show episodes

Rock Solid

Pat Francis

Rock 'n' roll all night ... and party once a week! Hosted by Pat Francis, Rock Solid is the comedy/music podcast that brings you music “both new and classic," plus lots of laughs and musical guests. Joining the fun are Producer Kyle Dodson and Pat’s hilarious rotating Co-Hosts: Mike Siegel, Christy Stratton and Murray Valeriano.
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Solid Steps Radio

Solid Steps Radio Kurt Sauder Chad Russell

A show to engage, encourage & equip men to ask tough questions of themselves, and to live out their destiny as men, by God’s design. Saturdays at 10am on 94.7FM the Spirit, Louisville, KY, with Kurt Sauder and Chad Russell
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New podcast weblog”Rock Solid IP” is a podcast for entrepreneurs, startups, and business leaders aiming to unlock the true potential of their ideas. Each episode delves into essential strategies for building and protecting intellectual property (IP), with expert insights to help listeners turn creativity and innovation into valuable business assets.
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A weekly show from three hosts deep ”in the trenches of tech”, discussing the latest news, events, and cultural moments around the technology industry and the products, people, and services touching our daily lives.
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This is the podcast for women who want to love being married and feel connected to the people that matter most to them. Better relationships make for a better life. Each week you'll learn the tools to improve all of your relationships from master certified relationship coach, Sara Payne. Find more resources at and @sarapaynecoaching on Instagram and Facebook.
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The Grace to You radio podcast is what you've come to expect from John MacArthur. Reliable interpretation, solid doctrine, and amazing insight make this podcast a great supplement to help you grow strong and fruitful as a Christian.
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Let's dig deep into scripture together! Our journey with the Lord is deep and meaningful and can impact every aspect of our lives.. that is... if we let it. Join in the study of God's word and be encouraged as you watch your life change piece by piece. It would be a shame for you to think that your spiritual health with the Lord could be maintained by a single day per week, sitting in a building, listening to a person on a stage, then walk away and somehow believe that your life will magical ...
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Collective Intelligence

Solid Gold Podcasts #BeHeard

For thriving leaders, teams, and organisations. Welcome to our most recent podcast series, Collective Intelligence. At a moment when the shape of work is being redrawn, we seek to explore the magic that happens when groups perform at more than the sum of their parts, a theme we researched extensively in our book, The Social Brain, The Psychology of Successful Groups. Our podcast guests are all adept at this magical mathematics of connection.
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Overreaction Buffalo


Buffalo Bills based alternative content network brought to you by Joe Miller and former Buffalo Bills players, John Fina and Jerry Ostroski. Talking ALL things #BillsMafia and bringing you solid, reliable content to you the fan.
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The two biggest names in Scottish political journalism, Bernard Ponsonby and Alex Massie, join forces to bring you a regular “must listen” insider briefing on the political and wider world. Bernard has been Scotland's leading TV political editor for many years while Alex is the unavoidable commentator and columnist for the Times and Sunday Times. Together they bring decades of experience and unsurpassed contacts books to provide you with a valuable insider briefing behind the headlines - all ...
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A podcast about developer tools and the people who make them. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore modern developer tooling and interview the people who make it possible. We love talking to the creators front-end frameworks (React, Solid, Svelte, Vue, Angular, etc), JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun), Languages (Unison, Elixor, Rust, Zig), web tech (WASM, Web Containers, WebGPU, WebGL), database providers (Turso, Planetscale, Supabase, EdgeDB), and platforms (SST, A ...
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Jerry Dirmann is the founder and president of Solid Lives, an international disciple-making and church planting ministry. He also serves as the Senior Pastor of The Rock, a multi-language and multi-campus ministry based in Anaheim, California. Jerry has a heart to raise up leaders to fulfill the assignment that God has for their lives, and to help people to be a solid life, founded on the rock of God's Word (Luke 6:47). Join us each week as Jerry encourages and teaches us from Scripture. ••• ...
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Numinosum Radio

Brian C. Short

Drones, minimalism, field recording and other retro-modern composition for liminal and deep listening; headphones are suggested. All original compositions by artist, author and musician Brian C. Short (Solid Objects, BCS). Updated fortnightly.
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Foundation Stones

Refuge City Church

Every good structure needs a solid foundation. Every victorious Christian needs one too! The scriptural truths we believe are like stones that are built one upon another as we grow closer to Jesus. Foundation Stones is Refuge City Church’s discipleship podcast. Refuge City Church is an Assembly of God multi-site congregation in Southern Oregon. Join Pastor Jim Weaver and guests for solid biblical truth, candid conversations, and edifying content! Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an e ...
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The Zesty Dietitian

