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Send us a text Have you seen a Chrismatic Church go bad? Have you been part of a church that has gone astray? Are you worried that you might be part of one at the moment? In this podcast we will explore the Montanist Movement in the 2nd century to learn lessons about churches that go astray in their practice. We will think about 3 warning signs to …
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Send us a text Struggling to stay true to your Christian values at work? In this podcast episode, we'll discuss what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the workplace and give practical advice on how to live out your faith in your job. To do that, we will explore the work of H. Richard Niebuhr in his book Christ and Culture.…
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Send us a text As a leader or team member, it's important to be a good role model at work. In this podcast, we'll dive into 3 John to explore leadership traits and qualities to inspire you to be the best role model you can be. Plus, we'll share tips on how to set a positive example for others in the workplace. Listen now to become a great role mode…
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Send us a text If you struggle with finding time to pray in your busy schedule, these 4 prayer tips are for you! Learn how to build a consistent prayer life and improve your communication with God. Discover how to overcome distractions and make prayer a daily habit. These practical tips will help you pray consistently and deepen your relationship w…
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Send us a text Are you prepared for the possibility of persecution for your faith? In this podcast, we dive into Revelation 11 and the end times, discussing the importance of staying true to your beliefs and being ready for the Second Coming of Jesus. Remember, you are never alone and God is always with you, no matter what may come your way. Listen…
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Send us a text In this podcast, we explore the implications of John 1:1-14 for mission and evangelism. In this passage, we see Jesus come into the world as a human and his mission is to save people from their sin. As we explore this passage, you'll be inspired to go out and evangelize the world!By Rev Dr Steve Griffiths
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Send us a text In this podcast, we are thinking about the 7th seal and the 4 trumpets in Revelation 8. We're diving deep into this chapter, and there is a lot of learning for us. We'll explore teaching on prayer, the judgment of God, and the state of the world today. We wil think about our relationship with God, and how we can be ready for Jesus' S…
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Send us a text In this episode of our Revelation podcast, we discuss what the Seven Seals are and what they mean for us. We also discuss who the Four Horsemen are and what they may mean for the end times. If you're struggling to understand what the Bible is saying about the end times, then this episode is for you. We'll break down each seal in Reve…
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Send us a text In this podcast, we'll discuss different topics related to the question: is everything in the Bible true? from canon to Christian claims to historicity. We'll explore the evidence and try to find the truth. We start by asking the question 'what is truth?' Then we explore how the Bible can be true. Finally, I give you 4 tips on how to…
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Send us a text Does it feel like the world is spinning out of control? Revelation 5 tells us about God's authority and how he is in control, despite what we may think. In this podcast, I'll talk about what Revelation 5 means for us today and how it can help us stay grounded in the midst of chaos.By Rev Dr Steve Griffiths
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Send us a text In this podcast, we're introducing the Creeds, which provide a concise summary of the beliefs of Christianity, and are an important part of the history of the Christian faith. If you're new to Christianity, or want to know more about the beliefs of Christianity, then this is a podcast you need to listen to. After listening to this po…
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Send us a text In this podcast, I'm talking about how we can know what God is like. We want to know God and when we do, it transforms our lives. I hope this podcast helps you to understand God more and to want to know him more. When we know God, he comes into our lives and changes everything. In this podcast, we will be exploring some philosophical…
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Send us a text In this podcast, we're exploring one of the biggest challenges that many face when it comes to their faith - is it lukewarm? When we're not passionate about God, it becomes hard to follow him. In this podcast, we'll be looking at the passage from Revelation 3:14-22 and see what it says about those who are lukewarm in their faith.…
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Send us a text Do you want to get to know God better? In this podcast, we discuss how knowing God gives us energy, peace, courage and purpose in our lives. We discuss how knowing God can help us in our daily lives, and how we can connect with him to obtain these benefits. If you're looking for a way to connect with God, then this podcast is for you…
