show episodes
Reclamelliedjes, protestenummers, plagiaat, curieuze covers. Grote gebeurtenissen, bijkklussende filmhelden, jeugdzonden; allemaal materiaal dat een plek verdient in het opkamertje, van Roland Vonk.
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Het programma Archief Rijnmond besteedt wekelijks aandacht aan oude plaatjes, curieuze opnamen, onbekende teksten en vergeten artiesten uit de regio Rijnmond. Samensteller Roland Vonk gaat geregeld langs bij luisteraars, verzamelaars en artiesten om bijzonder geluidsmateriaal op te duiken voor het archief.
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Land of dreams


An audio documentary presenting true stories about foreigners in Slovenia. We visit them, peek into their lives and daily routines. Take a different look at the people that have come from abroad! Has Slovenia fulfilled their expectations? Is it their land of dreams?
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Euranet Plus


Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
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Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. My Life, My Music offers conversations that allow time to understand how the guest has reached their goals and what is important to them. Along with 8 tracks of music chosen by the guest the programme takes a journey though many different personal philosophies with inspirational guests from all walks of life.
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Study abroad


We take a peek into the lives of foreign students living in Slovenia. Did they come to party, study or just shake up their everyday lives? What makes these young people tick and what do they think about the country they've come to? Listen to the challenges they face and what they miss from home. Has this experience changed them? Are they considering staying here? Every Monday at 11:25 only on Radio Si. Do you want to share your experience? Just write to and maybe you are our ne ...
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Second hand


Second hand looks at the trend of recycling existing music in the form of samples, remixes and covers - although sometimes these modifications are actually flagrant violations of copyright laws... Some artists use without acknowledging where they got it, so we decided to take a closer look. The result: a huge number of hits are credited to the wrong musician, while the people who really wrote it remain ignored. Listen to the original and the adaptation and familiarize yourself with what's go ...
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Keith Edwards Jr

Raise The Vibrations. The Visions I Dreams. The Voices I Stream. Every Thing and No Thing at All. Special as You That Only You are. Here I Art. Thank You and Your Welcomed to share your world with Us too. Support this podcast:
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VitamineR is het gezondheidsmagazine van Radio Rijnmond. Yvonne Nesselaar belicht met medisch specialisten, wetenschappers, ervaringsdeskundigen en belangenorganisaties steeds weer een ander onderwerp uit de gezondheidszorg en de welzijnswereld.
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The Sweet Spot


For music lovers, curious one and the belly dancers. Captain Soul takes you to the one spot where all kinds of diffeent music ganres melt through rhtyhm, sound and the soul in one universal message of pure sonic bliss. The Sweet Spot is the hour for the music lovers, for the curious ones and for all those that let themeselves be moved by the vibrations of the music expressed with the soul. The continnents, the genres, the eras do not matter – it can come from anywhere, from anytime – but it ...
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Een radioprogramma met veel countrymuziek: muziek die oorspronkelijk uit het zuiden van de Verenigde Staten komt en de hele wereld over is gegaan, prachtige verhalende liedjes zonder omhaal of opsmuk gebracht, recht voor zijn raap. Heel veel gitaren, fiddles, pedalsteelgitaren en tweestemmige zang. Ook allerlei aanverwante genres (omstreken) komen aan bod, bluegrass, sixties muziek, rock 'n roll, cajun, folk enzovoort.
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De Chicks And The City podcast is dè Survival & Inspiration Guide voor de moderne kosmopolitische (jonge) vrouw en iedereen die zich hierin kan vinden. Alles wat de vrouw van nu bezig houdt komt ter sprake. In deze podcast gaan presentatrice Natasja Morales en de chicks in gesprek met mensen met een bijzonder, spraakmakend of inspirerend verhaal.
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Rijnmond Staat Stil is het interviewprogramma op Radio Rijnmond. Elke vrijdagavond nemen verslaggevers de tijd voor een lang gesprek met één persoon. Mooie portretten van bekende en onbekende mensen strelen uw trommelvliezen, beroeren uw hart en prikkelen uw hersens. Een uur lang wilt u even geen telefoon opnemen, want u heeft wel wat beters te doen. die over de soep vloog': we gaan de diepte in! Rijnmond Staat Stil, vrijdag van 18.00 tot 19.00 uur.
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About ten years ago, Michael moved from New York to his new home in Slovenia. In this weekly show, he looks at the things he’s learned (or tried to learn) while settling down in his new home. From language to culture to everything else, it’s a light-hearted look at what it means to live in Slovenia and how to become a proud Slovene.
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Nick In Time - Radio Show Every week-end, Nick In Time #Dj Set with exclusive New Tracks, Remixes, Mashups, VS, and exclusive content! Only #Techno ! Premiere Every Saturday 23hoo on RTV 95.7 FM Dreux /
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At just 19, Luka Dončić is already a double European Champion and the Euroleague MVP. Take a peak at how the Slovenian sensation blossomed into a basketball prodigy. Why he left his home at 13 to play for Europe's top club, why he got punished when he watched a game of his current team, the Dallas Mavericks and what made him a team leader as a teenager? Luka Dončić: Becoming Wonderboy, a story also featuring NBA All-Stars Goran Dragić, Phoenix Suns coach Igor Kokoškov and double Stanley Cup ...
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ANG A young Slovene girl called Fani spent a year in the Emerald Isle working as an au-pair. After falling in love with good-humoured Irish bartender Dave, Fani lures him back to Maribor. But how can he possibly survive without knowing any Slovene? Trying to master »survival Slovene« turns out to be an incredible challenge for the highly motivated Dave, and occasionally a real nightmare for his beloved Fani. A Daily dose of Slovene language for foreigners wanting to improve their everyday Sl ...
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SOUND ARMADA radio is your weekly reggae / dancehall update with the biggest hits, promo's & pre-releases! Hosted by selector Wilfman, on RTV-Arnhem 105.9 FM and online! Showcasing new talent, the biggest stars in the fraternity, hit riddims and the hottest sound systems! Log-on to or for more musical pleasure
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Star Citizen Podcast

