show episodes
In the Treasury of Solomon Podcast, we go through the book of Proverbs to find all the wisdom that God has for us. We look at what lessons we can take from these wise sayings that we can apply in our day to day lives.
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Brother Vinny Fitzgerald, delves in to the Bible to bring you insight from God's Word, that will help you grow and develop into spiritual maturity. These lessons will help guide you and strengthen you in your relationship with the Lord. Whether you've never opened a Bible or have read it cover to cover, this podcast will inform and uplift you. Our purpose is not only for you to know and understand the Kings Word but for you to live it out in your day to day life. Philippians 4:9, tells us, " ...
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Since my diagnosis fourteen years ago, I have been dedicated to researching lifestyle changes and supporting clinical research to achieve the prevention of breast cancer. My goal is to raise awareness of the need for research funding for the primary prevention of women's cancers and to share information to help those facing this journey. My posts are educational and include my journey with bilateral breast cancer and my year of treatment including a double mastectomy and reconstruction. I ha ...
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show series
In this episode, we look at the evil spirit that came upon Saul when he was trying to kill David. We look at who or what this evil spirit is. We look at how the same evil spirit tried to kill Joseph, Jacob, Mordecai and Daniel, amongst many others throughout history. This is the very evil spirit that attempted and failed to kill Jesus, Himself. We …
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:29. This verse says, "For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord." We look at what it was about knowledge that they hated and what type of knowledge it was specifically that they despised. we also look at what exactly it means to hate it and why th…
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In this episode, we look at how the Church is designed to grow. We look at how God called man to do the planting and watering but how God is meant to give the increase. True growth is the work of the Lord not man. He draws, attracts and gives men the desire to come to Him. We need to be faithful in doing our jobs so God can do His. We need to not o…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:28. It says, "Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me." We look at why God wouldn't answer the call of these men, and why if they sought after Him they wouldn't be able to find Him. We look at what we can learn…
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In this episode, we look at Jesus’ command to never look back. We look at why we shouldn’t look back and what the result is when we do. We also see what exactly it is that we’re looking back to. The fate of Lot’s wife serves as a sufficient warning of the dangers of looking back. We need to keep our eyes looking ahead, going forward with a fixed pu…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:27. This verse says, "When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you." We look at who the Lord is speaking to here and see what we can learn from this verse, both for our own lives and for our own spi…
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In this episode, we look at the bronze serpent that Moses made. When people looked at the serpent lifted up on the pole they’d be healed from the poisonous bites the serpents had afflicted them. We look at why the Lord commanded Moses to do this, the significance of it and what we can learn from it today. We also look at how Jesus said when He is l…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:26. It says, "I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh." We look at why the Lord laughs at these men and what exactly we're referring to by calamity and fear. There's a lot we can learn from this proverb because we don't want to find ourselves in …
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In this episode, we look at our Father’s house. We look at how we get into Father’s house. We see that Jesus is the door and we look at how exactly we open the door. We need a key and see what specifically the key is. There are people who don’t want us to have the key, even in the Church. They’re the religious elites, the legalists, the holier-than…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:25. It says, "But ye have set at nought all my counsel; and would none of my reproof." We look at the implications of setting aside the Lord's counsel and what exactly that entails. We also look at why they wanted none of the Lord's correction and what the effect of that was.…
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In this episode, we look at Mary’s sacrifice of the alabaster box. We look at the significance of the box, what she did with it, and how she used its contents. We look at what this tells us about worshipping through our serving and ministering. Last week we saw Mary worshipping by being with God, now we see her worshipping by doing for God. We look…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:24. It says, "Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded." We look at the different ways in which wisdom makes her call to men, what exactly it means to refuse her call and the connection between wisdom stretching out her hands an…
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In this episode, we look at the importance of being with God like Mary who sat at Jesus’ feet listening to Him and adoring Him while her sister Martha was busied and worried by everything going on in the house. We look at how our worship must be rooted in love and how being with Him provides the necessary foundation for our worship to be done in sp…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:23. It says, "Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you." We look at what wisdom is calling people to do. We look at what it means to turn at it's reproof and how we can actually do that. We look throughout scriptu…
