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Fearless metal coverage of local and international rock and metal bands, authors, and artists. We are everywhere on social media too, instagram, twitter, face book, you tube..check us out!!!! Please support us #heavymetal #metalmusic Support this podcast:
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show series
Keren Leshem is Chief Executive Officer at OCON Therapeutics, which develops innovative and safe intra-uterine medical solutions inspired by women’s bodies and anatomy, She is also a board director at Aspivix, and was recently awarded Best Women’s HealthTech CEO 2023 in the Global CEO Excellence Awards. She holds a number of other Board Roles and i…
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Dr. Diane Reidy-Lagunes is a top NYC Oncologist from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She is the creator and host of the award-winning monthly podcast Cancer Straight Talk from MSKCC where she leans in and tackles the subject of cancer head on, in English and Spanish. A noted clinical investigator, Diane served previously as President of MSK…
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Jessica Karr is the founder and managing director of Coyote Ventures, an investment firm that focuses on backing founders who are solving problems that disproportionately affect overlooked populations with a foundation in women’s health. She is also a limited partner of Portfolia FemTech II Fund, designed for women who want to back entrepreneurial …
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Dr. Tara Bishop is passionate about improving health and healthcare. In her twenty-year career as a physician executive, Tara has on-the-ground experience in delivery system improvement, health policy, payer operations, product development, value-based care, and start-ups. She is the founder and managing director of Black Opal Ventures, a venture c…
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Inspiring people advancing women’s health This podcast series builds on our successful global Women-in-Tech healthcare series, as well as our capsule collections focused on maternal mortality and changemakers in medicine and science. With a focus on profiling inspiring healthcare professionals, investors, tech professionals, entrepreneurs, and capi…
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Denok pairatzen ditugun gorputzarekiko beldurrak, deserosotasunak, konplexuak eta lotsak obsesionatzen gaituzte, gure bizitzan zehar askotan izaten dugun barne gatazka orokortuenetariko bat izatera iritsiz. Gizarteak ezarritako kanon estetikoen mugetan egon edo ez, denok ditugun presio eta exijentziak dira. Gaurko atalean, gure gorputzekin dugun ha…
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18 urterekin behartuak izaten gara gure etorkizunaren nondik norakoa erabakitzera. Askotan sekula argi izan gabe sikiera momentuan zer egin nahi dugun, edo zertan igaro nahi dugun gure bizitzako urte gehienak. Izugarrizko presioa sortarazten da horren inguruan; notak direla eta, etxetik kanpo joatea dela eta, bata edo bestea hautatzearen beharra de…
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Txikitatik izan dugu ikasgai historia. Historiaurretik gaur egunera arteko urteak nola izan diren biltzen dituzten liburuak eta hori guztia azaldu diguten irakasleak, gu guztiok zalantzan jarri gabe ikasi duguna. Historia ezinbestekoa da gure gizartearen garapenean, noski. Dena den, noizbait pentsatu duzu nola izan daitekeen historia, alderdi anitz…
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Pertsonak gizaki sozialak gara eta gure inguruarekin harremantzako beharra daukagu. Nor berak bere izaera propio badu ere, beste batzuk behar ditu izaera hori garatzeko. Gure sistema, harreman sozial horien inguruan sortuta dago eta ezin dugu beste modura ikusi. Lagunak gure bizitzaren erro nagusietako bat bilakatzen dira. Euskal Herrian, gainera, …
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Alkoholaren kontsumoa guztiz normalizatuta dugu gure gizartean. Gure giro sozial guztiak alkohola izaten dute erdigune. Izan, lagun artea, familia artean, edota beste edozein girotan ere, jendea batzen omen duena alkohola da. Kontran, edozein arrazoiengatik alkohola edaten ez dutenak kondenatuak daude; aurreiritzi, zirikada, mespretxu eta guztizko …
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Hezkuntza sexual formal bat izatea ia pribilegio bat da egun. Ikastola bakoitzaren eskuetan dago honen eskaintza, eta larri eskasa izaten da gehienetan. Hamasei urtetan zehar, hiru aste soilik eskaintzen badiougu, ezinezkoa da inolako sakontasuna bermatzea. Bermatu daitekeen bakarra, honek eragina duela guztion etorkizunean; izan ere, sexualitatea …
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Donostiako zinemaldiaren 71. edizioak emakumearen lana eta talentua bistaratu ditu. Beste arlo guztietan bezala, zinemaren industrian ere, emakumeak bidea egiten hasiak dira. Euskal Herriko panoramara hurbilduz, asko dira emandako aurrera pausoak. (H)emen, euskal emakume zinelamagileen elkarteak, lan izugarria egiten du honetan beriziki. Kristina Z…
