show episodes
On each episode, Shannon Popkin and her guest talk through one of the most interesting or astonishing stories (narratives) of the Bible, and how to live like that story is true. Think of each story like a container, filled with easy-to-retrieve truth. Each story gives you concrete ways to reject the lies, rehearse the truth, and share it with others. You're invited to open your Bible, drink in the story, and live like it's true! Shannon is the author of five books, and speaks regularly for C ...
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Loving Fully and Living Faithfully Real stories of women who are living out their faith in love to God, others, and even to themselves. Tune in to discover how you too can be a love offering to those around you and learn to believe that what you offer matters.
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show series
Comparison can feel like a never-ending struggle. The whole measuring up to friends and influencers on social media? It's a lot. Everyone has their own idea of what we should be like. Shannon Popkin and Lee Nienhuis are on the show to help you break free from the comparison trap and embrace the incredible life that Jesus has in store for you. Join …
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I’d love to hear from you! Have you been comparing yourself? Are you envious of someone God has treated "better" than you? In a story about envious grumblers who are comparing, Jesus invites you to be one of the happy ones instead. Guests: Melissa Kruger Bible Passage: Laborers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16 ESV Get your Freebie: The Live Like I…
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As women, we're often told that we're entitled or unrealistic when we want to create a life we love. We start hearing this message from a very early age, and by the time we're old enough to know what we want, we've also been taught to doubt our instincts and to see selfishness in all our longings.This episode is the antidote to those voices and the…
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The peace we long for begins with coming to the end of ourselves.There are inescapable aspects of life we are all marked by. We have less control than we want, more anxiety than we're comfortable with and just enough insecurity to continually remind us of our shortcomings. To experience these things is to be human. We aren't superheroes and invinci…
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I’d love to hear from you! Why does she have more? Why do I have less? And what does Jesus say, when I want what's fair? In this episode of the Live Like It's True Podcast, we're looking at a story Jesus told in response to these very questions—the parable about the bigger barns. I'm so honored to have Lydia Brownback, author of the Flourish Bible …
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I’d love to hear from you! Have you ever felt unworthy, because of your sin? Or have you every tried to comfort yourself by comparing with someone who sinned in worse ways that you? In this series, we're looking at comparison stories that Jesus told, and this one is a story about comparing sin. But it's a story with a twist that might surprise you …
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Aging. Grateful. Those are two words you don't usually see in a sentence together. Culture tells us that aging involves wrinkles, extra pounds, arthritis, and graying hair. And its answer to aging's many problems? Fight back! And we do, wearing ourselves out physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the process. But the Bible speaks about aging d…
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I’d love to hear from you! Have you considered the magnitude of God's promises to you? Has your life been shaped by those promises, the way Abraham and Sarah's were? I'm so grateful for Courtney Doctor and her brilliant mind. Don't miss part one of this great conversation. This time, we're talking about all of the surprises tucked into the origin s…
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I’d love to hear from you! When Courtney was in her early twenties, she was in a church membership class, where the gospel was being explained and she kept raising her hand, saying, "I chose God. I know; I was there..." Can you relate with the sense that you were the one who chose God? What if your story is actually one of God taking the initiative…
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You want to create a beautiful, livable home, but you feel stuck. House Rules is your guide to understanding why some rooms look great and other rooms don't look quite right. The Nester Myquillyn Smith is on the show sharing memorable, universal decorating truths that apply to every house, style, and budget. By guiding you to do what you know, use …
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I’d love to hear from you! "Which of us is the greatest, Jesus?" Jesus's response to the disciples might surprise you, but it also might bright you comfort and peace. There's a foolproof way to be great in the kingdom of God, and it's backward from the way of the world. Want to learn the secret? Join Kelly Needham and I on the Live Like It's True P…
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In a world that expects near perfection from people in ministry, it is hard to be honest about struggles of being a pastor's wife or a woman in ministry--let alone have a sense of humor about it! Jessica Taylor, Stephanie Gilbert, and Jenna Allen are on the show sharing a safe place for pastors' wives and women in ministry to be their most authenti…
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I’d love to hear from you! What if Jesus could read your thoughts about other people's sins? And what about your own sins? Do you have shameful secrets that seem too awful to even confess? In this episode, we're going to consider a story Jesus told at a dinner party where someone was comparing sin. It's a story that exposes our false narratives abo…
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Tired of trying to be enough? The truth is you were never meant to be, no matter what culture might tell you.Christian women today are bombarded with confusing messaging–they are supposed to do and be it all but also die to themselves. They are supposed to believe that women can do anything and also surrender everything to God. Adding to that press…
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I’d love to hear from you! What would Jesus say about your efforts to get healthy? When you wake up in the morning, is your first thought about what you ate the night before? Has your lifelong obsession been to finally like what you see in the mirror? With the launch of Comparison Girl for Teens, I've invited a number of guests to join me on the Li…
