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Healthy Disruptions Podcast

Collaboration of team members from UCR School of Medicine's Center for Health Disparities Research (HDR@UCR) & Center for Healthy Communities (CHC)

Healthy Disruptions is a podcast about health and health inequity across diverse communities in Southern California. Each episode features discussions between researchers, students, leadership, and community members working together to highlight disparities and how community experts are collaborating towards action-based solutions. Our hope is to create a space where our featured guests educate and inform our listeners on the medical and nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes. Thi ...
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Made in Latin America

SDCELAR - British Museum

A podcast brought to you by the Santo Domingo Centre of Excellence for Latin American Research (SDCELAR) at the British Museum. Listen to new insights and interpretations about collections and projects that will deepen and challenge what we know about Latin America. || Un podcast desarrollado para ti por el Centro de Excelencia Santo Domingo para la Investigación en Latinoamérica (SDCELAR) en el Museo Británico. Escucha historias e interpretaciones sobre colecciones del Museo Británico y pro ...
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Tea Time Teacher


Te damos la bienvenida a la radio de Vaughan. Abre bien los oídos, porque vas a exponerte a una emisión ininterrumpida de contenidos en inglés. Disfruta con nosotros de una variada programación diaria de clases de inglés para todos los gustos, para todos los públicos y para todos los niveles. Con Vaughan Radio, siempre aprendes algo nuevo mientras mejoras tu comprensión auditiva. Vaughan Radio, la radio temática de Grupo Vaughan, donde encontrarás una variada programación con noticias, cultu ...
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Welcome to the A Reyes podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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These podcasts series will deliver to you the main ideas discussed in the book Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market written by Dr. Ligia Catherine Arias-Barrera, published by Routledge in 2018, and ranked third within the best new banking law books to read in 2018 and 2019 by BookAuthority. In 2024 this podcast explores the key discussions of the book The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance by Dr. Ligia Catherine Arias-Barrera. (Routledge, 2024)
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show series
Join host Linda Le, a UCR alumna, on this episode of Healthy Disruptions as she explores the groundbreaking Program in Medical Education (PRIME) at UC Riverside. This episode delves into the importance of PRIME in training future physicians dedicated to serving underserved communities, specifically the African, Black, and Caribbean (ABC) population…
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10 - Vida e paixón detrás dos museos Guías, persoal de seguridade, de limpeza, arquiveiros, bibliotecarias, persoal de administración. Moitas mulleres e homes traballan arreo para que haxa vida nos nosos museos. Vida, historia e paixón que, nalgunhas ocasións, como é o caso da Rede Museística Provincial de Lugo, ten as súas recompensas en forma de …
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09 - Museos para os colectivos de discapacitados e migrantes: tocar, sentir, gozar “A cultura xorda” foi xa recoñecida explicitamente pola Convención da ONU sobre os Dereitos das Persoas con Discapacidade. A linguaxe de signos está xa contemplada como linguaxe e non como unha forma de fala e o movemento da neuro-diversidade valora o autismo coma un…
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08 - En tempo presente, en tempo pasado, a arte de amasar o tempo nos museos Os museos son tempo pasado, tempo presente e tempo futuro. Expoñen e crean historias, abren mentes e educan conciencias. “Os museos son lugares onde o tempo se transforma en espazo”, dicía o escritor turco Orhan Pamuk. Precisamente, de xestionar o tempo, de crear pedagoxía…
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In this episode, continuing our exploration inspired by The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty, and Sustainable Finance, published by Routledge in 2024, we delve into the intricate world of Carbon Credit Derivatives. Today, we focus on the different types of rights conferred by carbon credits and the various derivatives transactions that are…
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In this episode, part of the discussions inspired by The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty, and Sustainable Finance, published by Routledge in 2024, we dive into the rapidly evolving world of Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) and explore the exciting opportunities presented by Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivatives. As global efforts to combat cl…
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07 - Museos pola Investigación e a Educación Con motivo do Día Internacional dos Museos, Que din Os Rumorosos realizará unha serie de podcast centrados, precisamente, na educación e a investigación como eixo da actividade museística, no que se salienta o papel fundamental das institucións culturais á hora de proporcionar unha experiencia educativa …
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This episode promotes the Riverside Free Clinic (RFC), a community clinic led by Southern Inland Empire students. The RFC aims to connect community members with wrap-around healthcare services while engaging students eager to serve their community. Join Stephanie Sandoval, a Health Educator, and Selina Hernandez, a Community Relations Specialist at…
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Este episodio promueve la Clínica Gratuita de Riverside (RFC, por sus siglas en inglés), una clínica comunitaria dirigida por estudiantes del sur de los condados de Riverside y San Bernardino. La RFC tiene como objetivo conectar a miembros de la comunidad con servicios integrales de atención médica y al mismo tiempo, involucrar a estudiantes que ti…
