show episodes


Sean P Finnegan

Restitutio is a Christian theology podcast designed to get you thinking about biblical theology, church history, and apologetics in an effort to recover the original Christian faith of Jesus and the apostles apart from all of the later traditions that settled on it like so much sediment, obscuring and mutating primitive Christianity into dogma and ritual. Pastor Sean Finnegan, the host of Restitutio, holds to a Berean approach to truth: that everyone should have an open mind, but check every ...
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A weekly podcast featuring the Sunday Bible teachings of Living Hope International Ministries (LHIM) in Latham, NY. You'll get practical Christian living, doctrinal teachings, as well as plenty of encouragement from a variety of teachers, including Sean Finnegan, Vince Finnegan, and Jerry Wierwille.
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These bible classes will help you understand the scriptures in their original context. Other classes cover apologetics, theology, and church history. Pastor Sean Finnegan teaches with scholarship and simplicity to offer you top notch Christian education.
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Off Script

Sean Finnegan, Daniel Fitzsimmons, Rose Rider

How does Christianity intersect culture? Resist the conforming pressure of this age by learning how the biblical worldview answers our greatest longings better than naturalism or postmodernism. Off Script is a round table discussion with Sean Finnegan, Daniel Fitzsimmons, and Rose Rider. In addition to Christian apologetics and cultural analysis, topics include discussions about tattoos, refugees, power, money, TV, consumerism, work ethic, and much more. Off Script is part of Restitutio.
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One God Report

