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There is such incredible power in God’s Word! Power to change. Power to make an impact in this world. That’s what Christianityworks is all about – in depth teaching straight out of God’s Word. Join Berni Dymet as he opens God's Word to discover what God has to say into your life, today.
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FRESH is a Daily Devotional taking you deeper into God's Word + closer to Jesus. Each devotion will have a powerful Scripture verse, together with some words of inspiration, hope and encouragement. It’s all about helping you hear from God so that you can live in a rich, dynamic, powerful relationship with Jesus. God’s Word. Fresh, for you, each day.
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God has a habit of wanting to speak right into the circumstances that we’re travelling through here and now; the very issues that we each face in our everyday lives. Everything from dealing with difficult people … to discovering how God speaks to us; from overcoming stress … to discovering your God-given gifts and walking in the calling that God has placed on your life And that’s what these daily 10 minute A Different Perspective messages are all about.
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show series
Wisdom. There’s real wisdom, godly wisdom. And then there’s the false wisdom that many in this world hold out to be true wisdom. God yearns for you to be filled with real wisdom. Wisdom from above. A Different Kind of Wisdom Let’s be honest. Sometimes we do the dumbest things. We don’t mean to, we just do. And there comes a point where you think to…
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I’m pretty sure we’d all agree that laws are, by and large, good. Not all of them of course, but most of them. Yet how useless is a law on the statute books that simply cannot be enforced? I’m sure you’ve seen laws enacted about which you’ve wondered, how are they ever going to enforce that one? And, sure enough, they couldn’t so either they became…
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As much as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, it seems that the same is true of wisdom. What’s wise from where I sit, may not appear wise from where you sit. So … what does wisdom, real wisdom, actually look like? How do you know it, when you see it? Most of my life, I’ve believed that wisdom comes with age. And to some extent that’s true. Norm…
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Perhaps you’ve heard of enzymes, but do you recall what they do? Well, they’re proteins that act as biological catalysts by accelerating chemical reactions. In fact, in some cases, the reaction can’t even take place without the enzyme. No, fortunately you haven’t stumbled into a high school science class … just a bit of a parable. Enzymes are amazi…
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If you’re someone who’s struggling to make the spiritual dimension, the faith dimension that we all want, to become more relevant, more up front in your life … then let me tell you, you are so … not alone. Reconciling that faith dimension, that Jesus dimension if you will, with day-to-day life ain’t easy in this fast-moving, ultra-hi-tech world in …
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Pride and hardness of heart go hand in hand. Pride is the enemy of humility. And pride … pride stops us from laying hold of God’s wisdom, which causes us pain and in turn, hardens our hearts. It’s a vicious, vicious circle. Heart disease is rather a big deal these days. A diet high in refined carbohydrates, combined with a lack of exercise is takin…
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It’s all well and good to talk about God’s Wisdom. We can talk about the theory all day long. But in day to day life, in your life, in my life, the theory just doesn’t cut it. What we need is to know where to get God’s Wisdom. How to get God’s Wisdom. It’s a humbling thing to come to the realisation that you don’t have the wisdom, the where-with-al…
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Here’s something that many struggle with: you want to have some sort of faith, some spiritual dimension in your life … and yet, in the context of everything you have going on, that dimension feels so small, so inconsequential, so … drowned out by all the noise. Have you ever felt that? I sure have, because living life takes rather a lot of effort. …
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Wisdom is something that we would all love to have. I don’t know a single person who, if asked, wouldn’t want to be wise. But I wonder how high it is on our priority list of desires. I wonder whether we actually yearn for wisdom. Wisdom is something that I think, we all desire. I mean, I don’t know anyone on this planet, who, if asked, wouldn’t wan…
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In a world where truth, more and more, is becoming a nefarious concept being twisted, fashioned as it is into weapons that destroy lives, many of us are shying away from even wanting to know the truth. Because knowing the real truth seems less and less of an attainable goal. Perhaps that sounds a tad pessimistic, but hold onto your hat. It’s about …
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When you think about it, our ability to recognise a particular path as being crooked only exists because we’re able to compare it to a straight path. And to do that, you have to know what a straight path looks like. In the same way, if you don’t know the truth, you’ll never be able to recognise a lie. And sadly, too many people are being duped by l…
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Wisdom. It’s something that we all want and yet, in each one of us, there’s a stubbornness, a resistance to the changes that the getting of wisdom demands. Maybe that’s why we keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again. Let’s be honest. Sometimes we do the dumbest things. We don’t mean to, we just do. And there comes a point where y…
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It can be difficult to take God’s promises on face value – God’s good, God’s faithful, He’ll never leave you or forsake you … all well and good. But when the chips are down, is all that true? Well, that depends. Of course the goodness, the power, the love, the faithfulness of God in any objective sense is true. But whether or not we experience any …
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Have you ever considered the possibility that through all your hardships, God is preparing you for something extraordinary? Perhaps that’s difficult to wrap your mind around while the going’s tough, but that does seem to be His habit. Joseph is one of the giants of the Old Testament. His brothers were so jealous of him that they set about killing h…
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Life, it seems to me, is a tug-of-war between good and evil; between doing what you know is right, and doing what pleases you; between the pleasures of this world and the treasures of heaven. The thing that stops many a person from following Jesus is the plain truth of what it’ll cost them. That’s no surprise because Jesus promised that it’ll cost …
