A public affairs program where political activists and experts discuss current political developments and progressive movements for social change.
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Wabanaki Windows | WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
WERU-FM 89.9
Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (weru.org)
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WNYC, New York Public Radio, brings you Soundcheck, the arts and culture program hosted by John Schaefer, who engages guests and listeners in lively, inquisitive conversations with established and rising figures in New York City's creative arts scene. Guests come from all disciplines, including pop, indie rock, jazz, urban, world and classical music, technology, cultural affairs, TV and film. Recent episodes have included features on Michael Jackson,Crosby Stills & Nash, the Assad Brothers, ...
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Outside the Box | WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
Outside the Box – WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (weru.org)
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A Word In Edgewise | WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
WERU-FM 89.9
Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (weru.org)
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Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (weru.org)
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Talk of the Towns | WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
WERU-FM 89.9
Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (weru.org)
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The Essential Rhythm | WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
WERU-FM 89.9
Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (weru.org)
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Technoptimist Radio | WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
Technoptimist Radio – WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (weru.org)
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Home of: Your Judgemental Friend (a comedy, society & culture podcast) & Polyhood (adventures in polyamory and parenthood). Plus archives from: PSA TODAY (a public affairs radio show), Jes & Ian (short live radio breaks on 100.1 The X), and WHAT'S UP (an improvised podcast by Reno-Tahoe's #1 Comedy Troupe, The Utility Players). Learn more at www.homesliceproductions.com
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Notes From The Electronic Cottage | WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
Notes From The Electronic Cottage – WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
A weekly feature on electronic technology as it affects everyday life with Jim Campbell. Broadcast on WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, ME every Thursday at 7:30 AM.
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Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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Veteran journalist Bill Moyers returns to PBS with Bill Moyers Journal, a weekly program of interviews and news analysis on a wide range of subjects, including politics, arts and culture, the media, the economy, and issues facing democracy.
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Producer/Host: Larry Dansinger About the host: Larry Dansinger (no pronouns) of Bangor came to Maine in 1974 and has been here ever since. Some of Larry’s activities since then: Done community organizing on numerous issues through INVERT and then Resources for Organizing and Social Change (ROSC), committed civil disobedience several times, grown a …
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A Word in Edgewise 9/2/24: Labor Day 2024 . . .
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Producer/Host: R.W. Estela Hi, I’m RW Estela: Since 1991, I’ve been presenting A Word in Edgewise, WERU’s longest-running short feature, a veritable almanac of worldly and heavenly happenings, a confluence of 21st-century life in its myriad manifestations, international and domestic, cosmopolitan and rural, often revealing, as the French say, the m…
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Wabanaki Windows 8/27/24: HIDDEN ELEMENTS – Blood Quantum
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Producer/Host: Donna Loring Other credits: Technical assistance for the show was provided by Joel Mann of WERU, and Jessica Lockhart of WMPG. Music by Ralph Richter, a track called little eagles from his CD Dream Walk. Wabanaki Windows is a monthly show featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective. This month: This episode will cover Bl…
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Producer/Host: Anu Dudley About the host: Rev. Dr. Anu Dudley is an ordained Pagan minister and a retired history professor. She continues to teach classes, including the three-year ordination curriculum at the Temple of the Feminine Divine, and others such as History of the Goddess, Paganism 101, Ethical Magic, and Introduction to the Runes. Curre…
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Moritz Brückner, Rollstuhl-Rugby Spieler, "Woher meine Motivation kommt, weiß ich nicht, aber aufregen oder jammern bringt ja nichts" - Blaue Couch
2019 verletzt sich Moritz Brückner beim Surfen in Chile so schwer, dass er danach querschnittsgelähmt ist und im Rollstuhl sitzt. Seit dem hat er wahnsinnig viel Hilfe bekommen und das hat ihn mitunter wieder aufgerichtet. 2024 nahm er erfolgreich bei den Paralympics im Rollstuhl-Rugby teil. Welche Ziele er hat und wofür er dankbar ist, darüber spr…
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Wiederholung vom 13. Mai 2024: Mit ihren Eltern spricht Andrea nicht mehr. Irgendwann konnte sie nicht mehr. Warum so was passiert und wie ein Kontaktabbruch auch helfen kann, Beziehungen innerhalb einer Familie zu verbessern, erklärt Diplom-Psychologin Sandra Konrad. ********** Ihr könnt uns auch auf diesen Kanälen folgen:Tiktok und Instagram. ***…
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The origin story to end them all. Stan Lee's influence on modern culture is unquestionable, but how did a boy who lived in an apartment with one window develop an imagination that would wow the world? Join Stephanie Okupniak to discover how Stan Lee and his comic book creations conquered the world of cinema, one cameo at a time. Sandy Fries explain…
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"Das Spannende ist, zu fragen, wo könnten denn die Lösungen sein." Elisabeth Weydt, Journalistin - hr2 Doppelkopf
Sie ist Journalistin und freie Reporterin fürs Radio und verschiedene multimediale Projekte. Sie hat das konstruktive Medienhaus Radio Utopistan mitgegründet, das für eine gerechtere Zukunft eintritt, nicht nur denken, sondern auch handeln will und den Utopie-Gedanken ernst nimmt.(Wdh. vom 23.07.2024)…
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Olga Grjasnowa hat schon mit ihrer Bachelorarbeit einen Roman geschrieben, der auf Anhieb Aufsehen erregte und in den Feuilletons gewürdigt wurde. Sie ist Professorin für Sprachkunst an der Wiener Universität für angewandte Kunst.
