show episodes
Legal Zeidgeist is an investment funds law podcast series brought to you by Zeidler Group, the technology driven law firm revolutionising legal and regulatory compliance services for the asset management industry. Our team of lawyers, regulatory compliance, data and technology experts along with our industry partners will discuss the latest perspectives, best practices and leading insights to help investment firms and asset managers re-evaluate and revolutionise their current approach to inv ...
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show series
In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist, Kate Horgan is joined by Kwame Taylor, an Associate in Zeidler's ESG Legal Advisory Team, to explore the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). They discuss the recent comprehensive assessment of the SFDR framework, unpacking key findings from the summary report of open and targeted consultations. …
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the Overseas Fund Regime (OFR) takes centre stage again. In this 2-part special, Kate Horgan is joined by Robert Boyle, Solicitor and Partner at Zeidler Legal Services LLP, to dissect the key aspects of the OFR and its implications for fund marketing in the UK. In Part 2, join us as we examine whether…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the Overseas Fund Regime (OFR) takes centre stage. In this 2 part special, Kate Horgan is joined by Robert Boyle, Solicitor and Partner at Zeidler Legal Services LLP to dissect the key aspects of the OFR and its implications for fund marketing in the UK. In part 1 as the industry prepares, discover th…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, we explore the latest insights and best practices for fund distribution and compliance. Kate Horgan, Business Development Manager, sits down with Patricia Nitschke, Associate in Zeidler’s Legal Services Division, to discuss the most recent regulatory updates affecting fund distribution worldwide. Patr…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, AIFMD II takes the centre stage. Kunal Grover, Head of Business Development is joined by Valentin Chantereau to dissect the key highlights of the amendments to AIFMD and what these updates hold for EU and non-EU AIFMs. As the industry braces for the new regime, discover the proactive steps fund manage…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the focus is on the recent UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) review examining how Authorised Fund Managers (AFMs) are embedding the Guiding Principles in ESG and sustainable investment funds. Kate Horgan, Business Development Manager is joined by Kwame Taylor, Associate, at Zeidler Group to unpac…
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In this brief but insightful episode of Legal Zeidgeist, we unpack the Central Bank of Ireland's recent final guidance on the Individual Accountability Framework. Kate Horgan, Business Development Manager, is joined by Daniel O'Leary, Associate, to unravel the Central Bank of Ireland's recent final guidance on the Individual Accountability Framewor…
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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Tvorba podcastů Talking Youth Work začala v rámci již ukončeného projektu FutureLabs, během něhož jsme vytvořili více než 30 podcastů v angličtině o novinkách v práci s mládeží v celé Evropě a o lidech, kteří za těmito inovacemi stojí. Tento podcast vznikl v rámci navazujícího projektu EduLabs financovaného z programu Erasmus+. V sérii pokračujeme …
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the US regulatory landscape is unravelled. Kate Horgan, Business Development Manager at Zeidler Group, is joined by colleagues Madeline Gegg and Alex Mercer, Associates in Zeidler's Phoenix office to guide you g through the maze of Federal, State, and Self-Regulatory Organizations. Navigating the regu…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the focus is on Swiss Representative Services for foreign collective investment schemes. Kate Horgan, Business Development Manager is joined by Josef El Semari and Michael Meier Directors at Zeidler Group as they delve deep into the intricacies of the Swiss regulatory landscape. Josef and Michael unve…
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Different generations have different ideas about their future. Alena Tomanová from the Slovak organisation Youthwatch will tell us about Futures Literacy or "literacy for the future". It is a concept and a tool that helps young people prepare for what the future brings. Futures Literacy develops the skills that are important for the future. For exa…
