show episodes
Lutheran Answers aims to take you on a profound exploration of the Christian Faith through the historical Lutheran lens. We delve into the historical Gospel of the early church, rooted in Lutheran Confessions and the Holy Ghost's power to save. Our podcast invites inquisitive minds and seeking souls to discover the timeless theological truths that bridge the gap between the past and the present. Join us for thought-provoking discussions, captivating theology, and heartfelt, Spirit-led insigh ...
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Lutheran Memorial Church

Lutheran Memorial Church

Catch up on the latest sermons from Pastor Craig Wexler and Deacon Kris Wollman at Lutheran Memorial Church in Pierre, SD. Also features: "Saints & Sinners" -- a podcast where Pastor Craig and other rostered leaders answer all of your burning questions."Deep on Demand" -- a Youth Group podcast that answers the big questions
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Have you ever read the Bible and thought "what does that mean?" This is a Bible study podcast for people who have questions about the Bible. Have a question? Email us as -- Nick and Andy will do their best to answer it. Nick is the founding pastor of Abiding Grace Lutheran Church in Southlake, Texas and a member of the ELCA Church-wide council. Andy is the Senior Pastor at Cambridge Lutheran Church in Cambridge, Minnesota.
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Why Bodies Matter

Higher Things, Inc.

One day, your body will die. But it still matters. Christ took on flesh to redeem your sins. Your body will one day turn to dust, but rejoice because that dust will rise in a newness of life! Join hosts Erica Sorensen and Pastor Harrison Goodman as they talk to guests from throughout the Church and walk the path from birth to death to answer the question, “Why Bodies Matter?”
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In recent years, the Book of Genesis has produced more name-calling than any other part of the Bible. With widely varied interpretations, the first two chapters polarize churches, communities, and schools. Organizations, museums, and theme parks have been built around the debate, often making the political sphere look civil and tame by comparison. But Genesis is more than its first two chapters, and even those first chapters offer more than just a look at the early days of the earth. This st ...
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Hope In Tigard