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"Der Nationalsozialismus ist eine transnationale Geschichte." | Stefan Hördler, Historiker - hr2 Doppelkopf
Geschichte war nicht gestern, auch wenn das Geschehene Jahrzehnte zurückliegt. Für Stefan Hördler ist die Vergangenheit jeden Tag präsent. Sie ist ein Forschungsschwerpunkt für den Historiker, Autor und Internationalen Experte für die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus.
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This week on the podcast, two stories about well-intended rookies in the classroom. Music: Something Elated by Broke for Free/Free Music Archive Kids by HoliznaCC0/Free Music Archive The Stoop Storytelling Podcast is hosted by Laura Wexler and Jessica Henkin, produced by Maureen Harvie, and distributed by Your Public Studios. See omnystudio.com/lis…
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Join Aaron Dante, host of the No Pics of Dark podcast, as he brings you live coverage from the Bellamy Genn reception at MACO. In this special episode, Aaron sits down with key figures in Maryland's government, including Lieutenant Governor Aruba Miller and Howard County Executive Calvin Ball, to discuss the significance of MACO, the importance of …
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Bad Ischl im Salzkammergut ist heuer eine der drei Kulturhauptstädte. Das Salz legte einst den Grundstein für den Kurbetrieb, der Zucker versüßte den Gästen den Aufenthalt. Legendär ist die Konditorei Zauner. Deren Zuckerbäcker Josef Zauner ist bei Hermine Kaiser zu Gast. Info zum Buch Josef Zauner, Alfred Komarek, Thomas Apolt Der süße Zauner Süße…
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Tulsi Gabbard is a former member of Congress and New York Times bestselling Author. She was elected to the Hawaii State Legislature in 2002 at just 21, becoming the youngest person ever elected in the state. In 2003, she joined the Hawaii Army National Guard and in 2004 became the first state official to voluntarily step down from office to serve i…
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Vidas W
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In this episode, we dive into the controversial career of forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee, exploring allegations that he may have fabricated or mishandled evidence in several high-profile cases. Did one of America's most famous forensic experts use his scientific credentials to help investigators in convicting two innocent men?…
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Yemen Blues Connects The Traditional And Modern With Swagger and Groove
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Yemen Blues is a band led by Israeli singer and songwriter Ravid Kahalani. For more than a decade now, the group has incorporated the sounds of Moroccan trance, Arab and Bedouin folk, and Western funk and rock into a high energy, groove-filled dance party. But behind that sound is a social conscience, and the band’s latest album is pointedly called…
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Time to crack open the ole Distractopedia and see if Bob, Mark, and Wade can match the correct (and severely cursed) WikiHow image to it's title. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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Cada faro es único en el mundo porque cada uno de ellos tiene un código de señalización luminosa que lo identifica. Siguiendo su estela, El Faro de la Ser es un programa único porque gira sobre un tema distinto cada noche enriquecido con las opiniones, historias, anécdotas o reflexiones que aportan los oyentes…
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Hip Hop And Black Lung, Inside Appalachia - Podcast - Inside Appalachia Story Archives - West Virginia Public Broadcasting
One of America’s greatest contributions to world culture … is hip hop. A new compilation documents what it sounds like across Appalachia. Also people in the region love their local water springs, but in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, they take that dedication to another level. And, congressional Republicans are trying to freeze funding for new mi…
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Former EDL Leader - Tommy Robinson - UK Riots - Gumrait Singh Tells His Story - Anything Goes with James English
Anything Goes with James English Ep 452 Former EDL Leader - Tommy Robinson - UK Riots - Gumrait Singh Tells His Story You can contact James on his social media platforms http://instagram.com/jamesenglish2 http://twitter.com/jamesenglish0
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Frans Leijnse - De realiteit waarin het kabinet-Schoof leeft, heeft weinig met de waarheid te maken - De Correspondent
Zo op het eerste gezicht lijkt het kabinet-Schoof steeds meer op een gewoon kabinet. Het lijkt dan ook een Prinsjesdag als alle andere te worden. Maar wie goed naar de inhoud kijkt, ziet een regeerprogramma vol hele en halve onwaarheden.Opname: Milou van HirtumMontage: Nathan KofiProbeer De Correspondent nu een gratis maand uit: decorrespondent.nl/…
