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BassCrackHead Is a New Dj & Producer Drumstep Dubstep Please Contact [email protected] For Booking Thank you For Listening My BassCrackHouse Podcast
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Drum'n bass & dubstep podcast mixed by Wispy
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Chambers Radio sets to provide you with the freshest, up to date Bass music in electronic dance music.
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Re-Tuned Podcast hosted by Scudda and WhiteD. New episode every 2nd Friday!
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Techno sounds are made here, change here, and live here forever. This is a place to immerse yourself into a world where sounds have no boundaries. Let your imagination fly until..
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Bringing you your monthly fix of EDM. Purecast was created to deliver a healthy dose of a specific genre each month.
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Rebellious underground electronic dance music carefully curated and DJ mixed by Mutiny Audio and featured Guest DJs from around the world!! (WARNING: may cause serious side effects such as booty shaking, dry humping, alcohol cravings, and may attract girls with low morals)
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Paul Azizeh brings you TLSessions (Techno-Logik Sessions) every month spanning all genres of electronic music featuring guest DJs and Producers within the US and around the world.
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The Subzero Music Show recaps the best music releases every 4 to 6 weeks covering the broad spectrum of electronic dance music. Guided through all tracks with frequent light-hearted commentary by Lesilectro, the best 5 electro house (including glitch hop and moombahcore), 5 dubstep (including trap) and 5 drum & bass tracks (including drumstep) are reviewed and showcased.
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The Melotronics Drum&Bass Podcast. Melotronics project has been formed by three musicians from St.Petersburg (RUS) with similar musical visions and ideas known as Max Shifty, Dmitry Raytem and Alex Rockit. They began individual careers in electronic dance music in 1998 but have combined in a band in the end of 2009. Melotronics way of production formed under the influences from various styles of music to create a new unique sound, in general from drum&bass and drumstep (halftime) to synthwav ...
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POP & MOOMBAhton party by DJ VinniP
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1:00:52Приятные, позитивные, узнаваемые хиты в моей компиляции! Приятного всем прослушивания!)By AndrewVinnip
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XY-unity MaD CreatoR - Radioshow GematogeN #23
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1:00:55…By XY-unity Records & Radioshow Music Label
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TLS 72 - WHEELZ - DJCHECK6 - DJ REMIX http://ia601400.us.archive.org/8/items/tls-72-wheelz-djcheck-6-dj-remix/TLS%2072%20-%20WHEELZ%20-%20DJCHECK6%20-%20DJ%20REMIX.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 72TH episode. For this month will be respected 2 DJ's, DJCHECK6 and WH…
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TLS 71 - DOT DIGGLER - TRIPLE THREAT - MISS MIN.D https://ia601508.us.archive.org/8/items/tls-71-dot-diggler-triple-threat-miss-min.-d/TLS%2071%20-%20DOT%20DIGGLER%20-%20TRIPLE%20THREAT%20-%20MISS%20MIN.D%20%28PG-13%29.mp3 DJ DOT links https://soundcloud.com/dj-dot https://www.facebook.com/DJDOTDIGGLER/ http://futureperfectevents.com/artist/dj-dot-…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrecsoundcloud.com/melotronicsinstagram.com/melotronicstwitter.com/dmitryraytempromodj.com/melotronicsyou…
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DJ Dmitriy Milovidov - Super megamix bomb
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12:27DJ Dmitriy Milovidov - Super megamix bombBy DJ JASPER
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TLS 70 - KEANO - DIGITAL BLOOM - ASTRAL FIZZ http://ia601405.us.archive.org/4/items/tls-70-keano-digital-bloom-astral-fizz/TLS%2070%20-%20KEANO%20-%20DIGITAL%20BLOOM%20-%20ASTRAL%20FIZZ%20%28PG-13%29.mp3 KEANO links https://www.mixcloud.com/Keano_Martinez/ https://soundcloud.com/keanomartinez https://www.facebook.com/DJKeano/ https://www.facebook.c…
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TLS 69 - XENOME & ANUKAI & GALVANIZED http://ia801506.us.archive.org/32/items/tls-69-xenome-anukai/TLS%2069%20-%20XENOME%20%26%20ANUKAI%20%28PG-13%29.mp3 XENOME links https://www.facebook.com/XenomeOSC https://www.mixcloud.com/Xenohm/ https://www.facebook.com/Oscillatorium https://www.mixcloud.com/KawaiiMurderMachine/ ANUKAI links https://soundclou…
