show episodes
News in Slow Spanish is a Spanish podcast for those who already possess a basic vocabulary and some knowledge of Spanish grammar. Your host are native Spanish speaker from Spain. In our program we discuss the world news, grammar, and expressions, and much more in simplified Spanish at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence. Learn real Spanish with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expa ...
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News in Slow German is a podcast for those who already possess a basic vocabulary and some knowledge of German grammar. Your hosts are native German speaker from Germany. In our program we discuss the world news, grammar, and expressions, and much more in simplified German at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence. Learn real German with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exp ...
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Advanced French

News in Slow French

Our Advanced French weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday French spoken in France. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the French mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and French events and help you think and feel as a native French.
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In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exposure to Spanish grammar and common idiomatic expressions used in Latin America, to pronunciation practice and interactive grammar exercises. In our program we discuss the Weekly News, grammar, and expressions, and much more in simplified Spanish at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.
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Our Latin American edition of Advanced Spanish weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Spanish spoken in Latin America. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the Latin American mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and Latin American events and help you think and feel as a native Latin American.
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Advanced Spanish

News in Slow Spanish

Our Advanced Spanish weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Spanish spoken in Spain. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the Spanish mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and Spanish events and help you think and feel as a native Spaniard.
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Advanced Italian

Linguistica 360, Inc

Our Advanced Italian weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Italian. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the Italian mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and Italian events and help you think and feel as a native Italian.
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We proudly present a one-of-a kind educational program – G.U.T.S. (Get Up To Speed) a course designed for those who already have some knowledge of Spanish but, for whatever reason, feel stuck. Not quite a beginner but not quite ready for the next level either. From the creators of News in Slow Spanish.
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French for Beginners