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Dnes pozorujeme enormný nárast porúch duševného zdravia najmä medzi mladými ľuďmi. Situáciu ešte zhoršila pandémia COVID-19, kedy mladí ľudia často zostávali nepovšimnutí a zatvorení doma. Riaditeľka Centra voľného času v Starej Ľubovni, Marta Hanečáková nám porozpráva o projekte, ktorého cieľom bolo pracovať s mladými ľuďmi, ktorí ostávajú doma a …
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Rôzne generácie majú rôzne predstavy o svojej budúcnosti. Alena Tomanová z organizácie Youthwatch nám porozpráva o tzv. Futures Literacy alebo „gramotnosti pre budúcnosť“. Ide o koncept a nástroj, ktorý pomáha mladým ľuďom pripraviť sa na to, čo nás v budúcnosti čaká. Gramotnosť pre budúcnosť rozvíja vlastnosti, ktoré sú pre budúcnosť dôležité. Nap…
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Ako netradične vzdelávať mladých ľudí o tom, prečo je demokracia taká dôležitá? A čo tak nechať ich samých, aby si prežili to, čo naši rodičia a starí rodičia počas rokov 1948 – 1989? Alexandra Kurišová z organizácie Youthwatch nám porozpráva, ako môžu mladí ľudia na vlastnej koži prežiť nespravodlivosť a zažiť pocity, aké to je fungovať ako bežný …
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Zamysleli ste sa už nad tým, ako vnímajú svet ľudia s autizmom? Ako ho vidia, počujú, či cítia? Teraz to môžete zažiť. Mikuláš Štubňa z občianskeho združenia Spoločnosť na pomoc osobám s autizmom (SPOSA) nám porozpráva, ako funguje simulátor autizmu a čo všetko s ním môžeme zažiť. Budeme hovoriť aj o tom ako využívať virtuálnu realitu nielen na záb…
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Missä nykyään on nuorten reviirit? Reilu kymmenen vuotta sitten tehtiin havainto, että nuoret eivät enää liikkuneet kaupunkien kaduilla, vaan viettivät aikaa ABC-liikenneasemilla ja kauppakeskuksissa. Tästä sai alkunsa Nuortenpalvelun kauppakeskuksiin ja huoltoasemille suuntautunut hanke, jossa nuoria kohdattiin uusissa ympäristöissä. Tämän podcast…
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Onko digitaalinen pelaaminen uhka vai mahdollisuus? Kaikki pelaavat, mutta kuinka pelaamista voidaan hyödyntää nuorisotyössä. Tässä podcastissa keskustellaan pelaamisesta positiivisessa hengessä§. Haasteltavana meillä on tänään asiantuntija Nina-Elise Koivumäki. Keskustelemme digitaalisesta pelaamisesta, pelikulttuurista sekä päättyvästä Game over …
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Talking Youth Work – Nuorisotyö tänään podcast-sarjan tuotanto käynnistyi jo päättyneessä FutureLabs -hankkeessa, jonka aikana tuotimme yli 30 englanninkielistä podcastia nuorisotyön uusista tuulista ympäri Eurooppaa ja ihmisistä näiden innovaatioiden takana. Tämän podcastin on tuottanut Erasmus+ -rahoitteinen EduLabs -jatkohanke. Jatkamme sarjaa k…
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Olá caros ouvintes, Desta vez falámos com Ana Rita Camará, Animadora Sociocultural, que nos veio falar do desenvolvimento de ferramentas pedagógicas, particularmente sobre a criação de jogos pedagógicos para contextos de Educação Não Formal. A Ana Rita desenvolve e produz jogos na empresa Produções Fixe na Vila da Marmeleira, no distrito de Santaré…
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A nossa convidada deste episódio é Heloísa Pugliese. Professora de formação, é hoje tutora pedagógica no projeto Teach for Portugal, e alguém que decidiu explorar as possibilidades das aprendizagens fora do contexto formal em que trabalhou durante anos. Quando dava aulas, entendeu que os contextos de cada criança são diferentes, o que exige que a e…
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Olá queridos ouvintes, Este episódio faz parte de uma série especial do podcast “Talking Youth Work” adaptada para o público de língua portuguesa e intitulada “Vamos Falar do Trabalho com Jovens”. O podcast é produzido pelo projeto EduLabs e financiado pelo programa Erasmus+. Nesta série, falaremos sobre novas abordagens no trabalho com jovens e va…
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Talking Youth Work – Nuorisotyö tänään podcast-sarjan tuotanto käynnistyi jo päättyneessä FutureLabs -hankkeessa, jonka aikana tuotimme yli 30 englanninkielistä podcastia nuorisotyön uusista tuulista ympäri Eurooppaa ja ihmisistä näiden innovaatioiden takana. Tämän podcastin on tuottanut Erasmus+ -rahoitteinen EduLabs-jatkohanke. Jatkamme sarjaa ke…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Kunal Grover, Head of Business Development is joined by Arne Zeidler, CEO and Founder of Zeidler Group to discuss how US and non-European managers can seamlessly navigate the perceived complexity of regulations and roadblocks and instead raise assets successfully in Europe. Arne details a roadmap of a…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the focus is on a fund's marketing communications. Kunal Grover, Head of Business Development, is joined by Robert Boyle, Head of Legal Ireland to discuss the fast-approaching European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) marketing communication guidelines. With the guidelines coming into force on …