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Jesus Christ. For a long time I thought that Jesus was His first name and Christ was His last name. Truly. I was so embarrassed when I discovered that I was wrong. So – what do those two names mean together – Jesus Christ – and what if anything does that have to do with my life and yours, here and now? Can you believe it's Friday again? Friday agai…
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So, when fear strikes, how do you respond? On the one hand, the instinct to retreat to safety is so strong. On the other, something in your gut tells you that you have to deal with this. One of my favourite cartoon characters, Charlie Brown, once said, “No problem is so big or so complicated that it can’t be run away from.” Ain’t that the truth! Bu…
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For a long time I wondered what this word 'righteousness' meant that Christians seem to bandy around all the time. The Righteousness of God. And what could it possibly have to do with the lives we lead here and now. Today, tomorrow – real life stuff. The Righteousness of God! Really?! You know, the word "righteousness" isn't one that's used so much…
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Fear is far more common, far more widespread, far more prevalent that we might think. So no, it’s not just you. Fear can strike any time, especially in the face of unexpected adversity. Back in the military as we were being taught the so-called art of war, we learned that the element of surprise gives you a huge advantage against your enemy. That’s…
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There’s something beautiful about the picture of a shepherd. The man who cares for his flock – feeds them, waters them, guides them, protects them. Funny – but that’s a picture used over and over and over again in God’s Word the Bible – of God Himself. What’s He trying to tell us I wonder? Quite a few years ago now when I was an officer in the Aust…
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If I were able to interview you on a radio program and ask you to share with the audience the one thing in your life right at the moment that you’re most ashamed of, what would that be? And how open would you be to sharing it? People have secrets, things that they really don’t want to share with anyone, knowing full well that they’re wrong; that th…
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I don’t think that there’s a one of us who hasn’t needed healing at some time in our lives. Physical, emotional, spiritual … healing. So – does God still heal people today? Does He? A little while ago a pair of 3 year old conjoined twins were brought to Australia for a delicate operation of separating them. Now, they were joined at the head with th…
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How much do you enjoy waiting for things to happen? Something good, something important, something that you’ve been longing for, something that needs to happen, or else. How much? For most of us, most of the time, the answer is … not all that much. When you need a breakthrough, you want it to happen right now! When you need healing, now would be a …
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They say that nothing is forever. Everything has to come to an end. But … what if that’s not true? What if there are some things that are forever? How does that change our perspective on life, here and now? You know as I look back on my life there was a very important constant right from my earliest memories. It was my dad, my father. I used to cal…
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It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that our freedom is dictated by our circumstances. But like the Apostle Paul, you can be locked up in a dungeon on death row, yet still experience the freedom that you have in Jesus Christ. That’s the incredible power … of the freedom that God has ready and waiting for you. Your Freedom is Secure This pro…
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Can I ask you, when was the last time you praised God? And when you did, how did you praise Him? Those aren’t such bad questions to be asking ourselves on a Sunday when, traditionally, Christians around the globe are gathering in worship services. How often have you been in a service singing some praise or worship song, and instead of focussing on …
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Welcome to Saturday, the day upon which God commanded His people to rest. From sundown Friday until sundown Saturday it was called the Sabbath, or Shabbat in the Hebrew language. That word, Shabbat, is most frequently translated as “rest”. But perhaps a more accurate translation is ‘to stop working’, the notion of an active cessation from labour on…
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Life’s a journey – and we’re all on different places along that journey. And no matter – who we are, or how we’re wired on the inside – none of us can travel that road alone. Many people feel as though they are – and that’s a tragedy – because when God is with us – we’re never alone. Well, here we are towards the end of yet another week and already…
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Do you ever feel as though the answers you need just aren’t coming, that the breakthrough you so desperately need is being withheld, that God either isn’t listening or doesn’t care? Well today, Jesus Himself has an important lesson for you right when you’re in that place. Jesus taught His disciples that they should always pray and never lose hope. …
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When we’re fed up, we want to give up. Our strength fails, our eyes grow dim, our hands grow weak, our enthusiasm to do whatever it is God’s called us to … well, that’s gone missing in action too. Yep, when you’re fed up, you want to give up. I’m fairly sure we all have seasons like that in our lives. Once upon a time there was such enthusiasm in o…
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People dedicate their lives to all sorts of different things. But at the heart of it all is the need for satisfaction. For being filled up. Sufficiency. Contentment. Peace. Joy. That’s what we’re all looking for – and the only Person who Has it, the only place we’ll find it – is in God Himself! It seems sometimes that we live in a world where peopl…
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With life so cluttered with stuff and stuff and stuff these days – it’s easy to get the impression that not only are we too busy, but that God’s too busy to notice what’s going on in our lives. That somehow, He doesn’t see, He doesn’t care. One of the most dangerous sports on the planet is rock fishing. You know these keen enthusiasts climb down to…
