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In a perfect world, the people we lead would be highly skilled individuals with extraordinary work ethics, and with a strong appreciation for the opportunity they have. Sometimes, however, those you lead have some of those characteristics, but not all. Some of them are highly skilled, yet don't necessarily hold you with the highest regard. There ca…
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There are so many different essential traits of a gifted leader. Few are more important than planning. No one wants to get lost in their business or with their careers. Everyone in the building is going to be judging the leader by the quality of their planning ability. In most organizations, the difference between a business having to shutter its d…
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When it comes to being successful in business and life, it's all about relationships. Most elite leaders will tell you that developing a circle of trusted friends, colleagues, and partners is as important as any other task before them. However, building business relationships does not come easy for many entrepreneurs and leaders. Isolation and lone…
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Have you ever started off a day or week by saying to yourself, "There is no way we're going to get everything done that we need to do?" If you're like most business owners, this experience occurs with too much frequency, and over time can cause great harm to your health and well being. It brings this crushing feeling where the walls are coming clos…
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Can you imagine what it would be like if you had no competition in your business? None at all. Theoretically, our company's offerings would be in high demand and we could negotiate in our favor with all of the leverage. The phones would be ringing...the cash registers would be least for a while. That's because competition is actually a…
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Many people decide to start a business with the idea that it's going to change their lives in so many marvelous ways. It will change your life alright. They got that part spot on. The truth is this is a high risk journey...being a business owner. That pathway can lead to financial ruin, a loss of friends and a break-up of a family. You need to know…
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In this special episode of the Two Are Gathered Leadership podcast we hear from Co-Host Jim Johnson only six weeks after his recent open heart surgery. After more than 50 years of being a hard charger in the business world he shares what his most intimate thoughts were about leadership, success and life as he was being wheeled into the surgery room…
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There are few things leaders and entrepreneurs enjoy more than being in control. The truth is we never really are in control. It's one of the great leadership delusions. There are so many things well, well beyond our scope of control...such as rain falling, earth shaking, waves crashing and most of the world's geopolitics that affect even the small…
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If we're in leadership. If we're entrepreneurs. There is an excellent chance we're heard this phrase throughout our lifetimes: You are SO stubborn. What's interesting about the word stubbornness is that it's used both positively and pejoratively. That's both a complement and a criticism. The reason is...there really is a LIGHT SIDE, and a D…
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One thing virtually every leader and entrepreneur wants to to grow. They want to experience interpersonal growth...intellectual growth...they want to grow their skillsets and those of their teams...they want to grow their network, their net worth...their revenues...their bottom line...their vision. Growth is exciting. Which is probably why …
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How future proof is your business? How well prepared are you for all of the things that could go wrong? This is one of the least enjoyable parts of being an entrepreneur. Going through all of the "What if's?" and having a strong response in place for as many of these challenges as you can. It's not as exhilarating as charting out plans for new prod…
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When you get into a leadership role one of the first great challenges you'll have to face is realizing that things are much different than they are advertised. Yes...those dreams of leadership and entrepreneurship. That you'll be the captain of your own ship...that you'll be able to create a schedule and a lifestyle well beyond anything you could h…
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What is one of the most common questions a young entrepreneur will ask a much more experienced business owner? It's this: "When does all of this get easier? When does running a business get easy?" In many ways business does get easier when compared to those early frantic times of daily struggles. You build more systems. You gain efficiency. You can…
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One thing about leaders and visionaries...we love to see what's far ahead and plan for the brightest of futures. It's about planning. It's about growth. It's about vision. Unfortunately, there are those times in the leader's voyage when things get hazy...they get foggy...and uncertain. Forget about planning for next year or even the next six months…
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You have your favorite restaurant. One you've enjoyed for years. But...then something has changed. It's just not as good as it used to be. It happens with vendors we work with. You engage with them because of their amazing service and fair prices...and over time, they lose their luster. They lose their value to you. But, the worst case is when this…
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As leaders, in order for us to be successful, we must be excellent communicators. This is something we need to grow in each and every day. And interestingly we develop our capabilities as a of the things we need to master is not just what we say...but what we shouldn't say. We can destroy our business more rapidly wit…