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This episode is a second sneak peek into the upcoming book: The Law of ESG Derivatives: risk, uncertainty and sustainable finance (Routledge, 2024). It examines the impact of ESG derivatives on sustainability goals. It explores how these financial instruments can align investment strategies with ESG principles to drive positive environmental and so…
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First sneak peak of the upcoming book: ‘ The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance’ to be published by Routledge during the first semester of 2024. This book weaves together a comprehensive legal analysis of sustainable finance regimes governing Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) derivatives, with insightful sociol…
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Este episodio analizará las disparidades en la salud y las implicaciones de las barreras lingüísticas en la salud. Descargo de responsabilidad: entendemos que Southern Inland Empire es diverso y se hablan muchos idiomas. Sin embargo, en este episodio discutiremos principalmente las barreras que existen para la comunidad de habla hispana. La utiliza…
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Get ready to tune in to another exciting episode of Healthy Disruptions – the podcast about health and health inequity across diverse communities in Southern California. With its recent recognition as one of the top 15 podcasts in Riverside by Feedspot, you know you're in for a treat. So, don't miss out - visit Feedspot for more information. This e…
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Este episodio cubrirá el impacto de Healing Circles, especialmente en las comunidades latinas. Descargo de responsabilidad: Entendemos que hay Latino/a/x/e pero en este podcast nos referiremos al colectivo como Latinx. La comunidad latina experimenta muchas barreras para acceder a los servicios de salud mental. Según la Administración de Servicios …
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This episode will cover the impact of Healing Circles especially on Latinx communities. Disclaimer: We understand that there are Latino/a/x/e but in this podcast, we will be referring to the collective as Latinx. The Latinx community experiences many barriers to accessing mental health services. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Se…
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This episode will discuss black health and the different ways community members, health care professionals, and politicians can make strides to end health disparities. It is known that black people in the United States are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, making their life expectancies much short…
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En el episodio de hoy, hablaremos sobre la salud de las personas negras y las diferentes maneras en las cuales podemos seguir avanzando para acabar con las disparidades en la salud. Se sabe que las personas negras en los Estados Unidos son más probables a sufrir de condiciones crónicas como la diabetes, hipertensión, y asma, lo cual les lleva a una…
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Este episodio abordará la escasez de médicos en Inland Empire y cómo el sistema de la Universidad de California (UC) la ha abordado. Según la California Health Care Foundation, Inland Empire tiene sólo 39 médicos por cada 100.000 habitantes. La escasez de médicos conduce a un acceso limitado a la atención médica, un aumento del costo de la atención…
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This episode discusses how the University of California Riverside (UCR) School of Medicine (SOM) has supported community college students on their pathway to medical school amidst the physician shortage in the Inland Empire. According to the California Health Care Foundation, the Inland Empire has only 39 Doctors per 100,000 people. A physician sho…
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En este episodio, cubriremos la falta de vivienda y cómo afecta a nuestra propia comunidad. La falta de vivienda no es sólo una etiqueta: es un viaje que las personas soportan y ciertamente no define quiénes son como personas. Lo creas o no, nos topamos con personas sin hogar en nuestra vida diaria con más frecuencia de lo que creemos. Lo vemos esp…
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In this episode, will cover homelessness and how it impacts our own community. Homelessness isn't just a label—it's a journey that individuals endure, and it certainly doesn't define who they are as people. Believe it or not, we encounter homelessness in our daily lives more often than we realize. We see it waiting at a bus stop, strolling into a c…
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In this episode, we learn about Mpox (formally Monkeypox) and its disproportionate impact within the LGBTQ+ community in the Coachella Valley. Mpox was front page news in the summer of 2022 and was cause for alarm as many people started letting their guard down three years into the COVID-19 pandemic. After what many in the healthcare community view…
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En este episodio, aprenderemos sobre el Mpox (anteriormente llamado la viruela del mono o Monkeypox) y su impacto desproporcionado sobre la comunidad LGBT+ en el Valle de Coachella. El Mpox fue noticia de primera plana en el verano de 2022 y fue motivo de preocupación, ya que muchas personas comenzaron a bajar su guardia después de tres años de la …
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The concept of accountability of the credit scoring decision maker assisted by algorithms responds to the morphogenic nature of regulation. We argue that an effective concept of accountability ought to respond to the regulatory objectives of distributive justice and the reconfiguration of the right to privacy of financial consumers. The interdepend…
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