Star Citizen Podcast

This channel is specifically for podcast-esque content from Cloud Imperium Games/Roberts Space Industries. This content has been slightly edited from the Star Citizen you tube channel to make it more conducive as a podcast. Content will be added to this channel as soon as possible from shows like 10 for the…, Loremaker’s Guide or RTV and other podcast-esque content when uploaded to you tube. *This channel has no affiliation to CIG, Cloud Imperium Games, RSI, Roberts Space Industries or any o ...
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show series
Dobrodošli v Second Hand.Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže uspešnice APT Bruna Marsa in Rosè.Ko sta oznanila sodelovanje, je to bilo precejšnje presenečenje, potem ko je dvojec na Instagramu objavil serijo skupnih fotografij, na katerih sta igrala korejsko pivsko igro. Ob izidu je »APT.« zasedel vrhove številnih lestvic, vključno z Billboard Glob…
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Dobrodošli v Second Hand.Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže uspešnice Nica Santosa, 'Human Being'.Je prva izdaja nemško-španskega pop talenta v letu 2024, po lanski pesmi Where You Are z njegovega albuma Ride. Human Being predstavlja spremembo za Nica, vendar še naprej prikazuje njegovo glasbeno vsestranskost s pesmijo srednjega tempa s sporočilom…
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Producing this show has been an amazing experience. The opportunity to talk to almost anyone in Slovenia and for a reasonable duration allowing a real opportunity to discover some fascinating background to each guest. Over 400 shows means approximately 380 different guests as there have been a few who have appeared twice and some shows were annual …
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Jakub Souček, a Czech Erasmus student of Czech language and literature at Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts, just loves the fact that art can be found on every corner of Slovenia's capital. Apart from literature, poetry, music and galleries, he really likes the city's architecture, including the main cemetery. Jakub chose to play the song Prší třetí den …
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Na ravni EU je do začetka oktobra potekala državljanska pobuda, katere cilj je bil zbrati en milijon podpisov v podporo uvedbi evropskega davka na ekstremno bogastvo. Za kaj pri vsem skupaj pravzaprav gre in ali je bilo zbranih dovolj podpisov?V zadnjih desetletjih so premožni postali še premožnejši, medtem ko se ekonomska situacija večine ljudi vz…
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Mitchell is a carpenter from the US now living and working in the Bovec area. It took just one picture of Slovenia and a brief visit for him to decide to move here “forever”. He calls his new home heaven on earth... Today he fulfills his time with woodwork projects, hiking the Soča trail, and swimming in the river with his dog Franky. In addition, …
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Wait 40 minutes for yakitori, because we are back for our sixth season of new/old Wie is de Mol episodes - and we're going back to 2016's offering in the Dominican Republic! Over these nine weeks, three guys who are sort of Rik-level entertaining only when they're together - Logan, Michael & Bindles - have been recapping and looking back at all tha…
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Dobrodošli v Second Hand.Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje novega singla »Who Said« priznane danske umetnice MØ.Skladba začenja novo obdobje njenega hvaljenega alternativnega dance-pop zvoka, potem ko je pred 10. leti prišla na glasbeno sceno s hvaljenim debitantskim albumom No Mythologies to Follow. Leta 2022 je izdala svoj tretji album Motordrome, ki…
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V tokratnem podcastu bomo obravnavali nasilje na podlagi spola, ki ostaja še naprej velika težava v Evropski uniji. Tudi pravica do splava je pod vprašajem v več državah Evropske Unije. O tem smo se podrobneje pogovarjali z Niko Povž z Inštituta 8.marecBy RTVSLO - Radio SI
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V tokratni oddaji bomo obravnavali nasilje na podlagi spola, ki ostaja še naprej velika težava v Evropski uniji. Tudi pravica do splava je pod vprašajem v več državah Evropske Unije. O tem smo se podrobneje pogovarjali z Niko Povž z Inštituta 8.marecBy RTVSLO - Radio SI
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Tudi tokrat smo pod drobnogled vzeli dogajanje v Evropski Uniji v preteklem tednu. Predvsem se posvečamo izrednemu zasedanju evropskega parlamenta ob 1000 dneh vojne v Ukrajini, na katerem so poslanci zagotovili nadaljno podporo Ukrajini. Podrobneje pa bomo obravnavali nasilje na podlagi spola, ki ostaja še naprej velika težava v Evropski uniji. Tu…
