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There is such incredible power in God’s Word! Power to change. Power to make an impact in this world. That’s what Christianityworks is all about – in depth teaching straight out of God’s Word. Join Berni Dymet as he opens God's Word to discover what God has to say into your life, today.
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FRESH is a Daily Devotional taking you deeper into God's Word + closer to Jesus. Each devotion will have a powerful Scripture verse, together with some words of inspiration, hope and encouragement. It’s all about helping you hear from God so that you can live in a rich, dynamic, powerful relationship with Jesus. God’s Word. Fresh, for you, each day.
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God has a habit of wanting to speak right into the circumstances that we’re travelling through here and now; the very issues that we each face in our everyday lives. Everything from dealing with difficult people … to discovering how God speaks to us; from overcoming stress … to discovering your God-given gifts and walking in the calling that God has placed on your life And that’s what these daily 10 minute A Different Perspective messages are all about.
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show series
Let me throw something at you to see what you think: Any Christian who doesn’t realise that they’re living on a spiritual battlefield is completely missing the point. Completely! So, what do you think? Complacency is the deadly foe of the new life that Jesus died and rose again to give us. We may not want to hear that, but it’s why so many of God’s…
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Yeah we know about grace, we've heard about grace, it's a good thing but deep down inside, in our heart of hearts most of us harbour a sneaking suspicion that this whole 'God' thing surely has to come down to following a bunch of rules, right? If I were to ask you, "are you living under a curse?" What would your answer be? I guess perhaps if you're…
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When you face obstacles on your road through life, what’s your natural reaction? How do you deal with them? And as you look back, how well have you handled them in the past? Obstacles typically create stress and suffering. Under those conditions, let’s be honest, we don’t always make the best choices. And the other thing … not all the obstacles out…
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Let's face it, grace is a difficult concept to wrap your mind around. Maybe you get as far as the theory but the practice, actually living as though Gods grace in your life is real, well that's a whole different thing. Have you ever tried to work yourself into Gods favour? You try and you try to do the right thing but still you just mess it up. Wel…
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One of the things that robs us of freedom are our old habits. Old ways of thinking, old ways of behaving and you know those old habits; they can be more difficult to shake than you might think. Okay the subject for today is circumcision. I know it's not exactly something you want to be thinking about but stick with me, there's an important point to…
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I’m pretty sure that we’re all across the theory that, handled well, responded to well, suffering becomes a powerful force in shaping our character for good. But when it comes to our own suffering, the theory and the practice couldn’t be farther apart. The problem with the theory is that it’s rational. It lives in your mind, whilst suffering attack…
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Freedom sounds like such a wonderful thing and it is. So why is it then that so few people experience true freedom in their lives? It turns out there are plenty of things that would rob you of your freedom, plenty. Freedom is a tricky thing. So often we are our own worst enemy, our perspective, our thoughts, our behaviour, they all rob us of this e…
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Why does God allow us to go through pain and suffering? Why are you dealing with whatever it is you’re dealing with right now? Shouldn’t things be just that bit easier for those who believe in Jesus? Perhaps, in this day and age, we’ve lost the true sense of the powerful purpose the deep meaning of suffering in our lives. Suffering is universally p…
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Faith is an awesome thing to have, especially when our faith is in something or someone that will never fail. But how well does your faith hold up during the rough patches in life? Is it rock-solid, or does it get the wobbles every now and then? When life’s on a bit of a rocky road, one of the greatest assaults on our faith is doubt over whether Go…
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Freedom is something we all want but before we go asking ourselves how do you get it or where do you get it, first it might be worthwhile figuring out exactly what it is because freedom, real freedom may not be what you think. Most of us, I guess, would define freedom as being able to do whatever we want whenever we want. And that definition right …
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What does the Word freedom mean to you? Well – think about it. Is it being able to do whatever you want … or is it more about being free from the things that are holding you back? Hmmm. A Revelation of Freedom Most of us, I guess, would define freedom as being able to do whatever we want whenever we want, and that definition right there is what bri…
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It’s becoming more and more difficult for anyone whose faith is in Jesus to keep believing in the Bible. Now, depending on where you sit, you may be thinking, who cares? So much of it’s so outdated anyway. Well, that’s not a position that I’m able to take. The 66 books of the Bible were written by different people, in different circumstances, over …
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The central message of Christianity – the ‘Good News’ as it’s called – is that Jesus, the Son of God, became a man and died for our sins, so that the price that God’s justice demands would be paid for, and if we believe in this Jesus, we have the gift of eternal life. That’s it. It’s good news, indeed. In fact, it’s the best news that the human rac…
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Might I ask you, what’s dominating your thoughts? What do you tend to think about again and again? It’s a revealing exercise to think about what you’re thinking about. For some people it’s money, financial security. For others, a relationship. Sometimes our minds are dominated by career aspirations. Other times, there’s a single problem we’re facin…
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So, when Jesus was choosing his disciples, he called them out of their businesses. Fisherman, tax collectors, and the like. He called them away from business into ministry. But could it be that these days Jesus actually calls people into business as well? Berni: I had an interesting guy on the program quite a few years ago now who ran a big coffee …
