show episodes
My name is Marc Abrams. After my awakening in July, 2018 I began experiencing events that would make a blockbuster Hollywood movie pale in comparison. Like many of you, I looked for other people that were experiencing similar things. I spent many hours watching videos and researching the seemingly crazy stuff that was happening to me. I continuously found validation in random places (usually to the amusement of my spirit guide). I slowly came to trust this inner voice that was coming through ...
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show series
Now is the time to take that giant leap and expand your consciousness! In this episode, I share the secret to allowing your consciousness to expand and your spiritual awareness to burst open. You will learn how to navigate the roadblocks that may be limiting your spiritual growth. When you energetically heal your ascension symptoms, you will begin …
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Navigating the spiritual ascension journey can be absolutely magical. But as you delve deeper into your spiritual awakening, you may find yourself experiencing some unexpected layers of darker emotions. In this episode I explain why these “dark night of the soul” periods occur and reoccur as you progress along your ascension journey. Find out how t…
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Don’t miss this golden opportunity to expand your consciousness right now! In this July energy update, I share the key to healing your anxiety, and bringing forward your multidimensional aspects. I explain what you can do when that mind chatter gets extremely loud and feels like it has taken control. Learn what works and what does not work to get y…
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I hear so many myths about spiritual awakening in my spiritual coaching practice. In this enlightening episode, I shatter some common myths about spiritual awakening and address the pressing question: "Did I mess up my ascension?" Discover the truth about your ascension journey and gain practical insights to ensure you're on the right track. Join m…
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Signs that new earth is manifesting for you are all around. In this episode, I explain that new earth is not what you might be expecting. You will learn to become consciously aware of the signs that you are already experiencing 5D new earth. I share tips and techniques on how to maintain the 5D frequency to continue manifesting your new earth exper…
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Are you in search of ascension symptom relief? Do you feel like your physical ascension symptoms are intensifying recently? Ascension symptoms are a very common part of the spiritual awakening process. In this episode, I explain why we experience ascension symptoms or ascension flu, and why the physical symptoms might appear to be increasing. You w…
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In this episode Jeremy Thake talks to Sebastien Levert about Declarative copilots. They talk about the user experience, how you can build them in both Teams toolkit and Copilot Studio, the moving parts of them including graph connectors, plugins and much more! Right now these are in private preview with public preview coming ver…
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Very often it is difficult to see that you are stuck and can’t break out of your comfort zone. In this episode I share a vision I had during meditation highlighting how we tend to cling to the known and not allow ourselves to break free from our comfort zone. I discuss the detriments of being afraid of the unknown, as well as the benefits of lettin…
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Staying aligned on your ascension journey can be challenging. We can encounter many ups and downs as we navigate our spiritual path. In this episode, I share the secret to staying aligned on your ascension journey. I explain how a repeating cycle of 3D lower vibrational energy can creep back into your reality, and how you can reconnect with your di…
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Conversation is increasing surrounding the topic of extraterrestrial disclosure this year. Join me as I discuss disclosure and ETs from the perspective of humans and from the multidimensional perspective of the Galactic Federation. Learn what extraterrestrial disclosure refers to, and how you as a lightworker can assist in preparing the collective …
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When I was young I would imagine (like many of you), that I could communicate with animals. During my spiritual awakening journey, however, I discovered that it was much more than imagination! Join me as I share my incredible journey of connecting with a horse and the profound lessons I learned along the way. Discover how you too can tap into this …
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This episode Jeremy Thake and Andrew Connell catch up to discuss all the Copilot extensibility news from the Microsoft Build 2024 conference in May. Andrew asked some great questions about Graph Connectors, Plugins, Declarative copilots and Custom engine copilots. Show notes Build 2024 - Session catalog ( The Microsoft 365 Full-Stack …
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In this solstice energy update, I discuss this importance of becoming and remaining aware of what is going on in your reality. The solstice is a gateway to very expansive, healing energy. I share some experiences I have had as this powerful energy ramps up. What will you perceive in your reality during this summer solstice? 🧘‍♂️ Discover how you ca…
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Ascension symptoms are a huge part of the spiritual awakening process. But why do we need to experience ascension symptoms? In this episode, I explain what your ascension symptoms are really showing you and why they are a necessary part of your spiritual journey. You will learn the importance of recognizing and taking control of what is happening w…
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If you struggle in connecting with your spirit guides and higher self, you may simply be complicating the process. Join me as I share what you need to do to communicate with your spirit guides, your higher self, and other multidimensional beings. You will learn what you may be doing subconsciously that is preventing you from the contact you are see…
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In this energy update I discuss the powerful energy we are currently receiving and the ascension symptoms associated with this event. Discover how the Schumann Resonance, X-class solar flares, and other celestial events are amplifying the vibrational frequencies around us. It is important at this time to recognize what is coming forward for you to …
