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"Hermis Live!"

XHermis LiveX

Former 50,000 Watt WCRN AM830 Talk Radio host Hermis Yanis delivers scathing straight to the point no holds barred, brutally honest commentary that has angered many Judges/Insurance CEOs/Elected officials/Pharmaceutical CEOs/Doctors/Lawyers/Police officials/Media CEOs & Oil Company CEOs. Tune in to hear why "Hermis Live" is on the fast track to becoming one of the nation's most popular radio shows, now on!
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At the age of 30 Worcester, Massachusetts elementary school teacher Rachel Henry suffered a stroke that would have ended the career of most people. Rachel Henry is not like most people. She has been recoognized by the AHA/ASA with awards presnted to her at the State House in Boston, Massachusetts. Don't miss this opportunity to hear Rachel speak on…
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Following commentary segment John Huff & Darryl Sargent are in the house. These two talented artists bring Kandyman Kustom Paint creations to the highest level's of craftmanship! These two gifted artisans are also fun to talk to! You can see their superior custom motorcycle building, painting, airbrushing, at Join the…
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Audit finds UMass Memorial Hospital overbilled Medicare by at least $1.6 million and no one is losing their job, no one is being charged with defrauding the U.S. Taxpayers. Why? Massachusetts State Rep John Binienda (D-Worcester) is calling it quits. The Tom Finneran state house mafia member won't seek what would have been a 15th term if he won re-…
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In Ukraine, U.S. backed rebels seize weapons from a military depot and begin firing on police-killing at least ten. Americans must demand Obama administration Stop funding Rebels, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamists, and other terrorist organizations in the name of America!By XHermis LiveX
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Tonight's show features Massachusetts custom motorcycle painter/artist "Spike". An accomplished artist, Spike was kicked out of art class in his younger days. Determined to not let someone else dictate what he would do in life Spike set out to create. Today Spike is known as one of the premier custom motorcycle & automobile painters in America. Tun…
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Former Worcester, Ma Democrat State Rep John Fresolo is said to be mulling a comeback after holding a fundraiser last week. Fresolo was forced to resign recently after a State House Ethics Committee Investigation of him brought on by alleged sexual misconduct involving a state house employee. Fresolo also has a domestic violence past which at one p…
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Just when I thought the whole United States Government was filled with Demons from the Dark Side, Army Ranger Lt. Michael Behenna is being released from federal prison where he has been since being wrongfully charged and convicted in a kangaroo military court of killing a known Al Qaeda terrorist while serving our country in Iraq! Is this show goin…
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Agenda 21 is a 40 chapter document secretly engineered by power hungry devil worshipers, delivered via the United Nations and made public during the Rio Earth Summit. It is a deviously calculated blueprint devised by the New World Order and Illuminati for governments, federal, state, and municipal, to enact and enforce upon unsuspecting humans with…
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1st Annual Music Festival & Bike Ride to benefit the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation For Autism. Featuring Flutie Brothers Band, Jedia, Chris Ross, Shaky Steve & The BlueCats with special guest Fran Dagostino. Sunday August 18, 2013 at The Singletary Rod & Gun Club 300 Sutton Ave. Oxfod, MA. Ride registration 9:00~10:00AM(EST) kick stands up at 10:30AM…
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Missouri State Fair Director Mark Wolfe says the Fair's crowd entertaining clown's actions of wearing an Obama mask while entertaining the assembled crowd was "unacceptable behavior" After reviewing Mr. Wolfe's report the Missouri State Fair Commission banned the clown from ever performing at the fair for life! The Commission's findings, in part, i…
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Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment has a simple goal. The removal of the corrupt and criminal president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama. The Terror Threat which supposedly targeted US embassies Obama issued had "No Basis In Fact"according to high-ranking Yemeni security official. Obama family pet dog flew separately in Air For…
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Just when I thought former Massachusetts Lt. Governor Tiny Tim The Terrible Murray's actions could no longer surprise me...... The light footed former Boy Wonder from Worcester comes out to lead his brethren lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers parade September 7, 2013 in Worcester. Dave Burgess commentary that cost me my radio show o…
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Last week I noticed a billboard on Rt. 146 N. in Sutton, Ma. that reads "Attention Sutton Residents, Troopers Are Your Best Protection". I immediately thought what an idiotic display of arrogance & total disrespect by the MSP towards the Sutton Police Department. An article appearing in the Worcester County rag today mentions that very same billboa…
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July 24, 2013 is Monsanto Video Revolt Day! People around the world have awakened to the GMO poisoning of our food supply. The March Against Monsanto May 25, 2013 brought out over 2 million people in over 400 cities worldwide against GMOs. Tonight we focus on agriculture, farming the way it used to be, the way it should be. Casey Burns, Food Justic…
