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DJ interviews and discussion featuring Miami's own DJ Konflikt. Some podcasts will be all spoken, some will be mixes and some will be a combination of both. Subscribe. Follow: @MyFavoriteDJ
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Changework AS - Geir Torgersen

Konflikter på arbeidsplassen binder kreativitet, energi og fokus. I denne podcasten deler jeg av mine erfaringer og verktøy som konfliktmegler. Min erfaring er at alle konflikter har en vei som leder til løsning av konflikten. Men en ting er å løse en konkret konflikt, vel så viktig er at de involverte finner en vei videre hvor de samhandler og har en gjensidig forståelse hvordan de skal unngå fremtidig konflikt.
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Sooner Cast

sooner.de | Pure Cinema

Jetzt reinhören in den SOONERCAST, einen fesselnden Podcast, der die Welt der Indie- und Arthouse-Unterhaltung, des Kinos und die Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens erkundet. Dich erwarten exklusive Interviews mit bekannten Regisseur*innen, Schauspieler*innen und Branchenexpert*innen, die hinter die Kulissen Ihrer Lieblingsfilme und -serien führen.Gewinne Insider-Einblicke in die Entstehung von exklusiven Sooner-Originalen und sehe Klassiker, die du liebst, aus einer neuen Perspektive. Jede Epis ...
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Join HAMILTON THERRELLs Ulrika Nilsson for her straightforward, fun and jam-packed conversations with the most successful international leaders and individuals, as they share their incredible stories and hard earned life lessons on how to get the life you want. Check us at www.hamiltontherrell.com
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Politics and society, in all their many facets, have rarely been as of crucial topics as they are now and re:publica 2017 will be looking at this thematic closer than ever. While civic tech is a natural thematic overlap for us, we will also be examining the interplay of technology and society on the day-to-day basis. Some of the success stories include increased awareness and defence of digital civil rights and the ongoing support from our and many other communities for refugees. However, wi ...
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show series
DJ Strategy in Chicago has a podcast named "Party with Strategy." In this episode, DJ Konflikt was a guest. Enjoy this podcast and get more of DJ Strategy at youtube.com/PartyWithStrategy Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram app)www.Instagram.com/MyFavoriteDJ Be sure to check out my new Amazon …
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The recent conflict in the Middle East is being fought not only on weapons but also on soft drinks. In fact, the current war is causing many supporters of Palestine to reconsider their choice of soft drinks — and to boycott global brands in favor of local alternatives. - Der jüngste Konflikt im Nahen Osten wird nicht nur an der Waffe sondern auch a…
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The GDR would have been 75 years old on October 7. How should we remember the GDR? Should we talk about the injustice and the many border deaths or should we talk about it with a good dose of Ostalgia? We spoke to Günter Wetzel. He fled the GDR in 1979 in a self-built hot air balloon and is now traveling all over Germany as a contemporary witness. …
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Australia is facing biodiversity risks, prompting industry and environmental leaders to take action. A world-first Global Nature Positive Summit will address urgent need for nature protection and restoration. The federal government has re-affirmed its commitment to collaborate with all sectors in tackling biodiversity loss. - Australiens biologisch…
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The English children's theatre Platypus in Berlin is an institution. Now, after 40 years, it is in new hands, and once again it is an Australian-German couple who are bringing plays to the stage. In an interview, Rachael Pattison explains what it takes to take over a theatre with such a long tradition. - Das englische Kindertheater Platypus in Berl…
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Johann Menge, ein Mineraloge aus Hessen, erkannte als einer der ersten den Reichtum an Kupfervorkommen in den Adelaide Hills. Gleichzeitig empfahl er den Weinanbau im Barossa Valley. Trotz seiner Erfolge versuchten Neider, vor allem aus der Viehzucht, seine Arbeiten zu unterdrücken. Erfahren Sie, wie Menge mit seinen Entdeckungen Südaustraliens Wir…
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October in Australia has almost a German twist. Not only are German Unity Day celebrations taking place, but German Weeks are also being held in several cities. Brisbane is the start. Katharina Lösche reports. - Der Oktober in Australien hat fast schon einen deutschen Anstrich. Nicht nur finden Feierlichkeiten zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit statt, s…
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The World Health Organization has once again declared the mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern as the virus continues to spread rapidly, particularly throughout Africa but also in other parts of the world. Lidia Cortina has taken a closer look at the monkeypox virus. - Das Mpox-Virus breitet sich vor allem in Afrika weit…
