How to Create & Attract the Joy, Well-Being & Abundance you desire, and be the Unlimited Master of Creation you truly are, to make all of your Dreams come true!! My name is ZaKaiRan, and I help Success & Joy-Minded People Create the Happy Abundant Life-Style You Love! In my Podcasts I reveal the Master Keys of Creation, Joy, Success, Enlightenment, Business, Money, Leadership, Relationship and the Law of Attraction, so that you can create and attract, the happiness, health, wealth, abundance ...
Send us a text How to feel great all the time, achieve ultimate self-empowerment and attract your delicious desires to you! Our natural state of being is 100% infinite Joy! So, our natural desire as Joy Masters is to feel good all the time! And the only way to feel good all the time is to become a Master of Unconditional Living and Feeling, where y…
Send us a text Everyone is immortal Source! And no one ever dies! Only the body dies. _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better he…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text Why did we as immortal spirits come into these physical bodies, into this world of great conflict? Because great contrast of unwanted things provides great clarity of wanted things, which creates great growth and expansion! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan …
Send us a text How to get what you want by focusing on what you want, not on what you don’t want! You cannot get what you want by fighting against what you don’t want! Because this just attracts more things to you that you must fight against! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKai…
Send us a text Or, Satisfaction vs Success Be driven by satisfaction, rather than success, because joyful satisfaction is what you want from the success! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more mon…
Send us a text Your power to create what you want, is in this now moment! And the past matters not! Your past does not create your present reality, or your future reality, unless you keep rehashing and digging up the past! So, stop digging up the past because any horror fan knows, that just creates zombies! _________ The Master Key…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text The purpose of life is joy, and you came to this planet for the joy of creating your desires into physical reality and to revel in your amazing power as a creator! And the Basis of Life is Freedom! And you have the complete freedom and power to be, do and have whatever you want in your life! _________ The Master Keys…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text In this podcast I reveal the hidden secret that you and everyone on earth, are infinitely valuable and important! And your desires, and your choices, are literally what is evolving this planet! Especially those souls who are consciously creating their desires into physical reality! Your desires for improvement in your life and on ear…
Send us a text How to have a magical day every day, by pre-paving your way for optimal success and joy! Where I show you one of the most powerful master keys of success, which is to start every day with an “Hour of Power”, with meditation, affirmations, visualizations, etc., which puts you in a vibrational state that allows the health, wealth and h…
Send us a text Your greatest point of power is to realize that you create every nano second of your life! Your greatest point of power is to realize that you are an immensely powerful creator of reality, and you are free to be, do and have whatever you want in life. And Source/God/the Entire Universe, wants you to achieve your dreams and desires! w…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text How to succeed by always getting back on that horse!!! Your dreams and desires are more important than anything else in the Universe! They are why you are here on earth! And you will never be more fulfilled, happy, excited, and full of life, then when you are on the adventure of making your dreams come true! And whatever vehicle you …
Send us a text You get Success & Freedom with Attitude! Not money! It’s get happy first, then the money and everything else you believe will make you happy… naturally comes to you! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you …
Send us a text You Don’t Need to be a Vampire to Live Forever! Because you’re already immortal! Or why are we so fascinated by vampires? _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial fre…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text You are Awesome! You are Magnificent! You are Amazing! You are a Miracle! You are Perfect exactly the way you are! You are Awesome! You can do it! You can Be, Do and Have whatever you want in your life! You can make your Dreams come true!!! Your Wish is Your Command! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Succe…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text You are the Creator & you are the Creation! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun,…
Send us a text You may think, at times, that life isn't fair, and the chips are stacked against you. But, however your life is, good or bad, that is of your own creation, based upon how you have been thinking. And life is actually completely fair across the board, and the Law of Attraction ensures that it is fair across the board, because everyone …
Send us a text Or, The Dream is all that matters! In this podcast, I give you another Master Key of Success to be the winner that you truly are, by focusing on what you can win, not on what you could lose! By focusing on the PRIZE, not the price! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by Z…
Send us a text Why is Network Marketing called the Business of the 21st Century? Why Join a Networking Marketing Company? And why are people afraid of Network Marketing? _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and …
Send us a text What is a “Winner” and what is a “loser”? What does a winner do to win? And what does a loser do to lose? Why do some people achieve success, while other people fail to achieve success? And why do some people lose, and some people win? _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series …
