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Hezekiah: The Man Who Trusted/ Christ Community Church - Leawood / Brent Bovitz Hezekiah: King of Judah defied empires and trusted in God, see how his faith transformed a nation, along with his personal struggles. King Hezekiah reigned for 29 years, marked by both spiritual reform and political defiance. He purged the kingdom of pagan worship, rest…
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King Joash of Judah starts strong, repairing the Temple with God's guidance, but after his mentor dies, Joash takes a dark turn. This story explores the importance of lasting wisdom and what happens when we stray from the right path. What immediately stands out in the telling of King Joash’s story is how very young he is when he becomes king. We ar…
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If we as followers of Jesus are going to avoid the perils of misguided zeal, then let us prayerfully remember that God-honoring zeal needs the guardrails of mature wisdom, close knit local church community, a teachable spirit and all of us need personal accountability. Jehu’s story reminds us we are looking for a new and better king. A king who is …
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King Ahab of Israel reigns as one of the most wicked kings in history. Influenced by his wife Jezebel, he promotes pagan worship and persecutes prophets. Yet, even in the darkest times, God's grace and power shine through. This video explores the story of Ahab, his conflict with the prophet Elijah, and the enduring message of God's pursuit of human…
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King Asa's 41-year reign in Judah offers a compelling story of leadership and faith. Watch to explore his successes in removing idolatry and leading a prosperous Judah, as well as the challenges he faced when his trust in God wavered. Key Takeaways: Leaders who prioritize faithfulness to God can bring about positive change. Trust and obedience are …
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Rehoboam & Jeroboam: The Kings of Division This video explores the story of Rehoboam and Jeroboam, two kings of Israel whose poor leadership decisions led to the division of the kingdom. Learn valuable lessons about leadership and the consequences of bad choices from this Biblical story. Key Takeaways: Wise leadership is crucial for a nation's stab…
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King Solomon, son of David, starts his reign with incredible wisdom and accomplishments: a magnificent temple, booming trade, and fair government. But was that his true legacy? This video explores Solomon's rise and fall, how his worship turned away from God, and the importance of lasting faithfulness. Solomon's impressive achievements as king The …
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Romans 8:31-39 // Ben Beasley Have you ever questioned what happens when life throws its punches? Does death bring an end? Can anything truly separate us from God? In this video, we unpack the liberating message of God's unwavering love for His children. Are you feeling lost or afraid? Wondering if anything can stop the good life God promises? This…
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Romans 8:28-30 // Ben Beasley We’ve been in this series Romans: For Life, where we’ve learned from the Apostle Paul, Rabbi Paul, that we aren’t just saved from eternal evil but we are saved for something else: we are saved for eternal glory and for God’s good Spirit-filled work in our lives. Paul’s confidence is rooted in who he understands God to …
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Romans 8:26-27 // Tom Nelson Prayer can be hard for all of us. Sometimes we struggle to pray because we don’t know what words to pray. We wonder what to say? I think one of Satan’s greatest strategies when it comes to prayer is to stop prayer in its tracks by convincing us we need to formulate just the right words before we pray. That somehow if we…
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Romans 8:18-25 // Brent Nelsen God’s kingdom isn’t fully here on earth yet. The picture of Isaiah 11, of a restored creation, is not yet a full reality. But we’ve been given a taste, and it makes us crave more. When I look around I see violence and discord and hatred. I see creation in subjection and decay. But I know what’s coming, and I know beca…
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Romans 8: 12-17 // Tom Nelson Let me ask you. Are you a child of God? John 1…those who receive Jesus…Have your The cross declares many things. That we are forgiven, we are loved, but it also declares welcome home! We are extravagantly welcome home — not because our sin isn’t real, heinous, or deserving of exclusion — but because our older brother, …
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Romans 8: 5-13 // Ben Beasley In order for something to truly die, it has to be cut off from its source of life. Which means we have to learn how to make room for the Spirit to access the deepest roots of our fleshly desires. We have to learn how to create space to be aware of where the Spirit is trying to access so we can keep up with him and let …
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Romans 8:1-5 // Ben Beasley Planet Fitness has an interesting tagline: “Welcome to the judgement free zone.” Where else can we find that? It’s rare, isn’t it? Much more common is constant criticism. Rampant negativity. Harsh condemnation. We see and experience this, both from others, and from ourselves. The truth is, some of us are our worst critic…
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Romans 7:14-25 // Ben Beasley The biggest fights are the ones we have within ourselves. How does Jesus shape the fight waging within? It may not be what we thought. Join us as we continue to see how God has rescued us not only from death but for Life in the book of Romans. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): PRAYER REQUESTS…