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In an age where everyone else's successes are flaunted in front of you on social media, it can be a struggle to feel true happiness and contentment exactly where you are. Throw in difficult circumstances--loss, heartbreak, change, midlife--and it's easy to understand why you feel lonely, lost, unsure of yourself, stuck, and, if you're honest with y…
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I’d love to hear from you! When a teen walks into a room, statistics show that there's an 80% chance she believes she doesn't belong there. She wonders, Am I okay? What are they thinking? How do I measure up? In our new book, Comparison Girl for Teens we're inviting teens to find new freedom, confidence and true influence in the middle of a world t…
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What does it look like to love in this situation? As a mother to children navigating chronic illness and a guiding beacon in healthcare leadership, Juli Boit beckons us to shatter the chains of injustice and embrace the limitless realm of mercy. In today’s episode, Juli shares about her transformative hospice leadership in Kenya. Her story challeng…
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I’d love to hear from you! If you don't know what to do because your husband doesn't seem to love you anymore, and you're worried your marriage is dead, this conversation about what God did in my friend Jill's marriage offers so much hope. Jill Savage is an author and speaker, and she and her husband Mark do marriage coaching—which might surprise y…
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I’d love to hear from you! She never expected what she saw on his phone that night. And no one expected the surprise ending to their story. Joining me on the Live Like It's True podcast, Jill Savage tells her story of discovering her husband's affair, and how God sustained her through a very difficult season. This is part one of a two-part conversa…
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Likely you’re a good person living a decent life, making a living and working hard. You go to church on Sundays and pray before your meals. But you have a secret, a hidden part of your life that you’d be ashamed for anyone to find out about. The thing with secrets is that they eventually come out. Instead of hiding, let’s have a difficult conversat…
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Every marriage has its strengths and its stresses. There’s not one that can’t be improved, fine-tuned, made stronger — or even overhauled if needed.Dave and Ann Wilson are on the podcast talking about the Art of Marriage, a transformative marriage resource designed to help you explore new levels of intimacy, communication, and connection with your …
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I’d love to hear from you! When Sana when through the trauma of almost losing her nineteen-year-old son in a car crash, she did the unexpected: she shared the forty-three day experience on social media and asked the world to pray that God would do the impossible. Why? Because—as she says—then, "Everyone will know it was God." In part two of this co…
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I’d love to hear from you! Where was God, when a little girl was being trafficked by the mother who should have kept her safe? On the Live Like It's True podcast, I'm talking Sana Latrease to talk about her story of God's faithfulness, even in the middle of her childhood trauma. This isn't the story Sana would have written, but it's the story God w…
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When is the last time God called you to do something that felt terrifying? When God nudges us into the unknown, it can be thrilling and exciting but also overwhelming and risky. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a corporate leader looking to follow God's calling, or a retiree who knows you have more to give to the world, this episode is for you.Wi…
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I’d love to hear from you! At age 27, Gaby's cancer treatment are narrowing her options for one day having children. Yet Gaby walks this painful path between her trial and God's promises with perspective and hope. She shares her story in my latest episode on the Live Like it's True podcast. Gaby's story is also highlighted in my new Bible study, Sh…
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Whether you’re facing the ordinary, daily pressures of squaring away today’s to-do list or an unexpected season of suffering that seems to have no end, sometimes it feels like Jesus’s promise of “overflowing joy” is simply not within reach for your real life.But it doesn’t have to be that way.By journeying with you through Jesus’s words in John 15,…
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I’d love to hear from you! Would you ask your twelve-year-old to bravely live her faith, in a time of crisis? In part two of our conversation, Heather Cofer shares the story of her twelfth birthday in Mongolia and how—even when she was so afraid—her dad commissioned her to walk by faith. She also tells about the crisis her husband's family (also mi…
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I’d love to hear from you! What if God asked you to leave everything you love? Would you do it? Heather Cofer talks about her experiences as a child in Mongolia which still shape her life today. Heather's story is highlighted in my new Bible study, Shaped by God's Promises: Lessons from Sarah on Fear and Faith. Whether you're here because you're re…
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The Word of God would have been extinguished thousands of years ago if not for parents passing faith down to their children. “Her children arise and call her blessed…” (Proverbs 31:28) is the legacy of a mother who has put Christ in the center of her heart and home, and who has led her children to fall in love with Him.Casey Hilty has written Her C…
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Has your faith become stale? If you’ve been following the Lord for a while, our habits and routines can become commonplace to us, and we forget how amazing our God is! Stephanie Rousselle from The Gospel Spice is on the show today, inviting us to taste and see that the Lord is good! Through her ministry and on today’s conversation she hopes to spic…
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Most new moms know that the first year is going to be to be full of joys and challenges, peaks and valleys. But even though they've prepared themselves as much as they can, they still find themselves thinking, I knew this was going to be hard. But will it always be this hard? This wasn't what I was expecting, what if I don't know how to take care o…
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Life can be downright hard. Cynthia Yanof is on today’s episode inviting us to reframe our perspective on the challenges we face so we can see God at work—and laugh more along the way. In her book Life is Messy, God is Good and on today’s show, she reminds us God’s not surprised when we drop the ball, lose our cool, or struggle to put our Spanx on …
