show episodes
EKT Interactive brings you the next generation in energy industry training. As a supplement to our Energy 101 e-learning content, these podcasts bring you commentary from our industry experts with decades of experience. We cover all relevant topics from oil and gas to power and renewables, the energy transition, and more.
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In 2021, anonymous user Carl92 uploaded a 17-second sample of a song that changed lost media forever. The catchy tune sounded familiar to so many people. But for years nobody could find it. Was it an unreleased demo from a major artist? An AI generated hoax? The beginning of an alternate reality game? Everyone Knows That: The Search for Ulterior Motives is a five-part miniseries about the history of the song, the theories pursued, the hoaxes created, and the song's shocking discovery. New ep ...
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Welcome to the oil and gas Sound Off with Joe Perino. Joe is an oil and gas industry veteran with decades of experience. As part of the EKT Interactive oil and gas podcast network, Joe will share his experience and insight on current oil and gas industry trends, topics, and news. Joe's experience throughout the value chain including upstream, midstream and downstream segments makes him uniquely experienced to bring listeners a well rounded and insightful view of the oil and gas industry. Top ...
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Oil 101 - The Oil and Gas Learning Podcast. Oil 101 is the first podcast to focus on topics relevant to those who are looking to learn more about the oil and gas industry. Whether new to oil and gas, looking to get started in the industry, or someone just looking to learn more about their profession. In this podcast we will discuss the fundamental segments of the oil and gas industry - Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream. We then drill down further into specific functions including Explorati ...
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The next generation in oil and gas training. Oil and gas industry veteran and passionate educator Marty Stetzer weighs in on topics important to our learning community. He will also be sitting down with other oil and gas industry veterans to discuss current topics and trends affecting the oil and gas industry. Topics include Oil 101, Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, Supply and Trading, Refining, Petroleum Product Marketing, Natural Gas, Crude Oil, Oil and Gas Careers, Oil and Gas Industry Tr ...
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The RDK Podcast

The RDK Podcast

The RDK Podcast is here to serve one purpose: to spread the knowledge of RDK as a platform. We hope to bring talent and clients together, enriching the RDK community as a whole.
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show series
Vi snakker mye om bruk av kunstig intelligens innen medisinen, men har vi forstått konsekvensene? Vil dette gjøre livet som lege og pasient bedre, eller vil det bare føre til enda mer arbeidsbelastning og overbehandling? President i Legeforeningen, Anne-Karin Rime, har invitert lege Ishita Barua til Legeprat. Hun har en doktorgrad i kunstig intelli…
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Hvordan skal man møte pasienter som krever utredning og behandling når du som lege mener dette kan påføre unødvendige og negative følger? Lederen i Norsk forening for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, Marianne Wesnes, møter Maja Wilhelmsen i studio for å prate om Gjør kloke valg-kampanjen. Gjør kloke valg-kampanjen er en norsk versjon av den int…
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Hvordan kan man skape et arbeidsmiljø i offentlig helsevesen der ansatte trives og ikke slutter? Overlege Marie Storkholm har skapt en kultur for sine 200 medarbeidere på avdelingen der alle skal få lov til å si sin mening. Alt handler ikke bare om høy faglighet for å løse en oppgave. Det handler også om å arbeide godt sammen, forteller hun til Erl…
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Following the discovery of Ulterior Motives, musicians Christopher Saint Booth and Philip Adrian Booth share their story. How did they learn about the search? What did they remember about the song? What happens after a lost song is discovered? And, ultimately, why do we search for lost media? Stream Ulterior Motives: The Lost Album on all streaming…
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What were the clues that led to the shocking discovery of Everyone Knows That? Discover the clues, the search, the uncomfortable reality moderators grappled with, and the story of the song's discovery from the person who found it. Everyone Knows That: The Search For Ulterior Motives is a Lost Media podcast: Host and Produce…