Pastor Paul Bourman

Hope Lutheran Church is a church located in Tigard, Oregon in Southwest Portland. The goal of these sermons is to bring you the hope that comes through Jesus alone. He is the source of real and true hope.
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The Augsburg Confession is the first and most fundamental Confession of the Lutheran Church. It was composed for a public reading at the Diet of Augsburg on June 25, 1530. Although written by Melanchthon, it was presented as the official answer of the undersigned German princes to the summons of Emperor Charles V. Two copies were presented on the same day, one in German, the other in Latin. This work translates a conflation of the German and Latin texts and was prepared for the Concordia Tri ...
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show series
Send me a text! Back for more Jonah, the Venerable Reverend Doctor Jason Gudim takes us through the first two chapters of Jonah in striking detail! We learn more about Jonah's station, we get a deep dive into the various forces that drive him to Nineveh, and we discuss his lament inside the large fish. Check Out Dr. Gudim: Doctor Jason Pastor's Twi…
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Many of our assumptions about the way life is and how the world works need to be cross-examined and corrected. Once his work on earth was complete, Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to do just that—to be his expert witness to expose our false assumptions and set the record straight. This week we see that the assumptions in need of correction are ones we h…
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In today's episode Nick and Andy finish 2 Peter 3 and try to answer the following questions: - What words do we remember the most in life? - Is God's perceived slowness to return a sign of mercy? - What does it mean to be ready for Jesus to come? - Would the Apostle Paul be popular today? - How do we grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus? And a lot …
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Many of our assumptions about the way life is and how the world works need to be cross-examined and corrected. Once his work on earth was complete, Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to do just that—to be his expert witness to expose our false assumptions and set the record straight. This week we focus on that important role the Holy Spirit plays as we cel…
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In today's episode Nick and Andy discuss 2 Peter 2 and find what might be the longest sentence ever written! They also try to answer the following questions: - How can you tell someone is a false teacher? - What is hell like? - How are we taught to sin? And so much more! Thank you for listening!By Nick & Andy
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How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand truthless love. With his s…
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How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand stagnation. Forty days aft…
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Send me a text! In this episode I'm joined by the esteemed Reverend Doctor Jason Gudim, who is going to be walking us through Jonah for the next few episodes! Today we get a brief overview of the book and start to put together an idea of what we're getting into with this short (but fascinating) little historic text. Check Out Dr. Gudim: Doctor Jaso…
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In today's episode Nick and Andy look at 2 Peter 1 and try to answer the following questions: - Are the promises of God better than what the world can offer? - How would our faith be different if we understood ourselves as servants of God instead of children of God? - Will we ever fully grasp the greatness of God? - How would the story of Jesus be …
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How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand truthless love. Christ’s r…
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Listen in as Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions: - In what ways should a pastor be an example to the flock? - What does it mean that Jesus is the good shepherd and why is it good news? - How does fear and worry control our lives? How is fear related to faith? - In what ways does the devil try to bully you? Does suffering make us st…
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How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand deception. There are many …
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Send me a text! Today I'm joined by Pleas Evans, who shares his journey from the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist church and into the comfort of the Lutheran Confessions. We had some audio/video sync issues. Please don't hate me for it. Support the Show. 👉 Check Out the Free Discord 👈 👉 Check Out the Merch Shop! 👈 👉 Donate to Support the Show👈 👉 …
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How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand guilt. Although the light …
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How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand doubt. A bodily resurrecti…
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Send me a text! Pastor Ricky comes back for Part 2 on the theology of suffering! Last time we looked at suffering from a practical standpoint, how it impacts our lives, how God can use it, and how we should respond to it. In today's episode we look at suffering from a more systematic standpoint, examining the Biblical basis for the previous episode…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This evening we reach the finish line of Jesus’ collision course…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This evening we reach the finish line of Jesus’ collision course…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This evening we celebrate the institution of Holy Communion and …
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In today's Holy Week edition Nick and Andy dive into 1 Peter 3 and try to answer the following questions: - Should wives submit to their husbands? - Can our relationship with God ever be healthy if our relationships with each other are unhealthy? - Can the church function as it should with divisions? - Have you thought out your faith to the point w…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we arrive at the home stretch of the collision course …
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Send me a text! In this episode we have Pastor Ricky Beckett back on to discuss the nature of suffering. In part one of this two part series, Pr. Beckett discusses suffering as it relates to the Christian on a practical level. In what ways do we encounter suffering, how do we endure it, and what are the practical impacts of suffering on Christianit…
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In today's episode Nick and Andy look at 1 Peter 2 and try to answer the following questions: - Where do we find spiritual milk and grow as disciples? - How does being chosen by God change us? - Is there an assumption in today's culture that Christians are better people than non-Christians? - Does God give authority to those who are elected to publ…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current o…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current o…
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Send me a text! Nevin Lawrence, long time listener and huge fan of the show, finally got to have his biggest dream in life come true: Come on the Lutheran Answers show and share his story of coming to a Lutheran understanding of the Christian Faith. Follow Nevin & His Wife on Twitter Nevin Louise Support the Show. 👉 Check Out the Free Discord 👈 👉 C…
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Listen in as Nick and Andy dive into 1 Peter and try to answer the following questions: Has God chosen some people and not others? What does suffering reveal about our faith? How can we learn to think like God? Can we be faithful and not love each other? And so much more! We'd love to hear from you! If you have questions or comments for us, please …
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current o…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current o…
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Send me a text! It was my pleasure to have Pr. Chris Rosebrough back on for part two of our discussion, wherein we discuss who the Holy Ghost is in reality. Pr. Chris Rosebrough is a pastor at Kongsvinger Lutheran Church and host of the program Fighting For The Faith. Things We Discussed: The Azusa Street Revival: An Eyewitness Account - by Frank B…
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When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we see how the collision between these two opposing cu…
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Galatians 5 is a wonderful chapter of Scripture and today's episode is a doozy! Nick and Andy try to answer the following questions: Christ has set us free -- how do we stay free? What does it mean to "fall away from grace?" What is the most important way that we share our faith? How do we overcome temptation? How do we live by the Spirit? And Andy…
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