show episodes


Pastor Jocsan Calvo

Welcome to the IPUL BAY AREA podcast where we talk about the fundamental principles of a follower of Jesus Christ, apostolic prayer, fasting, reading the word and being in fellowship with one another. Bienvenidos al podcast de IPUL BAY AREA donde hablamos sobre los principios fundamentales de un seguidor de Jesucristo, la oración apostólica, el ayuno, la lectura de la palabra y la comunión unos con otros.
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Easy Stories in English

Ariel Goodbody, Polyglot English Teacher & Glassbox Media

Learning a language is hard, but Easy Stories in English makes it easy! Ariel Goodbody introduces each story, explaining difficult vocabulary and talking about their life. Thanks to their high energy and clear pronunciation, the stories are entertaining and simple to understand. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, there’s something for everyone. The stories cover a wide range of genres, such as fairy tales, myths and legends, drama, comedy, romance, horror, science f ...
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Mi nombre es Cristina. Soy una Colombiana que ha vivido un poco más de la mitad de su vida en Canadá. ¡Amante de la lectura, la cual disfruto inmensamente con mi hijo, Noah! Este podcast es una forma creativa de compartir mi pasión por la lectura y disfrutar junto con ustedes de cortas historias magníficas en español, francés e inglés. ¡Juntos nos divertiremos para conocer un poco de literatura y practicar, porque no, tú listening level en estos idiomas, si los estás aprendiendo! ¡Bienvenidos!
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Claudia Rodríguez Castellanos

Lectura amateur de poemas latinoamericanos. Cover art photo provided by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash:
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¿Sabía usted que la gente indígena de América Latina son algunas de las 12 Tribus de Israel? Examinando, históricamente, los pueblos de América Latina, muchas cuestiones de origen y de la historia pre-colonial se traen para emerger en uno de los asuntos más polémicos de nuestro tiempo moderno. De hecho, durante los siglos 15 a 18 este era el tema más extenso posible investigado de la época. ¿Quiénes son los pueblos antiguos de Las Américas? Obligados por los sucesos actuales de la era, tales ...
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HCC En Español