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As the search for Everyone Knows That intensifies, the community begins to pursue a growing number of theories. How do the lyrics inform the search for the song? Could it be an unreleased demo from a major artist? Is it possible the song, itself, it a hoax? Everyone Knows That: The Search For Ulterior Motives is a Lost Media podcast: https://www.lo…
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Blodtransfusjoner redder liv hver dag, men kan det bli for mye av det gode? Spesialistene i immunologi og transfusjonsmedisin, Aurora Espinosa og Astrid Aandahl, spør seg selv om dette i denne episoden. Gjør kloke valg-kampanjen er en norsk versjon av den internasjonale Choosing wisely-kampanjen som startet i USA i 2012. Hensikten er å redusere ove…
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Following Carl92's disappearance, a growing community dedicated to discovering Everyone Knows That emerges. What do we know about the song that might lead to its discovery? Who keeps the search on track? And why are people so dedicated to creating hoaxes to try to claim credit for the song? Everyone Knows That: The Search For Ulterior Motives is a …
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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How far would you go to discover a lost song? In October 2021, anonymous user Carl92 uploads 17 seconds of a mysterious lost song that creates a global community and search to discover it. Everyone Knows That: The Search For Ulterior Motives is a Lost Media podcast: Host and Producer: Josh Chapdelaine Associate Producer: Ad…
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Når kirurgen forteller at det ikke er så lurt å operere, da er det kanskje lurt å lytte. I denne episoden snakker Per-Henrik Randsborg, leder av Norsk ortopedisk forening, med Greger Lønne, ortoped og forsker, om å gjøre kloke valg på operasjonsbordet. Gjør kloke valg-kampanjen er en norsk versjon av den internasjonale Choosing wisely-kampanjen som…
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Hadde helsemyndighetene en naiv tro på sine egne retningslinjer? Et flertall av leger i Norge opplevde at pasientene deres ble nedprioritert under pandemien, og at dette var medisinsk uforsvarlig. Erlend Hem, Instituttsjef i Legeforskningsinstituttet (Lefo) har invitert lege Morten Magelssen som jobber på Senter for medisinsk etikk ved UiO og senio…
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In 2021, anonymous user Carl92 uploaded a 17-second sample of a song that changed lost media forever. The catchy tune sounded familiar to so many people. But for years nobody could find it. Was it an unreleased demo from a major artist? An AI generated hoax? The beginning of an alternate reality game? Everyone Knows That: The Search for Ulterior Mo…
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Hvor går grensen mellom forsvarlig medisinsk behandling og jaget etter profitt i helsetjenesten? Fredrik Nomme, leder i Norsk radiologisk forening og medisinsk direktør i Unilabs Norge, og Harald Nes, radiolog og fagstyremedlem, inntar Legeprat-studioet. Viktigheten av at pasientens beste forblir det primære fokuset, og at økonomiske hensyn ikke gå…
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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Fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering er en spesialitet der du virkelig får være lege, med en masse spennende medisinske problemstillinger å utrede og følge opp. Marianne Wesnes, overlege og leder av Norsk forening for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, og Erling Becker Aarseth, overlege og styremedlem i foreningen, forteller i denne episoden av Le…
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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Fastlegene Øyvind Stople Sivertsen og Christina Stangeland Fredheim snakker om hvorfor det noen ganger kan virke uklokt å gjøre kloke valg. Gjør kloke valg-kampanjen er en norsk versjon av den internasjonale Choosing wisely-kampanjen som startet i USA i 2012. Hensikten er å redusere overbehandling og overdiagnostikk i helsetjenesten. Mange undersøk…
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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Hyppige blodprøver hos barn og langtidspasienter kan bidra til iatrogen anemi. Overforbruk gir også unødvendige utslipp av kjemikalier og plast fra laboratoriet og er uheldig for miljø og klima. Mette Brokner og Ragnhild Nome er begge overleger og spesialister i medisinsk biokjemi og snakker om sine erfaringer og betraktninger. Gjør kloke valg-kamp…
