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Christian AF Podcast

Christian AF Podcast

- A Reconstructionist Podcast -Christian AF was born after a few long conversations over good beers, where we realized that life, and faith, aren't as simple as we grew up believing. We started wondering why asking questions was frowned upon, or why we had to accept what we've always been told as the truth. Maybe some things aren't as black and white as we'd like to think. So, we set out to create a space to have an HONEST dialogue that welcomes questions, doubts, and fears about faith, chur ...
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HyperBolic BurgerMilk Lounge Re:POP

Duuglay & Christian Dilorean

Welcome to The Hyperbolic BurgerMilk Lounge Re:POP, a combination & collection of everything MOVIES, TV, TECH & POP ENTERTAINMENT in the UNIVERSE, and the Lounge is our void in spacetime to sit around and talk about it all. Kick back, tune your frequency and vibrate into the Lounge with: Host- Duuglay and Co-Host- Christian Dilorean ***Video Version via: Youtube & Twitch*** * *Twitter: @HyperBurgerMilk *Youtube: HyperBolic BurgerMilk Lounge Re:POP
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Just your average Dad/Husband/Son/Brother/Christian/Engineer/Officer/CrossFitter/Author tryin' to be a Good Dude. A Good Dude is someone that is reliable, honorable, and strong. This podcast explores things that matter to the everyday Dude just tryin to make it through the day!
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In this episode, hosts Evan and Jesse are joined by Courtney Bandeko and Benjamin Koppin, the talent behind the unconventional Christian film "Pastor's Kid." With Jen out sick, the duo navigates an engaging discussion about the film's daring approach to Christian storytelling, exploring themes of faith, struggle, and redemption in ways that traditi…
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What is the point of spiritual discipline? Do we need to read our bibles? Why do we need to PRACTICE discipleship? Isn't going to church and trying to be good Christians enough? The CAF podcast crew welcomes back Creig Day to help us work through a few of these questions and more. EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: WEST O BEER - Smoked Red Ale West Okoboji, I…
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Today's episode is a little different. In the wake of a difficult week for our community in Rockford, Jen, Evan, Jesse, and Creig have a candid conversation about our roles amid tragedy. NEWS ARTICLES…
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Welcome to part 2 of the ladies' podcast. We're amplifying the voices of some of our favorite women during Women's Month as Jen sits down with some of her closest friends (wives of Jesse and Evan and good friend Heather Camacho) to talk about the role of women in the church past frustrations, and future thinking. Drink like a girl and grab a stiff …
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Dive into a candid episode of the Christian AF Podcast as we welcome a very special group of women: Evan's wife Heather, Jesse's wife Alix, and our friend Heather join Jen for today's conversation. As we celebrate Women's Month, we delve into their journeys within the church, the triumphs and trials of leadership, and the unique experiences that ha…
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Right smack in the middle of trying to build a stronger community, the topic of volunteering in church stirs up more than just dust. It's a whirlwind of questions: Are we asking too much from our volunteers? Is there a thin line between utilizing skills and outright exploitation? And what about burnout – that silent thief that sneaks up on the most…
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Let's talk fasting! What is the practice of fasting and why do we do it? Is it still applicable to our lives today? How do we keep our focus on prayer while fasting? Join us as we talk about starting a 30-day fast with our church, what we're giving up, and what fasting has looked like for us in the past. EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: MAPLEWOOD BREWERY – …
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Join us in a toast as we mark a major milestone: our 100th episode of Christian AF Podcast! In this special edition, we're switching things up – your hosts become the guests. Dive into our personal stories, early influences, and those pivotal moments that have shaped our journey. We're setting our sights on the future, discussing our ambitions and …
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Ever wondered what it would be like to receive a letter from the apostle Paul in today's fast-paced, digital age? In this intriguing episode, we embark on a thought-provoking journey into the hypothetical scenario of today's Western church receiving a letter from Paul. In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the profound impact of social m…
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In a world where quick fixes and instant solutions are often sought after, how does this impact the way we approach challenges in our churches? Are there really 'silver bullets' that can instantly resolve systemic issues, spur numerical growth, or transform congregational cultural dynamics? Or are we simply chasing after the wind? This episode of C…