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In this episode, Jeremy Thake talks to Abram Jackson about all the news from Microsoft Build 2024. Abram talks about the new API Plugins and Declarative copilots building on top of our AI Platform in Copilot for Microsoft 365. Abram also talks about Custom engine copilots and handing off to them from Copilot for Microsoft 365. He gives some great g…
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Are you ready to awaken your higher self and discover the truth of who you are? Join me in this episode as I dive into a discussion on the human experience and the quest to remember our higher self. I explain why we experience earthly amnesia and the steps you can take to realign with your higher self and awaken to the fact that you are a multidime…
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Join me as I share how I handle negative entities and their impact on spiritual awakening. Discover how to navigate the fear response when encountering shadow beings, and explore the true nature of these entities. Are they genuinely malevolent, or is there more to understand about the presence of “negative” entities? Tune in for insightful strategi…
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When you are on the journey of spiritual awakening, it can be difficult to get into spiritual alignment. In this episode I share how I get into alignment and how I have learned to maintain this vibration in my daily life. Learn how you can shift your mindset and build the circuitry within your body to align with a new you. With commitment and pract…
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Along your ascension journey you will begin to recognize what happens when your ego controls you. Discover the profound impact of the ego on your well-being in this enlightening episode. Learn how the protective personality, or ego, can drain your energy and influence your physical and emotional states. I'll guide you through practical strategies t…
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The Microsoft 365 Developer podcast is rebooting ... again! Check out this first episode to find out the future of the show with a new special guest! Links for this week: Build Conference 2024 Developers guide to customizing Microsoft Copilot with Jeremy Thake and Barnam Bora Tuesday, May 21 | 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time SharePoint Em…
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If you are struggling with how to manifest the new you, this episode is for you. The spiritual healing journey is hard. How many times have you asked yourself “This isn’t working! Why is it taking so long?”. In this episode, I share with you what I wish I knew when I started my spiritual awakening journey. Learn to recognize the subtle signs of you…
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In this energy update I discuss the high frequency light we are experiencing as a result of current X-class solar flares, and how this will pave the way for major consciousness expansion and personal upgrades. Join me as I explore how the influx of light is illuminating the dense shadows within us, bringing them to the surface for release. I'll sha…
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Perfectionism holds us back and stops us from living our best life! In this episode, I explain why striving for perfection is limiting, and detrimental to discovering your life purpose. I share some personal examples of what your mind will do to prevent your consciousness from expanding, as well as how to overcome the perfectionist mindset. Learn h…
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Do you feel stuck in life and frustrated that you can’t seem to move forward? When you learn the #1 reason that you don't feel motivated or can't manifest your life purpose, you will be amazed at how quickly you can get unstuck. In this episode, I discuss the importance of getting centered and aligned, and the profound effect this has on your energ…
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The challenge of birthing new earth is not easy, but you came here for exactly this purpose. In this episode, I discuss the healing journey that you and I have chosen and what makes it more or less difficult for each of us. We are here to break through an old matrix and bring forward new earth. Learn what you can do to make this ascension process a…
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Call back your energy and power, and watch your life transform! In this episode, I explain how your higher self is guiding your spiritual healing journey in a way that may feel uncomfortable. I discuss why certain aspects of your past may resurface with an unexpected intensity. You'll learn the essential practice of accepting and integrating all pa…
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If you are finding this spiritual journey difficult to navigate, I want to share with you what happens when you just let go and allow the magic to flow. In this episode, I explain my personal post-eclipse experience and the profound message received from my spirit guide. Discover how connecting with your higher self can lead to unexpected and inspi…
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Embracing the shift to new earth can feel very surreal. It's not uncommon to encounter unfamiliar feelings and a sense of discomfort as our realities transform. Join me as I explore these changes and learn how to not only understand but also embrace the uncomfortable feelings that come with these reality shifts. I discuss strategies to navigate thr…
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Would you like to stop your thoughts from controlling your life? In my latest episode, I uncover the psychological patterns that lead to a reality shaped by overthinking. Learn what's happening in your mind and how it's creating an existence that may not align with your desires. I'll share actionable strategies to help you gain control over your th…
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Discover your power to heal yourself in this thought provoking episode where I explore the profound capabilities of self-healing. I share my personal experience with requesting Arcturian healing and the profound result that manifested from that request. You will gain a new, multidimensional perspective on ascension symptoms or ascension flu. This e…
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As we navigate through these transformative times, many light workers are reporting powerful ascension symptoms currently impacting them. Join me as I explore why physical and emotional ascension symptoms manifest, and what some common symptoms of ascension are. You will gain some valuable insight and techniques on how to effectively manage and eas…