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From the plateaus and mountains of Kyrgyzstan to Slovenia... In this episode we sit down to talk to Aigul Hakimova in Ljubljana! She arrived here 23 years ago to study anthropology. Today she helps other foreigners seeking international protection. She says solving the housing and language issues of refugees and migrants are key for better integrat…
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Struggle to lift an 8.3kg mug, because we are back for our sixth season of new/old Wie is de Mol episodes - and we're going back to 2016's offering in the Dominican Republic! Over these nine weeks, three guys who are fellow misanthropes - Logan, Michael & Bindles - are recapping and looking back at all that happened on a season with quite a reputat…
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Dobrodošli v Second Hand.Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže uspešnice Alessia Cara, ‘(Isn’t It) Obvious’To je najnovejša predizdaja s Carinega četrtega albuma "Love & Hyperbole", ki bo izšel na valentinovo naslednje leto, desetletje po "Here", Carinem debitantskem hitu. Od takrat naprej niza uspešnice in leta 2018 je postala prva Kanadčanka, ki je…
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Evropski poslanci so preložili odločanje o šestih kandidatih za podpredsednike Evropske komisije, med njimi je tudi kandidatka za visoko zunanjepolitično predstavnico Kaja Kallas, ki ji kritiki očitajo nediplomatsko držo do Rusije. Vzrok za preložitev odločanja so nesoglasja glavnih političnih skupin glede nekaterih kandidatov.FOTO: Reuters…
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Somebody's getting the pink slip, because we are back for our sixth season of new/old Wie is de Mol episodes - and we're going back to 2016's offering in the Dominican Republic! Over these nine weeks, three guys who should have gone Eurythmics rather than Phil Collins - Logan, Michael & Bindles - are recapping and looking back at all that happened …
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Danes se bomo poklonili legendi, Quincyju Jonesu, ki je umrl prejšnji teden v starosti 91 let.Quincy Jones ni bil le glasbenik, njegova kariera, ki je trajala sedem desetletij, je zajemala številne ustvarjalne vidike – glasbenika, tekstopisca, producenta, dirigenta, aranžerja, umetnika, lastnika in izvršnega direktor…
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Melek says that the absence of the stress of everyday life during her exchange in Ljubljana changed her. Here, she was forced to spend some time alone and, for the first time in her life, ask herself what she wants from life and what makes her happy.She chose to play the song Kaybolur by Soft Analog.…
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Slovenija je pobudnica vseevropske kampanje »My voice, My choice«, kajti samo v Evropi je že več kot 20 milijonov žensk brez dostopa do varnega, medicinskega splava. Kje dobijo mladi vse potrebne informacije o spolnosti in ali je pravica do splava v Sloveniji varna? Prislunite podkastu.By RTVSLO - Radio SI
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Dostop do stanovanj vse bolj postaja eno izmed ključnih vprašanj v EU. V aktualni sestavi Evropske komisije je komisarju Jorgensenu zraven energetike namreč dodeljena stanovanjska politika. V kratkem bi naj v EU namreč sestavili tudi prvi evropski cenovno dostopni stanovanjski načrt. Več v tokratnem Euranet Plus PODCAST!Projekt Euranet Plus - boljš…
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Pomanjkanje dostopa do umetne prekinitve nosečnosti v mnogih delih Evrope ne samo, da ogroža zdravje žensk, ampak povzroča tudi neupravičen ekonomski ter duševni stres ženskam in družinam. Kje dobijo mladi informacije o spolnosti in ali je pravica do splava v Sloveniji varna?(Foto: Larisa Rudenko/Shutterstock)…
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Host the trivia from the ledge, because we are back for our sixth season of new/old Wie is de Mol episodes - and we're going back to 2016's offering in the Dominican Republic! Over these nine weeks, three guys who have to be sedated to go up Table Mountain - Logan, Michael & Bindles - are recapping and looking back at all that happened on a season …
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Bobby was born in Sweden, but today you can find him up in the Slovenian mountains. Together with his wife he takes care of the mountain hut at Žavcarjev Vrh – voted by hikers as the best mountain hut in Slovenia for 2024!So how did he end up doing this job and why is life better in Slovenia compared to Sweden? We visited Bobby up in his mountain h…
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Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand.Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže uspešnice "Finally" Swedish House Mafia in Alicie Keys.Skupni singl veteranskih producentov in ikonične pevke in tekstopiske prihaja po približno dveh letih, odkar se je to sodelovanje začelo in v tem času je Swedish House Mafia ustvarila nekaj zdravega hypea z igranjem pesmi v set…
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