Send us a text Or the Greatest Reality Show in the Galaxy called EARTH! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to h…
Send us a text In this podcast, I reveal the optimal way to talk to yourself and other people, to create alignment with what you want, to manifest what you want into your life, without blocking it from coming to you. Because you’ve got to become a vibrational match to your desires in order for them to manifest in your physical reality! And focusing…
Send us a text Why Do You Exist? In this podcast, I answer the proverbial ultimate question that clergy and religions and humanity have been trying to figure out for millennia! So, first I show you why you are NOT here! Which is pretty much every single reason that most clergy, religions and people believe to be true, and most of which is completel…
Send us a text And how to be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy & Fulfilled, with Divine Selfishness! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, bett…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text How to feel good all the time, by caring about how you feel more than anything else! And gearing yourself towards good-feeling thoughts, by asking yourself the magic question, “What do I want?” _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Freque…
Send us a text Waki Zaki’s Super Duper Enlightened Creation Mastery Sanity Tips Sanity Tip #1 - Stop trying to control external reality! Stop trying to control things that are impossible to control, such as your external reality, in order to feel better, and just feel good regardless of the conditions of your life! And instead, control the only thi…
Send us a text Waki Zaki’s Super Duper Enlightened Creation Mastery Sanity Tips Sanity Tip #2) Soul Family vs Genetic Family Or, how to be happy, prosperous & fulfilled, regardless of what anyone else is doing. Or, how to get through the gauntlet of family dramas with flying colors, without getting knocked out of alignment. Or, discovering your sou…
Send us a text How to Achieve Enlightenment Right Now! In this podcast, I show you how to achieve a state of enlightenment, a state of unconditional love - right now! Without years of spiritual practice and meditation, and initiations, and without having to prove your worth, or earn or learn your way to enlightenment, or be saved, etc. Because unco…
Send us a text How to be happy whether you have what you want or not. And then, get what you want! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationshi…
Send us a text Master Keys of Success that you must absolutely do as an adult to achieve success! In this podcast, I show you the two most powerful success keys that you must absolutely do as an adult, that you were punished for doing as a child! And because we were punished for doing them as children, most people struggle in life because they are …
Send us a text The absolute pathway to ultimate Joy, Enlightenment & Fulfillment! And how to create the wealth, health, well-being, abundance, love, freedom & fun you desire! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create…
Send us a text The Essence of True Enlightenment! Embracing the Joys & Wonders of Being Physical! True enlightenment is not transcending physicality, but embracing the sensuality, and joy, of being physical, without relying upon conditions of the physical world, determine how you are going to feel! In other words, being unconditionally happy! Which…
Send us a text Unconditional Living - The Key to Happiness & Creating your Desires into physical reality! How to take “control” of your life and create the life of your dreams by not trying to control and change conditions by judging them, reacting to them, and getting rid of them. And instead, being happy regardless of the conditions around you an…
Send us a text True Success is Joy! Because the only reason you want success, (or anything for that matter), is to be happy! So, if you’re happy, then you are already a success!!! Regardless of how much money, fame & notoriety you have or not!!! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by Za…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text The step-by-step blueprint to consciously and deliberately create the joyful, abundant, healthy, wealthy and magical life you deserve and desire to be living! Daily rituals of success that are easy and fun to do, that will radically improve the quality of your life! 1) Get clear on what you want! 2) Meditate – to allow what you want …
Send us a text The Top 10 Secrets to Create Abundance, Wealth, Success and Well-Being in your Life! Empowering keys of success to keep you in tip top mental and financial fitness! And train your mind and emotions for happiness and success! _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan…
Send us a text You have come to this earth to be a dreamer, and enjoy the deliciousness of your desires for improvement, because desire is your natural state of being as a creator. And you are here to create those dreams and desires into physical reality and have fun doing it! What are your top 3 Dreams that you wish to create in your life www.ZaKa…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text In this podcast, I give you another priceless master key of success to help you have a joyful easy and abundant journey of creating your desires into physical reality, because you are a master of desire and it is your nature as a creator to witness contrast and desire improvement, and then make those desires become reality. And some …
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, and to have more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life. To he…
Send us a text How to create what you want by choosing better-feeling thoughts _________ The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Audio & Video Series by ZaKaiRan Tuning your Mind to the Frequency of Success! To help you create and attract more money, financial freedom, time freedom, better relationships, better health, a…