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Show Rescheduled from 7/18/13~George Zimmerman was found "Not Guilty" by a jury who heard ALL the evidence in the case. The jury ruled on the evidence, or lack thereof, and not misguided emotions. However, many Americans are insisting misguided emotions should replace evidence and facts to reverse a perfectly legal & proper verdict in this case. Th…
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George Zimmerman was found "Not Guilty" by a jury who heard ALL the evidence in the case. The jury ruled on the evidence, or lack thereof, and not misguided emotions. However, many Americans are insisting misguided emotions should replace evidence and facts to reverse a perfectly legal & proper verdict in this case. These emotional cripples should …
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Professional boxer Edwin "La Bomba" Rodriguez has risen from a skinny little kid at Ionci Avenue Boys Club boxing with anyone who would take him on, he never cared about being the smaller fighter. He just wanted to box. There's a big difference between boxing and simply fighting, and Edwin wanted to show the world he could box! Having witnessed Edw…
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What a special show we have planned this evening. Artist Pat Morris who's Wildlife~Pet Portraits~Paintings on Feathers~that's right, I said Feathers, have captured the hearts of thousands. Pat's gifted hands create some of the most inspiring and heart warming beauty I have witnessed. Don't miss this exceptional artist. See her work Here. Continuing…
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The LAPD and The LAFD have been ordered to shut up and not speak to media about the cover-up of facts and evidence relating to the mysterious car crash resulting in the death of Rolling Stone Journalist Michael Hastings. Mr. Hastings investigative reporting brought down General Stanley McChrystal who was in charge of the Afghanistan war and previou…
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Obama's arrogance and disrespect for others showed when pressure from his satanic administration persuaded France, Portugal and Spain to refuse Bolivian president Evo Morales' airplane fly over right through their countries. The satanic Obama gang thought Edward Snowden could have been aboard the president's plane. He wasn't. The Massachusetts Stat…
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Egyptians Oust Muslim Brotherhood~Morsi. To millions, Obama's sudden and mysterious presence on the presidential campaign trail in 2008 represented the second coming of Christ. The Messiah Barack Hussein Obama quickly proved to be anything But Angelic. With Millions worldwide comparing him to Lucifer. With his Signing into law such devastating and …
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When the slaves have had enough! American Chip Starnes, CEO of an American Specialty Medical Supplies company was taken hostage by his Chinese employees demanding a severance package. Seems the profiteer Starnes decide to "outsource" their jobs to India. Pretty ironic. I think. Barack Hussein Obama Backs Down From Russia and China on Edward Snowden…
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Rolling Stone Journalist Michael Hastings was a real American devoted to investigating lawless employees of the various government intelligence agencies. He brought down Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal and before his investigation brought down the General, he was told by a McChrystal staffer, "We'll hunt you down and kill you if we don't like what you w…
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Funeral director Peter Stefan, owner of Graham Putnam & Mahoney funeral parlors is a scheduled guest for tonight's show. Mr. Stefan made worldwide headline news when he agreed to bury the body of Boston Marathon Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaey. Mr. Stefan has been called the poor man's undertaker due to his burying more poor people, the vast majority for …
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Fed up with poor public services, police violence, government corruption, high inflation rates, high unemployment rates, and their abysmal economy (Sound Familiar?), Upwards of 200,000 Brazilians took to the streets in Brazil's largest cities on Monday and stormed the Congress building. Carol Claros a single Mom who knows what it means to work hard…
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California's legislature has approved allowing the cancer causing toxic chemical Glyphosate to be added to drinking water in alarming numbers, up to one thousand times the allowable level. One Thousand Timesmore than previously allowed. Mike Adams of breaks it down here. What's next, forcefully injecting us with heroin?…
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Comedy, thats what former state rep John Fresolo is into since resigning, in what would be disgrace for most people, from his cushy taxpayer funded state house job. He allegedly send pictures of his private parts to a female legislative employee over the computer system at the state house. Now he's considering a run for the seat he was forced to re…
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While my knowledge of hockey is extremely limited tonight's co-host, Tommy Query, is a hockey fanatic and Boston Bruins worshiper-well suffice it to say he really loves the Bruins! Michael Gemme Bruins fanatic from N.C. will join the fun, check out his Hockey FB Page Speaking of love for the Boston Bruins~ former Boston Bruin known as "The Enforcer…
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The National Security Agency, using a top secret court order, has forced Virizon into handing over the phone records of their millions of American customers. This latest illegal overreach into the direct surveillance aimed exclusively at Americans, shows the scale of domestic surveillanceunder Barack Hussein Obama. Bilderberg 6/5/13-6/9/13 2013, Li…