William Schlegel

Discussion of biblical topics and texts that show that the God revealed in the Bible is One, and not a Trinity. Jesus, who was put to death and raised from the dead by God, is the Messiah (the Christ, the Anointed) of the One God. Support this podcast:
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show series
Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, was a strange event. We read about unusual miraculous signs such as the sound of a great wind and tongues of fire. Still, the most interesting moment is when the apostles of our Lord began speaking in foreign languages that they didn't know. Such divine utterance is called speaking in tongues and everyone, it seem…
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This is part 2 of the Kingdom Seminar, based on the book Kingdom Journey. What is heaven? Although it is not the place where the dead go when they die, it is, still, a real place. Today we'll survey different ways in which the Bible talks about heaven, including the sky, God's throne, the storehouse, and the heaven of heavens. Next we'll consider w…
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Dr. Tim Mackie appeared on the Transfiguration Podcast,describing some of his recent thoughts about the Trinity. In this video/podcast I review and point out some errors in Dr. Mackie’s claims. 0:00 Intro: Dr. Mackie’s search: How are Trinitarian expressions of God derived from the Bible? 02:20 Definition: What is the Trinity. Confusion between God…
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Last December, my first ever published book came out, called Kingdom Journey. Recently I recorded a seminar on the kingdom at a church in South Carolina based on the book that I will be playing out over the next 5 weeks. In this seminar I highlight some of the key points in my book and also add in some new content. Today we're going to start by ask…
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Although not a commonly used word today, “prudence” is an important virtue to cultivate in our lives. The prudent person thinks before acting, considers the consequences, anticipates potential needs, and prepares him or herself for what lies ahead. The result is managing one’s affairs well. Genesis 41:33-46. Pharaoh selected Joseph not only because…
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Last month the Unitarian Christian Alliance put on the first conference in Europe. A mixture of British and American speakers presented on various aspects of unitarian Christianity. In today's episode I speak with Daisy Jones, one of the main coordinators of the event as well as Mark Cain who assisted in planning and in recording the presentations.…
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Patience is a Virtue. Wait on the LORD. Psalm 37:7a. “Be still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him…” Psalm 40:1. “I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry.” Lamentations 3:26. “It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” Romans 12:12. “Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; persever…
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Diligence refers to a consistent, intentional, and careful effort to accomplish something, and therefore, it is multifaceted. Diligence is characterized by: Persistence—being determined to continue towards a goal despite difficulties, opposition, or setbacks Attentiveness—being thorough and meticulous in accomplishing a task Hard work—applying sign…
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1. The claim is non-biblical, philosophical speculation. This claim is not something argued or presented in the Bible. 2. The Bible says exactly the opposite. The Bible says that Jesus had to be a man, a human being, not just ahuman nature, to bring about God’s plan of redemption for humanity. God was at work in and through the man Jesus of Nazaret…
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Last week Joshua Michael Smith began sharing his testimony from childhood to his college years when he changed his mind about Jesus's identity. In part two he talks about cage stage unitarianism--where one seeks to confront everyone about this important truth regardless of their interested or antagonism. Smith shares how he matured while continuing…
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God is merciful in His character. He supremely demonstrated His mercy in what His Son did for humanity on the cross. As a result, we should show mercy to others. Still, we need wisdom to know when to show mercy and when not to. Exo 34:6. God is merciful and gracious in His character. These attributes often occur together throughout the Old Testamen…
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Joshua Michael Smith grew up in northern Florida in a Baptist church. In this interview he shares his journey of faith, including how came to Christ as well as how he ended up in ministry training at Word of Life before earning a bachelors at Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga. While there, he began questioning his received doctrinal packag…
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As demonstrated by how we cringe when we see someone disrespect another, God designed humans to crave and expect a certain amount of basic respect. As Christians we should live in a respectable way and show respect to others, even when they haven’t earned it. God calls us to be respectful. 1 Peter 2:17; Matthew 7:12 We all need respect. We need oth…
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Many believe there is 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testament. My guest today is Professor George Athas, director of research and senior lecturer in Hebrew, Old Testament, and Early Church History at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He's the author of Bridging the Testaments, which covers four major periods, including …
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Matthew 18:7 Skandalon – the trigger of a trap on which the bait is placed, wand which, when touched by the animal, springs and causes it to close causing entrapment. Revelation 2:14 The Moabite women sexually seduced the men of Israel. Matthew 18:8 “Hand” – what you do; “foot” – where you go; and “eye” – what you look at James 1:14 Self-awareness:…
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Christians have approached the first chapter of Genesis differently over the centuries. There are those who hold to young earth creationism, day-age theory, gap theory, and progressive creationism, just to name a few. Oftentimes defenders of a particular view will provide biblical, scientific, and historical evidence for their position. Our focus t…
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Depression is on the rise, especially in the youth of the USA. What is going on? And what can we do about it? In The Coddling of the American Mind, the authors identify three “common cognitive distortions” and the solution to all three is found in the Scriptures. Mental Filtering: Focusing exclusively on the negative details and rejecting positive …
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Scholars and pastors regularly point to specialized "technical" language in Paul's epistles to make the case that Paul was intentionally subverting Roman power by applying to Jesus terms that the ancients commonly applied to the Caesars. My guest today has done the hard work of analyzing the inscriptions, coins, and material remains of several key …
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Something is going on in New Zealand...and I'm excited to tell you about it. In today's interview I speak with Zach Mayo who along with his wife, Kayla, were serving as youth pastors at an evangelical church when they came to change their minds on the doctrine of the Trinity. Now they're organizing a conference to unite one-God believers in New Zea…
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To maintain sanctified thinking, we must control anxious thinking patterns. Catastrophizing, negative projecting about the future and overgeneralization come against the joy and peace that is ours in Christ. Numbers 13:23-14:1 – Catastrophizing (predicting that things will turn out badly) and overgeneralization destroy sanctified thinking. Numbers …
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Kermit Zarley was a professional golfer who had an interest in studying the Bible about the end times when he came across a disturbing verse. Reading Jesus's words in the Olivet Discourse, he noticed that only the Father knew the day and hour of the end. Neither the angels nor the son of God were privy to it. As a good trinitarian evangelical, Zarl…
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This teaching is relevant for us today. Although the underlying elemental principles of our day manifest differently, they nonetheless enslave us the same. Cultural currents like hyper-individualism, careerism, aestheticism, consumerism, technological optimism, inclusivism, polarization, and coercion are always pushing and pulling us along. Let us …
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From her childhood in a Jewish family to a 7-year stint with the Jehovah's Witnesses to attending evangelical churches, Susanne Lakin never felt comfortable with the doctrine of the Trinity. She signed up to attend Phoenix Seminary, a conservative evangelical school, thinking they would help her finally get to the bottom of it. She was willing to a…
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Throughout history, God has chosen individuals that no one would expect. But nonetheless, that is who God wanted. Likewise, God decided in advance that he would choose all those who put their faith in Christ. Being chosen by God means that God wants YOU! But to be chosen by God requires that you respond to his invitation in the good news of Christ.…