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Matthew 28: 1-20 // Tom Nelson The cross where Jesus shed his innocent blood for our sin and the empty tomb that defeated death is the greatest expression of love ever offered to you and to me. The empty tomb is the greatest assurance of God’s loving presence with us now and for all eternity. Peering into the empty tomb we hear the words of God in …
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Romans 7:7-13 // Ben Beasley One of the ironic dynamics of God’s law is that the more we know, the more we feel and recognize brokenness in our lives. With the grace of the gospel in Jesus, what value does God's law bring? Are we supposed to feel guilt and shame when we hear the law? What is God’s law for anyway if it's not very effective at restra…
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Romans 7:1-6 // Ben Beasley What we belong to gives us an identity, sense of community, and even drastically affects our self-worth. Whether we find our belonging in sports, career, family, romantic relationships, or even religious observance, there are many good things that we are tempted to worship as ultimate things, but each leaves us restless …
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Romans 6:15-23 // Ben Beasley Life is full of paradoxes that make our life either run or crash, depending on how you look at it. Humans are full of contradictions and God knows it! He has chosen many paradoxes to reveal who he is and to show us what it looks like to follow him. Would you join us as we study one of the biblical paradoxes? Dive deep …
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Romans 6:11-14 // Tom Nelson One of the greatest battles of history is not “out there,” but rather, is “in here.” Herein lies a crucial insight as to why following Jesus can be so hard. There is a battle being waged not just with our bodies but in our bodies. In Christ we now live and breathe in a new realm, not of mere religious obligation or mora…
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The question of “who am I?” Is the result of living in an age where expressivism as an individual and embodied endeavor is seen as the highest good. Anything that doesn’t allow me to express myself, either is itself a sin or it’s dogmatic. And this is a tension with our age that we feel as Christians. Why? Because Jesus has something to say about w…
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Romans 6:1-11 // Brent Nelsen When we think of rescue, it’s natural to ask: “Rescue from what?” But with Jesus, rescue is more! When God sought to rescue creation from brokenness, injustice, sin and death, he always planned to save us “for” a more beautiful, good, and true way of being. Jesus didn’t just save us from sin but for life—with him—now a…
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Matthew 25:31-46 // Ben Beasley Hell, in the Bible, is not some underground torture chamber. Hell is a place outside the city of the New Jerusalem, that God excludes because he wants to cast out the darkness for the light, to protect from the destruction of the fires of sin, and so the fullness of restoration will remain over destruction. God exclu…
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Psalm 13 // Ben Beasley “I used to go to church and pray, and then my best friend got sick and died… How can I believe in God when that happened?” My friend told me this in 7th grade, and it would be the first but not last time I would hear what I would later learn that theologians and philosophers call “the problem of evil”. Why does an all good a…
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Matthew 22:15-22 // Tom Nelson Wherever you find yourself in this matter of faith and politics, whatever your political leanings, right, left, or somewhere in the middle, the question we need to thoughtfully ask is (Slide) How Should Followers of Jesus Navigate Politics? And let’s be honest, we as followers of Jesus can and do at times fall into so…
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Genesis 1:26-28 & Luke 10:38-42 // Ben Beasley Following in the footsteps of the design of our Creator, and the dignity made known by our Savior, the church is called to uphold and declare the dignity of women. Even with our failings and distortions, this has always been the calling of the church, and we see it even in the early church. How do we d…
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2 Tim 3:16-17 // Ben Beasley Holy Scripture - the Old Testament and the New Testament together - for Christians, the Bible is the foundation of our faith. Why? Through Holy Scripture, through the Bible, we come to know who God is. Through it, we discover who God has made us to be. Through it we are able to remember what God has done, how he has act…
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Matthew 16: 13-18 // Tom Nelson The church is a messy place with messy broken people. The church is also a healing community for the broken. A faith community where the power of the Gospel transforms lost causes into beloved children of God! Never are we a lost cause, never are we so broken we can not be made whole by Jesus. The church falls short …
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Matthew 2:1-12 // Brent Nelsen It’s all too easy to skim through the Christmas narrative and miss out on key aspects of that story. The three Wise Men are some of the most misremembered and misunderstood characters of Christmas, and yet their story teaches us a crucial lesson about Christmas and its relevance for life today. Join us as we look at C…
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Matthew 1:18-25 // Ben Beasley Christmas wasn’t welcome news to even the faithful…at first. Christmas in many ways disrupts our best laid plans. The question is NOT whether Christmas messes with our lives. The question IS how we show up when Christmas comes into our tidy lives. Join us as we look over the shoulders of someone who experienced the ut…
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Luke 1: 46-55 // Tom Nelson This morning through the eyes of Mary’s faith we see that we are never so obscure as to be overlooked by God. What is it about Mary’s story that is so endearing and enduring, that speaks so deeply to us to our greatest aspirations, our deepest longings? Jesus…here Messianic Son, the very son of God, savior of the world y…
