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This We Believe explains the essentials of the Christian faith and its impact on our lives. Each season will use key texts as springboards for exploring the core tenets of Christianity, beginning with the Apostles' Creed and continuing with texts such as the 10 Commandments and the Our Father. While each season will progress through these documents, each episode will be centered around a specific topic, such as the Cross, or the Holy Spirit, or a specific question, such as What happens when ...
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show series
What are the moral laws in the Old Testament, and how do we discern which laws are moral and which are not? How can such laws teach us about the love of God? This episode continues our three episode series on Matthew 5: 17-20 in the Sermon on the Mount, addressing how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament laws known as the Moral Law. This We Believe is …
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What does it mean to follow the Old Testament laws that pertain to temples and animal sacrifices, if we do not have these things today? What do these laws tell us about how Christians today ought to approach worship? This episode continues our three episode series on Matthew 5: 17-20 in the Sermon on the Mount, addressing how Jesus fulfills the Old…
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What does it mean for Jesus to fulfill the law? Does this mean we no longer have to follow the Old Testament laws? How can we tell which laws we still have to follow and which ones we don’t? This episode begins a three episode series on Matthew 5: 17-20: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish t…
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What does it mean to be the light of the world, and what, if anything, does the church have to do in order to become the light of the world? Do Christians have to worry about the impact and influence that their actions have on the world? This episode discusses Matthew 5: 14-16: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.…
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What does it mean for Christians to be the salt of the earth? How do Christians impact the world without being overcome by it? This episode unpacks Jesus' first statement after the Beatitudes: “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown ou…
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Why is it that Christians who exhibit mercy and meekness should expect to be treated poorly by the world? If Jesus is the true way to all that is good, true, and beautiful, then why will Christians be reviled for believing in him? This episode addresses the final two beatitudes: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake," and "B…
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What does it mean to be a peacemaker, and how do actively make peace with others in the world? How does are ability to be at peace with God effect our ability to be peacemakers with our friends? This episode discusses the seventh Beatitude: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." This We Believe is brought to you in …
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What does it mean to be pure in heart? Is holiness something that we achieve, or something God does for us? What is the relationship between purity of heart and a vision of the face of God? This episode discusses the sixth Beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos co…
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Why do Christians proclaim “Lord have Mercy, Christ Have Mercy” each Sunday at Church? How can God be merciful and justice, and what is the relationship between justice and mercy? What does it mean for us to show mercy on our enemies? This episode discusses the beatitude “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” This We Believe is b…
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What does it mean to be righteous, and how do we become righteous? How can we hunger and thirst for something other than food? This episode discusses the fourth Beatitude: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos combines digital books with intell…
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What does it mean to be meek? Why should we not retaliate when someone harms us? How do we endure harm without having it effect our identity? This episode discusses the third Beatitude: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos combines digital books with intelligent software…
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Why do we mourn, and what do we mourn for? Is the comfort that Jesus promises to mourners a present comfort, or something that only comes in the future? This episode discussed the second Beatitude: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos combines digital books with intelli…
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What does it mean to be poor in spirit? How is humility the opposite of pride? How do we grow in humility, and what should we expect to receive when we do? This episode examines the first beatitude: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos combines digital books…
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Why does Jesus begin the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes? Are the beatitudes works we should try to perform, or something different? How do the blessings that Jesus offers in the Beatitudes differ from the blessings of the world? This episode continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with an introduction to the Beatitudes. This We Bel…
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Why did Jesus scale a mountain in order to give this sermon, and what is the significance of mountains in the Bible? This episode introduces the Sermon on the Mount by placing it within the context of God's teaching upon the various mountains in scripture. It also discusses how we should approach this teaching as students drawing near to the very a…
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Season 4 will begin in late March and will go line by line through The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ great teaching in Matthew Chapters 5-7. The season will begin with an examination of the sermon on the mount in the context of the rest of Biblical teachings, focusing specifically on the symbol of the mountain. From there, we will do a deep dive thro…
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What does it mean to believe in God’s Kingdom and Power, as opposed to the kingdoms and powers of the world? What is God’s Glory, and how do we partake of it? What will it look like to be in God’s glory forever and ever? This episode examines the last line of the Our Father: “For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Forever and Ever, Am…