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«Stikker vi ungene våre for mye?» I denne episoden av Legeprat prater barnelegene Joel Selvakumar og Kasper Kavli Øvsthus om sine erfaringer og tanker om blodprøver, barn og bekymrede foreldre. Gjør kloke valg-kampanjen er en norsk versjon av den internasjonale Choosing wisely-kampanjen som startet i USA i 2012. Hensikten er å redusere overbehandli…
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Sammenhengen mellom legers jobbtilfredshet og kvalitet i pasientbehandlingen er sentrale områder i et flerårig forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekt i regi av LEFO – Legeforskningsinstituttet. Erlend Hem, lege og instituttleder, har invitert Fredrik Bååthe, ph.d. i medisin, gjesteforsker ved LEFO og ved Institutet för stressmedicin i Gøteborg, til Lege…
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I år er det fem år siden kampanjen Gjør kloke valg ble startet i Norge for å redusere overbehandling og overaktivitet i helsetjenesten. Kampanjen er en del av den internasjonale bevegelsen «Choosing Wisely». I denne episoden har barnelege og professor, Ketil Størdal, besøk av den kanadiske legen, og indremedisineren, Wendy Levinson, som også er int…
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Antibiotikabehandling til barn redder liv. Men kan det også være skadelig? Og hvilke barn er det som faktisk trenger antibiotikabehandling? I den andre episoden av Gjør kloke valg-serien «Mer er ikke alltid bedre» diskuterer Anlaug Vatne dette, og mange andre problemstillinger, med Christian Magnus Thaulow. Anlaug Vatne er barnelege og overlege ved…
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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Thanks for listening to the EKT Interactive Energy Podcast Network. In this 17 minute episode, Marty Stetzer (EKT Interactive in Houston) talks with Eleanor Cannon who designed a senior level history elective entitled the: History, Geopolitics and Economics of Energy. As she developed her course, Eleanor was looking for real-world operations conten…
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Thanks for listening to the EKT Interactive Energy Podcast Network. In this 17 minute episode, Marty Stetzer (EKT Interactive in Houston) talks with Eleanor Cannon who designed a senior level history elective entitled the: History, Geopolitics and Economics of Energy. As she developed her course, Eleanor was looking for real-world operations conten…
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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Thanks for listening to the EKT Interactive Energy Podcast Network. In this 18 minute episode, Marty Stetzer (EKT Interactive in Houston) talks with Diane Cherry. Prior to starting her own consulting firm, Diane worked for more than 20 years at senior levels in the energy and environmental fields. We met virtually through the Energy and Utilities N…
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Thanks for listening to the EKT Interactive Energy Podcast Network. In this 18 minute episode, Marty Stetzer (EKT Interactive in Houston) talks with Diane Cherry. Prior to starting her own consulting firm, Diane worked for more than 20 years at senior levels in the energy and environmental fields. We met virtually through the Energy and Utilities N…
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Thanks for listening to the EKT Interactive Energy Podcast Network. Listen on Spotify In this 18 minute episode, Marty Stetzer (EKT Interactive in Houston) talks with Diane Cherry. Prior to starting her own consulting firm, Diane worked for more than 20 years at senior levels in the energy and environmental fields. We met virtually through the Ener…
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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Mennesker med alvorlige psykiske helselidelser og rusavhengighet har dårligere fysikk og lever som gruppe mange år kortere enn normalbefolkningen. Det viser den ferske rapporten: "Bedre helse og lengre liv". Leder av fagstyret i Legeforeningen, Ståle Onsgård Sagabråten, har invitert lederen for arbeidsgruppen og spesialist i psykiatri, Rune Andreas…
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Here is the latest oil market analysis from Commodity Research Group. These podcast episodes are based on research published in the CRG Monthly Outlook report – a premium research product covering energy, metals, and currencies. The full report is relied on by hedge funds and trading groups to provide actionable insight into commodity markets and i…
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