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When you hear the word "networking" it conjures up an image of a toothy salesperson in a suit, walking through a large gathering of prospects, reaching out a well groomed hand to offer a shake....while the other hand is slipping people business cards. The truth of the matter the entrepreneur really don't have time to be attendin…
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How many times have we heard this phrase: Patience is a virtue? Often it seems like we hear this every day. But, what does this phrase...this colloquialism...really mean when it comes to business? On one hand, you're hearing that in order to succeed you've got to hustle...hustle...hustle. And, on the other're taught that you need to be p…
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There is a big difference between winning the lottery and winning in business. Yet, many entrepreneurs sometimes get these confused. So many want to hit the big time with their business, but many times in this pursuit they themselves get hit...big time. It's the age old pursuit. Captain Ahab in Moby Dick with the Great White Whale. Or Hemingway's S…
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One of the dark secrets of entrepreneurism is that it's not all that it's made out to be. You're told that if you quit your job and start your own business, that you'll be able to choose your hours, be your own boss and the money will flow in like Niagra Falls. lose sleep, hair, money...and sadly, some of the relationships around you,…
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Who goes into business wanting to be a so-so leader? leaders and entrepreneurs...we want to be high performance! We want to go absolutely pedal to the metal, accelerating through the curves...the wind blowing through our hair and with large audiences cheering us on. That is, until we crash. You work so hard to be at the top of your game and…
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As leaders of organizations, as entrepreneurs, as wild-eyed inventors...we as a getting things started. The start of a new project. Winning a new client. Making new goals. We love great beginnings. This is exciting. Sadly...there is another critical aspect of business that typically is less enjoyable. Because in the ebb and flow of li…
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We all need friends. We all need friendships with others. The question we need business friendships? Or should business be all about business? If you consider that as an entrepreneur, you'll spend somewhere in the range of 50-70% of your productive waking hours...doing business...then that's a long time of your life to be friendless. Of cou…
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Is your project or business running out of money? You're not alone. This is an ongoing challenge for entrepreneurs. So many start off with a fabulous concept. Then, against the odds, they develop it out to its full fruition. Now, they are excited to get it off of the ground and to share their vision with the world. Their big problem? They are out o…
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We're the leader. The entrepreneur. We're the boss. We can choose our own path. Don't we have a right to be...irresponsible at times? Yes. But, if we actually want to design a pathway leading to success...we will want it paved with responsibility. There is no more instantaneous opportunity to increase your revenues, your profits...your customer ret…
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Most of our listeners are entrepreneurs, are working with entrepreneurs or are thinking someday about possibly being entrepreneurs. Here is what you need to know. It's hard. Really hard being an entrepreneur! Why do so many become entrepreneurs despite this being the case? Because it's well worth the challenges you'll face. Yet, being aware of the …
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As entrepreneurs we are uniquely designed to go against the grain, to stop listening to how everyone says things should be done...and to go out and do it our own way. This is both our blessing and our curse. It's one of the great challenges of being business owner. You want to be unique...creating a new voice that no one else has heard...while at t…
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One of the most treasured elements of leadership is also one of the most elusive. Just when you think you've got starts slipping away. It's traction. That wonderful feeling of, "Hey, this plan might actually work!" It's the exhilaration that sets in when the tires are firmly gripping the road, and you feel the adrenaline rise as everything …
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One of the greatest joys of being a leader is when you get to assemble talent around you. Then's one thing to assemble the talent. It's quite another to get them all to play their best music...and to be in tune and timing with one another. It's either a symphony...or a clattering of instruments. So as wonderful it is to have all of that …
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If you were to take all of the leadership books ever written on the topic of running an organization or a business, you could sum them up into one simple question. That question? "Are you going to do this the EASY WAY...or the HARD WAY?" In this day of hacks, shortcuts, and claims of "Three Easy Steps to Super Success" the answer can be more elusiv…
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How do leaders and entrepreneurs keep their heads up when their world is crumbling around them? Simply, by counting their blessings. Of course, this is hardly a simple task. After all, being an entrepreneur can be a tremendous challenge. It can be one of the toughest jobs that exists. Much of this is because many of the difficulties business owners…
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The pursuit of leadership glory comes with many twists and bends in the road. Sadly, so many arrive at the destination and say, "Is this it?" Much of this disappointment is due to the fact they realize they were seeking out the wrong treasure. Then, as if it's dust in the wind, the fool's gold blows away, leaving them emotionally broke and terribly…
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There are those challenging times as an entrepreneur when you wake up knowing there is only one way you're going to get through your day without it ending up a total disaster. It's going to take a miracle. Yet, as crazy as it may seem, there is strategy, technique and experience involved when it comes to pulling off a miracle. These are skills whic…