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This is part 18 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. What tools can help you understand the bible better? Today we’ll cover some recommended resources for you to deepen your study of the scriptures, including bible dictionaries, commentaries, bible software, AI, and more. Of course, it’s impossible to cover everything in a reasonable time Read more …
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This is part 18 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. What tools can help you understand the bible better? Today we'll cover some recommended resources for you to deepen your study of the scriptures, including bible dictionaries, commentaries, bible software, AI, and more. Of course, it's impossible to cover everything in a reasonable time frame, so …
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Justification by faith is a key concept in Christian salvation. The idea is simple. We believe in the gospel message; God justifies us, making us right with Him. To further understand this, we’ll consider two examples: Abraham and David, both mentioned in Romans 4. Romans 3:21-26 God’s righteousness is a big topic. To understand it, we need to refl…
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Most scholars say the Gospels were not written until the mid AD 60s. Is that right? This podcast describes why they think that, and gives suggestions as to why the Gospels may have been writtenmuch earlier. For full text, see here: Resources: Link to Fuel Youth Camp…
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This is part 17 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. After reviewing the resources you can use to learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, we delve into the sources that translators use for their work. Next, we'll look at translation philosophies, including formal and dynamic equivalence. Lastly we'll cover the controversial issues of gender accuracy and t…
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This is part 17 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. After reviewing the resources you can use to learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, we delve into the sources that translators use for their work. Next, we’ll look at translation philosophies, including formal and dynamic equivalence. Lastly we’ll cover the controversial issues of gender accuracy Read …
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Leviticus 25 and the book of Ruth lay the foundation of understanding our spiritual redemption that we have in Christ. We will be returned to our spiritual family and inherit the land. We are part of the new Israel therefor included in the promises made to Abraham. Leviticus 25:1-7 The 7th year sabbath would provide rest for the land, the people, a…
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This is part 16 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Revelation is a complicated book of the Bible. It contains some of the most incredible and awe-inspiring descriptions of God’s throne room and the final paradise on earth. It also describes sinister mayhem, wanton destruction, and toe-curling persecution. How can we make sense of Read more about 5…
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This is part 16 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Revelation is a complicated book of the Bible. It contains some of the most incredible and awe-inspiring descriptions of God's throne room and the final paradise on earth. It also describes sinister mayhem, wanton destruction, and toe-curling persecution. How can we make sense of it? In today's ep…
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The outpouring of God’s spirit on Pentecost marked a massive step forward in God’s plans to redeem the world. At Babel, He had divided up humanity, confused the languages, and assigned the nations deputy rulers from His divine council. Through the work of His Messiah, Jesus, and the outpouring of the spirit, God has begun the process of taking the …
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This is part 15 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. In previous episodes, we've looked at Paul's church epistles and pastoral epistles. Today we move into the third section of epistles in the New Testament--the general epistles. Instead of surveying each of the eight general epistles, we'll just focus on two: Hebrews and 1 John. We'll ask about aut…
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This is part 15 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. In previous episodes, we’ve looked at Paul’s church epistles and pastoral epistles. Today we move into the third section of epistles in the New Testament–the general epistles. Instead of surveying each of the eight general epistles, we’ll just focus on two: Hebrews and 1 Read more about 548 Read t…
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Mother’s Day may not be a Christian holiday, but the Scriptures clearly set out how God views a mother and the importance of the goodness of this woman as it relates to the goodness of God. There are numerous stories in the Bible about mothers who were good women such as Hagar, Hannah, Esther, Ruth, and Elizabeth, alongside stories of non-mothers, …
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This is part 14 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Pastoral Epistles are letters to church leaders, instructing them how churches should function. Though they are not well read by most Christians today, they remain authoritative for pastors, elders, and deacons. Today we’ll cover 1-2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. We’ll explore the major Read m…
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This is part 14 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Pastoral Epistles are letters to church leaders, instructing them how churches should function. Though they are not well read by most Christians today, they remain authoritative for pastors, elders, and deacons. Today we'll cover 1-2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. We'll explore the major theme …
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God invites us to join him in the work he is doing in the world. He equips us for good works by bestowing God-given talents, resources, and a heart to serve. Paul encouraged Timothy to “fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Timothy 1:6 ESV). What gifts has God entrusted you with? How can you use them for his glory? Ephesians 2:10 We aren’t saved by wo…
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This is part 13 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Before getting to the Church Epistles, we’ll begin with an overview of how letters were written, read, and performed. Then we’ll see how they are arranged in our Bibles. We’ll spend a good deal of time talking about occasion. Why did Paul write each Read more about 546 Read the Bible for Yourself …
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This is part 13 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Before getting to the Church Epistles, we'll begin with an overview of how letters were written, read, and performed. Then we'll see how they are arranged in our Bibles. We'll spend a good deal of time talking about occasion. Why did Paul write each letter? What was going on that prompted him to i…
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We want to join God in what He is doing in the world and not expect Him to join us in our plans. To participate in His work we must have an awareness of Him and expectations based upon His Words. God is at work in the world. Awareness of God’s presence Expectation based upon His Words Acts 1:4-5; Luke 24:49 Expectations based upon God’s Word Hebrew…
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Some Biblical Unitarians (believers in the One God, theFather), don’t see the man Jesus in the first verses of John’s Gospel. Instead, they understand the Word/Logos” as an abstract plan, design, promise or wisdom that is only personified (described as if it were a person). Trinitarian “diety-of-Christ” and “Arian” believers likewise don’t see the …
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This is part 12 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Acts is an action-packed book full of excitement and wonder. We learn about the early expansion of the Church from a small group of ragged Christ-followers to dozens of house churches throughout major cities in the Mediterranean world. How did Christianity "go public"? The book of Acts tells that …
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This is part 12 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. Acts is an action-packed book full of excitement and wonder. We learn about the early expansion of the Church from a small group of ragged Christ-followers to dozens of house churches throughout major cities in the Mediterranean world. How did Christianity “go public”? The Read more about 545 Read…
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Acts 16:1 Paul embarked on his second missionary journey from Antioch in Syria to Derbe and Lystra, travelling over land. Acts 16:6-8 As they travelled, God kept dissuading them from going to Asia Minor or Bithynia—places that were obvious choices for missionary work. Instead, they kept travelling. It took them 350 miles to get from Antioch in Pisi…
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This is part 11 of the Read the Bible For Yourself. The Gospels are evangelistic biographies of Jesus. In today's episode you'll learn the basic storyline of the four biblical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Then we'll go through them from shortest to longest to see how each brings a unique and helpful perspective in telling the life of Chr…
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