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Luke 1: 1-5 // Ben Beasley Everyone thinks about Christmas a little differently. This Christmas season, we’re on a journey to see Christmas through the eyes of faith. But this raises an important question: What happens when Christmas is NOT what you thought it would be? And what if it’s been like that for a while. How do we look at Christmas throug…
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Ruth 1: 1-5 // Tom Nelson Advent is a season of both waiting & expectation. A time for each of us to slow down and reflect on the story of our lives and what God is doing in our world. As we journey through this Advent season as a church, we are peering into the lives of characters in the bible who looked at the brokenness, uncertainty, and sufferi…
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Romans 5:15-21 // Ben Beasley In our passage today we find Paul continuing his excursus on Adam that we had last week. And he assumes that the reader knows the story of Adam. When Paul says Adam is a type, he is setting up a contrast between Adam and Christ. In our passage today we are going to see three contrasts which are: We are separated throug…
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Romans 5:12-14 // Ben Beasley We’ve all had that moment when who you want to be and who you are is met with frustration. Where does that frustration come from? You can’t help but be hopeful that there’s more but we often experience our helplessness in our inability to change. Is this a me problem or something more? Join us as we continue our journe…
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Romans 5: 5-11 // Tom Nelson What have we been rescued for? Paul’s good news answer in our text today is God rescued us for friendship. Paul gives three life-giving implications of God befriending us. As God’s friend, we are lavishly loved, we are sacrificially loved and we are securely loved. Paul is saying when it comes to our friendship with God…
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Romans 5:1-6 // Ben Beasley Paul names many benefits to being rescued by Jesus, including the offer of great hope even in our suffering. We have not only been rescued from something, but also for something. We are the hope of the glory of God. Suffering cannot defeat the great hope we have in Jesus. In fact, “hope will develop indirectly, as a bypr…
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Romans 4: 13-25 // Ben Beasley Think with me for a moment about the last time you saw the stars on a clear night. The stars are supposed to represent a place of transcendence. The divine. A sacred place we trust to guide us, elevate us, point us higher, to order us. But, in a modern world, more and more, doubt is where we live. Not only doubt, but …
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Romans 4: 1-12 // Ben Beasley God wants nothing more than your trust. Trust is the only way to intimacy. God wants us to live in his presence and be blameless; live in his face and be whole. Trust is the only way to see God for who he is: a God of forgiveness and grace. Trust is the way to receive what you want most because trust leads to intimacy …
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Romans 3:21-26 // Gabe Coyle There are few questions that are quite as loaded and comforting as “Are you okay?” The range of responses could be “Sure” to “Not even close.” What God has to offer us in this space is the answer we long for, but without him we don’t have the eyes to see. Join us as we continue our rescuing journey in the book of Romans…
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Romans 2:17-29 // Ben Beasley One of the longest-running complaints by the modern world of the church is. It’s also one of the greatest barriers to our witness in the modern world: Saying one thing and being another. Fake. Two-faced. Saying one thing and being another. Fake. In one sense, all humans wrestle with being fake, but this is more vibrant…
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Romans 1:24-2:1 // Tom Nelson As thoughtful readers of the text, let’s remember that rabbi Paul who wrote the book of Romans writes from a coherent biblical worldview. A worldview is an attempt to make coherent sense of our lives and the world. All worldviews are built on faith assumptions that cannot be absolutely proven with certainty whether the…
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Romans 1:18-25 // Ben Beasley Our passage gives us three reasons why we need to be rescued. And that we need to be rescued from the things that God’s wrath is directed against. When we refuse to acknowledge God for who He is, when our gratitude goes somewhere else when we show a lack of gratitude, or when we give our attention to false idols or cou…
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Romans 1: 8-15 // Ben Beasley Everywhere we look we see division in our world. We live in a divided world. The myth is that today we are more divided than ever before, but division has always been part of the human story. Paul’s letter to the Romans was written to a city, to a church, and to a world that was experiencing great division. Paul is cle…
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Romans 1: 13-17 // Tom Nelson Christianophobia is defined as a growing cultural phenomenon marked by an increasingly intense animosity against Christians and the Christian faith. Christians face increased discrimination and greater hostility in many sectors of society including media, the academy, business and government. How should we as followers…
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2 Samuel 24 // Ben Beasley The question isn’t if we’ll fall. It’s when. Some can ignore it for a while, but eventually, we come to terms with our own proclivities, areas of brokenness, and destructive behaviors. If we’re honest with ourselves, everyone has moments and sometimes seasons when we’ve intentionally made destructive decisions toward ours…
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