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TLS 68 - THA DiGiTAL DRAGON & LEGAL ALIEN & IRIS http://ia801500.us.archive.org/30/items/tls-68-tha-digital-dragon-legal-alien-iris/TLS%2068%20-%20THA%20DiGiTAL%20DRAGON%20%26%20LEGAL%20ALIEN%20%26%20IRIS%20%28PG-13%29.mp3 THA DiGiTAL DRAGON links https://www.mixcloud.com/DiGiTALDRAGON/ https://soundcloud.com/thadigitaldragon https://www.facebook.c…
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TLS 67 - JIMNI CRICKET & BOBBY RITALIN http://ia601400.us.archive.org/3/items/tls-67-jimni-cricket-bobby-ritalin-pg-13/TLS%2067%20-%20JIMNI%20CRICKET%20%26%20BOBBY%20RITALIN%20%28PG-13%29.mp3 JIMNI CRICKET links https://www.facebook.com/deejayjimnicricket BOBBY RITALIN links https://soundcloud.com/bobbyritalin JESSICAT Links https://soundcloud.com/…
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TLS 66 - NYGHTREAUX & SHARK BOY http://ia601504.us.archive.org/8/items/tls-66-nyghtreaux-sharkboy-pg-13/TLS%2066%20-%20NYGHTREAUX%20%26%20SHARKBOY%20%28PG-13%29.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 66TH episode. For this month will be 2 DJ's, NYGHTREAUX and SHARK BOY NYG…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrec soundcloud.com/melotronics instagram.com/melotronics twitter.com/dmitryraytem promodj.com/melotronic…
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TLS 65 - FREDY FUGITIVE & PAUL AZIZEH http://ia601403.us.archive.org/8/items/tls-65-fredy-fugitive-paul-azizeh_202005/TLS%2065%20-%20FREDY%20FUGITIVE%20%26%20PAUL%20AZIZEH.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman. Welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 65TH episode. For this month will be 2 respected DJ's, Fredy Fugi…
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TLS 64 - PROTOCALL 7 & MATTG http://ia601401.us.archive.org/25/items/tls64protocall7mattg/TLS%2064%20-%20PROTOCALL7%20%26%20MATTG.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 64TH episode. For this month will be 2 respected DJ's, PROTOCALL 7 and MATTG protoCall7 Bio protoCall7 i…
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TLS 63 - SKEEMER & 5TOES http://ia601409.us.archive.org/20/items/tls63skeemer5toes/TLS%2063%20-%20SKEEMER%20%26%205TOES.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 62nd episode. For this month will be 2 respected DJ's, SKEEMER and 5TOES. SKEEMER Bio Skeemer is another member of…
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TLS 62 - ELECTRO ANGEL & DJ LITHIUM https://ia601405.us.archive.org/1/items/tls62electroangeldjlithium_202002/TLS%2062%20-%20ELECTRO%20ANGEL%20%26%20DJ%20LITHIUM.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 62nd episode. For this month will be 2 respected DJ's, Erin Bersch and D…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrec soundcloud.com/melotronics instagram.com/melotronics twitter.com/dmitryraytem promodj.com/melotronic…
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TLS 61 - STEVE RA & PROPHET ECKS http://ia601505.us.archive.org/5/items/tls61steveraprophetecks/TLS%2061%20-%20STEVE%20RA%20%26%20PROPHET%20ECKS.mp3 NOTE: There maybe some profanity in the mixes, we've cleaned them up to the best of our abilities. Just wanted to make everyone aware. STEVE RA "Born in Detroit, house and techno producer Steve Ra form…
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TLS 60 - OMRVLS & HYPERFUNK http://ia601509.us.archive.org/3/items/tls60omrvlshyperfunk/TLS%2060%20-%20OMRVLS%20%26%20HYPERFUNK.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 60th episode of the TL Sessions podcast. For October will be 2 respected DJ's headliner on the show and to…
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TLS 59 - DIOGENESIS & GABE THE BABE http://ia601507.us.archive.org/8/items/tls59diogenesisgabethebabe/TLS%2059%20-%20DioGenesis%20%26%20Gabe%20the%20Babe.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 59th episode of the TL Sessions podcast. For November, there will be 2 respected…
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TLS 58 - MISS MIN.D & PAUL WHEELER http://ia601404.us.archive.org/16/items/tls58missmin.dpaulwheeler/TLS%2058%20-%20Miss%20Min.D%20%26%20Paul%20Wheeler.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 58th episode of the TL Sessions podcast. For October will be 2 respected DJ's plyi…
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TLS 57 - WEKYOTE & MODE 4 http://ia601402.us.archive.org/17/items/tls57wekyotemode4/TLS%2057%20-%20WEKYOTE%20%26%20MODE%204.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This month marks the 57th episode of the TL Sessions podcast and we have 2 respected DJ's, Weykyote and Mode 4. WEYKYOTE BIO This g…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrec soundcloud.com/melotronics instagram.com/melotronics twitter.com/dmitryraytem promodj.com/melotronic…