Dragon Digital Radio

¡Descubre a la vibrante comunidad hispana y latina de Howard Community College! Conoce a nuestro diverso grupo de estudiantes, profesores, empleados, y graduados quienes traen sus talentos y perspectivas únicos a nuestro campus. Vive las numerosas y enriquecedoras contribuciones que cada uno de ellos brinda a nuestro college. Únete a nosotros y sé parte de esta increíble comunidad!
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Marlene, known for her ability to engage all listeners of all ages is one of a kind. Her dynamic approach to any topic is legendary. Not only has she maintained her ratings high in her radio career she has also been able to conduct Interviews with the chart topping artist. She speaks from the heart and is relatable by all women of all sizes. Get ready for "Al Chile" conversations from: Sex Talk, News and the Best Interviews with the Hottest Artist... "Al Chile" is "Straight to the Point" y " ...
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show series
Today's episode comes from the Into the Story podcast. Check it out if you like the idea of learning English with real-life stories - and I'm sure you do! When Laurie Skreslet attempted to climb Mount Everest in 1982, he faced dangerous avalanches, the closure of the only route up the mountain, and a life-changing moment. Level: Advanced Accent: Ca…
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In this episode, I talk about everything I've been up to for the past two months: visiting a friend, what I'm wearing, a romantic encounter in the supermarket, my try at stand-up comedy, the Royal Academy of Art, eating in the dark: there's just too much to summarise! Listen to it!! Go to for the full transcript. Get…
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Book a class with me! If you book a package of 10 classes, you can get 33% off: An old couple wish for a son and instead have a daughter with long, magical hair. They don't see the value in it, and sell her off to an old man who keeps her in a tower. Every day, he massages the oil from her hair and sells it. But the…
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Book a class with me! If you book a package of 10 classes, you can get 33% off: A cat and a mouse live together as friends, and what strange friends that makes! One day, the cat suggests they store some food for the winter, so they buy a pot of fat and hide it in a church. But while the mouse happily cleans the hous…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Hector is a snail, so of course he's very slow. But he dreams of becoming fast. He decides to find a wizard and ask the wizard to swap his body with a…
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”Yo conozco tus obras, y tu tribulación, y tu pobreza (pero tú eres rico), y la blasfemia de los que se dicen ser judíos, y no lo son, sino sinagoga de Satanás. No temas en nada lo que vas a padecer. He aquí, el diablo echará a algunos de vosotros en la cárcel, para que seáis probados, y tendréis tribulación por diez días. Sé fiel hasta la muerte, …
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Żgugina lives on the coast of Malta with her son. When pirates attack, she rushes to the church to pray to St Demetrius. 'St Demetrius,' she says, 'if…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. The wind carries a pea to a crack by a window. Inside the house, a boy is sick and dying. The pea wants to help the boy, and slowly it grows into a pl…
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”Antes del quebrantamiento es la soberbia, Y antes de la caída la altivez de espíritu. Mejor es humillar el espíritu con los humildes Que repartir despojos con los soberbios.“Proverbios 16:18-19 RVR1960Desde la caída de la el hombre en el principio de la historia, la naturaleza del hombre se ha ido desarrollando en una cada vez más lejos de Dios. L…
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Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! In this episode of Easy Stories in English, host Ariel Goodbody discusses the concept of 'normal people problems' as opposed to more serious issues, drawing on his own exper…
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Today's story I wrote with Alastair Budge from the English Learning for Curious Minds podcast. In last week's episode, we brainstormed the story together, and today we present to you A Visitor from Chilly Bottom. A man who has lived in Antarctica all his life visits the UK for the first time. Technically, he is a British citizen, as he grew up on B…
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A Josué lo estaban preparando para conquistar. La tierra que Dios le había dado al pueblo de Israel — y habían ciertas instituciones que el tuvo que recibir al entrar al campo de batalla! Nuestra vida es un campo de batalla, cada día estamos luchando o con la carne o con el enemigo O con nuestros pensamientos. Nadie se escapa — todo debemos de luch…
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In this episode, I brainstorm a story with Alastair Budge. We start with the concept of someone from Antarctica moving to London and experiencing culture shock and peculiarities of life in the UK. We come up with cultural references and humorous situations involving misunderstandings about British culture. After this episode, Alastair went off and …
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Cómo se manifiesta el celo? * Envidia: resentir el éxito, las cualidades o las posesiones de otra persona.* Inseguridad: sentirse amenazado por la posibilidad de perder o rechazo* Sospecha: dudar de la lealtad o confianza de alguien* Rivalidad: competir con otros para ganar atención o estatusPero en la iglesia del Señor no puede haber envidia, inse…
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Watch the episode on YouTube: Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! In this episode of Easy Stories in English, Ariel Goodbody, the host, discusses a recent controversy involving a blasphemous phrase in a podcast episode titled 'The Holy Cat,' lea…
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An old man lives in an old house. The house is so old that it has changed shape and many things are broken. Every day, the man must climb up a big hill to get to the kitchen. Lots of people tell him he needs to leave the house, but the old man refuses. But one day, the house makes sure he will never leave. Go to for t…
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Amargura — - La amargura emocional puede originarse en diversas experiencias, como: * Ofensa * Traición * Injusticia * Rechazo * Pérdida * DecepciónLa amargura nos posiciona junto al camino, donde no hay profundidad, no hay facilidad de crecimiento, y donde estamos vulnerables a que el enemigo venga y nos robe la semilla. La amargura no deja crecer…
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Dinewan gets married to Bohra the kangaroo, and they go for a walk in the desert. But Dinewan soon gets bored. Bohra is a magic kangaroo, and his spirit can walk through the sky. Dinewan thinks it would be interesting to see Bohra's spirit... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes a…
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”El clamor, pues, de los hijos de Israel ha venido delante de mí, y también he visto la opresión con que los egipcios los oprimen. Ven, por tanto, ahora, y te enviaré a Faraón, para que saques de Egipto a mi pueblo, los hijos de Israel. Entonces Moisés respondió a Dios: ¿Quién soy yo para que vaya a Faraón, y saque de Egipto a los hijos de Israel? …