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Does spiritual growth happen in isolation, or is it a journey best walked with others? In a world that often celebrates individual achievement, how important is community in our spiritual formation? This episode of the Christian AF Podcast dives into the dynamic between personal growth and communal development in our faith journeys. We're excited t…
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** LISTENER SPONSORED EPISODE ** This episode is sponsored by listener (and Jen fan) Tricia! Ever find yourself questioning the "dos and don'ts" that sometimes pop up in Christian culture? Why is it that some believers are fine with cracking open a cold one or letting a swear word slip, while others see these actions as strictly off-limits? Is this…
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Navigating the complex topic of the current war in Israel is no easy feat. How do we sift through the layers of history, politics, and faith to understand the deep-rooted issues? Even more so, what's the role of misinformation and disinformation in shaping our perspectives? And, perhaps most crucially, what should our response be as Christians in t…
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When it comes to church discipline, we often find ourselves walking a fine line. How do we balance the need to uphold our community's values with inclusivity? How do we differentiate between a loving correction and an outright rebuke? And at what point does someone's actions warrant being asked to leave the community? Throughout church history, the…
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Ever wrestled with the idea of universalism? Does everyone, regardless of faith or deeds, get a pass into the eternal afterlife? Is God's love and grace truly universal, or are there some boundaries we shouldn't cross? How does this theological stance fit in—or clash—with mainstream Christian doctrine? Join us as we unpack the intricate and often c…
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Ever ponder the complexities of salvation? Is it merely a one-way ticket to heaven, or is there more to it? Can you lose your salvation once you've got it? And if so, is there a comeback route? How about the role of prayer—should we keep reciting "the prayer" as an eternal insurance policy? Hop down the rabbit hole with us this week on the Christia…
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Did you hear the news? Just in case you've been living under a rock for the last month (much like our friend Evan), it seems as though the possibility of extraterrestrial life is looking more like a reality than ever before. With the recent congressional hearings, a spike in unexplained sightings, and more intentional eyes on what used to be dismis…
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Have you ever heard someone use the saying "#blessed" or talk about how "blessed" they are every chance they get? What does that really mean? Is it vocabulary we should be using? Is there any harm in casually throwing that hashtag around? Let's discuss! EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY - Woodford Reserve Versailles, KY 9-YEAR BOURBO…
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In part two of our conversation with Philippe we're getting personal! Philippe challenges the CAF crew to answer these two questions: 1. Where are we suffering and avoiding in our personal lives? 2. How are you designing your life to stay healthy? Answer them for yourself or reflect on them with a friend if you're ready for a little constructive in…
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Have you ever noticed yourself sweeping your problems under the rug, hoping they will just disappear? Have you caught yourself blaming others for your shortcomings, without daring to look inwardly and ask the tough questions? Perhaps you've realized that denial and avoidance have become your subconscious defense mechanisms. Or, maybe you've begun t…
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On today's episode, we're talking about church branding. We know this topic may not be the most interesting to some of our listeners, but we think it's an important conversation to have! We promise to still be our entertaining selves despite the potentially "boring" (to some of you) topic. So, what's the deal with church branding? Do churches reall…
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There's a new documentary about Hillsong Church & Carl Lentz out (check out the trailer here), so of course we had to take a few minutes to chat about it. If you haven't watched "The Secrets of Hillsong" yet, you can find it on Hulu (or FX if you still have the cable). Remember, these are our opinions on the documentary, so watch it yourself to for…
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Curious about the profound messages embedded in Jesus' stories and their impact on your spiritual path? Join us for an episode of Christian AF where we delve into the captivating realm of parables. Together, we'll explore their purpose, the insights they offer, and how they differ from fables and allegories. Discover effective approaches to underst…