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TLS 56 - DJ WOODROW & THA DiGiTAL DRAGON http://ia601403.us.archive.org/19/items/tls56djwoodrowthadigitaldragon/TLS%2056%20-%20DJ%20Woodrow%20%26%20THA%20DiGiTAL%20Dragon.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This year marks the 56th episode of the TL Sessions podcast and this month of August…
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Paul and Wes Presents TL Sessions: Episode 55 Feat. SKEEMER & Fredy Fugitive http://ia601406.us.archive.org/27/items/paulandwespresentstlsessionsepisode55feat.skeemerandfredyfugitive_201907/Paul%20and%20Wes%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2055%20Feat.%20SKEEMER%20and%20Fredy%20Fugitive.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to ano…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrec soundcloud.com/melotronics instagram.com/melotronics twitter.com/dmitryraytem promodj.com/melotronic…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrec soundcloud.com/melotronics instagram.com/melotronics twitter.com/dmitryraytem promodj.com/melotronic…
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Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman Presents TL Sessions: Episode 54 Feat. Patrick Walen & Jezdom http://ia601404.us.archive.org/0/items/PaulAndWesPresentsTLSessionsEpisode54Feat.PatWalenAndJezdom_201905/Paul%20and%20Wes%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2054%20Feat.%20Pat%20Walen%20and%20Jezdom.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to anot…
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Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman Presents TL Sessions: Episode 53 Feat. Chris Vision http://ia801502.us.archive.org/10/items/PaulAzizehAndWesNesmanPresentsTLSessionsEpisode53Feat.ChrisVision/Paul%20Azizeh%20and%20Wes%20Nesman%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2053%20Feat.%20Chris%20Vision.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman and welcome to another …
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Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman Presents TL Sessions: Episode 52 Feat. Huktonwax and Jimmy Noise http://ia801401.us.archive.org/2/items/PaulAzizehAndWesNesmanPresentsTLSessionsEpisode52Feat.HuktonwaxAndJimmyNoise/Paul%20Azizeh%20and%20Wes%20Nesman%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2052%20Feat.%20Huktonwax%20and%20Jimmy%20Noise.mp3 This Is Paul Azize…
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Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman Presents TL Sessions: Episode 51 Feat. AjAX and Doubleshot http://ia601404.us.archive.org/18/items/PaulAzizehAndWesNesmanPresentsTLSessionsEpisode51Feat.AjAXAndDoubleshot/Paul%20Azizeh%20and%20Wes%20Nesman%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2051%20Feat.%20AjAX%20and%20Doubleshot.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman. …
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Paul Azizeh and Wes Nesman Presents TL Sessions: Episode 50 Feat. protoCall7 and DioGenesis http://ia801504.us.archive.org/8/items/PaulAzizehAndWESNESMANPresentsTLSessionsEpisode50Feat.ProtoCall7AndDioGenesis/Paul%20Azizeh%20and%20WES%20NESMAN%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2050%20Feat.%20protoCall7%20and%20DioGenesis.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 49 Feat. Woodrow and Nikon http://ia801501.us.archive.org/31/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode49Feat.WoodrowAndNikon/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2049%20Feat.%20Woodrow%20and%20Nikon.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to another exciting episode of TL Sessions. This year mark…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 48 Feat. DJ WhistleR http://ia601508.us.archive.org/16/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode48Feat.WhistleR_20181201/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2048%20Feat.%20WhistleR.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We’re closing out the year with …
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 47 Feat. No Mercy http://ia801509.us.archive.org/17/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode47Feat.NoMercy_201810/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2047%20Feat.%20No%20Mercy.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a guest DJ returning to TL S…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 46 Feat. Stank Dank http://ia601502.us.archive.org/30/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode46Feat.StankDank/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2046%20Feat.%20Stank%20Dank.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a guest DJ coming to TL Sessi…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 45 Feat. JROK http://ia601507.us.archive.org/28/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode45Feat.JROK/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2045%20Feat.%20JROK.mp3 This month we have a special guest DJ from Seattle WA and his name is JROK. JROK, known to many as Karma, fell in love with DnB in …