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What is the difference between trials and temptations? How do we resist temptation, and how do we pray for protection from temptation? This episode examines the eighth line of the Lord's Prayer: Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos combines digital books with intelligent so…
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How do we forgive others who have harmed us, and what gives us the strength to forgive? What is the relationship between forgiveness and reconciliation? What must happen for broken relationships to be truly restored in Christ? This episode examines the seventh line of the Lord's Prayer: As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us. This We Believe i…
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What are the specific actions that constitute trespasses? Are they simply the bad things we have done, or are they broader, encompassing our thoughts, words, and deeds? When we ask God to forgive our trespasses, how can we be certain that He will indeed forgive them? This episode examines the sixth line of the Lord's Prayer: Forgive Us Our Trespass…
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What is the bread that we are asking for when we recite the Our Father? Is it simply the food on our table, or does it also include the other necessities of life? If spiritual things are so important, why does God also want us to pray for the material things in life as well? This episode examines the fifth line of the Lord's Prayer: Give us this da…
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What does it mean for heaven to intersect with earth? Is this something that happens only in the future, or in the present as well? What would it look like if our lives here on earth became more like heaven? Why do we ask for God’s will to be done, and how do we enable God’s will to be done here on earth? This episode examines the fourth line of th…
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What does it mean for God’s Kingdom to come—is it something that is already here, or something that comes only in the distant future? If God is going to bring about His Kingdom, why should we also pray that this occurs? How does our understanding of God's Kingdom change the way we pray? This episode examines the third line of the Lord's Prayer: Thy…
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What does it mean to hallow God’s name, and what does it mean to be a person who honors God’s name? What does it mean for God’s name to be hallowed by the church, and what would it look like for those who are far away from God to become persons who praise his name? This episode examines the second line of the Lord's Prayer: Hallowed Be Thy Name. Th…
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When we sit down to pray, who exactly are we speaking to? Who is this God that we address in the Lord’s Prayer? What does it mean that God is in heaven? Is he limited to some place far up in the skies? This episode covers the first line of the Lord's Prayer: Our Father Who Art in Heaven. This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos com…
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What is prayer? Is it simply the time where we ask God to do things for us, like asking a Genie to grant a wish? Or is it something much deeper and personal? How do we know how to pray, and what to pray for? This episode begins season 3 of This We Believe by giving an overview of the Our Father and a discussion of the meaning and purpose of Christi…
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We will be returning at the end of January 2022 for Season 3 of This We Believe, which will go line by line through the Our Father, as well as discuss the purpose of Christian prayer and the cultivation of Christian hope. Connect with us at: Facebook: @ThisWeBelievepodcast Twitter: @We_Believe_Pod E-mail: Thiswebelievepodcast@gmail.com This We Beli…
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What does it mean to covet, and how does this apply to the ways we view wealth and possessions? Why does the Bible state that the love of money is the root of all evil? How does this commandment speak to our hearts, rather than our actions? This episode examines the final commandment, as well as addresses how we should go about reading and praying …
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This episode addresses the 9th Commandment, which prohibits the bearing of false witness. What makes the spreading of falsehoods so damaging to ourselves and to our communities, and how do we learn to practice truth telling instead? This commandment refers not only to the lies that we tell others, but includes the entirety of the words we speak wit…
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The 8th Commandment prohibits theft. How does this commandment speak to our overall desires for material goods? Are we people who seek the incessant acquisition of stuff we don’t need, or are we people that have hearts set on the things that are eternal and imperishable? This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos combines digital boo…
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What is the purpose of marriage, and what is the place of sex within the marriage commitment? How exactly does adultery violate the marriage commitment, and why does Jesus equate lust with adultery? This episode discusses the Seventh Commandment: You Shall Not Commit Adultery. It examines the Christian commitment of marriage, the role of sex within…
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Is there a difference between committing murder, fighting in a war, or harming someone in self-defense? Why does Jesus equate hatred with murder? How do I love my enemies when I don’t seem to have any enemies? This episode addresses the 6th Commandment: You shall not commit murder. It covers issues such as war, self-defense, and the relationship be…
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Are we dependent people, or independent people? How do we honor our parents even when we don’t fully agree with them? How do we learn to honor our aging parents in a society that marginalizes the elderly? This episode discusses the 5th Commandment: Honor Your Father and Mother. This We Believe is brought to you in part by Logos. Logos combines digi…