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Our culture has been lying to women. The world defines female empowerment as believing in yourself or looking within to find the power to succeed. But what happens when women grow weary from trying to do it all? Jesus offers a better way. Becky Beresford is on the show today and she's sharing how she used to believe and even promoted some of societ…
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Most mothers agree that prayer is part of their parenting dynamic, yet so many mothers, including myself, wonder if the way of prayer is as mysterious and challenging as it can seem. We often wonder if we’re covering all the topics needed with this little one, and we wish we knew what to pray in the struggles in hard parenting seasons. Bethany Kims…
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I’d love to hear from you! Refugees. Trafficking victims. Addicts. Adoption. Homeless. When faced with opportunities to show extravagant mercy, we think, But what if I go into debt? This could be a trap. If I bring her into my home, will we be safe? What if there's corruption? Yet what sounds like the voice of wisdom, is actually the voice of fear.…
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Life rarely goes as planned, particularly when we rely on our own plans rather than God’s. So when things go awry, our faith in His faithfulness may waver.And yet God’s faithfulness is not tied to our earthly circumstances but rather to His promises in Scripture.In Everyday Prayers for Faith: Finding Confidence in God No Matter What, author Erin H.…
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I’d love to hear from you! Do you long to pass on your faith to your children, grandchildren, nieces and neighbors? How can you disciple the children you love in on-the-go moments of life? The stories in the Bible are simple enough to be grasped by children, yet profound enough for adults to spend their lives pondering. In this bonus episode on the…
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All around the world, women yearn for a perfect life they can never grasp. They want to be successful, attractive, sexually fulfilled, and free from distress.Rather than turning to God, too many try to feast on everything under the sun—diet pills, pornography, shopping sprees, one-night stands, and social media—anything to hit that sweet spot.In th…
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I’d love to hear from you! What is your weakness, and what does God think about it? Join Emily Jensen and me for a conversation about ineloquent Moses and his assignment from God that felt impossible. Learn how to live like it's true that your weakness isn't a problem for God. Guest: Emily Jensen Bible Passage: Moses Given Powerful Signs - Exodus 4…
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I’d love to hear from you! Hey, it's Shannon for a quick update on what's next in 2024. I have several exciting things to announce, plus the roadmap for what's coming in the coming months. We're welcoming Emily Jensen, Trillia Newbell, and Amy DiMarcangelo for our J-Term Series! Get updates from Shannon: Here Get your Freebie: The Live Like It's Tr…
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Sometimes, the women in our lives feel like enemies: The colleague who threatens your position at work. The friend who talks behind your back. The woman who seems to have it all together—while you are barely hanging on. But the real enemy is the one who is trying to defeat you with lies that lead to isolation, insecurity, and division. Jenn Schultz…
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Do you feel stuck in cycles of brokenness? Many of us unknowingly repeat the mistakes of our parents and grandparents, passing on pain and suffering. No matter what has happened in the past or what mess you might be in today, you are not destined to carry on your family’s wounds, unhealthy behaviors, or toxic relationships. It doesn’t have to be th…
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In the space between no longer and not yet, you still belong somewhere.It catches most of us by surprise. Life is going along until suddenly, we find ourselves at the crossroads of what was and what is yet to be. This in-between space of transition often keeps us awake at night, asking questions like What am I supposed to do now? and Why do I feel …
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A Little Calm Goes a Long Way with Evelyn SherwoodLife comes at us fast. Sometimes, all we need is a lifeline tossed our way, reminding us that we can make it to the other side. Breathe deep. Take it slow. Keep it steady.Evelyn Sherwood is in the show talking about her book Just Breathe to give us practices to provide breathing space for our heart …
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In today’s culture we hear: "Hustle!" or "Slow down!" We are either prodded into endless activity and productivity or told that what we really need is to prioritize rest, relaxation, and simply "being." Is it any wonder we feel torn in every direction, worried we're missing the opportunities God has placed before us while at the same time feeling g…
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We live in a loud, opinionated world of staggering distraction. It's not only exhausting, but immobilizing. You are tempted to zone out, binge watch, and doom scroll.With all of this distraction, it's hard to keep focus on what matters most: God and His nearness in this very moment. Katie Westenberg is on the show today helping to equip us to focus…
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I’d love to hear from you! Why, God? Why haven't you shown up for me? If you love me, God, how could you let this happen to me? In today's episode, we're going to invite you to bring questions like these straight to Jesus. And I think you might be surprised by the answers to these questions, embedded in the story from John 11 that we're going to lo…
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Sometimes our mistakes can leave us feeling like we're drowning in an ocean of regret. Thankfully, we are not alone. The books of First and Second Samuel help us realize that worship is the gift that leads us to encounter renewal in the Lord in spite of: The rejection we have experienced.The rebellion we have entertained.The regret we have endured.…
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Life often sends hard things our way: illness, financial struggles, broken relationships, and so many kinds of loss. Sometimes we can’t imagine a way forward. So how do we keep going when everything is going wrong? Rachel Wojo is on the show today sharing how hope rises to greet us when we find the strength to take One. More. Step. Like you, Rachel…
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