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We often think of our money, our house, our car, our stuff as being ours. And yet God’s perspective is that every good gift that you and I have been given has been given to us by him. And he’s given it to us with a very specific purpose in mind. Berni: Alex, welcome to the program. Alex: Hi Berni, great to be with you. Berni: Now we’ve kind of touc…
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Fear isn’t an emotion that we enjoy. Not at all! In fact, if it were up to us, we’d absolutely avoid it for the rest of our days. But sometimes our thoughts and emotions lead us directly into fear. There are so many ideas, opinions, belief systems, doing the rounds these days – many of them erroneous, many of them dangerous, many of them destructiv…
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When the going gets tough, emotions like fear and dismay have a nasty habit of immobilising us. Like a rabbit caught in headlights, we freeze up and stop doing the things we need to do to deal with our situation. Yesterday we caught up with Joshua at a scary time. Moses was dead. Joshua had become the leader of Israel just when they had to fight ba…
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Retirement, now there’s an interesting subject. It’s not a concept you find anywhere in the Bible, so should we be saving for our retirements or does God call us to do something quite different with our money? It’s not an easy one, is it? Berni: Alex, welcome. Alex: Hi Berni, great to be with you. Berni: Hey mate, I said before money's not in the B…
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When circumstances conspire against us to produce one of those perfect storms that threatens to destroy us, it’s almost as though our emotions team up with them to make things even worse. Have you noticed? God has quite the sense of humour. The morning I was preparing this message I was confronted by a dire issue that threatened our ministry. And j…
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So, the God and money thing. Hasn’t that little combination caused a lot of confusion over the years? And a lot of people struggle to understand where does savings, where does the idea of investment fit into God’s plan? Or should we just give it all away? See, that’s where the confusion comes in. Berni: Alex, great to have you on the program today.…
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With all that’s going on in your heart and mind, with all that’s going on in your life, with everything that’s going on in the world around you, do you ever feel … powerless? I mean, completely powerless? You’re not alone. Hey, there are times when I feel powerless too. We all do. Things that are completely beyond us set themselves up against us, s…
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In business they say that cash is king. Forget profit, if you don’t keep an eye on the cash flow, you could be out of business in very quick order. Well, as it turns out, it’s not a lot different in our personal finances. Way too many people let their hard earned cash just slip through their fingers. Berni: Alex, great to have you on the program ag…
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Do you ever look up at the vastness of the night sky and marvel at the countless stars up there? And they’re only the tiniest fraction of the trillion, trillion stars in the known universe. How can mere mortals like you and me comprehend such incomprehensible numbers? After all, to count to one trillion (one second at a time without a break) would …
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There’s a description of God’s people that pops up several timed in the Bible. It’s the adjective “stiff–necked”. An interesting way to describe the stubbornness of God’s people. I’m guessing that it points to their unwillingness to bow down their lives in worship to God. I wonder … I wonder if you know anyone like that!! FULL ON SURRENDER We live …
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Yep, it’s the weekend – hooray! Hopefully the chance for a bit of a break. But on this day of rest, there’s something I’d like to share with you. The sense of privilege that I feel to be able to speak of the things of God with you and with many others through these daily Fresh devotional messages, I have to tell you, is beyond words. Now, whilst I …
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Each of us has to decide many times each day whether to do good or to compromise on what we know to be right – to honour God, or turn our back on Him. It’s kind of sobering when you think of it like that, because all too often we don’t think about things much at all. We just react the way we’ve always done. Someone annoys us and we follow the well-…
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Which one of us doesn’t know that unsettling feeling of getting the credit card bill in January after that Christmas shopping binge? Way too many people are spending tomorrow’s financial blessings today, living beyond their means and that’s ruining many a life. Alex: Thanks for having me, Berni. Berni: Mate, we’ve talked a bit about debt so far. Bu…
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Every now and then, God chooses to speak to us through some apparently random event. It can be the tiniest thing, yet His voice booms out in the most powerful and profound way. That very thing happened to me just recently. I had a layover in Tokyo on the way home from a long trip, so I caught a taxi to my hotel. Fine, except I’d given the driver th…
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If ever there were a tricky combination – it’d have to be combination of marriage and money. Anyone who’s married knows exactly what I’m talking about, perhaps, hey? It kind of makes a lot of sense for husband and wife to get on the same page when it comes to the often difficult area of their finances. Berni: Alex, great to have you on the program …
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Our own sense of wellbeing tends to go through stages. Sometimes with everything chugging along nicely, we feel just fine. Other times when we’re facing anything from moderate headwinds through to a force ten gale … well, not so much. And there are times too when, for no apparent reason, we feel … blah! Things creep up on us without us realising it…
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You’ve heard that old Chinese curse, I guess, “May you live in interesting times”. Well, these days we certainly are living in interesting times. Very interesting times, especially when it comes to this whole topic of money and finances. Alex: Thanks for having me, Berni. Berni: Hey, is it just me or had the world gone crazy? I mean governments see…
