This is all about self development so if you're not about becoming a civilization upgrader then this isn't for you
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Xooma is amazing! Go check me out on insta @ xoomadfw and fb @ Blake Wallbrecher (page)
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Your voice is stronger than you think, don't doubt yourself, encourage yourself
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Take action, do not delay. Time is a man made construct!
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MTN Podcast #7 Programming and Reprogramming
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Once you realize that you're already programming yourself, you start looking at your life a little differently
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Time is not what it seems. We are learning more about it every day!
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Observe, experiment, then change. Use them all
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Most people think good things when they think pride and I think that's because a lot of people are full of it
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The key to unlocking yourself is to remove your distractions
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The difference between the two and how it affects your life
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It's all about the little thing's, because they in turn create the bigger things. Start small :)
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