McKenzie Caldwell, MPH, RDN

A sassy and informative podcast about weight inclusive nutrition for reproductive health. No diets. No BS. Just good, solid info to help you ditch perfectionism around food and your body, so you can live nourished through fertility, pregnancy, and beyond.
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Trend Lightly

Solid Listen

Molly McAleer (Mother, May I Sleep with Podcast?) and Tiffany Maddox recap what everybody’s talking about online. From Reuters and Reddit to Twitter and TikTok, they cover it all. Twitter @trendlightlypod / Instagram @trendlightlypod. To submit a story, email [email protected]. Trend Lightly is a part of the Solid Listen Network. Visit at for more.
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FBC Carson

Fellowship Bible Church

The Sermon Library and Audio Blog of Fellowship Bible Church in Carson City, Nevada. We focus on solid biblical exposition, defending the truth of the Gospel, and exposing false doctrine.
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Weekend Messages

Stonebridge Church

Apart from sleeping, there are few things we spend more time doing in our lifetime than work. The average is somewhere in the 90,000-hour range (that’s over 11 solid years!). For something so consuming and so frequently overwhelming, it’s important for Christians to consider how our faith in Christ connects to our daily work
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Featuring the video recorded proceedings of events held in conjunction with important scientific symposia, live webcasts and closed meetings featuring the perspectives of renowned clinical investigators, these videos provide an overview of important advances in the management of a number of solid tumors and hematologic cancers.
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Solid Radio

Solid Radio

As lead by Sooty the Solid Radio Cat, we're the station with a Classic in Every Byte. Now in podcast form, it's your chance to enjoy the very best content we've poured our blood, sweat and tears into on your own time. This is the "firehose" feed - the one where you get everything Solid Radio produces. If you'd prefer to get specific shows or presenters, simply search for those on your podcatcher.
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Edu Inc is a registered, affordable, IEB Private School in Fourways South Africa teaching grades 4 to 12 with 10 children per class. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the biggest responsibilites of being a parent. With our very small classes, each child is assured personal attention from our qualified and caring teachers. As a mainstream IEB GDE-registered and Umalusi-accredited school, our Matrics write the same exams as the other private IEB schools you are familiar with. ...
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The days of missing solid Bible teaching because of your hectic work and family schedule are gone forever. You can now carry the same trusted Derek Prince Legacy Radio daily broadcast with you wherever you go. Take Derek's insightful Bible teaching with you to the gym, for a walk, or even to the grocery store. It’s your choice! Listen wherever and whenever you want — as often as you want. Subscribe today for FREE and never miss another life-changing message.
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show series
Episode Summary In this episode of "Rock Solid IP," hosts Kevin Rosenquist and Rob Wells introduce the concepts of patent mining and mapping, explaining their significance in developing actionable intelligence for businesses, particularly in technology-driven industries. Rob outlines the differences between patent mining, which identifies relevant …
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What if holiness wasn’t just about avoiding sin, but about spreading grace? In the Old Testament, impurity multiplied like muddy shoe prints on white carpet, but in Jesus, God engineered a reversal, making holiness contagious. In this message, Pastor Mike will diagnose the way the Lord redefined holiness and taught us to propagate healing and trans…
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Over the past few months, our Merrell Bros. employees and their families have experienced heartache, loss, and pain. Greg and Brian discuss the question that often arises during these times: "God, if you're so good, why do you let these things happen?" Perhaps you have been asking this same question. Listen to this short episode as we address the '…
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Music Attribution: Almost in F - Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: Despair and Triumph by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Com…
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“Who’s this big white guy?”When you hear the word “urban” what do you think about? What does the person look like who is “urban”? On this weekends show, Kurt and Chad welcomes Youth for Christ’s Mark Singleton (as well as friend Bobby Schiavone) to talk about what living life on purpose for others looks like, when they may look different, or come f…
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Send us a Text or Prayer Request! This is a special episode that is dedicated to our children and young adults. Join me for a special time of declaring God's Word over our children. Support the show Stay connected and know when Tiffany is coming to your town by joining Tiffany’s mailing list: For bookings or to share how this …
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Do you remember the mid-90’s cartoon Pinky and the Brain? Stick with me here, but it was one of my favorites. Few things can illicit instant laughter from me like the ever quotable “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” Followed by the infamous “The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!” Much like that quote found its …
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