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Emotions are a huge part of who we are, absolutely. But when they go unchecked … man, they can get us into some serious trouble. We chatted about this yesterday, as God called us through His Word simply to go on doing good in the face of the evil around us – to stop reacting badly and just get on with being solid, dependable and consistent in our o…
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I’m sure as you look back on your life you can see some mistakes that you’ve made in the area of your finances. I certainly can. And, you know, it would be kind of nice if we avoided those mistakes in the future. Berni: Alex, welcome to the program. I guess even though these days you’re a bit of a money expert, right? Call I call you that? Alex: I …
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Every now and then things happen – both good things and bad, things that we long for and things that we loathe – that cause us to react. And the more we react, the more of a rollercoaster life becomes. Personally, I don’t like rollercoasters. Wild horses couldn’t drag me onto one of those rides so I certainly don’t want to live my life like that, f…
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Money’s a good thing isn’t it? Or is it? I wonder how well you’ve planned your finances. Your day-to-day budgeting, your savings, your retirement savings. Because as things turn out, money is a great servant but a terrible master. Berni: Alex, great to have you on the program. Alex: Thanks for having me Berni, great to be here. Berni: Hey, tell us …
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As politically incorrect, unpopular and old–fashioned things go, the subject of repentance would have to be right up there near the top of the list. Repentance – what the blazes does it mean anyhow? Who even talks that way anymore these days? Give me a break!! FULL ON REPENTANCE When I come across a subject like “repentance” – and I’ll explain what…
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Have you ever wondered why you’re struggling with the things you’re struggling with? Mr and Mrs Super Christian over there seem to have it all together. Me? Well, you know … It’s not uncommon for us to make comparisons like that, in great part because we’re completely ignorant of the struggles that others are facing. And yet, there are times when w…
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Different people understand the Good News of Jesus in different ways. Me, I’m a simple guy. I open the Bible, read it and believe what God says, even when it conflicts – which it does often – with contemporary secular thought. Calling myself a theologian feels a tad pretentious to me. I’m not that smart. But I do have a passion for God’s Word. I wa…
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Worshipping is singularly the most selfless thing any person can do but all too often our view of what worship is limited by our experience. Some people think that worship is what we do when we sing songs at Church on Sunday but worship is so much more than that. Okay, so how do you worship God? More recently, I guess, as many if not most Churches …
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How good are you at obeying the rules? If you’re licensed to drive, when was the last time you drove without exceeding the speed limit by a single mile or kilometre per hour? Hmm. My own inability to follow the rules has always baffled me. I was brought up in a disciplined, Germanic household. I trained for four years in a tough, disciplinarian env…
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Have you ever done someone a good turn and then been miffed when they didn’t even acknowledge it, let alone thank you for it? It kind of leaves you wondering, why did I even bother? Isn’t it funny how we respond to this apparent absence of gratitude? What does it say about our own sense of self-entitlement when we imagine that the value of our good…
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So let me ask you, do you like the notion of sacrifice? Sacrificing your needs, your likes and dislikes, your comfort, your way of doing things for someone else? For most of us the answer is, well, not so much - but if you or I want to get the most out of life, if you or I are going to live a life that truly counts, let me tell you it's going to be…
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There's a description of God's people that pops up several times in the Bible, it's the adjective 'stiff-necked', an interesting way to describe the stubbornness of Gods people. I'm guessing that it points to their unwillingness to bow down their lives in worship to God. I wonder if you know anyone like that. We live in a world where we're taught t…
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Aside from skydivers, mountain climbers and other assorted adrenalin junkies, most of us have a natural aversion to danger. What we long for is safety and it’s 21st century manifestation, comfort. Having recently hit the age of 65, it’s amazing how my news feeds are filling up with articles about what it takes to have a comfortable retirement – how…
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Forgiveness, it's a word that we toss around out there as though it's something simple to achieve. Someone's hurt you, just forgive them, right, okay, done and dusted, let's move on. But hang on, let's just hang on a cotton picking minute, if you've ever tried to forgive someone who's hurt you you'll know that it's just not an easy thing to do and …
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When others behave badly, it’s so easy for us to take offence. In fact, in a world dominated more and more by a sense of entitlement, taking offence is becoming the “go-to” response. But let’s just stop and think about the times when we’ve behaved badly, you and I. What caused us to do that? Well, it could be any number of things. Maybe something t…
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As politically incorrect, unpopular and old fashioned things go, the subject of repentance would have to be right up there near the top of the list. Repentance? What the blazes does that mean anyhow? Who even talks that way anymore these days? Give me a break! When I come across a subject like repentance (and I'll explain what I think that word mea…
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Let’s face it, loving other people can be hard. They don’t always treat us the way we want to be treated. They don’t always behave how we want them to behave. And little by little … that eats away at you. More than likely, there will be people in your life right now who bring you great joy. And then, there will be others who, when you picture their…
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We all have but one life to live on this earth, and time’s slipping away day by day. So what are you going to do with your today? What are you going to do with your tomorrow? We need to be asking ourselves that on a regular basis; deliberately standing back from all the stuff that crowds in on us, claiming our time as though it has a right to, and …
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