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Do you ever find yourself staring at the news, shaking your head, and wondering, "Why does the world seem like it's on a non-stop rollercoaster ride downhill?" Is it just us, or do the headlines seem to shout louder and grimmer each day? Are we staring down the barrel of the prophesied "end times," or is this all just a bleak mental perspective tha…
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Have you ever wondered why some people drift away from their faith and find themselves drawn to more esoteric belief systems, including New Ageism, cults, and other alternative spiritual paths? In today's conversation, our friends Raphael, Margaret, and Creig join us as we delve into the complexities of vulnerability and shame, and the role they pl…
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Have you ever witnessed someone speaking in tongues and found yourself perplexed or intrigued? Perhaps you grew up in a church where it was a common practice, or maybe you stumbled upon it unexpectedly, leaving you with a mix of emotions and unanswered questions. Speaking in tongues has long been a controversial and captivating phenomenon, sparking…
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Today we've got Michael Chanley, on the podcast! Michael is a pastor & author who went from living life on staff at a megachurch to being the lead pastor of a small local church. We discuss the hurt he faced, the transition and challenges between megachurch life and small church life, and so much more. Grab a drink, and bring your questions! BOOK L…
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Welcome to another Bible Breakdown episode! This month we're discussing the four gospels found in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Why were they included in the Bible? Why are there four of them? What makes them different? Why are they important? And so on! Our beers for this episode are spoiler alerts for coming episodes so there…
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Let's chat about church loyalty, shall we? Is it important? Is it expected? Is it an antiquated idea? Is there really any harm in "church shopping"? The CAF Crew attempts to tackle a few of these questions in this week's episode. Grab a drink, and bring your questions! LINKS Rebuilders Podcast **Get 10% Off Your Purchase of the "Sex Ed for Parents"…
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Today we've got our new friend, Gregory D. Hall, on the podcast! Greg is a podcaster, author, and professor whose new book "Rethinking Rest: Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working" sets out to challenge the way we think about the word and practice of Sabbath. Grab a drink, and bring your questions! LINKS Rethinking Scripture Rethinking Scripture…
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“Mawwiage. Mawwiage is wot bwings us togeva today. Mawwiage, that blessed awangement, that dweam wifin a dweam. And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva. So tweasure your wuv.” We know not all marriages can be as perfect as Westley & Princess Buttercup's likely was but we can sure as heck try. Most marriages today start with some kind of pre-marital…
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Let's talk deconstruction! Is it dead and dying? Is it the future of Christianity? Is it a necessary part of a strong faith? We're talking through the history and future of deconstruction, where we think the church might be heading, and the dangers of deconstruction without reconstruction. Grab a drink, and bring your questions! EPISODE DRINKING NO…
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Have you ever felt like your faith is more based around your belief system? What happens when you realize there are issues with your beliefs? Are they too rigid to change and flex as you grow in your faith? What does it look like to live a life built on practice BASED on your belief system? In this episode of Christian AF Podcast, Jesse, Evan, and …
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In this episode, we explore the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the many ways in which it has been understood and interpreted throughout history. We also touch on the importance of exegesis (the critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture) and the dangers of misguided interpretations. Grab an eggnog, a …
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Today, we're talking secrets! Should churches use NDAs or non-competes? Should certain things be "hidden" from the congregation? Do secrets really hurt anyone? Is there a time and place in the church for secrecy? EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: STEEPLE BREWING - Hastings, NE A Time to Retire Mango Milkshake IPA (6.9%) Some pastors ran out of things to say …
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The day has finally arrived! The CAF crew is doing a LISTENER STORIES episode (well, at least half are listener stories). Join us as we read through a few situations you have experienced and a few others from Reddit. If you'd like to submit your own stories go to the contact section on our website or send an email to EP…
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Have you ever wondered if you have a purpose? Or maybe asked yourself what your calling is? Does purpose define us? Should it define us? Or maybe you've pondered what our purpose as Christians might be? If you've ever considered any of the above thoughts then today's episode is for you! Today we have Jason Todd joining us, Jason is a podcaster and …