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In this Legal Zeidgeist episode, Associate Brigid Dolan is joined by Elisa Forletta-Fehrenberg, Head of ESG, to provide a brief but comprehensive analysis of what has been happening in the world of ESG in the UK right now. Elisa and Brigid discuss the recently published FCA guiding principles on ESG for investment funds, the UK Government's roadmap…
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In this Legal Zeidgeist episode, Head of Business Development Kunal Grover sits down with Thilo Zeidler, CFO and Product Owner to discuss transaction costs. As a former Head of a Trading Desk, Thilo has a detailed understanding of the various needs and challenges such as cost pressures and reporting compliance. With a wide range of methodologies av…
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In this Legal Zeidgeist episode, Legal Researcher, Sabir Musthafa, is joined by Senior Associate, Sarah Noville, to discuss how investment management firms can keep pace with regulatory change in multiple jurisdictions. Providing an overview of questions that compliance professionals should consider from the outset, Sarah outlines the advantages an…
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The focus of this Legal Zeidgeist podcast episode is on K(I)IDs. Zeidler Group's Senior Associate Gemma Capelo sits down with Director, Martin Jones, to provide a succinct summary of the ever-changing landscape of the PRIIPs regulation including the latest updates on the proposed changes to the PRIIPs Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS). Martin an…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast episode, the regulatory spotlight is on ESG. Senior Associate, Jasminka Makovec, is joined by Head of ESG, Elisa Forletta-Fehrenberg, for a comprehensive and candid overview of the latest ESG updates and regulatory requirements. Elisa outlines the actions asset management firms need to take to be ready…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Max Harper, Chief Delivery Officer, is joined by Valentin Chantereau, Head of Legal Paris, to discuss the many opportunities in the French market for asset management firms. Valentin also provides a synopsis of his career to date and how Zeidler's Paris office can add additional value for clients.…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the focus is on the upcoming Cross-Border Distribution Directive's new framework that will introduce uniform European rules regulating the pre-marketing of alternative investment funds (AIFs). Zeidler Associate, Peter Sherwood, joins Sarah Noville to provide an overview of what is defined by pre-marke…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the spotlight is on ESG related regulations and reporting disclosures. In part 2 of our ESG spotlight special, Zeidler's Senior Associate, Jasminka Makovec and Head of ESG, Elisa Forletta-Fehrenberg, provide an overview of SFDR and discuss the regulatory pipeline firms need to be aware of within the n…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the spotlight is on sustainable investing and the rise of ESG and ESG disclosure reporting within the investment management industry. In part 1 of our ESG spotlight special, Zeidler's Head of ESG, Elisa Forletta-Fehrenberg, provides a concise overview of ESG and contextualizes its rise within the fina…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, we examine the role of notarisation agent services in Germany. Zeidler's Chief Delivery Officer, Max Harper, and Notarisation Officer, Enes Soylu, discuss why and when firms may need a notary agent in Germany, how Zeidler can assist and share their amusing and unexpected anecdotes from their experienc…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Zeidler’s legal experts look at the behind-the-scenes operations of a fund. Associate, Daniel O'Leary, and Senior Associate, Jasminka Makovec, discuss the role and responsibility of a company secretary, why firms may outsource this task and the best practices a company secretary should always