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[GRAND FORMAT] L’affaire Spotlight, enquête sur la pédophilie dans l'Église catholique - Les Fabuleux Destins
Chaque lundi, (re)découvrez en intégrale les meilleures saisons des Fabuleux Destins ! Vous avez adoré ces histoires : les conquêtes de Napoléon, les escroqueries de Rudy Kurniawan, le trafic de Shiny Flakes ou encore le mystère de la bête du Gévaudan... Replongez-vous dans ces récits hors normes. Bonne écoute ! Enquête sur la pédophilie dans l'Egl…
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A écouter bientôt : Madonna et Sean Penn, le mariage le plus explosif des 80’s - A la folie, pas du tout
Dès demain, redécouvrez une saison inédite de A la folie, pas du tout ! Nous allons plonger dans un mariage qui a uni deux icônes des années 80 : la chanteuse Madonna et l’acteur Sean Penn. Lorsqu’ils se rencontrent en 1985, ces deux grands rebelles pensent qu’ils ont trouvé leur âme sœur. Mais plus leur célébrité grandit, plus leur histoire s’asso…
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[GRAND FORMAT] Bill Clinton et Monica Lewinsky, la stagiaire et le président - A la folie, pas du tout
Chaque lundi, découvrez nos saisons de "A la folie, pas du tout" version grand format ! Vous les avez adorés pour le meilleur... et pour le pire : Johnny Depp et Amber Heard, Marilyn Monroe et JFK ou encore Beyoncé et Jay-Z. Replongez-vous dans les folles histoires de ces couples qui ont marqué des générations et découvrez l'envers du décor de la b…
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The deserts of Saudi Arabia are still holding on to many ancient secrets, hidden inside burial tombs and mysterious monumental structures called mustatils. Dr Hugh Thomas is on an archaeological mission to solve some of these mysteries. Hugh Thomas is an archaeologist who is fascinated by ancient mortuary practices and the secrets still hidden in t…
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AJ Tracey on London’s streets and how music saved him from a culture of fear - Changes with Annie Macmanus
AJ Tracey is one of the most influential artists in the UK music scene today but his life could have taken a very different direction had he not made some serious changes. AJ is known for his groundbreaking contributions to grime, drill and UK garage. Last year he celebrated 1 billion streams in the UK and was honoured with the Brits Billion Award.…
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Maxwell Smart survived the Holocaust by living in a makeshift bunker on the forest floor. Maxwell Smart was just 11 years old in 1941 when the Nazis took over his town in eastern Poland. One by one his Jewish family were disappeared or killed, but his mother implored him to run for his life just as she and his sister were being loaded onto a German…
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In this episode, Philip shares part 1 of his story of growing up without his dad and going on a quest to find his dad, when he was only in form 3! Adelle also shares tidbits from her time in Kigali including meeting one of Kigali's top artists and one of the people responsible for Kigali being known as one of the cleanest cities globally. Wacth the…
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The brilliant Rob Henderson is on to explain his theory of luxury beliefs. For example, defund the police is a typical woke belief that they have the luxury of not affecting them. Get Rob's mailing list: https://www.robkhenderson.com/ Get mine!: http://andrewgoldheretics.com And get The Psychology of Secrets here: https://amzn.to/4aqViT1 Andrew on …
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Niklas och hans dåvarande flickvän var tillsammans i åtta år. De var förlovade och skulle gifta sig. Två år in i relationen berättar hans flickvän att hon drabbats av cancer och att hon snart kommer att dö. Det visar sig senare att kvinnan medvetet har ljugit om precis allting och att hon inte alls är sjuk. När Niklas får reda på sanningen rasar ha…
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People trying and struggling to see what another person sees. Prologue: Guest-host Tobin Low talks to comedian Tig Notaro about a jarring ride to school with her son. (6 minutes) Act One: Producer Aviva DeKornfeld heads to the Calgary Stampede to watch as men try out a machine designed to simulate menstrual cramps. (15 minutes) Act Two: A man can’t…
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Cette semaine dans Transfert Club: l'histoire d'Agathe. Elle a décidé d'agir pour l'environnement. Son père, météorologue, lui a inculqué les bases de l’écologie au quotidien. Un jour, elle a envie de faire plus que de simplement trier ses déchets, elle veut aller sur le terrain, et s’engager corps et âme. Découvrez dès maintenant un extrait de cet…
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Neste episódio, Renata Capucci e Maria Scodeler recebem o doutor Drauzio Varella para falar sobre a nova série do Fantástico que explica os fatores de risco e diagnósticos da demência.
