored by the Mount Angel Institute, artist Tomasz Misztal shares how art and its creation has transformed and affected his life. Focusing on the sacred and incorporating figurative and abstract elements in his pieces that express the human condition and spirit, learn how his artistic approach has transformed and evolved over time. Misztal was b…
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Palestra de Xosé María Dobarro Paz no 2005 sobre a faceta de Anxel Casal como un dos máis importes editores galeguistas do século pasado. Ánxel Casal tivo unha vida curta, pero intensa. Asasinado por razóns ideolóxicas no 36. Era, daquela, unha figura da política nacionalista como alcalde de Compostela e como dirixente do Comité de Autonomía que ac…
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Palestra-concerto de Mini e Mero no 2005 sobre as cantigas e a música popular galega. Xosé Luís Rivas Cruz (Mini) e Baldomero Iglesias Dobarrio (Mero) son músicos, poetas, mestres e investigadores do folclore e a cultura tradicionais galegos, membros históricos de Fuxan os Ventos e actuais compoñentes do grupo musical de A Quenlla.…
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Última parte da palestra de José Martinho Montero Santalha no 2003 sobre as as dúas principais normas que regulan o idioma galego: a isolacionaista (autonómica ou divergente) ou a reintegracionista (etimológica ou convergente)... E qual é o a alternativa mais coerente e apropriada. José Martinho Montero Santalha é um linguista galego comprometido, …
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Terceira parte da palestra de José Martinho Montero Santalha no 2003 na que alude a distintas citas de diversos linguistas que apoian ou apoiaron a alternativa reintegracionista para regular a normativa do idioma galego. José Martinho Montero Santalha é um linguista galego comprometido, desde o início, co proceso normativizador e coa defensa do rei…
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Segunda parte da palestra de José Martinho Montero Santalha no 2003 sobre distintos aspectos da normativa que regula o idioma galego, e a idoneidade da norma aplicável: a isolacionaista (autonómica ou divergente) ou a reintegracionista (etimológica ou convergente) José Martinho Montero Santalha é um linguista galego comprometido, desde o início, co…
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Primeira parte da palestra de José Martinho Montero Santalha no 2003 sobre as dúas normas principais do Galego: a isolacionaista (autonómica ou divergente) e a reintegracionista (etimológica ou convergente) José Martinho Montero Santalha é um linguista galego comprometido, desde o início, co proceso normativizador e coa defensa do reintegracionismo…
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In worship, we welcomed to the pulpit Elder Susan Krehbiel from the Migrant Accompaniment Ministries of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Looking to the experiences of migrants and those who accompany and support, Krehbiel invited us to consider what we have to learn from heart-opening encounters with each other.…
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In these courtroom scenes in Scripture, we have seen a lot of real life, and we’ve seen God right there in the midst of it all – with truth, wisdom, justice, compassion, mercy, and grace. In this Scripture, Jesus invites us to wade into real life and engage the worthy work of reconciliation.By Rev. Scott Clark
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Palestra de Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel no 2021 sobre o exilio dos galegos republicanos a méxico por mor da guerra civil española. Esta palestra a proposito da figura de Florencio Delgado Gurriarán, homenaxeado nas Letras Galegas do 2021, que estivo exiliado, precisamente, como tantos outros, en México.…
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Palestra de Félix García Yáñez sobre a república, a guerra civil e a represión franquista na comarca de Valdeorras. O palestrante afonda na resistencia ao golpe de 1936 e o xurdimento dun forte movimento guerrilleiro. Provén do I ciclo de encontros sobre Valdeorras, organizado polo grupo Valdeorras Infinda…
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O día da poesía, o pasado 21 de marzo de 2024, celebrouse un recital a propósito da poesía social de Celso Emilio Ferreiro. De forma introductoria, Xesús Alonso Montero expón a palestra: "Arenga sobre Celso Emilio Ferreiro e a chamada poesía social con algunhas páxinas pouco gasalleiras para certos poetas puros e, sobre todo, para os poetas turrieb…
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Extending mercy to the brothers who have done him wrong, Joseph recalibrates entirely our understanding of what it is that we deserve, grounding us in our shared humanity. In God’s mercy, God gives humanity what humanity deserves: Love. Life. Dignity. Food. Water. Access to healthcare. The freedom to live without constant fear of violence. All the …
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Palestra de Xesús Alonso Montero sobre a chamada traxedia do bou "Eva" (bou é un barco de pesca), no Berbés, en Vigo. Alí, o 22 de abril de 1937, cercados polos fascistas, autoinmoláronse, antes de ser capturados, nove republicanos que pretendían fuxir, ocultos no barco, do terror franquista. Este feito foi conmemorado literariamente por poetas com…
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Palestra de Joan-María Thomas, da Universidade de Rovira e Virgili, sobre a importancia e a explotación de wolframio na Galiza. Efectivamente, a Galiza non foi un "Far", senón un "Near West", durante a maior parte da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Provén das Xornadas sobre a Galiza na II guerra Mundial no 2021…
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In March 2024, Dr. Maryanne Wolf gave a talk at Mount Angel Abbey on "Reading in a Digital Culture: The Beauty and the Challenges to Empathy, Critical Analysis, and Contemplation." Focusing on research in neuroscience and education, Dr. Wolf looked at the effects of digital mediums on the development and the sustaining of deep reading processes, pa…
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We come to the Book of Job – with Job’s big questions – and ours – and we don’t find a neat and tidy answer. We come to the Book of Job – and what we find is a groan and a shout – as ancient as this story, and as fresh and alive as the dawn of this very day. In our suffering, God speaks with us out of the whirlwind, and we live, and we somehow find…
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