show episodes
TERRIBLE TRUTH: Investigative Research on Bâri' Hitler Shabazz, who fraudulently presents as "Barack Hussein Obama II". Companion website OBAMA CONSPIRATORS: the people, process and purpose behind the fake "BHO II" identity. #FourthReich #Hitler #BâriHitlerShabazz
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Sgeul is Seanchas

Scottish Storytelling Forum

Fàilte do ar pod-craoladh, Sgeul is Seanchas, far an cluinnear measgachadh de sgeulachdan traidiseanta, eachdraidheil is èibhinn anns a' Ghàidhlig bho chuid de na seanchaidhean is bàrd as fheàrr ann an Alba. Bu toil le Fòram Sgeulachdan na h-Alba taing a thoirt do Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic agus maoineachadh airson a’ chiad sreath agus gu Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig airson am maoineachadh airson an dàrna sreath den phod-craoladh. Riochdaire agus Deasaiche ...
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show series
’S ann aig Na Leòdaich, Clann ’ic Leòid, a bha smachd air Eilean Leòdhais airson iomadh linn. Ach thug an Crùn seilbh air fearrann Leódhais ga na Sìophartaich -Clann ‘ic Choinnich, ann an 1611. Thug Iarla Shìophairt òrdugh gu feumadh na bhuineadh ga cinn-feadha na Leòidich, an cur gu bàs. A rèir beul aithris na Sìophartaich fhein, agus na tha sgrìo…
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Seo dhuibh sgeulachd pearsanta air a h-innse le Ruairidh Greumach às an Eilean Sgitheanach. 's ann mu dheidhinn aon de na sinnsearan aig Ruairidh a th' ann, Aonghas MacMhaolain à Leòdhas, a bha na shaighdear anns a' Chiad Chogadh Mòr. Choisinn Aonghas tòrr chliù airson a ghaisgeachd tron a' chogadh is choisinn e an tiotal An Gaisgeach Bhuzancy bhon…
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Dàna-Thursan ri Aibideil nan Craobhan – Adventures with the Gaelic Tree Alphabet Tha an Gille Dubh/Glèidheadair na Coille cho dubhach is e ag ionndrainn nan craobhan is a chuideachd a chaidh am fuadachadh, gu bheil e air a dhachaigh anns a’ choille a thrèigsinn gus suidhe na aonar air barr beinne, a’ fàgail nan àilleagan uile aige aig Sìne, airson …
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Seo dhuibh sgeulachd eachdraidheil à Èirinn air a h-innse le Marcas Mac an Tuairneir. Bha long Frangach, an Leon XIII, a' seòladh eadar Portland is Corcaigh is chaidh a bhriseadh air na creagan faisg air Caoilte nuair a thàinig stoirm uabhasach. Cluinnear mun oidhirp ghaisgeil a rinn muinntir Chaoilte gus na seòlaidearan Frangach a shabhladh. This …
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Seo dhuibh dà sgeulachd èibhinn a chruthaich Tormod Mac'illeEathain, nach maireann, air an innse le Ruairidh Gray à Uibhist a Deas. 's e 'A' Bhean-Uasal NicÌomhair à Cnoc an t-Soluis air a' Bhac' tiotal a' chiad sgeulachd, sgeulachd mu dheidhinn ban-Leòdhasach a tha a' siubhal gu Tibet gus coinneachadh ri cuideigin sònraichte. Agus 's e 'Cladh Hàll…
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Fàilte do Sgeul is Seanchas, pod-craoladh ùr bho Fòram Sgeulachdan na h-Alba (TRACS) far an cluinnear measgachadh de sgeulachdan traidiseanta, eachdraidheil is èibhinn anns a' Ghàidhlig bho chuid de na sgeulaichean as fheàrr ann an Alba. Am mìos seo, cluinnidh sinn bho Ruairidh Mac'illeathain à Inbhir Nis leis an sgeulachd, An t-Iasg Òir. Bha Màrta…
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America's intensifying denial of sin since the 1960's has offered Political Operatives pathways to grave crimes against the American people, crimes unimaginable in our country's youth, young adulthood and early middle age. As America settled into what most hoped would be a comfortable 'mid' middle age post World War II, rather than enjoying the fre…
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This short documentary audio recounts the defeat of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Reign Of Terror from the perspective of Russia, whose military moved in to Berlin 16 April 1945 - driving Adolf Hitler out - effectively ending World War II in Europe. As you will hear, the May 1945 raising of the Russian flag over Germany's Reichstag became symbolic of Russia'…
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RE-BROADCAST 22 September 2015 Apparently, The "Obama" Conspirators refused to accept it: TRUTH CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED. This episode of TERRIBLE TRUTH At BlogTalkRadio examines the core "Obama" lie, his Identity Fraud. Why did the man who presents as "Barack Hussein Obama II" lie about whom he truly is? Did he concoct this lie on his …
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In a brilliant, prescient analysis of the stubborn resilience of Nazis to fight on despite the ostensible end to World War II, this 1945 Academy Award winning short documentary explains how it is that what was - and is - The Nazi Underground has reared its evil head to seize global control in the 21st Century. The great news: after decades of non-v…
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America - and the world - is greatly suffering from synchronistic evil acts of a cabal of Nazi Underground political leaders. How did this come to be, and why? This show airs a 1943 World War II animated film by Walt Disney entitled Education For Death: The Making Of The Nazi. The information conveyed is essential for all who wish to comprehend wha…
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The bizarre disappearance of World War II Army Air Corps Band Director, United States Major Glenn Miller, for years, the Entertainment Industry's Arch-Enemy of The Führer, bears too many Hitler Hoofprints to be dismissed with 'nothing to see here.' What's more, important building blocks of the "Obama" Identity Fraud scam originate in Miller's body …
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In spring 1945, the world was deliberately deceived by, first off, The Nazis, and later, The Allies, that Adolf Hitler died in his Berlin Führerbunker. All sorts of rationalizations for this outrageous cover-up were employed; but the fact remains that this grave sin against our world and outrageous offense against every single person and his loved …
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