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Eine halbe Ewigkeit ist es her, da war Anne Will schon einmal zu Gast in der Hörbar Rust, am 2. April 2008 war das. Die tagesaktuellen Nachrichten damals klingen einerseits irre weit weg: eine BBC-Umfrage verkündete, "Deutschland habe weltweit das beste Image" und Barack Obama gab bekannt, Al Gore in sein Kabinett holen zu wollen. Andererseits klin…
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*Content Warning* In this episode we talk about heavy topics including Domestic Violence, Narcissistic Abuse, Ableism and Medical Trauma. Please use discretion when listening. Katie was a young woman looking to take hold of her independence and make it on her own when she first met Christian on a dating app. His prolonged abuse helped lay the found…
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Ursula Siciliano verliebte sich als junges Mädchen in einen italienischen Automechaniker. Die beiden wanderten in seine Heimat Sizilien aus und sind bis heute unzertrennlich. Seit 43 Jahren lebt sie im verträumten Städtchen Pietraperzia auf Sizilien und ist stolze Nonna von drei Enkelkindern.Es ist eine Liebesgeschichte wie aus dem Film. Ursula Sic…
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Sie prägten den Schweizer Sport und die Schweizer Fernsehwelt: Giulia Steingruber und Kurt Aeschbacher.Als erste Schweizer Kunstturnerin hat Giulia Steingruber eine olympische Medaille geholt. In Rio de Janeiro gewann die damals 22-Jährige die Bronzemedaille. Dazu gewann sie in ihrer aktiven Karriere eine Weltmeisterschaftsmedaille und 6 Europameis…
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[SHORT STORY] Arthur Rimbaud et Paul Verlaine : Aimer c’est se quereller - A la folie, pas du tout
130 ans après sa disparition, le poète maudit fascine toujours autant. A cette occasion, nous vous proposons de (re)découvrir l'incroyable histoire d'amour d'Arthur Rimbaud et de Paul Verlaine, les deux amants maudits de la poésie. Leur relation fut courte, mais orageuse. Leur passion scandaleuse et dévastatrice. Pour eux, aimer c’est se quereller.…
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La semaine dernière, on découvrait les coulisses de la rencontre entre Pierre Bergé, le pragmatique et Yves Saint Laurent, le rêveur. On assistait à la naissance de l'immense maison Saint Laurent, et à celle des angoisses du créateur de mode. Aujourd'hui, nous partons à Marrakech, ou rue de Babylone, à la rencontre de la passion commune d'Yves et P…
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Ep 564 is an Imagine Listening session recorded at Burke County 911 in North Carolina. The stories come from all over the state. WARNING - THIS EPISODE CONTAINS AUDIO THAT MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL AUDIENCES. IF YOU HAVE PTSD OR SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, THIS MAY BE A TRIGGER. LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Sponsored by INdigital - Facebook | LinkedI…
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Police kills Blasphemy accused in Jail in Quetta - Pakistan or Sir Tan Say Juda istan? - #TPE - The Pakistan Experience
Another blasphemy accused gets murdered. Is Pakistan turning into Sir Tan Say Juda istan?The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/thepakistanexperienceTo support the channel:Jazzcash/Easypaisa - 0325 -29…
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2020 bekam der Astrophysiker Reinhard Genzel, Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für extraterrestrische Physik in Garching bei München, den Nobelpreis für Physik verliehen. In "Eins zu Eins. Der Talk" erzählt er über schwarze Löcher, Lichtjahre und Speerwürfe. Diese Wiederholung des Gesprächs von 2020 schließt die Woche mit Nobelpreisträgern aus Deu…
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In this episode, we step inside a Toronto classroom where some 30 students from diverse backgrounds lift their voices and sing as part of the University of Toronto’s first-ever Black gospel choir class. Led by Professor Darren Hamiliton, the students, many with no background in gospel music, learn that there is more to this musical tradition than t…
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