Linguistica 360

We proudly present a one-of-a kind educational program for beginners that includes vocabulary, grammar, exercises, dialogue, and much more in the form of a theatrical performance! The plot of the play is simple. Valerie, our French tutor, gives one-on-one lessons to beginner students. Valerie has three rules for her students: 1. Complete the assigned lesson on the website and memorize new vocabulary on the flashcards before coming in for one-on-one studies. 2. You can talk about anything, as ...
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What is Italian for Beginners Language Theatre? Is it a course or a play? It’s both! We proudly present a one-of-a kind educational program for beginners that includes vocabulary, grammar, exercises, dialogue, and much more in the form of a theatrical performance! Follow our heroes from Act 1, with conversation mostly in English, to Act 22, where they speak mostly Italian! Together with Silvia's student, you will learn the fundamentals of Italian grammar and expressions. Your vocabulary will ...
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Learn American English online with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exposure to English grammar and common idiomatic expressions, to pronunciation practice and interactive grammar exercises. In our program we discuss the Weekly News, English grammar, and English expressions, and much more in simplified English at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.
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All material is presented in simplified Spanish and narrated at a slow pace so you can take the time to understand all words and phrases. This audio book started as Explorando Latinoamérica, a part of News In Slow Spanish, and now we've collected all episodes on this site. Even if you just started learning the language, this will be a great source of Spanish vocabulary, Spanish grammar forms, and Spanish pronunciation. Spend some time learning about new and fascinating places and customs, wh ...
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Cuarentena en Puerto Rico a candado cerrado y no es -casi- no, todavia no es abril primero creemos que despues todo mejorara y estara abierto. Linguistica, Mente, Lenguaje y Salud. Desarollo personal.
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En Retrocorenta percorremos algúns recunchos das últimas catro décadas da historia de Galicia tirando dos fíos da cultura, da música, dos deportes, das xentes, dos lugares... Algunhas desas cousas que tamén son historia do país e parte da nosa memoria colectiva. Poremos voces ás lembranzas, refrescarémolas e, seguro, tamén falaremos un chisco do presente e do futuro. O programa, conducido por David Lombao e Ana G. Liste, é unha produción de Praza e VINTE. Coa colaboración da Secretaría Xeral ...
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The official bilingual podcast of the Student Coalition of the National Association of Medical Spanish (NAMS). El podcast bilingüe oficial de la Coalición Estudiantil de la Asociación Nacional del Español Médico
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show series
Dedicheremo la prima parte della puntata ai dibattiti presidenziali americani che si sono svolti giovedì scorso. Quindi, scopriremo la nuova leadership dell'Unione Europea e cosa rappresenta per l'Europa. Nel segmento scientifico della puntata, commenteremo i risultati sorprendenti di uno studio che svela l’assenza di effetti positivi dei multivita…
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Nous commencerons l'émission par une discussion sur le premier débat des candidats aux élections américaines qui a eu lieu jeudi dernier. Ensuite, nous parlerons des nouveaux dirigeants qui occupent les postes clés de l’Union européenne et de ce que cela signifie pour l'Europe. Dans la partie scientifique de l'émission, nous parlerons des résultats…
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Wir beginnen den ersten Teil unseres Programms mit einer Diskussion über die US-Präsidentschaftsdebatte vom letzten Donnerstag. Danach sprechen wir über die neue Führung der Europäischen Union und ihre Bedeutung für Europa. In unserem wissenschaftlichen Teil sprechen wir heute über das überraschende Ergebnis einer Studie, die ergab, dass die täglic…
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Comenzaremos la primera parte del programa hablando de la inmigración, uno de los temas discutidos en el primer debate presidencial en Estados Unidos; y de un intento de golpe de Estado en Bolivia denunciado por el gobierno. Hablaremos también del análisis del caso más antiguo de síndrome de Down, descubierto en los restos de un niño neandertal; y,…
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Iniziamo la prima parte della trasmissione discutendo di attualità. La prima notizia riguarda le numerose morti avvenute durante il pellegrinaggio Hajj di quest'anno in Arabia Saudita. Quindi, parleremo delle azioni avviate dall’UE contro Apple per aver violato il Digital Markets Act. Nello spazio dedicato alla scienza commenteremo l’appello, lanci…
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Dans la première partie de l'émission, nous discuterons de l'actualité. Nous parlerons tout d’abord des nombreux décès survenus cette année lors du pèlerinage du hadj en Arabie Saoudite. Nous débattrons ensuite de la volonté de l’Union européenne de sanctionner Apple pour avoir enfreint sa loi sur les marchés numériques. Puis, nous discuterons de l…
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Wir beginnen den ersten Teil unseres Programms mit einer Diskussion über einige aktuelle Ereignisse. Unser erstes Thema sind die vielen Todesfälle während der diesjährigen Hadsch-Pilgerfahrt in Saudi-Arabien. Danach sprechen wir über die Maßnahmen der EU gegen Apple im Rahmen des EU-Gesetzes über digitale Märkte. Anschließend diskutieren wir über d…
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Comenzaremos la primera parte del programa discutiendo la actualidad. Nuestro primer tema de conversación serán las múltiples muertes ocurridas durante la peregrinación de este año a La Meca, en Arabia Saudita. A continuación, hablaremos de las sanciones impuestas por la UE a Apple bajo la Ley de Mercados Digitales de la UE. Después discutiremos el…
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Soudan : la guerre civile plonge le pays dans une crise humanitaire sans précédent L'inquiétant rapprochement de la Russie et de la Corée du Nord Mbappé et les sportifs français prennent position contre l'extrême droite Élections législatives : les votes par procuration traduisent un record de mobilisation Expo : le Petit Palais rend hommage au str…