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What do the US presidential candidate Kamala Harris and the former Prime Minister of New Zealand have in common? Benjamin Kanthak and Barbara Barkhausen explain. - Kamala-Mania: So wird der Hype um die US-amerikanische Präsidentschaftskandidatin Kamala Harris bezeichnet. Dabei fallen einige Ähnlichkeiten mit Jacinda Ardern, der ehemaligen Premiermi…
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It has never been easy for marginalized groups. This is also and particularly true for transgender people. As early as during the Weimar Republic, some scientists and doctors wanted to do something about this. They built important networks and support for transgender people. And over the years, these networks spanned the entire world. An exhibition…
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Promotional work on organ donation, which not only saves many seriously ill people from certain death but also offers an opportunity to live an active and fulfilling life, is currently the focus of the Australian Transplant Games in Canberra. Among the participants is Emily Kessler-Dawson from Dresden, who is only 8 years old. She lives with a dona…
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Carl Rasp, ein mysteriöser Einwanderer, der behauptete, aus Cannstatt zu stammen, steht am Anfang der Erfolgsgeschichte des Bergbau-Riesen BHP. Trotz Unklarheiten über seine wahre Identität ist sicher, dass er ein ausgezeichneter Geologe war. Mit einem geschulten Blick erkannte er das immense Potenzial der Mineralien und Formationen rund um Broken …
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Israel schwört Vergeltung für iranischen Raketenangriff / Mindestens sechs Menschen getötet und neun verletzt bei mutmaßlichem Terroranschlag in Tel Aviv / Bundesverfassungsgericht schränkt Befugnisse der Polizei bei der Datensammlung ein / Österreichs Landesregierung gibt 5,5 Millionen Euro für Hochwasserschutz frei / Polizei von New South Wales p…
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The Nocturnal Ground-Parakeet is one of the rarest birds in the world and was considered extinct for around 100 years. Researchers and game rangers have now discovered a group of 50 of these rare animals in the Western Australian outback. A sensation among animal lovers, reports Barbara Barkhausen. - Der Nachtsittich ist einer der seltensten Vögel …
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Writing a book is something many people dream of and some people manage to do it too. Finding a publisher who also sells what you have written is another major hurdle. Maria Linwood, a young author from Hamburg who now lives in Parramatta, succeeded. - Ein Buch zu schreiben - davon träumen viele Menschen und manche schaffen das auch. Einen Verleger…
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Rechtsruck bei Parlamentswahlen in Österreich / Israel greift Ziele im Jemen an / NSW SEC warnt vor Überschwemmungen im Norden / Russlands Flugabwehr schiesst ukrainische Drohnen ab / SpaceX soll gestrandete Astronauten von internationaler Raumstation nach Hause bringen / Countrysänger und Songwriter Chris Christopherson gestorben…
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Austria's right-wing FPÖ wins the parliamentary election for the first time in history. However, the party with its leader Herbert Kickl would need to find a coalition partner in order to form a government. This will be difficult. - Bei der Parlamentswahl in Österreich hat sich die rechtsgerichtete FPÖ mit ihrem Parteichef Herbert Kickl zum ersten …
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Dr. Andreas Lommel, ein promovierter Ethnologe aus München, widmete sich 1938 der Erforschung der Höhlenzeichnungen der Aborigines in der zentralaustralischen Kimberley-Region. Seine Expedition war nicht nur wissenschaftlich herausfordernd, sondern auch von kulturellen Spannungen begleitet. Erfahren Sie mehr über seine Entdeckungen und die schwieri…
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Communities living in the Tiwi Islands in the remote Northern Territory have been facing some of the highest crime rates in the nation. The local elders want to help families in need through a grassroots project before they end up in trouble with the law. - Gemeinden, die auf den Tiwi-Inseln im abgelegenen Northern Territory leben, haben mit einer …
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Another international attempt to bring about a ceasefire in the Middle East conflict has failed. Instead, rockets fly, sirens howl, and bombs hit. The fighting has been going on for almost a year now, but instead of an end to the conflict, it threatens to expand to the entire region. How likely is this threatening scenario? Dieter Herrmann, editor-…
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Virtual reality helps to reduce anxiety before speeches and AI helps to design a modern city. Modern technology is revolutionizing our lives at a rapid pace. - Virtual Reality hilft beim Abbau der Nervosität vor Reden und die KI geht bei der Gestaltung einer modernen Stadt zur Hand. Moderne Technologie revolutioniert unser Leben im schnellen Tempo.…