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 44 Feat. THA DiGiTAL DRAGON http://ia601503.us.archive.org/32/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode44Feat.THADiGiTALDRAGON/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2044%20Feat.%20THA%20DiGiTAL%20DRAGON.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. This month’s…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 43 Feat. The F'N Wizard http://ia601506.us.archive.org/31/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode43Feat.TheFNWizard/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2043%20Feat.%20The%20F%27N%20Wizard.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a special guest…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrec soundcloud.com/melotronics instagram.com/melotronics twitter.com/dmitryraytem promodj.com/melotronic…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 42 Feat. Woodrow https://ia801508.us.archive.org/32/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode42Feat.Woodrow/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2042%20Feat.%20Woodrow.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a special guest DJ coming to TL Sessio…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 41 Feat. 16Bit Villain http://ia601504.us.archive.org/28/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode41Feat.16BitVillain/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2041%20Feat.%2016Bit%20Villain.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a special guest DJ c…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 40 Feat. SakeBomb http://ia801502.us.archive.org/1/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode40Feat.SakeBomb/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2040%20Feat.%20SakeBomb.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a special guest DJ coming to TL Sessi…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 39 Feat. ARMCHAiR PiRATE http://ia601506.us.archive.org/18/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode39Feat.ARMCHAiRPiRATE_201803/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2039%20Feat.%20ARMCHAiR%20PiRATE.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a guest…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 38 Feat. Dot Diggler http://ia801500.us.archive.org/6/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode38Feat.DotDiggler/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2038%20Feat.%20Dot%20Diggler.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. We have a guest DJ coming to TL Ses…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 37 Feat. El Jeffe https://ia601508.us.archive.org/14/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode37Feat.ElJeffe_201801/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2037%20Feat.%20El%20Jeffe.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. This marks our 3rd year anniversary…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 36 Feat. SoulKid https://ia601508.us.archive.org/7/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode36Feat.SoulKid/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2036%20Feat.%20SoulKid.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. I have a special guest headliner from Seattle W…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 35 Feat. Azmyth http://ia601501.us.archive.org/15/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode35Feat.Azmyth_20171102/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2035%20Feat.%20Azmyth.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. I have a special guest DJ from Seattle WA…
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Paul Azizeh Presents TL Sessions: Episode 34 Feat. Miss Min.D http://ia601506.us.archive.org/14/items/PaulAzizehPresentsTLSessionsEpisode34Feat.MissMin.D_201709/Paul%20Azizeh%20Presents%20TL%20Sessions_%20Episode%2034%20Feat.%20Miss%20Min.D.mp3 This Is Paul Azizeh and welcome to an exciting new episode of TL Sessions. I have a special guest DJ orig…
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Powerful melodic drum&bass influenced by electro and trance sounding along with leading dancefloor smashers. Sometimes with easy shades of 80s. Melotronics recorded live at 11th Radio, St.Petersburg. Scroll down and visit Episode Web Page for tracklist and etc. Contact details: facebook.com/melotronicrec soundcloud.com/melotronics instagram.com/mel…
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