presents Pointless Podcast - Welcome to Rambling 101...
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Just Settle, Cockbuster, Topsy Turvy [04.20.10]By NT Bullock
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Yelling Spells, Den of Brown, Corndoggin' [04.10.10]By NT Bullock
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Plastic City, Anthony's Racism, Raped by a plastic snake [09.14.09]By NT Bullock
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Child sacrifices for good music, SpongeBob SparePants, ManStance [07.14.09]By NT Bullock
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Wait for 4D, The Whore & The Holy Man, Money Is Not An Option [05.24.09]By NT Bullock
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Double Dribblin', Hot Nuts, JCVDon't [05.17.09]By NT Bullock
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Science & Fiction, D.F.W., Soulless Patch [05.10.09]By NT Bullock
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Buttered Hate Roll, Unspirited Away, IHOP, XBOX Dead [12.25.08]By NT Bullock
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Oboma, Hot Dogs & Pussy, Whaaa' Happened?!? [10.11.08]By NT Bullock
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'Chievin', 69 Tek, Ass Eater, Don't Litter - Save Puppies [05.29.08]By NT Bullock
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Just The Essentials, Chewy JewBlacks, Tank 1# or Demolition Bitch [05.15.08]By NT Bullock
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One Year Manniversary, Gawking Hawking, Sasshole [03.25.08]By NT Bullock
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Hey Dad!, Picklehands, Slaves & Brides [03.02.08] Watch this EPISODE! [55 megs]By NT Bullock
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The OK Bowl, Slim Jimmies, Girls Gone Whore, "Pockiss" [02.04.08]By NT Bullock
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Epishow 28 not 27, Sir Shafty, Sexcapades, Splacked [01.17.08]By NT Bullock
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Inspiration or Quite the Opposite, Kollege and Regret [01.14.08]By NT Bullock
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Stalk Talk, SneakyDevious, The Big G.D. [12.26.07]By NT Bullock
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Sharp Gum, Fish Taco, F**k-kick, Faguar [12.16.07]By NT Bullock
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Hairy Hamburger, Grow Me A Penis, Pong With A Punchcard [12.08.07]By NT Bullock
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Low-Jinks, Sugar Pack Attack, Be Honest or Lie, He's Nuts [10.07.07]By NT Bullock
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Wet Wine, Christ as a genre, Vagina Balm [08.13.07]By NT Bullock
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Molestache, Effity-N-Word, Black Culture Invasion [08.06.07]By NT Bullock
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What's an iPhone?, An ipod for every homeless, Your lisp is making me lisp [07.23.07]By NT Bullock
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Suck A Ludens, Ladybug Man & Ziploc Dude, Cooking Bananas [06.14.07]By NT Bullock
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Wetnose, JiffySplit, Dinosaurs in Iraq, Ballet For Men [05.23.07]By NT Bullock
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