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Aurreko atalarekin jarraituz, kulturaren esparruan murgiltzen jarraitu dugu. Gaurkoan, euskal kulturara hurbildu gara zehazki. Hemengo sortzaileak, euskaraz sortzeko duten zailtasun eta oztopoak mahaigaineratuko ditugu. Honekin batera, oztopo handiena ere aztertuko dugu, zentsura eta bere determinazioaren marra lauso horretan jokatzen duten faktore…
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Kultura bada gure bizitzetako arlo oso garrantzitsua, gure egunerokotasunean edonon aurkitzen duguna. Badago izaeraren parte bilakatzen dela diona ere. Kulturak, gizartearen momentu okerrenak salbatu dizkigu, pandemia garaia, esaterako. Zeinek ez zuen kultura kontsumitu etxeko lau pareten artean geundenean? Ez diogu duen garrantzia ematen, kultur s…
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Madeleine Dassule is Partner & Co-Head, Technology at Wellington Management. She previously was a Vice President at Goldman Sachs in the area of equity trading technology. She holds a number of Board roles including being a member of the Board of Finos and Boston City Singers. Our conversation starts with her upbringing in France, and her path to s…
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April Rinne is a “change navigator,” speaker, investor, and adventurer whose work and travels in more than 100 countries have given her a front-row seat to a world in flux. In this podcast episode, April brings us real tools to help any executive or individual manage constant change and uncertainty, and we ask April to apply her navigation tools an…
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Fiona McDonnell is a mother, wife and the author of the book “Two Mirrors and a Cheetah: Think Differently, Own Your Career & Succeed by Being Yourself.” Fiona is also a tech industry leader, currently an executive at, and formerly at Amazon and many well known consumer good companies. Fiona has had an amazing business career spanning 3…
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As Head of Diversity & Culture at Yahoo, Inc., Alicin leads Yahoo’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts globally, in addition to building upon Yahoo’s passionate and positive team culture. Alicin discusses how to enhance belonging within the corporate culture and shares her insights on the value of Feminine Leadership and the need for hig…
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Katie is the Founder and General Partner of Moxxie Ventures. Katie brings us insights from her rich background of experience in and board seats at large media and tech firms, finance and government. She shares her insights and offers tools to thrive from her breadth of experience and current interactions with founders, investors and entrepreneurs. …
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Jessica is a principal in Deloitte Consulting LLP and lead for Consulting’s Ecosystems & Alliances practice, with a constant focus on the next big thing- which she shares with us today as our first guest on the Women in Tech Series. Jessica also shares her insights from attending the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In her more th…
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Our global Women in Tech series is an exciting collaboration between Fiftyfaces Productions and Monumental Me, an organization committed to wellness including resilience, mental fitness and strength designed to help you thrive in life and your career. It also hosts The Mindshare Podcast. In this first series of the collaboration, host Liana Slater …
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Maram Hussein at the time of recording was Investor Communication Lead at Vintage Investment Partners and a Board Member at Kav Mashvean. She started her career as a tax researcher, moving to an auditor role before assuming her current role. In recent months she established an initiative to integrate more Arabs in the Venture Capital, Investment Ba…
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In 2023 we are taking our Inspiring Israeli Women in Tech Fiftyfaces Focus Series to the next level. We are going global. In this mini-series we give you a taste of the kind of stories and concepts that we will be bringing together - comparing and contrasting experiences around the world. In this series we hear from Maram Hussein about what it was …
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Ahryun Moon is Founder and Head of Company Strategy at a company designed to boost employee productivity by making scheduling meetings easier. This is not her first time founding a company – she also founded Etch Keyboard and previously worked as a financial accountant and financial analyst. We start with her upbringing and the hackatho…
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Ashwini Asokan is the founder and CEO of Mad Street Den, an Artificial Intelligence company, powering Retail, Education, Healthcare, Media, Finance & more with its image recognition platforms, and Headquartered in the Bay Area, California, the company has offices around the globe. She previously worked at Intel, where she led IXR’s …
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