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If you are new to Australia and may not have any friends yet, we will now show you how to find casual company. InterNations is an organization that helps new arrivals connect with like-minded people. Lederhosen and Dirndl lovers are invited by InterNations to an Oktoberfest in Sydney on Saturday. SBS Audio German colleague Lidia Cortina talked to A…
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German Father and son Forster accompanied James Cook on his second trip to the Pacific, laying the foundation for later exploration of the “Fifth Continent.” Her observations and records shaped early natural history in Australia. In this episode, we discover how their work influenced the scientific exploration of an entire continent. - Vater und So…
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The three state elections in the federal states of Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg have caused a political earthquake in Germany. How is the overall result of the three votes to be assessed and what will be the consequences? Bertil Wenger, Head of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Australia and Pacific Regional Office, answers these questions. - D…
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The targeted recruitment of skilled workers has always been a central part of Australian immigration policy and post-war Germany was an important source of so-called 'skilled migrants. ' Karin Schmaedeke and her husband belong to this group of immigrants. The couple with a child came in 1980. Karin Schmaedeke says that she has never regretted the d…
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The founders of the beverage start up Taste Drinks know only too well how difficult it is to turn an idea into a functioning start-up. Chris & Anna Regber came to Australia with their daughter, with the dream of making the popular German drink Schorle socially acceptable far away from home. In the interview, Chris gives tips for founders, reveals w…
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In a mountainous region in New Zealand, elongated lenticular cloud formations form. The clouds are so distinctive that the locals have given them a name: “Taieri Pets.” NASA has now succeeded in photographing such a cloud from space. - In einer bergigen Region in Neuseeland bilden sich längliche linsenförmige Wolkenformationen. Die Wolken sind so m…
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If you are planning a visit to Germany and want to travel around by train and bus, you should definitely buy a Deutschlandticket. In terms of transport, it is the best that Germany has to offer. It still costs 49 Euros a month, but from next year - 9 Euros more. The transport ministers of the federal states have now agreed on this. The Deutschlandt…
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Fast 500 Menschen bei israelischen Angriffen im Libanon getötet / Frankreich beantragt nach Eskalation im Libanon Dringlichkeitssitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats / Regierungsbildung in Brandenburg und Thüringen verzögert sich / Cyberangriffe auf ÖVP und SPÖ / Außenministerin Wong fordert neue Erklärung zum Schutz humanitärer Helfer / Australiens größt…
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On Tuesday, November 5, the election for the 60th President and Vice President of the United States will be held. Harris versus Trump are the names of the top candidates. Walz and Vance have ambitions for vice president. Who are these people and what can we expect from them? The outcome of the election has global consequences and it is therefore im…
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There are entrance fees everywhere — even when entering countries. New Zealand is one example of this and is considered one of the most expensive holiday destinations in the world. Because the 'tourist tax', which you have to pay upon arrival, has now almost tripled. Of course, this makes a vacation at the end of the world even more exclusive. Howe…
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Israels Luftwaffe fliegt massive Angriffe im Südlibanon/ EU Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen verspricht Hilfe für die von Überschwemmungen betroffenen Länder in Ost- und Mitteleuropa/ Vor dem Hintergrund der Krise bei VW ruft Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck für Montag ein Gipfeltreffen mit der Autoindustrie zusammen/ Graham Arnold wird noch vo…
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After Thuringia and Saxony, Brandenburg, as the third federal state in the territory of the former GDR, will hold state elections on Sunday. Following the victory of the right-wing AfD - Alternative for Germany with its full name - experts also expect a similar outcome in Brandenburg. Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of WEEK IN AUSTRALIA - is also …