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In today's episode, we discuss the taboo topic of sex (and the stigma around sex) within the church. Joining us for this discussion is Brandi K. Harris. Brandi is a professional counselor, author, speaker, teacher, and coach. She also recently released a workbook titled "The Truth About Holy Sex | A Workbook for People Who Love Jesus and Want to Lo…
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On today's episode, we are chatting about all things witches, Harry Potter, the occult, and the supernatural. Why? Because it's October, obviously! EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: PRAIRIE STREET BREWING - Prairie Street IPA India Pale Ale (6.4%) Rockford, IL MIKERPHONE BREWING - Kick, Push, Prost! German-Style Oktoberfest Lager (6.0%) Elk Grove Village, IL…
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Don't tell anyone but today we're talking about the dreaded D word. We know it's taboo in the church but we did it anyway because we're rebels like that. We've got our friend Jeff back on the podcast to talk about his divorce, the reaction from his family/friends/church, and how much tougher getting remarried was in his experience. EPISODE DRINKING…
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All aboard the manipulation train! Today we're talking about all things manipulation. Is it avoidable? Is it necessary? Is every church service full of it? Can we prevent it? Can we avoid it? Let's crack a cold one and discuss! EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: PRAIRIE STREET BREWING - Prairie Street IPA India Pale Ale (6.4%) Rockford, IL BELL'S BREWING - Oc…
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On today's episode, we are chatting once again with our friend, Colin Kerr! We're talking about a lot of things, but are focusing part of the episode on what happened to Colin's church when a social media post went viral in a bad way. LINKS Faith Hope Love: The Essentials of Christianity for the Curious, Confused, and Skeptical…
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It's a 5th Tuesday which means it's time for a Bible Breakdown! This month we're discussing the book of Job. Job is the oldest example of epic poetry, the oldest book in the bible (most likely), AND we don't know who wrote it. Let's get into it! If you haven't read the book of Job in a while (or ever) check out this video about the book from The Bi…
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On today's episode, we chat with podcaster and author John Verner. John grew up in a Christian home, pursued a Christian education via Moody Bible institute, and eventually left the faith after seeing the problematic nature of white evangelicalism in the United States. In 2019, He published his first book, "The Cult of Christianity" as a first step…
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STOP THE PRESSES! Do you ever get sick and tired of hearing bad news about pastors, churches, and Christians in the media? Today we are discussing the church and bad media. Check out our drinking notes below if you want to sip along with us as we vent about the press! EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: PRAIRIE STREET BREWING - Prairie Street IPA India Pale Al…
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Today we're talking deconstruction, or reconstruction as we like to call it. Yes, that's basically what the entire concept of this podcast is about but we wanted to get into the nitty gritty of it a little bit. We'll look at a few questions like; how to ask questions without losing our faith, how to doubt even as we grow, how to continually reconst…
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Well, friends, it's time to talk about the Christian bubble. What is it? Why do Christians like to live within one? Is it ok to only consume "Christian" content? Christian schools, homeschooling, Christian radio, Christian movies, Christian streaming services, the list goes on and on. Is living life apart from the world beneficial? Let's discuss! E…
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Another week, another guest! Today, our friend Tyler Smith is joining us to talk all things church culture and burnout. What does a healthy culture look like? Does it even exist? What are the warning signs of burnout? Let's chat! Check it out: Culture Craft LLC EPISODE DRINKING NOTES: GRAY WHALE GIN Our ultra-clean, 6-times distilled, gluten-free c…
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It's happening! We've got our first repeat interview guest, Ryan Burge! Ryan is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Eastern Illinois University as well as a pastor in the American Baptist Church. Today, we're talking about "the nones" (Americans who say they have no religious affiliation) and what the church looks like post-pandemic. Gra…
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We felt like after the last episode we needed to continue this here's a part two with Jordan! I'm sure you've all heard about the documentary "Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed" by now. If you haven't gotten a chance to dig into it, Hillsong has found itself, yet again, in the middle of quite a kerfuffle. Increasing allegations of Ca…
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