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Okay, so you’re out there slogging away, working your little heart out trying to live a good life – trying to meet everyone’s expectations, trying, if you’re so inclined, to live up to God’s expectations. Well, that’s great. That’s as it should be. Yesterday, if you were able to join me, we chatted about the fact that sometimes, even when every fib…
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It’s easy to get things out of perspective. We stub our toe – and all we can think of is our sore toe – everything else goes out the window. And perspective comes when we look at the big picture – creation … the God who created it all. There’s a place on the internet called "Second Life" I don’t know if you’ve been there, but it has this massive cu…
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When things aren’t going quite the way you’d planned, when you’re facing opposition, when it’s hurting, when you’re frightened and dismayed, every fibre of your being ends up screaming at you – stop, give up! The reason I know that is that I’ve been there more than once – many times in fact – both in my personal life and especially in the life of t…
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To be honest – sometimes – our problems seem bigger than God. They just do – it’s kind of natural – they feel like they’re closer than God, and so they look much bigger than Him. That’s when we need to know how Great God really is. Let me ask you something today. Who is God? People use that name, God, in all sorts of different ways. Some use it fri…
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Do you know what strikes me about this present age in which we live? There is so much misery in the lives of so many that it fairly boggles the mind. How can so many people be suffering so much? So, what leads me to this seemingly pessimistic outlook? Here at Christianityworks we have a prayer site – – where thousands from around…
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It’s pretty obvious, but let me say it anyway. You and I were not made to be slaves. You and I were made to be free. So why is it then that so many people are intent on living their lives as slaves these days? Hmm? From Slaves to Heirs in Christ Official figures tell us that there are around twenty-one million slaves on the earth today. That’s a sh…
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One of the greatest signs of humility that any of us can ever have is a teachable heart. In fact, without it you can never really lead a humble life. Humility is an incredibly beautiful thing especially, let me say, in talented or powerful people. You and I, we both find humility so attractive in others because somehow it brings their humanity to t…
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How far do you travel each day? Perhaps you commute to and from work. Maybe you go out for a run or a walk. Every now and then you go on a longer journey, perhaps. Come on, how far on average, do you travel each day? According to a recent article in the BBC’s Science Focus Magazine, every day the earth travels some 2.5 million kilometres on its orb…
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Freedom, which is what we’ve been chatting about over these last couple of weeks, is a great concept. But it’s more than just a concept. God’s freedom is meant to make a real difference in your life. It’s amazing, just over my lifetime, how many changes have taken place as oppressive regimes have fallen. The Berlin Wall came down in 1989, the Sovie…
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Well, today there’s good news and there’s bad news. Let’s start with the Good News: God loves you beyond words and Jesus came to die for your sin so that you could be completely forgiven. The bad news is that if, ultimately, you choose not to accept the good news, not to live out the good news, He will judge you and consign you to that Christless e…
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Hypocrisy and self-delusion go hand in hand. To the rest of us, someone whose actions don’t match their words is exactly what he or she seems – a hypocrite. But on the inside, more often than not, that hypocrisy is fuelled by self-delusion – they look in the mirror but remain completely blind to their plight. In my view, the worst sort of hypocrite…
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There are so many things that will rob us of our freedom. And right up there, at the top of the list, is our enemy the devil. Because he knows that if he can make your freedom evaporate, chances are, he can drag you away from Jesus. This probably isn’t going to be any shock to you, but your enemy the devil does not want you to be experiencing the f…
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The very best sort of humour, in my book, is the sort that both makes you laugh and think; the sort that’s funny, but at the same time cuts so close to the bone that it rocks you to the core. I came across that very sort of humour in a meme recently on social media. It was a drawing of Jesus preaching to a crowd with this Scripture verse on it: Mat…
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Freedom is a great concept. But I’m not all that much into concepts, unless they make an impact for good in my life and yours. So the thing that I want to discover is how … how can you and I actually live the life of freedom? Really! Okay, so Jesus came to set the captives free, that’s what he said of himself. Luke chapter 4, verses 18-19: The Spir…
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You know sometimes I come to the realisation that really, I’m a bit spiritually thick. Spiritually, I’m something of a slow learner. Maybe that’s why God has to take me through things over and over again, so that finally, I get it, that it’s all about His grace. A good friend will always tell you the truth. In fact, I love the saying that a friend …
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Long-standing, deep-seated hatred is as old as time itself. It began when Adam and Eve’s son Cain murdered his brother Abel, and right down to the present day it’s still destroying lives en masse. Look at the Middle East; the many conflicts across the beautiful and resource-rich continent of Africa; the race hate in so many parts of the world; the …
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Do you ever wish that you could have a glimpse into eternity? What will it be like? Is it worth the struggle today, to spend eternity with God on the other side … or not? I suspect that pretty much anyone who’s ever set out to live their life for Jesus has asked themselves that. Is it all really worth it? Not an unreasonable question. Some days the…
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Slavery. It’s not something we think about all that much. But so many people are enslaved … it’s just not funny. Freedom. From where God sits, it’s not so much being able to do what you want, it’s about being set free from the things that are holding you back. Official figures tell us that there are around 21 million slaves on the earth today. That…
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