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What does it mean to remember the Sabbath? If it is supposed to be a day of rest, what exactly should we do on that day? In an increasingly busy world, can Christians really afford to take 24 hours off from our labors each week? This episode discusses the 4th Commandment. to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. It explores the biblical foundation…
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What does it mean to use the Lord’s name in vain? Does this refer simply to using God’s name as a swear word, or does it apply more broadly to our speech? How does our own vanity lead us to use God’s name in vain? Do our words and actions cohere with our affirmations of God’s name? This episode discusses the third commandment, "Thou shall not take …
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If the images, the pictures, that we view with our eyes each day were food, what would our diet consist of? Would it make us healthy and strong or weak and sickly? We consume thousands of images each day—are these images drawing us closer to, or further away from, God? This episode discusses the 2nd Commandment, where God prohibits the making and w…
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The first commandment, to worship God alone, seems on the surface to be easy. Most of us probably don’t have wooden statues of Zeus that we bow down to in the morning. But what does it mean to have other gods? What are the things that occupy center stage in our hearts? This episode discusses the preamble and first commandment: “I am the Lord your G…
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The 10 Commandments have long been associated with the virtue of Love in Christianity. Now, for some of us this might seem odd: Isn’t the Ten Commandments after all a list of negative statements—thou shall not do this or thou shall not do that? Are the 10 Commandments really about love, or are they divine impositions on human freedom? This episode …
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Why doesn’t the creed say anything about the Bible? Why does it not mention love, or mercy, or justice? What is the relationship between the church, the bible, and the Apostles’ Creed? This episode answers listener questions that were submitted in response to the completion of season 1 and our examination of the Apostles’ Creed. We can summarize th…
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What do Christians mean when we say that we worship one God in three persons, and how are these three persons related? Is a belief in the Trinity a mere academic curiosity, something too difficult for most to grasp, or is it an essential belief that can impact the way we personally relate to God? This episode concludes our examination of the Apostl…
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Who gets to heaven and who gets to hell, and who gets to decide? What does an eternity with God look like? How does our eternal life not get old or boring? This episode addresses the final statements of the Apostles’ Creed: the final judgment, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. We'll discuss the relationship between justice and…
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If belief in Jesus as Lord and God enables us to enter into a relationship with God, why do Christian’s still insist on gathering together as a community? Why must one go to church if they are saved? What is the purpose of the church? The Apostles’ Creed asserts a belief in the holy catholic church and the communion of saints. In order to understan…
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One of the most challenging notions for Christians to grasp is an understanding of God the Holy Spirit. It’s easy for us to picture God the Son, Jesus. It is also easy for many of us to think of God as Father. But what comes to mind when we think of the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit, and how does the Holy Spirit work in the lives of Christian…
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One of the most perplexing questions that few Christians ever ask themselves is this: Why didn’t Jesus stay on earth, travel the world, and reveal his resurrected body to all peoples? Wouldn’t it have been better if he stuck around, so that we could visit him right now? This episode addresses these questions by examining the Apostles' Creed's state…
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What do you picture when you picture Easter and Heaven? Is Easter a light-hearted affair, with pastels, rainbows, and bunnies, or is it a startling and terrifying event? Is heaven a place in the clouds where our spirits wander around, meeting historical figures, or is it a physical place saturated with the glory of God? This episode examines both J…
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Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sin. But a question remains--why did Jesus have to die for our forgiveness? Why couldn't God just wave a magic wand of forgiveness? This episode delves into an understanding of sin and forgiveness in order to understand the significance of the Apostles' Creed's assertion that Je…
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At the heart of Christianity is a belief in Jesus. Who is Jesus, and why is he important? Was he just a human being who was a good teacher? Was he an angel? What do we believe about Jesus when we say that we believe in Jesus? This episode discusses the second stanza of The Apostles’ Creed, which asserts a belief in “Jesus Christ, the only Son of Go…
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Christians believe that God created the world. This raises an important question: why did God decide to do this? Was God lonely, did he need something to do, or is there some other reason that prompted the creation of the world? The Apostles’ Creed begins by describing God as the “The Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth,” so in this episod…
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What do we mean when we say those two words “I believe?” What is the difference between believing in a scientific fact and believing in the God of the universe? The Apostles’ Creed begins with two words: “I believe,” and so this podcast will begin by talking about what it means when Christians say that they believe in God, or, to put it another way…
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This We Believe explains the essentials of the Christian faith and its impact on our lives. Each season will use key texts as springboards for exploring the core tenets of Christianity, beginning with the Apostles' Creed and continuing with texts such as the 10 Commandments and the Our Father. While each season will progress through these documents…
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