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In this episode, we look at what constitutes true worship. We know the Lord says that we must worship in spirit and in truth. We look at the two elements of this type of worship and see how we can integrate both of them into our worship. Worship is one of the most important things for us to do as believers and it’s essential that we have an underst…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:22. This verse says, "How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?" This verse is dealing with three specific groups and we look at we look at why wisdom cries out and makes her plea to each of these …
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In this episode, we look at when Isaiah was touched by the coal from off the altar that sits before God. We look at what made that coal significant, what it accomplished and what effect it had on the rest of his life. We then look at how we need to be touched by the coal too. We go throughout scripture to show the difference that the coal and the f…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:21. It says, "She crieth in the chief place of concourse, ini the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying," We look at why wisdom goes to the specific places she goes and what we can learn from that. We look at when we should get wisdom, what phase o…
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In this episode we look at how the failure to execute justice speedily emboldens and encourages criminals. We look at how in the absence of punishment they set their sails to do wickedness. We look at the life of Joab and see how he fell prey to this ideology. After he killed Abner and seemingly got off scot-free he was emboldened to then kill Amas…
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In this episode, of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:20. It says, "Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:" This is the first verse in which we encounter wisdom personified, we look at why Solomon chose to do this and who wisdom actually is. We also look at the significance of her cries 'without' and 'in …
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In this episode, we look at God’s call for Isaiah to roam in the desert for three years while naked. We look at what we can take away from his experience, especially as it relates to vulnerability. We look at why we need to be vulnerable, why so many people won’t be and the difference that it makes in our life. We look at the power in being vulnera…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:19. It says, "So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; Which taketh away the life of the owner's thereof." This verse is the conclusion that Solomon offers against going with the sinful band of highway robbers we met in verse 10. Here we find the heavy influence o…
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In this episode we look at the Passover Lamb. First we look at the significance of the lamb in the Egyptian culture and what the sacrificing of a lamb by the Israelites would mean to them. We then look at the purpose of the lamb and the foreshadowing of it pointing to Jesus and His redemptive mission. Then we look at the significance of the blood o…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:18. It says, "And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives." This verse is the third and last dissuasive argument made by the 'sinners' from verse 10. It was a direct repudiation of their initial argument to their prospective recruit. We look a…
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In this episode, we look at the judgement that came upon the Egyptian gods through the ten plagues. We look at how the judgement was not just against Pharaoh but against their idols and really their entire system of mythology. We look at each plague to see which idol it was in judgement of and how that judgement affected the Egyptian people and soc…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:17. It says, "Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird." We look at how the sinners of verse 10, weren't only laying wait for unsuspecting travelers, they were also laying in wait for themselves. They were setting a trap that they were going to fall into them…
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In this episode, we look at mourning over sin. We look at what it means to do so and why we should do it. We look at the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount to see what Jesus said about 'Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.' We look at what exactly this entails and the connection that it has with the feeling of guilt. We look …
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In this episode, of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:16. It says, "For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood." This verse is the first dissuasive argument that we're given against going with the sinful men of verse 10, the band of highway robbers that over the course of the last few verses have made their cases …
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In this episode, we look at what happens when we feel overwhelmed. We look at why and how we get to this point, why this line of attack is so successful for the enemy and how we can overcome it. We look at two instances where David was overwhelmed and we learn from him it’s causes and it’s remedy. The key to overcoming overwhelm is worship and the …
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:15, which says, "My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:" This is the first dissuasive argument that we're given against going the way of the sinners and highway robbers of verse 10. After hearing their arguments in favor of going with th…
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In this episode, we look at the Lord’s command to be the salt of the earth. We look at why he would say ‘salt’ specifically. There were a few uses and purposes of salt that stand out as purposes for the Church being on the earth as well. We’re here for a reason, we’re on a mission and the better we understand the purpose of the mission, the easier …
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:14. It says, "Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:" We look at the importance of this particular enticement of the sinners and the connection that it has to verse 13. We look at the dangers of going along with this enticement and we look at how we can guard ou…