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It is time to celebrate a milestone birthday on Sunday. The Catholic St. Raphael community in the Blacktown suburb of Western Sydney is celebrating its 60th anniversary. In the following conversation, Pastor Roland Maurer looks back on 6 decades of community history and says how the festival will be celebrated on Sunday. - Am Sonntag gilt es einen …
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Canberra wants to get teenagers away from smartphones and out into nature. That is why there should be a minimum age for using social media. How this can be controlled is still unclear. - Canberra will Teenager weg vom Smartphone und raus in die Natur bringen. Deswegen soll es ein Mindestalter für die Nutzung sozialer Medien geben. Wie sich dies ko…
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Streit in der Ampel-Koalition um Tariftreuegesetz / Hochwasserlage in Österreich, Polen und Tschechien entspannt sich nur langsam / Ungarn will aus dem Asylsystem der EU aussteigen / Mindestens 20 Menschen nach erneuten Explosionen im Libanon gestorben / Albaneseregierung enthält sich bei UN-Abstimmung / US-Zentralbank senkt Leitzins / Versehentlic…
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In one year, a new federal government will be elected in Germany. Before that, there is traditionally a months-long scramble between the parties over the question of who should become a candidate for chancellor. It's not always gentlemanly, because big egos clash. Different this year. The candidates for the chancellor's office came into the limelig…
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Sorge vor einer Eskalation des Nahost-Konflikts nach Explosion hunderter Pager im Libanon / CDU-Chef Friedrich Merz schließt schwarz-grüne Koalition im Bund aus / Bundesverfassungsgericht verkündet Entscheidung im Streit mit AfD um Vorsitzende mehrerer Bundestagsausschüsse / Erneuerbare-Gas-Gesetz in Österreich gescheitert / Mutmaßlicher Entwickler…
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D2K Day — the so-called Dying to Know Day — a day about what most of us don't want to think about: death. This years Dying to Know Day took place in several cities in Australia in August and the German migrant Astrid Wehling was part of the Sydney event and shares her thoughts in conversation with SBS correspondent Barbara Barkhausen. - D2K-Day – d…
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Tourism professionals are using new concepts to save the Great Barrier Reef and thus also themselves. Because the largest coral reef on Earth is not only an important ecosystem, but also an engine of growth in the Australian economy. - Die Touristiker setzen auf neue Konzepte, um das Great Barrier Reef und damit auch sich selbst zu retten. Denn das…
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Chipkonzern Intel verzögert Bau seines Werks in Magdeburg / EU-Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen stellt ihre Kommission vor / Premierminister Albanese kritisiert Greens / Drei Männer aus Queensland wegen Drogenvergehen angeklagt / Mutmaßlicher Trump-Attentäter vor Anklage / UN Sprecher äußert Besorgnis vor eskalierender Gewalt in Dafur / Leitend…
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There are calls to crack down on the sharing of misinformation online. But would this be an attack on free speech? - Es gibt Aufrufe, gegen das Teilen von Fehlinformationen im Netz vorzugehen. Doch wäre dies ein Angriff auf die Meinungsfreiheit?
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Astronomical knowledge of celestial objects influences and informs the life and law of First Nations people. - Das astronomische Wissen über Himmelsobjekte beeinflusst und prägt das Leben und die Gesetze der Menschen der First Nations.
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Children spend less and less time outdoors and more time at home, sitting or lying down with digital devices. School camps, which are part of the curriculum in Australia, are a good opportunity for them to really let off steam and test their limits. We spoke to Lea Zimmermann. She is a program staffing manager at an outdoor education organization t…
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Many Germans in Australia are familiar with the German Film Festival. In Berlin, there is a counterpart to this with the Down Under Film Festival. It has been taking place at the end of September every year for almost 15 years and shows films from Australia and New Zealand. We spoke with the organizers, Australian actors Mala Ghedia and Angus McGru…
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Name des mutmaßlichen Attentäters auf Donald Trump bekannt gegeben / Schwere Überschwemmungen in Europa fordern Todesopfer / Sanktionen gegen fünf Iraner zum Jahrestag der Tötung von Mahsa Amini / Private Hochschulen mit schlechten Qualitätsstandards dürfen internationale Studierende aufnehmen / J.D.Vance: "Migranten essen Haustiere"…
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The European Central Bank is doing what the Australian Central Bank is reluctant to do: the ECB is once again cutting the key interest rate. This inspires the stock exchange in Australia. An unusual reaction, you could say, because the economy here is virtually at a standstill. Dr. Klaus Wiegel, financial expert in Melbourne, assesses the developme…
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