The Official Podcast of the Journal of Medical Toxicology. Join your hosts Jeff Lapoint and Greg Lasala as they take you through each issue of JMT and hit the highlights so that you know what articles to read.
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Jeff and Greg douse their inner Grinch with toxicologic goodnessBy Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Jeff and Greg attempt to chew through an opioid sammy and Greg ponders the collective childhood of test question writersBy Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Jeff and Greg try and fill the huge shoes of former hosts Howard and Dan in the first episode of the JMT Podcast version 2.0By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard and Dan as they ride off into the sunset, astride two COWS, guns loaded with naloxone bullets, while they snack on bitter almonds and read their tattered copy of the Journal of Medical Takatsubo. So long, suckers!By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard and Dan as they share some Kleinschmidt brownies, try to bring phenobarb back and sing the hit single from the show 'Cannabis, Cannabis, Cannabis!' entitled "A little dab will do ya."By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard and Dan in a custom tub, view a beautiful vista through your Google Glass, and enjoy a bran muffin and Martha Stewarts Stuffin' Stuffing™. Learn why Tylenol is the back pain of toxicology, and ride your SLED until you're skinny in NYC.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Safely for the summer, join Howard and Dan as they get anticholinergic in Harrisburg, cray-cray for the NBombs, craft the craloxone (TM) and teach you about the kind of shampoo you don't want to use. Remember, Dan's tentacles are everywhere. Baba Booey!By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Just in time for the Annual Scientific Meeting, the March 2015 Edition of the JMT Podcast. Join Howard and Dan as they explore your new career path, your toxicologic fortune cookie, the new test for dietary indiscretion, along with seeing the Lorax by Dr. Susac and feeling double cray-cray. Remember the picture of the dog. LLAP.…
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they start the new year with a fresh new sound and approach. Learn all about what's new with alpha 2, what you shouldn't eat, and don't miss the articles that they missed.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they carve out a few minutes during the Board Review Course to interview two of the authors of last issue's Cast Call, Mark Neavyn and Steve Bird, and talk about marijuana, driving and Cheech and Chong.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard and Dan as they drive this issue under the influence of weedsicles, Chinese hamster ovaries and backyard chicken eggs. Just grab a bag of Doritos and light a hookah. But just one, seriously.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and robotic Dan Rusyniak as they celebrate the Fourth of July in June, tackle Dan's Pronunciation Guide, mating snakes, Inspector Clouseau, Yukon Cornelius and Articles Dan May Have Missed.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller, Dan Rusyniak, Leslie Dye, Jeff Lapoint and Kurt Kleinschmidt as they peruse the cream of the poster crop and ask the hard questions to the presenters. And pester them to submit to JMT . . .By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they explore the musical side of JMT, narcissitic screenagers, unicorn horns, chubby skeletons and the shocking fact about the elderly and medications that you DON'T WANT TO MISS . . .By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they talk chelation, chelation, chelation. Featuring arthroprosthetic cobaltism, birds with MS, and a special new feature: Tilda Swinton's beauty tips.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they discuss blue antidotes, fat antidotes, the future of the specialty and the CORRECT way of pronouncing TOXICOLOGY. Sort of.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they share childhood memories of destruction while talking about the ABCs of toxicology. Sorry about the delay in this podcast, and welcome to Genevieve Harlow. Just want to see if anyone reads these notes . . . ;)By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they talk tableware, Cream of Tartar, chelating jelly, cheesesteaks and introduce a new segment to the podcast - You Shopped Where?By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they sit down with Dr. Lewis Nelson and Dr. Jeanmarie Perrone and explore the motivations and future directions of the December Special Opioid issue of JMT in this edition of the Author In The Room.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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The December 2012 Edition of the JMT Podcast. Join Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak as they explore the special Opioid Edition of the Journal of Medical Toxicology. Topics including use, misuse and abuse of opioid medications along with one sad dog.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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The September 2012 Edition of the JMT Podcast. Join Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak as they explore writing, scorpions, pad thai, punding, nasal halos and everything else in this issue of the Journal of Medical Toxicology.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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The June 2012 Edition of the JMT Podcast. Join Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak as they explore the atropinization, snake bites, twinkies and everything else in this issue of the Journal of Medical Toxicology.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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Join Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they corner Dr. Ed Boyer at the 2012 ACMT Spring Meeting and ask the hard hitting questions in the first edition of the Author In The Room supplement.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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The Official Podcast of the Journal of Medical Toxicology Join your hosts Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they take you through each issue of JMT and hit the highlights so that you know what articles to read.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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The Official Podcast of the Journal of Medical Toxicology Join your hosts Howard Greller and Dan Rusyniak as they take you through each issue of JMT and hit the highlights so that you know what articles to read.By Howard Greller & Dan Rusyniak
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