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After opening commentary on Santo 7.13.15 southern songstress Michelle Leigh will be in the house. Always a great time when Michelle is on the show, we are happy to have her! New England's premiere rock band Shovelhead will be in the house as well to share what's going on with the band and where they'll be performing in the weeks to come. These guy…
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Candice Scola was murdered in her Worcester home the same night she and her husband Anthony Scola violently argued. Anthony Scola was the last person to see Candice alive. Who killed Candice Scola that night? Molly Bish was a teenage lifeguard when she was abducted from Comins Pond in Warren, Mass, and murdered. Who killed Molly Bish? Holly Piirain…
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Muslims have infiltrated every sector of the American political system and its many branches. Just how deeply have they infested the FBI? Its common knowledge the Department of Homeland Security works closely with Islamic Terrorists, extending them rights Americans no longer enjoy. Muslims have made great in-roads into the Department of Justice wit…
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The Bilderberg group's 2013 meeting takes place June 6~9 in Watford, UK. Hertfordshire Police are concerned that violent provocateurs could hijack the planned peaceful protests. Every year peaceful protests are held to bring attention to these secret meetings by a small group of the wealthiest and most powerful people on earth who are attempting to…
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On May 7, 2013 I attended a Judiciary Committee Hearing at the Massachusetts State House. A full day of live testimony was presented by victims of Clergy sexual abuse. The proposed legislation responsible for these testimony's has languished for 12 years at the massachusetts State House. John Fresolo, embattled State Rep, hangs around cemeteries in…
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A.G. Eric Holder is the worst A.G. America has ever had. Obama, the worst president. Fast and Furious~Holder's Mexican Drug Cartel friends, The IRS targeting of Americans and illegally invading their privacy, The intentional Benghazi murderous attack on four Americans, and the illegal invasion of the constitutionally protected rights of the media. …
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John Fresolo resigned from his cushy State Representative position May 22, 2013 after months of stating "I will not resign". He is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, he allegedly sent photos of his Pee Pee over State House computers~among other things~to a female legislative employee and it appears the investigation is not going in …
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On Saturday May 25, 2013 the world is marching against Monsanto, the chemical giant that is poisoning the world's food supply with toxic chemicals. From corn to McDonald's Happy Meals, the world is being force fed toxic chemicals known as GMOs~Genetically Modified Organisms. With over 50 countries, 400 global marches organized and over 200,000 regi…
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The Florida Family Association's use of email and public awareness resulted in HART, the transit authority in Tampa, FL, slapping down an advertising campaign by CAIR~the terrorist backing tax exempt front~covertly attempting to change the word Jihad, and its meaning by using deceptive advertising. Sharia has no place in American Jurisprudence.…
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The IRS intentionally & Illegally targeted American's in the Tea Party and Patriot groups who believe in The Constitution of The United States of AMERICA, while swiftly approving the tax exempt status of the Muslim terrorist supporting group CAIR. “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, …
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Our bread, pies, corn on the cob, even sodas look the same as they did 20 years ago. But something profoundly evil, with chemical companies infecting our food supply, has taken place without our knowledge or consent. The Supreme Court & FDA have sided with the chemical companies and their economic goals, trumping humanity, health and life.…
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The Supreme Court officially jumped in bed with cancer causing chemical giant Monsanto when they sided with the public health parasite against hard working-honest 75 yr-old Vernon Bowman, an Indiana farmer. March against Monsanto takes place nationally on May 25th. Click on this Link to find the march nearest you, and participate. Shovelhead, New E…
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After vehemently denying the intentional targeting of Americans who believe in the Constitution, the Internal Revenue Service has publically apologized for illegaly targeting and harrassing Americans who believe in our Constitution. Google merges with Bilderberg group in quest for world domination of the internet.…
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Remember communist thinking Janet Hasson, publisher of the Journal News who approved voyeurism at the Journal News, allowing her communist thinking employees to map out and list the addresses of private citizens who exercise their constitutional rights to own firearms in Westchester and Rockland Counties, N.Y.? What's good for the goose... Robert C…
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Missouri Congresswoman Ann Wagner, who sereved as an Ambassador, says the order to "Stand-Down" would come from "The President of the United States"; Barack Hussein Obama. Obama ordered U.S. Special Forces in Benghazi to "Stand-Down" and let CIA controlled Al Qaeda terrorist assasins attack U.S. Embassy and savagely murder four Americans. Missouri …
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