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In this episode, we look at the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem leading up to His crucifixion. We look at why they were waving palms and singing Hosanna. We look at where the term originated and what the true significance of it was. We also look at the lessons we can learn from it as we apply them to our own lives. There’s a lot o…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:13. It says, "We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:" We look at what this verse means for us today. We look at the connection it has with the two verses before it and how it was an enticement the robbers were making trying to get a man to …
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In this episode, we look at Jephthah and his story. We look at his origins and where he came from and how it relates to us and our life. We see how the same things that happened to him are happening again today, including his exile. Maybe it isn’t physical exile, but it’s exile in some form, either emotional, mental, financial or spiritual exile. W…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:12, which says, "Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:" We look at what we can learn from this verse. We look at the band of highway robber's further effort at enticing a man to join their ranks. they were revealing their de…
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In this episode, we look at how the devil sends people amongst God’s people to try to overthrow their faith. We see what his plans and purposes are and how exactly he goes about attempting to overthrow and destroy. We also look at how people, especially Christians allow themselves to get into a position that makes them vulnerable to this type of at…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:11, which says, "If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:" We look at this enticement of the enemy but which he attempts to ensnare God's people. We look at who exactly was making this enticement and what it rev…
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In this episode, we look at how we lay up eternal joy and Heavenly treasures. We look at the connection between laying up treasures and happiness and bitterness and see how many make the mistake of laying up things hoping to secure temporal happiness at the expense of eternal joy. We look at the poison of bitterness and how it eats away at our soul…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:10. It says, "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not." We look at what this verse means for us today. First we look at who we're actually referring to when we talk about sinners and what constitutes being a sinner. Then we look at the word entice and find the deeper…
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In this episode we look at the Lord’s command to lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth. We see why He said this and how the use of the word ‘yourselves’ gets to the heart of the matter. We see what lurks beneath the surface of this mindset, how it belies the self becoming an idol and how instead of allowing God to have His rightful pla…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast we look at Proverbs 1:9, which says, "For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck." We look at the deeper meaning behind the words ornaments and chains, and see why these lessons are important for us today. We see how the wisdom that we receive from God and the i…
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In this episode we look at the power our words have as Christians. We look at the power of the tongue, how it has the power of life and death. We see how we should use our words and the dangers of speaking bitter, mean, unnecessarily hurtful words. We look at how those words operate as a spiritual poison and how the devil uses words idly spoken lik…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast we look at Proverbs 1:8. It says, "My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother." We look at what type of instruction and what type of law we're specifically dealing with. We look at what it really means to hear and what it really means to forsake not. We also d…
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In this episode we look at what it means to be a friend of God. We go throughout scripture to find the Biblical qualities that define friendship and see how we can implement them in our lives. We look at Abraham’s life and why it was that he was called a friend of God. We also look at the importance of sacrifice and surrender as it relates to havin…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:7. It tells us, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: But fools despise wisdom and instruction." We first see what it truly means to fear the Lord and what type of fear we're called to have towards Him. We then look at why it's fearing Him that is the beginning…
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In this episode, we look at three instances in the book of Acts where people were in one accord. In these three particular examples the people weren’t brought together under the unifying, loving power of the Holy Ghost, they were brought together through the influence of demonic spirits. We see the strange and unique effects of this and look at how…
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In this episode of the Treasury of Solomon podcast, we look at Proverbs 1:6, which says, "To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings." We look at what it truly means to understand the proverbs, how we comprehend and gain knowledge from them. We look at what specifically the interpretation is of a …
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In this episode, we look at what it actually means to worship in spirit and truth and how we can do it ourselves. We look at the difference between acceptable worship and unacceptable worship and what that difference looks like in action. We go throughout scripture to see the greatest hinderance to worshipping in spirit and truth, showing the first…
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Terri Sterk is a two-time breast cancer survivor, health and wellness coach, and author. She spent seven years facilitating support groups and coaching women diagnosed with breast cancer. She now uses her story to serve women who have experienced trauma, including breast cancer and family discord, by inspiring them to thrive by healing their body, …
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