consider…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, the focus is on the upcoming cross-border distribution directive's impact on UCITS. The upcoming cross-border directive and regulation will be effective from 2 August 2021. As the countdown to the implementation date continues to draw nearer, Senior Associates, Katrina Crampton, and Sarah Noville, dis…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Kunal Grover, Zeidler's Director of Business Development is joined by Robert Boyle, Head of Legal Ireland to discuss the ongoing post Brexit challenges the investment industry is facing. Examining the different approaches and solutions asset management firms took to prepare for Brexit, Robert and Kuna…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Aoife Maguire, Head of Fund Registration at Zeidler Group is joined by Robert Boyle, Head of Dublin Office, to provide a comprehensive overview of National Private Placement Regimes (NPPR). Discussing when investment firms may use these regimes, Aoife and Robert share their legal and regulatory insigh…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Zeidler's Kunal Grover, Business Development Director is joined by Arne Zeidler, Founder and Managing Directive of Zeidler Group, to discuss the upcoming Cross-Border Distribution Directive. With the new legal framework for cross-border distribution live from 2 August 2021, Kunal and Arne provide an o…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Kunal Grover, Business Development Director at Zeidler Group is joined by Zeidler Group's, Head of Product- Data Solutions, Martin Jones to look back and review the annual KIID refresh. Kunal and Martin discuss the impact of SFDR requirements and how asset management firms can best prepare for the nex…
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In this episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Zeidler Group’s Chief Delivery Officer, Max Harper is joined by Founder and Managing Director of Zeidler Group, Arne Zeidler, to explore the evolution of Zeidler Group. Max and Arne discuss Zeidler Group's mission to revolutionise legal and regulatory compliance services for asset management industry …
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In the first episode of the Legal Zeidgeist podcast, Kunal Grover, Director, Head of Business Development at Zeidler Group is joined by CEO and Founder of Zeidler Group, Arne Zeidler to discuss digital innovation within the asset management industry. Kunal and Arne examine how far asset management firms have digitalized their legal and compliance d…
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Ana mora da se prebaci iz istočnog u zapadni dio Berlina. To nije sve. Za samo 55 minuta mora da sazna koji događaj želi da izbriše organizacija RATAVA: podizanje ili pad Berlinskog zida? Kad je stigla u 1961. godinu, Ana pokušava naći Kantovu ulicu. To nije moguće, jer je vlada DDR-a počela graditi zid, a Ana je u istočnom dijelu grada. Kantova ul…
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Vrativši se u sadašnjost, Ana pokušava da zajedno s Paulom blokira vremeplov. Ipak, nedostaje joj određeni kod. Ana "slijedi muziku" i pojavljuje se žena u crvenom. Hoće li "šefica" pomrsiti konce Ani? Ana se vratila u sadašnjost i pokazuje Paulu zahrđali ključ kojim bi trebalo da blokiraju vremeplov. Za to im je, ipak, potreban kod, koji nemaju. A…
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Vremena je sve manje i Ana mora da se oprosti od Paula, kako bi se vratila u 9. novembar 2006. Za ispunjenje misije joj je ostalo svega 5 minuta. Da li je to dovoljno? Igrač savjetuje Ani da iskoristi gužvu u Berlinu i da se izgubi. Ona ipak ne želi da ide prije nego što se oprosti od Paula. Ona snima trenutno stanje igre i zaključuje kako je zahrđ…
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Ana pronalazi metalnu futrolu, onu istu koju je sakrila 1961. godine. Ne uspijeva da je otvori jer je zahrđala. Kad joj to konačno pođe za rukom, u futroli pronalazi ključ. Da li je to ključ svega? Vrijeme leti, a Ana mora da otvori futrolu. Igrač joj savjetuje da ne otvara futrolu u prisustvu drugih osoba. U metalnoj kutiji se nalazi stari, zahrđa…
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Anu je do Ulice Bernauer povezao jedan mladić na mopedu. Njen pomagač je Emre Ogur, koji joj je poželio puno sreće. Hoće li joj uspjeti da pobjegne od žene u crvenom i pronađe skrivenu metalnu futrolu? Igrač savjetuje Ani da pronađe nekoga ko bi je povezao do Ulice Bernauer, jer vrijeme ističe. Taj neko je jedan mladić na mopedu, Emre Ogur, koji će…
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