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As the April 8th total solar eclipse graces the sky, it brings with it a unique chance for you to restore your energetic balance. A solar eclipse serves as a profound reminder that we are experiencing this reality as energetic, spiritual beings. Join me as I explore ways to harness the energy of this solar eclipse, sharing tips and practices to get…
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What you actually need to become spiritual might be very different than what you think! In this episode, I bring some clarity to a sea of misconceptions and limiting beliefs surrounding the spiritual awakening process. Discover the essential steps to deepen your spiritual connection and align with the quantum field. I will explain what is hindering…
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The solar eclipse 2024 on April 8 is a much anticipated and rare phenomenon. Did you know the solar eclipse offers some powerful spiritual opportunities for growth and perspective shifts? In this episode, I explain why this particular total solar eclipse is different, how you can best prepare for it and how to use this amazing opportunity to shift …
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One of the most frequently asked questions I receive from clients is “do ascension symptoms ever stop?”. In this episode, I explore the ongoing nature of ascension symptoms and their evolution as our vibrational frequency shifts. I discuss new symptoms you may be experiencing, and how transforming symptoms are a reflection of your spiritual growth.…
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Are you curious how you can see in the unseen world? In this episode, I explore the profound idea that everything you need to connect to the unseen world is already within you. I share insights and practical guidance on how to tap into your innate knowledge and unlock the secrets of the unseen world, a world beyond your five senses. This transforma…
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Are you wondering what dimension you are in? In this episode, I explore the enigmatic realm of dimensional fields, discussing the concept of ascending through different dimensions, as well as the nature of dimensions themselves. Join me as I unravel the mysteries of dimensions as we seek to understand the profound nature of our existence within the…
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The secret to raising your vibration seems pretty basic, but we can get tripped up along the ascension journey. Join me as I debunk some of the misconceptions surrounding raising your vibration. I share some simple tips and techniques you can learn to permanently raise your vibration, get your energy flowing and manifest the life you’ve dreamed of.…
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Lightworkers, are you aware of your role in New Earth and timeline shifts? Earth is going through the ascension process and the collective has witnessed some density releases that feel like the world is ending. You, as a lightworker, have a very important role in assisting humanity as they experience timeline shifts along the ascension journey. Lea…
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Expand your mind with these galactic revelations on the controversial topics of moon landings, Earth's alleged restrictions from space exploration, and the mysterious presence of reptilians. I recently connected with my Pleiadian guide who revealed some fascinating galactic information and perspectives on these topics and more. Prepare to shift you…
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Have you been feeling like time is accelerating and the ascension process is speeding up? In this episode I explain why this phenomenon of time speeding up occurs as our ascension journey progresses. If you are experiencing timeline shifts and an acceleration of time, know that your spiritual awakening is right on track. I share with you what you c…
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Watch your dreams manifest just by changing this one thing in your daily routine. Our reality is a reflection of our vibrational state at any given moment. In this episode you will learn what is going on in your subconscious mind that is preventing you from manifesting. I will share the secret for an effortless change to your daily routine that wil…
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I recently received an important Pleiadian message for Lightworkers and Starseeds regarding the current state of the ascension process and the collective. As our consciousness expands and we rise in frequency, what we observe in our external reality is not what it seems. My Pleiadian guide explained what is truly happening in our reality and why th…
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Can you find the signs from deceased loved ones? The synchronicities are all around you. Join me in this uplifting episode as I share a magical personal experience of connection with someone very special to me. I dive into the profound and heartwarming topic of connecting with our departed loved ones and spirit guides. I explain that connection to …
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What types of ascension symptoms are you feeling? This ascension symptoms energy update highlights some of the symptoms you may be experiencing and what you can do to heal or alleviate the discomfort. With the increase in solar activity and the incoming high frequency light, Lightworkers and Starseeds are displaying a variety of emotional and physi…
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Are you aware that Gen Z is awakening and forging their own path? Whether you're Gen Z or a parent of a Gen Z, amazing changes are happening regarding overcoming limiting beliefs and subconscious programming. These amazing lightworkers and starseeds are shedding the beliefs that constrained generations past. In this episode, I sit down with my olde…
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“Stop limiting yourself” is the message I recently received from the Galactic Federation. Why do we keep encountering barriers and struggles along our ascension journey? We have been diligently doing our work to heal and embody higher frequency versions of ourselves. Yet each time we are sure we are on the verge of breaking through, something limit…
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The intensity of the February solar activity is bringing on powerful chakra activations. You may be noticing a variety of ascension symptoms as your heart chakra opens and your crown chakra expands. As your chakras activate and come into alignment, be sure to practice self care. Observe any old traumas or physical symptoms and trust that it is all …
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