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Comenzaremos el programa hablando de la polémica gira por Europa del presidente argentino Javier Milei; y del proyecto en Colombia para regularizar a tutores de menores de edad venezolanos. Hablaremos también de un análisis del vino más antiguo del mundo, encontrado en una tumba de Andalucía; y por último, de la adquisición del catálogo de Queen po…
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Nella prima parte della trasmissione discuteremo di attualità. Inizieremo con la notizia dell’ondata di informazioni false sull'immigrazione volte a influenzare le elezioni europee. Continueremo a parlare di fake news questa volta con riferimento ad una campagna russa progettata per sovraccaricare i fact-checkers. Quindi, analizzeremo i dati di uno…
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Dans la première partie de l’émission, nous discuterons de l'actualité. Tout d'abord, nous parlerons d'une vague d’infox sur l'immigration qui ont été diffusées pour influencer les élections européennes. Nous poursuivrons sur le thème des infox en nous intéressant à une campagne russe visant à submerger les vérificateurs de faits. Ensuite, nous abo…
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Comenzaremos la primera parte del programa discutiendo la actualidad. Primero, hablaremos de la oleada de noticias falsas sobre inmigración que pretende influir en las elecciones de la UE. Continuando con el tema de las noticias falsas, comentaremos la campaña rusa pensada para desbordar a las organizaciones de verificación de datos. A continuación…
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Wir beginnen den ersten Teil unseres Programms mit einer Diskussion über einige aktuelle Ereignisse. Als Erstes sprechen wir über eine Flut von Fake News zum Thema Einwanderung, mit der die EU-Wahlen beeinflusst werden sollten. Wir werden das Thema Fake News mit einer Story über eine Kampagne aus Russland weiterverfolgen, die darauf abzielt, Fakten…
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Texas : le lobby religieux avance sur les droits des femmes Les Jeux des Brics : Poutine tente de prendre sa revanche Séisme politique en France : Macron face à l’histoire Fast déco : PUne surconsommation=overconsumption} désastreuse pour l'environnement Françoise Hardy : mort d'une légende de la chanson française…
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Edmundo González se perfila como el claro favorito para las elecciones en Venezuela Javier Milei da por liquidado el Ministerio de la Mujer Joe Biden introduce a la inmigración irregular en la campaña electoral Macron coloca a Francia al borde de lo desconocido Los jóvenes internautas europeos encumbran a dos nuevos outsiders…
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Comenzaremos la primera parte del programa hablando de la participación del papa Francisco en la cumbre del G7 en Puglia, Italia; y de la búsqueda en Argentina de acusados de un intento de golpe de estado en Brasil. Hablaremos también de la publicación de más de 40 artículos que forman parte del proyecto Space Omics and Medical Atlas; y por último,…
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Nous commencerons l'émission d'aujourd'hui en commentant les élections du Parlement européen, qui ont transformé le paysage politique de l'Europe. Nous poursuivrons avec une discussion sur un rapport récemment publié qui accuse Israël d’avoir mené une campagne d'influence auprès des législateurs et de l'opinion publique américains. Nous nous intére…
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Iniziamo la puntata di oggi commentando i risultati delle ultime elezioni per il Parlamento europeo che hanno portato cambiamenti significativi nell’intero panorama politico. Quindi, parleremo di un rapporto che accusa Israele di condurre una campagna di influenza sui legislatori e sull'opinione pubblica americana. Passeremo, poi, ad analizzare i d…
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Wir beginnen das heutige Programm mit einer Diskussion über die Wahlen zum EU-Parlament, die die politische Landschaft Europas deutlich verändern werden. Anschließend sprechen wir über die Veröffentlichung eines Berichts, der Israel beschuldigt, eine Kampagne durchzuführen, die die Abgeordneten des US-Kongresses und die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit…
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Comenzaremos el programa de hoy discutiendo las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo, que trajeron cambios importantes al panorama político europeo. Continuaremos con la publicación de un informe que acusa a Israel de llevar a cabo una campaña de influencia dirigida contra los congresistas de EE. UU. y contra el público estadounidense. Después discutir…
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Un tabú que cae: el uso de armas de la OTAN contra Rusia Claudia Sheinbaum, la primera mujer ante el reto de gobernar México El balón de la Eurocopa rueda en una Alemania blindada La huella que deja Nora Cortiñas tras su muerte Panamá traslada a los habitantes de una isla por la subida del nivel del mar…
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Comenzaremos la primera parte del programa hablando de la nueva orden ejecutiva del gobierno de Estados Unidos para controlar la crisis migratoria en la frontera; y de la ley integral en Chile que protege a mujeres víctimas de la violencia de género. Hablaremos de unos fósiles encontrados en Europa de una especie desconocida de antiguo homínido; y …
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Nella prima notizia parleremo dell'impatto che la condanna di Trump avrà sulle elezioni americane. Quindi, commenteremo l'elezione della prima donna presidente in 200 anni di storia del Messico. Nello spazio dedicato alla scienza approfondiremo gli aspetti di un fenomeno noto come “ansia da traguardo”, che sta interessando in maniera piuttosto rile…
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Dans la première partie de notre émission, nous discuterons de l’impact qu’aura la condamnation de Trump sur les élections américaines. Nous commenterons ensuite l'élection de la première femme présidente en 200 ans d'histoire du Mexique. Puis, nous parlerons de l’augmentation chez les générations X et Z du stress lié aux grandes étapes de la vie. …
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Wir beginnen den ersten Teil unseres Programms mit einer Diskussion über die Auswirkungen von Trumps Verurteilung auf die US-Wahlen im November. Danach sprechen wir über die Wahl der ersten Frau ins Präsidentenamt von Mexiko. Anschließend diskutieren wir über ein Phänomen, das als „Meilenstein-Angst“ bekannt ist und unter Millennials und Angehörige…
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