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So often, you hear entrepreneurs saying they are waiting for their "big break" or they are hoping for their "ship to come in". Sadly. That could be a very long wait. In fact, there is a good chance that ship might never make it to shore to pick you up. Being a business owner is more about learning how to row a boat than waiting for a luxury liner t…
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Leaders and entrepreneurs are among the busiest, most stressed out and exhausted people there are. So should we excuse you when you decide not to show up to an event you were expected to attend? Not if we're going to hold you up to the highest standards of excellence! The impact of "just showing up" cannot be overvalued when it comes to being succe…
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Entrepreneurs often start off their journeys with unrealistic expectations. They want to leave their job, launch a new business and start their new life...without any risk of failure. Many new business owners are oftentimes hoping for the impossible. They want to be able to jump into the pool, without getting wet. Yet, instead of making a splash, m…
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Many leaders and business owners as they are getting started...or even midway through their company's development...experience what's known as Imposter Syndrome. Even the most seasoned entrepreneurs will admit they still suffer from bouts of Imposter Syndrome where they feel completely over their heads, underqualified and totally overwhelmed. What …
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If your business is struggling...99% of the time it will come down to've got a people problem. DISCONNECTED. OUT OF TOUCH. You started a business to fill your needs...rather than the needs of the people you're supposed to be serving. Relationships are the single most important aspect of launching, growing and sustaining a business. Don't…
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Plausible denialability? What's that?'s a who new entrepreneurial term created and explained here in the Two Are Gathered Leadership Podcast. What does it mean? be a successful entrepreneur you need to be able to function while often firmly being in a state of "denial". Because, there are too many times when things seem impossi…
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The experience of being an entrepreneur who created something out of nothing and then ultimately climbed the highest mountain of their's such a great feeling.'s also...SO FRUSTRATING. And, having to manage all of this frustration? It just makes you all the more frustrated. It's just something they don't teach you in business sc…
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Whether you're a jazz musician, a ballet dancer or even a've got to have to perfect timing. The same is true with leadership. The most skilled leaders have perfect timing. This is not a topic you hear discussed in too many business circles, but it may be one of the most important leadership skills to master. Everyday...without fail, …
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Most leaders lie on occasion. Some tell little lies. Some tell medium lies. And, then there are those who frequently tell Big Whoppers. Those are usually who you would refer to as failing leaders...maybe even former leaders...because in leadership, your lying always catches up with you. For some, there is a belief you should have lying as one of yo…
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There is one principle in business that always rings true...and it rings like a gong. That is, you're always going to have competition. And, in business there is a competitor we all share in common...and it's a fierce opponent. In just about all cases it's our most challenging foe. It never sleeps, it's unrelenting, it's unforgiving. It's time. Tim…
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One of the most important traits required to being a successful and transformational leader is often the least discussed. And, that's having an attitude of gratitude. In exploring the key characteristics of a skilled leader, there are many strengths that come easily to mind...ones like vision, fortitude, perseverance and communication. Yet, employe…
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Everybody knew being an entrepreneur wasn't going to be easy...but who knew it would be this tough? Just when you think you're out of the stressful elements of your operation...they pull you back in again! Yet, we're doing this crazy business owning thing because somewhere deep down...really deep down on some days...we love what we do. Why is it th…
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Here is the truth when it comes to being an entrepreneur or an organizational founder. Capital matters. But there is something that matters even more. Yes...if you've got the money to invest in your'll have a shorter path and easier ride to where you're heading. But, there is something that your money can't buy you as a leader. And, th…
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Most entrepreneurs are NOT free. Many of them have constructed an elaborate prison of their own making. Sadly, in many cases, this prison of their business is not only for them, but for their family as well. You can see this written on the faces of so many entrepreneurs. The lines in their faces...the concerns in their eyes....the fidgeting of thei…
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As business owners, entrepreneurs, inventors and wild-eyed dreamers...we are part of the creative energy of change. Hopefully, this is positive change...sometimes incremental and occasionally revolutionary. But throughout it all, for us to have leadership the fundamental level...we must be BELIEF PEDDLERS. If you don't believe in anyth…
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As leaders, it's important we spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. Not to improve our good looks, but rather to make us stronger leaders. It's about being self-aware. Sadly...there are too few leaders who are self-aware of who they are in their roles and how they are perceived by those who follow them. Many are literally drowning in pools of…
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