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Christ The King


It’s only once we recognize that Christ is King, and submit to His reign over our nation, will we be truly able to have a good life, be liberated, and pursue happiness.
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More Christ

Marcas Ó Conghaile Muirthemne

Welcome to More Christ where we will feature philosophers, psychologists, content creators and other leaders to share Christian truth in the present age.
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show series
We mend the broken by the interjection of our lives into the circumstances and situations of others, with care, gentleness and the right medicine to bring one back to life and health. When they proclaimed that it was the samaritan that was the true neighbor to the wounded man, Jesus replied, "then you go and do likewise". Nothing has changed, it is…
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Church Life "Gospel Grace and the New Covenant, Pt. 2" (Acts 10:24-43)A Divine Appointment (vv. 24-33) Eph. 2:14-16,19 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility 15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man …
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In this episode, we open pp. 360–365 of Geerhardus Vos’s Biblical Theology to discuss his profound insights into Jesus’s relationship with the Old Testament. How did Christ use the Scriptures in his teaching? What did he mean when he said he came to “fulfill” the law? And how does his doctrine of God affirm the continuity of divine revelation from …
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In this podcast episode on "Having A Traditional, Holistic Hermeneutic" I go into how the correct way for a Christian to understand their Faith is to, in humility, read Scripture holistically, read how most Christians consistently understood it, starting from the First Century, to come to the Truth. Link to my article "Obstinate Disobedience of Tra…
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Dr Kevin Jon Vanhoozer is an American theologian and current research professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) in Deerfield, Illinois. Much of Vanhoozer's work focuses on systematic theology, hermeneutics, and postmodern theology.I've been a fan of Kevin's for many years and was delighted to finally speak to hi…
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