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Send us a text In this podcast, we'll be looking at Revelation 3:7-13 and how we can share the Gospel with the help of God. You don't need to be scared or nervous about it - God will be with you. As we look at these verses, we'll see that God is with us no matter what. He's always with us, even when we're feeling scared or nervous. We can share the…
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Send us a text In this podcast, we're going to look at Revelation 3:1-6. This passage talks about the danger of being too comfortable in our faith and how easy it is to get trapped in a comfort zone with God. If you're feeling comfortable in your faith, but you're not growing and deepening your relationship with God, then it's time to listen to thi…
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Send us a text As Christians, we are called to be faithful to the Gospel and to preach it faithfully. In this podcast, we are unpacking Revelation 2:18-29, which tells us to worship in spirit and truth. We are to guard the truth of the Gospel, and not water it down in order to gain converts. If we are to truly worship in spirit and truth, we must b…
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Send us a text In this podcast, I discuss the scripture from Revelation 2:12-17, the letter to the church at Pergamum. In this passage, Jesus warns his people about the danger of compromising their faith. If you're struggling with temptation to compromise your faith, this podcast is for you. In this episode, I discuss the importance of staying fait…
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Send us a text In this podcast, I talk about how to trust God in uncertain times. As we face difficult times, it can be easy to lose hope and stop trusting God. But in this podcast, I share from Revelation 2:8-11 how to keep trusting God in times of trouble. Revelation teaches us that God is with us even when we feel alone and abandoned. Even in th…
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Send us a text In this podcast, we're going to be discussing when you're too busy for what matters. In Revelation 2:1-7, we see an example of this happening. In this episode, we'll be unpacking this passage and talking about what it means for us as Christians. We'll also be looking at ways we can avoid falling into this same trap and how we can reg…
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Send us a text In this podcast, we're exploring who Jesus is in the Book of Revelation. We discuss Revelation 1:9-20, which tells us that Jesus has the power to transform our lives. We answer the question, "Who is Jesus?" If you're looking for a deep biblical study that will change your perspective on Jesus, then this is the podcast for you! In thi…
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Send us a text In this podcast, I'm discussing the Book of Revelation - why Christians need to read it, and what it's about. Whether you are a Christian or not, this podcast is a must-listen! In this podcast, I'll be introducing the Book of Revelation - why Christians need to read it, what it's about, and how you can understand and apply it to your…
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Send us a text Do you like who you are? It is a problem that many of us have that, at the end of the day, we don’t really like ourselves very much. How do we work through that? How can we learn to like ourselves more? Well, it’s a process, of course; a journey into self-discovery that may take time - months, years, even a lifetime. But the starting…
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Send us a text Kial Dio donas al ni sian Sanktan Spiriton? Kian diferencon faras la Sankta Spirito en niaj vivoj kaj la eklezio? En ĉi tiu podkasto, ni esploras nur du ideojn: kiel la Sankta Spirito vigligas nin por misio kaj kiel la Sankta Spirito rajtigas nin eliri en la mondon en la nomo de Dio.By Rev Dr Steve Griffiths
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Ĉu vi sentas vin forgesita de Dio? Estas terura sento, ĉu ne? Sed estas bela verso en la Biblio, kiu ni devas memori kiam ni sentas tion. Jeremia 29:11 - "Mi scias la intencojn, kiujn Mi havas koncerne vin, intencojn al bono kaj ne al malbono, por doni al vi estontecon kaj esperon." Kaj estas 3 aferoj, kiujn ni devas memori el tiu verso. Ĉi tiu epi…
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Send us a text Do you feel forgotten by God? It's a horrible feeling, isn't it? But there’s a beautiful verse in the Bible that we need to cling onto when we feel like that. Jeremiah 29:11 – “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” And there’s 3 things we …
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Send us a text Ĉu vi sentas vin forgesita de Dio? Estas terura sento, ĉu ne? Sed estas bela verso en la Biblio, kiu ni devas memori kiam ni sentas tion. Jeremia 29:11 - "Mi scias la intencojn, kiujn Mi havas koncerne vin, intencojn al bono kaj ne al malbono, por doni al vi estontecon kaj esperon." Kaj estas 3 aferoj, kiujn ni devas memori el tiu ve…
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Send us a text Maltrankvilo kaj streso ŝajnas esti tiom parto de niaj vivoj. Ĉu Dio povas fari diferencon? Ĉu li povas resanigi nin de maltrankvilo? Ĉu tio estus bona por ni? Ni esploras la instruon de Jesuo en Mateo 6 por ekkompreni la menson de Dio pri ĉi tiu afero.By St Andrew's Church, Enfield
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