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In this episode, I talk about the kinds of performance I've been doing recently - storytelling in a sauna, spinning a tale at the London Esperanto Club, improvising at an open mic night, moderating a talk-show discussion and singing in a church choir. I've been busy this past month! No wonder I've been a bit sick, but hopefully my croaky voice won'…
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Sam works in the stupidest department of his company: the 'Synergy Snakes'. What they're actually supposed to do, he has no idea, but he's managed to create a system where he doesn't have to talk to his co-workers and does as little work as possible. The only problem is, the company is looking to get rid of some people, and Sam's an easy target... …
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”Llevad mi yugo sobre vosotros, y aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón; y hallaréis descanso para vuestras almas;“ Mateo 11:29 RVR1960La mayoría de la gente tenemos un modelo, que nos impulsa objetivamente a ser como aquella persona. Los niños quieren ser como sus padres, igual las niñas como su madre. Modelos que se observan, que de …
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A cat hunts all the mice in the town, so it goes to the fields. But the mice in the fields are too fast. So the cat decides to start praying... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! Level: Beginner. Genre: Philosoph…
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In this episode, I talk about my challenges finding stable friendship and love in London as a single in my 30s. I argue that technology has encouraged ghosting and 'no contact' culture, and because of this it's harder to form stable relationships and integrate into local communities. However, it's not all doom and gloom! I also talk about finding c…
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- Vino nuevo no puede echarse en un odre viejo. - Vino es el Espíritu Santo, es la unción, es una nueva experiencia del poder de Dios. - Ahora……….. Dios tiene sobré abundante reserva de vino. Pero el no puede echar ese vino nuevo en algo viejo porque se va romper. - El vino no es el problema, es el odre. - Dios quiere derramar su vino, pero el odre…
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A woman's husband dies, and she visits his grave every week to pray. When she dies, she goes to the land of the dead, and is excited to finally see him again. But she can't find him... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is app…
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Get 20% off Gymglish! Go to and use the code DRAGON2024. Buddha is about to leave Earth, and he wants to say goodbye to the animals in a special way: he will have a race, and name the years after them in the order they win. Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + b…
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“Porque aún un poquito, Y el que ha de venir vendrá, y no tardará. Mas el justo vivirá por fe; Y si retrocediere, no agradará a mi alma. Pero nosotros no somos de los que retroceden para perdición, sino de los que tienen fe para preservación del alma.” Hebreos 10:37-39 Somos de los que perseveran en nuestra vida espiritual, en la oración, en el ayu…
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Apologies that this episode is a bit late. I've been fighting both catatonia and a cold. In this episode I talk about the history of the podcast, give an update about my life and discuss the genocide taking place in Palestine. Follow me on Instagram @arielgoodbody to get updates about Queer Stories For Queer Folks. The next date will be 23rd Februa…
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Este es el lanzamiento de la visión local de ipul Bay Area. ”Y el Señor me respondió: «Escribe la visión y grábala claramente en las tablillas, para que se lea de corrido. Pues la visión se realizará en el tiempo señalado; marcha hacia su cumplimiento y no dejará de cumplirse. Aunque parezca tardar, espérala; porque sin falta vendrá.“ Habacuc 2:2-3…
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Gemma finds a strange red book on her way home from school. She starts reading it, and it is a story about a boy called Nai. In the story, Nai also finds a red book, and when he starts to read it, the story is about Gemma... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at EasyStoriesI…
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In this conversational episode, I do a tarot reading. Tarot is a type of playing cards that can be used to read your future. The tarot is made up of the major arcana and the minor arcana. Get the transcript for this episode by joining Easy Stories in English Premium! Your support is appreciated! (after you join, go to this episode's description on …
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La visión es importante, es por medio de la visión que nosotros nos relacionamos con este mundo. Si no tenemos una buena visión, no podremos dirigirnos en la dirección correcta. Cada cristiano debe de tener la visión correcta, mirando hacia Cristo que es nuestro modelo. Porque la vida cristiana es objetiva. Cada día, cada año, nosotros tenemos que …
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Harold has terrible luck. Bus shelters collapse on him, he makes his dates vomit, and no matter how many good-luck charms he wears, his luck won't change. So he decides that this New Year's Eve, he's going to follow every tradition and superstition in the world, to see if he can change his luck around. Go to for the fu…
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A blind boy lives in Greenland with his parents and his aunt. The aunt is always complaining, so the boy's mother sends her away, but one night, there is a storm and the boy hears his aunt being struck by lightning. The aunt goes mad, and only the blind boy can save her, but he'll have to travel far from home to do so... Go to EasyStoriesInEnglish.…
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A woman grows a really big turnip. She wants to pull it out of the ground but she can't. Her husband helps her, but together they still can't pull the turnip out of the ground. How much help will they need? Go to for the full transcript. Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zum Preis …
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zum Preis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Dezember 2023. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! A mother dreams that her daughter is going to ge…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zum Preis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Dezember 2023. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! It's a lovely day, and Doggo and Kitty go for a …
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Today we have a bonus episode from The Level Up English Podcast with Michael Lavers, answering the question 'How long does it take to get fluent in English?'. Get the transcript here: Here are the key lessons from the episode: There is no “100%” in language learning It’s not easy to set specific in lang…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zum Preis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Dezember 2023. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! In this episode, I explore methods you can use t…
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